
  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Ockprepper is a reactive investigation into the supply of Class A drugs, namely heroin.
00:00:10Straight into the wire brush, yeah?
00:00:13Police officer, stay where you are!
00:00:14Show me your hands!
00:00:15Give me your hands here!
00:00:16Give me your hands!
00:00:17You're looking at 1.8 tonnes of Class A for the whole conspiracy period.
00:00:18That's a lot of drugs.
00:00:19That's a hell of a lot of drugs.
00:00:21We've got an encroach out phone which is unlocked.
00:00:26Oh, fantastic.
00:00:28So it looks like Richard is talking to someone called Jaguar Palace.
00:00:33There's a fake ID of someone I call Robert Brooks.
00:00:38Brooks is the director of Happy Days Campers.
00:00:45Brookes is the director of Happy Days Campers.
00:00:52He's now walking, walking with the golf trolley.
00:01:02What with Brookes, have we got enough to run it and have a go?
00:01:05At the moment, your evidence is at its best circumstantial, isn't it?
00:01:09I'd also expect to see their customer group, who the onward supply chain is.
00:01:15And look, this Audi A5 arrives straight into the garage.
00:01:27It's got to be a customer, hasn't it? It's got to be, hasn't it?
00:01:33We're doing an exhibit review and there's a camera, I wasn't aware of it,
00:01:37like a HD dash cam, there's stuff actually on it.
00:01:40What, it's been recorded while it's been sat there?
00:01:43Basically, it's recorded on the 14th of August, which is a delivery day.
00:01:47After the delivery's been made, a grey Audi turns up
00:01:51and Campbell waves it in and it reverses into the yard
00:01:55and then the shutter's shut behind it.
00:01:58So my theory is that that potentially is the customer for the gear.
00:02:02Right, OK, I've got the index of the car. Is it an all we know?
00:02:06I don't know, I've just put it through.
00:02:08The biggest problem we've had is we don't know who their customers are
00:02:11and who they're working with, but we've potentially got the UK customer.
00:02:33This is your opportunity to talk to me.
00:02:35They have lifted prints. Are they going to be yours?
00:02:38Every minute that's taken away is evidence you're losing.
00:03:05Covert officers from the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit
00:03:09are investigating a group responsible for importing
00:03:12£58 million worth of heroin and cocaine into the UK.
00:03:29Mate, I've just got that email. Have you got a picture of him?
00:03:32Yeah, this is him as he comes in.
00:03:34So he's got his window down.
00:03:51Hello, mate. I'm in front of the emails now.
00:03:56The last one. That's the car.
00:04:03Stephen Capp.
00:04:06Stephen Capp. Scumthorpe.
00:04:08Did that... I suppose you haven't had a look at the ANPR yet, have you?
00:04:12That's a good point.
00:04:14It'll just be interesting to see if it's come down specifically.
00:04:17Do you know what? And how many other times it's come down on delivery days.
00:04:21Cool. Cheers. Good work. Bye.
00:04:27When there's a new person that comes into an investigation,
00:04:30we really quickly need to know where they're likely to come from.
00:04:34Where they're likely to fit into that crime group.
00:04:36How senior they're going to be.
00:04:38It could be that they give us a new opportunity to take down the whole crime group.
00:04:43DOOR OPENS
00:05:04An impact was detected during parking mode.
00:05:07It's like our own personal CCTV camera, isn't it?
00:05:10With his picture in the dash for us, as well.
00:05:15Oh, yeah.
00:05:17What does it sound like, boxes? Can you see?
00:05:19No, you might see better on these ones.
00:05:21There's loads of them, look.
00:05:28There's just pallets everywhere. There's even one leaning up against the side.
00:05:34Why has he left this camera on? I just don't get it. How stupid is he?
00:05:39He's recorded it for us on HD. It's unbelievable.
00:05:43With the pallets just there.
00:05:54Ursu's surveillance teams assemble
00:05:57after identifying a new suspect in the importation network.
00:06:02They need to build a picture of who he is and how he fits into the conspiracy.
00:06:07Good morning, everyone. Thanks for gathering so quickly on Op Prepper.
00:06:10I appreciate we all had early starts this morning.
00:06:13But the operation is gathering pace.
00:06:15You all know the job, so I won't dwell on it. We're focusing on Stephen Capp.
00:06:18The new vehicle we're aware of is his Passat.
00:06:21On the left is the grey Audi and the right is the silver Passat,
00:06:25which we believe he was the use of.
00:06:27We're looking to travel up north
00:06:30to be in a position to react to any NPR we get around him.
00:06:34We're best placed to do that up there, so we'll travel up this afternoon.
00:06:38We'll get some hotels booked and be in the area.
00:06:42Yeah, so what is it now? It's half twelve.
00:06:45So have some lunch, get home, get what you need.
00:06:48I think it's probably going to be a few long hours, a long week.
00:06:51Cool. Thanks, everyone.
00:06:53I must say goodbye at the Dubai.
00:06:58It's a demanding job for the hours that you put in.
00:07:02We're at the beck and call of what the criminals are doing
00:07:05or whatever the job is that we're doing and what we're covering at the time.
00:07:12Your home life is affected.
00:07:14You could be at home for five minutes and that call will come in,
00:07:17so you're then back into work just as dinner's going on the table.
00:07:27Missed birthdays, Christmases have gone out the window.
00:07:32All that sort of stuff.
00:07:34But it's not something that you don't enjoy.
00:08:02Watch our lanes. Roger.
00:08:21Seren 2 has the eyeball.
00:08:23Lane 304 slowing.
00:08:25Last warning, lane closed ahead.
00:08:31Lane closed ahead.
00:08:56Cat's out the vehicle.
00:08:58Wears a grey top, shirt and dark bottoms.
00:09:20When we're watching someone, you're pretty much there to be seen and not noticed.
00:09:25That's the difficult part.
00:09:27Some people find it natural and other people have to work on it.
00:09:31You're just looking to be the grey man.
00:09:41Out the kiosk.
00:09:43Walking back towards vehicle.
00:09:50Now entering the vehicle, driver and sole occupant.
00:09:58Oh, that's good.
00:10:18Lane 304, speed 40.
00:10:23This is it here.
00:10:27Here we are.
00:10:32The surveillance teams following Steve and Cap
00:10:35track him to a holiday home park near Hull.
00:10:40It's also our cover story if we get compromised.
00:10:43That's what we do.
00:10:46Looking to visit a friend's park.
00:10:48Looking for that.
00:10:57Not where I'd expect, eh?
00:11:04Where's the Audi?
00:11:10Can you see it?
00:11:14That's the one, yeah.
00:11:15Is that it?
00:11:17Do you want to get out and have a walk for a minute?
00:11:27The job of surveillance is a really difficult job.
00:11:29It's completely spontaneous.
00:11:32Surveillance can capture the meetings,
00:11:34but obviously there is a balance to be had
00:11:36because you can only do that for so often
00:11:38and there's only so many people in your team,
00:11:40so it's picking your moment when you want to be really close.
00:11:50It's not a deal.
00:11:53This is about as covert as a punch in the face, unfortunately.
00:11:57Let's get out of there.
00:12:05If you've got an organised criminal bringing in hundreds of kilos
00:12:08and you get an opportunity to take a kilo out on the road,
00:12:11then there's always that temptation to think,
00:12:13well, he'll get locked up for a kilo,
00:12:15but it's our job to make sure we can take out the whole crime group,
00:12:18not just one single act, so we do have to let a lot of that run
00:12:21to build that bigger conspiracy and that greater understanding.
00:12:30Ursu relocate their suspect as his vehicle travels south on the M1.
00:12:35They follow him to a residential street in London.
00:12:39You're looking for a pattern
00:12:41as to when their criminal activities are likely to happen.
00:12:51And with an intelligence feed into us,
00:12:54there will be ways and means of us understanding when and where.
00:12:59From 9, the boot of the vehicle in front.
00:13:04They're getting to the road,
00:13:06so that's what's happening on the left.
00:13:08It's the same thing on the right.
00:13:11The three of them are getting closer and closer,
00:13:13and they're approaching the same area.
00:13:15And they're coming from the same direction.
00:13:20I'm behind him.
00:13:21I'm behind him.
00:13:22I'm behind him.
00:13:23I'm behind him.
00:13:24I'm behind him.
00:13:25I'm behind him.
00:13:26I'm behind him.
00:13:27I'm behind him.
00:13:28of our vehicle has been raised and lowered
00:13:39and that vehicle now
00:13:47mate that's definitely something that's gone over
00:13:53cat is now out of the vehicle and stood beside the vehicle
00:14:04now back in the vehicle
00:14:07stand by
00:14:14vehicle is now up and over him
00:14:21that's definitely something
00:14:23definitely something gone over
00:14:38his car
00:14:39started to ampr down the m1
00:14:42on tuesdays he seems to make a regular trip down the m1 into london
00:14:46so i made the decision to deploy the team to try and pick him up on the m1
00:14:51to see where he goes and hopefully try and take him back to halifax to find out
00:14:55where he's actually staying if it's not in hull
00:14:58and we picked him up on the m1 near toddington services and took him down to
00:15:01junction 17 on the m25 and he went to a road in hairfield
00:15:07and he's met with an astra
00:15:10for about three minutes and i can show you this video
00:15:14this is the eyeball
00:15:15so cap drove into the road and parked behind a voxel astra van
00:15:21and a male was seen to exit that van
00:15:24and go to the driver's side of the aldi
00:15:26he's then gone back to the astra van and removed something and given it to cap
00:15:30so that's the boot being opened
00:15:33which vehicle's that? that's the astra the insured driver of that astra
00:15:37that was previous for possession with intent where he was found in possession of twenty
00:15:40grand cash and twenty kilos of amphet
00:15:43that's a decent amount
00:15:44so the astra's gone now that's cap getting out of the vehicle
00:15:49speaking to the guy that was watching he thinks it's potentially money going
00:15:53across to cap
00:15:54because it looked quite light
00:15:57yeah that would make sense
00:15:59it's really not what you would expect for a
00:16:01multi kilo drug dealer
00:16:04no previous convictions
00:16:05did he used to be a lorry driver or something? maybe that's where he sort of met the wrong people
00:16:09he looks elderly
00:16:11fifty five
00:16:12I think he is, but he doesn't look like a particularly healthy man
00:16:18the ideal scenario would be that we can
00:16:20catch him with drugs to sort of complete our case against him and brooks
00:16:26covert teams are observing a pattern of criminal behavior by steven cap
00:16:31but at the same time
00:16:32they must strengthen their case against robert brooks
00:16:35to prove he is involved at the highest level
00:16:41the financial investigator has just attached his statement in relation to happy day campers
00:16:46so for the whole conspiracy period
00:16:49they've only rented out one
00:16:52camper van
00:16:53it's quite damaged isn't it?
00:16:55yeah I think so
00:16:56it's almost lazy isn't it, if you can have a front for a
00:16:59drugs business you kind of have, you want to have something going through your books don't you?
00:17:03so obviously we've had him under surveillance now for a while and he's clearly not working
00:17:09and he's playing golf almost every bloody day and going on
00:17:12god knows how many holidays
00:17:14your financial work supports that doesn't it?
00:17:16well it does, he's got no wriggle room as he can't say it's
00:17:18from his business because his business is effectively making a loss isn't it?
00:17:24it's a pure front isn't it?
00:17:26bank statement for robert brooks
00:17:28okay and?
00:17:31let's have a look
00:17:32bastard look, orlando
00:17:34three hundred and forty four pounds
00:17:37hard rock
00:17:38orlando six hundred and eighty
00:17:40norwegian air one hundred and fifty and two hundred
00:17:44eurotunnel three hundred and thirty three pounds
00:17:46another orion air five hundred and fifteen pounds
00:17:49british airways six hundred pounds
00:17:52jubai airport one hundred and thirty six pounds
00:17:55so where he's not making any money in his business he's spent
00:17:58well whatever net flights is he's obviously paid for a holiday there
00:18:01british airways holiday another holiday six hundred pounds
00:18:05all paid for with drug money
00:18:09so i think this is where his apartment is in alicante
00:18:14yeah he's obviously living it up
00:18:36around to the near side as he's entered the car park
00:18:41there he is
00:18:43you got him?
00:18:45yeah big one
00:18:47stand by
00:18:51walk in towards the front of the vet
00:18:58with the evidence mounting around the two key suspects in the conspiracy
00:19:03detectives revisit their dedicated cps lawyer
00:19:06to decide if they have enough to move in
00:19:08and arrest both men
00:19:13if my phone goes i might have to take us there caps
00:19:16with potentially behind him at the moment as well
00:19:18you do whatever you need to do don't worry about that
00:19:21so our plan with cap is to
00:19:24when we think he's reloaded
00:19:27from an importation or when we think he's got
00:19:29a significant amount of drugs on him
00:19:31is to arrest him at that point
00:19:33if we do catch him with you know
00:19:35i would expect at the very least would be
00:19:38anything less than five kilos i'd be disappointed
00:19:41the only difficulty is if we
00:19:43arrest him and he's got nothing in the car
00:19:45we've shown our hand and i really don't want him to
00:19:47throw away that encrophone
00:19:49so i suppose
00:19:51it's going to be quite strategic on your part
00:19:53yeah the ideal standard would be to stop him
00:19:55when he's in possession of a load of drugs
00:19:57charge remand him and then produce him from prison
00:19:59when we're ready or deal with him for everything
00:20:01if you think we can charge him at that point
00:20:03but the moment we put the evidence to him
00:20:05about this conspiracy i think that makes
00:20:07robert brooks a real flight risk
00:20:09you'll need to try and coordinate it
00:20:11in some way can you
00:20:13can you coordinate your
00:20:15is there a reason why you need to delay arresting brooks
00:20:17around the same time if cap has
00:20:19a pattern to
00:20:21his pickups
00:20:23then could you not
00:20:25coordinate that with an arrest for brooks
00:20:27yeah as soon as cap's arrested
00:20:29we will have the resources to get brooks
00:20:31straight away so i think with cap
00:20:33if we get him i suppose
00:20:35with the smoking gun of
00:20:37a serious amount of cocaine or heroin in his car
00:20:39that makes it so difficult
00:20:41for brooks, cap's gone in
00:20:43when brooks is there, there's pallets in the photo
00:20:45and then this guy we catch with drugs
00:20:47yeah the only thing about brooks
00:20:49is it's a sell site
00:20:51information because it was like
00:20:53because i was looking at the first map and i just thought
00:20:55you know like in this case it's delivery
00:20:57we've got phones that are pinging
00:20:59and i'm like yeah yeah yeah
00:21:01they're in the vicinity but
00:21:03to me that's not
00:21:05enough to say he was there
00:21:07the problem with brooks is
00:21:09my gut, this is just my gut feeling
00:21:11i don't think he's there all the time anyway
00:21:13my ideal solution, ideal
00:21:15point to get to would be to
00:21:17firmly be able to say you are jaguar palace
00:21:41the drivers door
00:21:43walkie walkie back towards tesco
00:21:54Ursu has been instructed by the CPS
00:21:57that they need to prove that Robert Brooks
00:21:58was carrying an encrypted phone.
00:22:01You know, the new possible Encro phone
00:22:03that we thought might be Brooks?
00:22:05I think this is the Jaguar Palace phone.
00:22:08He went to Spain on the 16th, didn't he?
00:22:10Oh, bingo.
00:22:12The timings match perfectly.
00:22:14Looks about right to me.
00:22:15All right, if this cell site, top cell, is near his home,
00:22:18I think he's screwed, isn't he?
00:22:21Let's have a look.
00:22:22All right, let's hope.
00:22:24All crossed.
00:22:30Has that ghost gone away?
00:22:32Yeah, look.
00:22:34His house is there, isn't it?
00:22:35That's it.
00:22:36Got him.
00:22:37So that's his top cell.
00:22:38Bang on next to his house.
00:22:41Plus it goes to, well, leaves the country when he does.
00:22:45That's it, he's done then, isn't he?
00:22:46If we can show that moving around with his clean phone,
00:22:50I think he's done, isn't he?
00:22:50He's done, hasn't he?
00:22:51He's got some questions to answer, hasn't he?
00:23:11As the evidence against Robert Brooks strengthens,
00:23:14the second suspect in the importation
00:23:17begins travelling south, the covert team.
00:23:21A group of men decide to strike.
00:23:27Seven teams assemble to arrest Stephen Capp
00:23:29on the motorway as he travels back north,
00:23:32in the hope he is carrying drugs.
00:23:37Capp, I'm quite nervous about the stop
00:23:40because if he has got, you know, 50 plus kilos in his car,
00:23:44if it was me, I'd make off.
00:23:46So I think we need to try some sort of T-pack containment.
00:23:51Aware, clearly demonstrated anti-surveillance.
00:23:54I mean, what's your thoughts?
00:23:56Yeah, we saw similar stuff when we were behind him last.
00:23:59Just that strange behaviour on the motorways,
00:24:02at the services and on the slip roads.
00:24:04We know he's got to go north.
00:24:05We know he's got to go on either the A1 or the M1.
00:24:08Most likely the road he goes down on, he'll go back up on.
00:24:11Well, the team are all prepped, the cars are all kitted up.
00:24:13So as soon as we get that notification,
00:24:15everyone knows what the rough plan is.
00:24:17So we'll be ready to go.
00:24:35As long as you concur, if it joins the A1M,
00:24:38we're happy anywhere on the A1M or M1 north.
00:24:44I think once it's obviously heading north...
00:24:47It's heading north now, isn't it? I think we're game on.
00:24:50Yeah, right we're on. Made a make ground really. How far ahead is he? Not far at all. Come on, let's do it.
00:25:06Got out.
00:25:07Stick with me and we'll lead you through the convoy and take the Ivor when we have it.
00:25:17The next junction is the M1.
00:25:19Next junction's the M1.
00:25:21Come on, get out the fucking way.
00:25:23Come on.
00:25:31Fuck's sake.
00:25:32There he is.
00:25:33How's the near side?
00:25:34Got a lorry.
00:25:36Merge on there. Go as if we're coming on.
00:25:40We ain't making any ground here.
00:25:42One pick up.
00:25:43There it is.
00:25:45On the right.
00:25:46MST is directly in front of the silver pickup in lane three. Are you happy?
00:25:51Yes, yes.
00:25:52Strike, strike, strike at your convenience.
00:25:55Move up, move up, move up.
00:25:57MST's through the Ivor.
00:26:05Move up.
00:26:15Open the door, open the door.
00:26:17Open the fucking door.
00:26:19Open the door now.
00:26:21Open the fucking door.
00:26:25He's right there.
00:26:27He's right there.
00:26:41Where's the phone?
00:26:48The phone's there.
00:26:52Come on, Lily.
00:26:58Positive ID of Cap.
00:27:00Removed from the vehicle by police.
00:27:18Cap's in handcuffs and placed in the rear of a police vehicle.
00:27:23Vehicle's being moved.
00:27:26To be aware of glass in the carriageway.
00:27:31And the vehicle containing Cap is now away.
00:27:37You're under arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to supply class A drugs, all right?
00:27:40Do you do not have anything in mind on your defence?
00:27:42If you do not mention when questioned, send me an outlining call.
00:27:44Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
00:27:51You what?
00:27:56Have you, mate?
00:27:57When was that, recently, or...?
00:28:02How long were you with your wife for?
00:28:15You what?
00:28:26You what?
00:28:39Just hang on there in here for a minute. I'll let the sergeant know.
00:28:42That was fast. We weren't expecting you that quickly.
00:28:50Yeah, bring him straight through.
00:28:52Middle desk.
00:28:54Thank you very much.
00:29:03Evening, guys.
00:29:04How are we?
00:29:05You all right, my friend?
00:29:10They're not designed to be comfortable, are they?
00:29:12What's she being arrested for?
00:29:14Conspiracy to supply class A.
00:29:17This man has been identified during an ongoing investigation
00:29:21as being involved in a large-scale supply of class A drugs across the country.
00:29:35Right then, sir.
00:29:36Obviously, I've listened to what the officer's got to say.
00:29:38It's very basic, basic details.
00:29:40But further it'll come out, further it'll come out.
00:29:42So I'm going to authorise your detention here
00:29:44so the officers conduct their inquiries
00:29:46and ultimately you can be interviewed about it
00:29:48so they can secure and preserve any further evidence.
00:29:50All right?
00:29:53As such, you've become our responsibility
00:29:55because we've shut the door and it's locked now.
00:29:57So, there's...
00:29:59Any mental health issues, Stephen?
00:30:03No, not depression, anxiety, anything like that?
00:30:07No, not depression, anxiety, anything like that?
00:30:12And apart from being here, how are you feeling in general?
00:30:14Yeah, good night.
00:30:33Oh, is he in his cell?
00:30:37Oh, right, brilliant. Cheers, mate. Bye.
00:30:43Police begin the forensic search of Stephen Capp's car.
00:30:47Drugs, cash commodity...
00:30:48And the sockoe.
00:30:49..sockoe as well as the container for it.
00:30:51Agreed. Fingers crossed.
00:31:06When you make that decision to go and arrest everybody,
00:31:08you just haven't got everything you need
00:31:10and you know the only way to do it is to find something.
00:31:12There's definitely personal responsibility in making that decision.
00:31:15You know you've got a whole team wrapped around you
00:31:17that might have been doing 18-hour days for six weeks
00:31:20and you've shown your hand and if you've got it wrong,
00:31:23a lot of that work is going to be in vain
00:31:25or you're back to square one now
00:31:27with a much more aware target than you had before.
00:31:33So, there's definitely loads of pressure on you
00:31:36to make sure you make those calls right.
00:31:40Hmm. It's a bit concerning, isn't it?
00:31:42It's a bit concerning, isn't it?
00:32:06No obvious way to put these seats down.
00:32:08Yeah, I couldn't work it out either.
00:32:10You can't lift them up.
00:32:14Is it that? What's that?
00:32:16No, that's the...
00:32:22Oh, here you go.
00:32:25Oh, hello.
00:32:27That's interesting, that is.
00:32:30See, that's built. There's wood in there, look.
00:32:32Yeah, put a false back in it.
00:32:34False back, yeah.
00:32:35Complete professional hide, isn't it?
00:32:38We've just found a hide.
00:32:42Five boxes, I reckon they're big enough for two each.
00:32:44Five white boxes, probably big enough
00:32:46for two kilos in each at the moment.
00:32:50It's a fucking massive hide,
00:32:52so it's looking a little bit more promising.
00:33:03What the hell is it going to be, then?
00:33:08There's us all high-fiving,
00:33:10and it might not be gear at all.
00:33:34Oh, yes!
00:33:36It's always going to be a kilo.
00:33:38I thought you said it wasn't, haven't you?
00:33:46Oh, for sure.
00:33:48It's a kilo of flesh.
00:33:49Yeah, of course it is, definitely.
00:33:51I'm going to go under there and say five kilos.
00:33:53Five kilos.
00:33:54I'll second that.
00:33:56We always say we don't go out of bed
00:33:58for less than five kilos, don't we?
00:34:01Measure Robert Brooks' face when we show that to him.
00:34:07It's just...
00:34:09It's this one here, that first one there.
00:34:15Mr Brooks, it's the police!
00:34:17Can you open the door, please?
00:34:26Good morning. Really sorry to trouble you.
00:34:28Is Robert in? Yeah.
00:34:29I'll need to come in. He needs to be arrested, OK?
00:34:33Is he upstairs?
00:34:39We're twisting the bedroom. Is he upstairs?
00:34:44Police officers from Hertford.
00:34:46Hiya, Robert. You all right?
00:34:50Right, are you fully confident?
00:34:52I'm just working.
00:34:53Right, Rob, I need to make you aware
00:34:55that you're under arrest, OK?
00:34:57You're under arrest.
00:34:58You're under arrest.
00:34:59You're under arrest.
00:35:00You're under arrest.
00:35:01You're under arrest.
00:35:02You're under arrest.
00:35:04You're under arrest, OK?
00:35:06On suspicion of conspiracy...
00:35:09..to evade prohibition
00:35:11by means of bringing a controlled drug into the UK.
00:35:16For that, you're under caution,
00:35:18so you do not have to say anything,
00:35:20but it may harm your defence if you do not mention
00:35:23when questioned something which is not relevant to the court.
00:35:26If you do say, you may be given evidence.
00:35:28Do you understand?
00:35:29OK? Do you want to say anything?
00:35:31Oh, man.
00:35:44Nigel, put your fleece on, Rob, and let's get going to custody.
00:35:52Rob, a kiss, please, darling.
00:36:15What's that, sorry?
00:36:24He'll be able to find me today.
00:36:26Yeah, yeah, once he gets booked in, we'll try and find a time for him to make a phone call at a suitable time, OK?
00:36:32Where are we going?
00:36:51Are you all well?
00:36:53All right.
00:36:55All right.
00:37:25He needs to use the toilet, has he?
00:37:26Sorry, he can go before I last put this in.
00:37:28Take a seat for a second, Rob.
00:37:29Thank you very much.
00:37:30The custody sergeant, is that all right?
00:37:33Has everything been pretty explained?
00:37:34Yes, it has.
00:37:35Oh, lovely.
00:37:36It has.
00:37:37That's lovely.
00:37:38He's got a telephone number on the back of his hand.
00:37:40We were trying to see whether he could contact his boy, but he's going to be at school now because it's his birthday.
00:37:46Is it his birthday?
00:37:47It's his birthday today.
00:37:48At some point, if it's possible, if we can facilitate it.
00:37:52If the kid gets back from school, if we can perhaps try and work it, it'll probably be about four o'clock.
00:37:56I know.
00:37:57We'll do the rest of the drug offence.
00:38:03Good morning, sir.
00:38:09Any injuries?
00:38:11No, sir.
00:38:16The officer said something about your son.
00:38:18Your officer said something about it's your son's birthday.
00:38:20It is, yeah.
00:38:22What time will he get back?
00:38:26He'll finish school about half three.
00:38:28He'll be home for about four o'clock when he can get hold of his mobile phone.
00:38:36Could you take him to number 21?
00:38:38Cell 21?
00:38:40Yeah, of course, OK.
00:38:41Is it?
00:38:42The first one to the right.
00:38:44Thank you very much.
00:38:45I'll pop back.
00:38:4721 makes it two little ducks.
00:38:50He was calling you sir and polite, wasn't he?
00:38:53They're overly nice and friendly, you know, they're proper.
00:38:58Take care.
00:39:05All proper criminals, I'd book 20 of them in.
00:39:10Because they all know the score.
00:39:17Mr. Kap?
00:39:19Your solicitor is here.
00:39:22It's time for your consultation and interview.
00:39:26Thank you.
00:39:28I'll be back in five minutes.
00:39:32Thank you.
00:39:34Mr. Kap.
00:39:36Your solicitor is here.
00:39:39It's time for your consultation and interview.
00:39:43Thank you.
00:39:44Thank you.
00:39:45Consultation and interview after that, yeah?
00:39:48Consultation first with solicitor and then interview after that.
00:39:54Would you like a drink before you go?
00:39:56Yeah, sure.
00:40:04Hello, Nina. Sorry, it's the first chance I've had to give you a call.
00:40:07It's been a bit manic.
00:40:09Cap is in consultation with his solicitor as we speak
00:40:12and then I'll be going straight into interview
00:40:14and I'm hoping to have him done by 12.
00:40:18So I'm going to try and tee up his brief to be here for about half 12
00:40:21with a view of getting him done by about half to three.
00:40:24So as soon as I finish with Cap, I'll let you know what he's said, if anything.
00:40:30I've sent you everything in relation to Cap.
00:40:32Brooks, we're waiting for the officers to come back
00:40:34so I'll try and get you that for about 12
00:40:36before we go into interview with him.
00:40:42That sounds like a plan. Yep, happy with that.
00:40:46No. Ditto.
00:40:48I'll be glad when all this is over and things calm down a bit.
00:41:16On the 5th of December, at approximately 16.45 hours,
00:41:20you was driving a vehicle, a VW Passat.
00:41:25That vehicle was stopped by police and you was driving it.
00:41:31So you were taken to Luton custody,
00:41:34your vehicle was seized and it was searched.
00:41:39In the boot of the car, there is a hide.
00:41:44In that hide, there are five boxes containing five kilos of cocaine.
00:41:50Why is there cocaine in the car you're driving?
00:41:52No comment.
00:41:55Did you put that cocaine in there?
00:41:57No comment.
00:42:01Just to put it into context of how serious this is,
00:42:05a kilo of cocaine is worth about £30,000 to £35,000 wholesale,
00:42:10depending on the purity.
00:42:13You've got five kilos in your car.
00:42:20Five kilos makes it a Category 1 offence, the most serious.
00:42:26Why have you got five kilos of cocaine in your car?
00:42:29No comment.
00:42:30I could stretch this interview out a lot longer.
00:42:33I'm not going to, OK?
00:42:35It is what it is.
00:42:37You've got five kilos of coke in your car in a secret hide.
00:42:40We'll find out whether your fingerprints are on it or not in due course,
00:42:44but no-one else is in that car, only you.
00:42:48I don't have any further questions about this matter.
00:42:51Just on a side point, do you like camper vans?
00:42:56No comment.
00:42:57Have you ever hired a camper van?
00:42:59No comment.
00:43:02Who's Robert Brooks?
00:43:05No comment.
00:43:09Your body language has changed after I've asked that question.
00:43:12No comment.
00:43:14Who's Robert Brooks?
00:43:15No comment.
00:43:16Who's Richard Campbell?
00:43:18No comment.
00:43:20Who's Thomas Wozniak?
00:43:22No comment.
00:43:24No comment.
00:43:26I'm going to stop the interview now to give you some further disclosure.
00:43:40The one up the top.
00:43:43When the main suspects are interviewed and you're given the key evidence
00:43:47and you see the change in their facial expression
00:43:49and you realise, he didn't know I had that
00:43:51or that's more than he thought we had,
00:43:53then that changes how you deal with the rest of the interview
00:43:56because you know they're on the ropes and you've got the advantage.
00:44:01OK, this interview is being video recorded.
00:44:03It's a continuation of the interviews with Stephen Capp.
00:44:08So, have you ever been to Unit 5 Little Samuels Farm, Hunsdon?
00:44:14No comment.
00:44:15Do you know Robert Brooks?
00:44:17No comment.
00:44:18No comment.
00:44:20So, you were stopped yesterday in a Passat.
00:44:26We also know that you have an Audi A5.
00:44:3214th of August.
00:44:36Now, this day...
00:44:40..is significant and I'll tell you why.
00:44:44Robert Brooks has a dashcam in his car.
00:44:49Do you know what a dashcam is? No comment.
00:44:51It records out the front and rear of his car.
00:44:56So, an order is delivered on that day.
00:45:00His car is parked outside the unit.
00:45:05Guess what happens?
00:45:09Why is your Audi reversed into the unit?
00:45:11No comment.
00:45:13Is that your Audi?
00:45:15No comment.
00:45:16That's outside Unit 5.
00:45:20No comment.
00:45:27Your Audi reverses. That's Richard Campbell.
00:45:30You reverse into Unit 5.
00:45:34No comment.
00:45:36Why were you reversing into Unit 5?
00:45:39No comment.
00:45:41Were you there to hire a camper van from Happy Day Campers?
00:45:44No comment.
00:45:45Is Robert Brooks or Campbell Wozniak old mates
00:45:48and you've dropped in to say hello?
00:45:50No comment.
00:45:52Or was you there to collect drugs?
00:45:54No comment.
00:45:56Because the difficulty I've got...
00:45:59..is we've arrested you with five kilos of coke
00:46:01in the boot of your car.
00:46:04No comment.
00:46:05Is there a hide in that Audi?
00:46:07No comment.
00:46:08No comment.
00:46:09You're reversing into a unit where we know drugs are getting delivered.
00:46:12Significant amounts of drugs.
00:46:14No comment.
00:46:17I think you are a drugs courier.
00:46:19That's what the evidence suggests.
00:46:22Am I completely on the wrong tracks?
00:46:24No comment.
00:46:27What's going on?
00:46:28No comment.
00:46:29You've got no previous convictions.
00:46:31How the hell have you got yourself involved in all of this?
00:46:33No comment.
00:46:34This is it. This is your last chance
00:46:36if you want to tell me what the hell's going on.
00:46:39Because I ain't going to give you another one.
00:46:41And the next time could be at Crown Court.
00:46:47No comment.
00:46:49And this interview is concluded.
00:47:07They'd be looking at serious, serious drugs.
00:47:10It's for, like, importing, like, what is it?
00:47:12Something like 45... 45 kilograms.
00:47:14..kilos of heroin.
00:47:19What's it worth? What's that now?
00:47:20Don't know. Let's Google it.
00:47:24This is the sort of stuff I never, ever know.
00:47:28Per kilo. Yeah.
00:47:29UK street price, $117,765 per kilo.
00:47:48Aware that Robert Brooks has no real income,
00:47:51officers continue to search his family home
00:47:54for evidence to prove that he's leading the drugs importation conspiracy.
00:47:59There we go. Fair amount of money now.
00:48:03Place my money there.
00:48:27£5,000, yeah?
00:48:30Whose is the cash, then?
00:48:32Whose is the cash? Yeah, £5,000.
00:48:34It's not mine. I don't know.
00:48:36She was asked if there was any large amount of cash in the house beforehand.
00:48:40Where do you think he's got that from?
00:48:42I've no idea.
00:48:43I didn't know anything about it.
00:48:49We're taking exhibits.
00:48:51Yeah, have you got a record of it?
00:49:03So, a turtle crash found as well?
00:49:06About £11,000.
00:49:24Is that boss all right? Yeah, good. How's it going?
00:49:27Yeah, good. Brooks is in custody now.
00:49:30He's in. Cap.
00:49:32He's got no comment.
00:49:38Was Brooks at home?
00:49:40Yeah, Brooks was at home.
00:49:42So, from there, they got...
00:49:44I think it was just over £11,000 in cash.
00:49:46Oh, that's a result.
00:49:51Down in an underwear drawer, I think, of all places.
00:49:54He's not a happy chappy.
00:49:56I'd imagine he thought he must be nearly home free
00:50:00cos he'd been out for so long.
00:50:02Yeah, today is the day of realisation when it all hits home, I think.
00:50:06Have they seen each other yet?
00:50:08No, they've been kept apart so far.
00:50:10I don't know how long that'll last.
00:50:12That'll be interesting when they do see each other.
00:50:14Yeah, I know.
00:50:15Especially when Brooks finds out what we seized yesterday from Cap.
00:50:30If you want a fresh air, we'll have to get you out now,
00:50:33but it was pissing down earlier, so they just let up a bit.
00:50:40Yeah, loads.
00:50:42Well, no, I think it's stopped raining now, so...
00:50:51Yes, sir, this is it. It's here.
00:50:59Nobody arrested before?
00:51:01Never in my life.
00:51:02Oh, that's right.
00:51:03Yeah, there's something troubling him in my life.
00:51:05Yeah, it's one of them, yeah.
00:51:07We've got a number, so you can give her a call, won't you?
00:51:11Yeah, so if you could just take him to phone...
00:51:14Oh, you know, there's a ring on the ear.
00:51:19I've got a mobile number for her.
00:51:21Yeah, that's the other one.
00:51:29Just take a seat there, please.
00:51:42This interview is being video recorded.
00:51:45The date is 6th December 2019,
00:51:48and the time by my watch is 14.45.
00:51:52I'm interviewing...
00:51:53Can you just state your name and date of birth?
00:51:55Robert Russell Brooks.
00:52:05So, I'll start with that.
00:52:07Through our investigation, there's a telephone number.
00:52:11So, this is an EncroChat phone ending 1813.
00:52:15On the 7th December 2018,
00:52:19your 1158 phone has hit a cell site mass just off the M1.
00:52:25Can you see, just there?
00:52:28And at the same time, that EncroChat phone
00:52:30was connecting mass along the M1 at the same time.
00:52:34We're continuing down the M1 at this point,
00:52:36and you can see the EncroChat is connecting to mass,
00:52:39and then so is the clean.
00:52:41Your clean, we call it clean, subscribed phone.
00:52:44So, there's five separate occasions, right,
00:52:47where that phone's followed you round the country.
00:52:50I stopped on five. I could have carried on.
00:52:52But, in a nutshell, every single time you go somewhere
00:52:56with your clean phone, that Encro phone follows you round.
00:52:59So, either that's your phone,
00:53:01or you have a mate that's glued to you,
00:53:03following you round the country.
00:53:05In any event, that Encro phone is following you round the country,
00:53:08and that is significant, because that Encro phone,
00:53:10I say, is the Jaguar Palace phone.
00:53:12Is that correct?
00:53:14No comment.
00:53:27Who's Stephen Capp?
00:53:32No comment.
00:53:34You ever heard of someone called Stephen Capp?
00:53:36No comment.
00:53:39Your dashcam...
00:53:42..in your Fiesta...
00:53:44..has stuff on it.
00:53:49Why's Stephen Capp reversing up to your unit in his Audi?
00:53:55Why is that?
00:53:56No comment.
00:53:58Yesterday, we arrested him on the M25.
00:54:04He had a hide in his car.
00:54:06The seats popped forward.
00:54:14..five kilos of cocaine.
00:54:17He's in custody now in this police station.
00:54:23Without being overdramatic, the writing's on the wall, innit?
00:54:26What the hell is going on at your unit while you're in there?
00:54:30No comment.
00:54:31No comment.
00:54:34Why is a drugs courier with five kilos in his car
00:54:38going into your unit for ten minutes after a delivery's been made,
00:54:42which we say contains drugs?
00:54:45No comment.
00:54:47Why is that?
00:54:48No comment.
00:54:49Why does your company not make any money?
00:54:53You're making a loss.
00:54:55It's a front, innit?
00:54:58No comment.
00:55:01This is the case file for this investigation, right?
00:55:05I'm not going to go through it all because it is rather long,
00:55:08but I will read you something that I think is really important.
00:55:11It's the introduction.
00:55:13Operation Prepper, this is the operation name,
00:55:16is an investigation into the importation of Class A drugs
00:55:19into the United Kingdom by an organised crime network.
00:55:22The investigation has identified that the organised crime network
00:55:25is responsible for the importation of 39 different deliveries
00:55:29to a premises in Hunsdon, Hertfordshire.
00:55:31Two of the deliveries were intercepted by the UK and Dutch authorities
00:55:35and 45 kilos of heroin and 70 kilos of cocaine were seized.
00:55:38The seizure of 115 kilos of Class A,
00:55:41taken in conjunction with the further 37 successful deliveries,
00:55:46makes Operation Prepper the largest Class A conspiracy investigation
00:55:52in the history of both the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit
00:55:56and Hertfordshire Constabulary.
00:55:59Now, if every single delivery was between 45 and 70 kilos,
00:56:04that works out to roughly 1.8 tonnes.
00:56:08I'll carry on.
00:56:10Defendant Robert Brooks played a lead-in role.
00:56:15Lead-in role, i.e. you were in charge in the 39 deliveries
00:56:20to this business premises at Unit 5 Little Samuels Farm, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire.
00:56:25That is our case in a nutshell.
00:56:27And everything points to you being the lead-in role.
00:56:36Is any of that wrong? No comment.
00:56:39Because this is what our case is.
00:56:41Because if it's wrong, I need to know.
00:56:43But at the moment, you're not giving me anything to go on,
00:56:46other than no comment.
00:56:47Is there anything you want to say?
00:56:49Because this is your last chance, I guarantee it.
00:56:51There will be no more interviews after this interview.
00:56:54And the next time you might be asked to account is at Crown Court.
00:57:08No comment.
00:57:17I don't have any further questions then.
00:57:19The time is half past three.
00:57:24This interview is terminated.
00:57:46Have you managed to have any phone calls yet?
00:57:48I'll have one.
00:57:50Yeah, I'll make sure that happens.
00:57:52Because, whether you believe us or not, we genuinely didn't know.
00:57:56It's nothing personal, because if it was, that would be a real shit thing to do.
00:57:59So we're not about that, all right?
00:58:07Just take a moment. Really, just press the button, mate.
00:58:10Thank you very much. You're welcome.
00:58:53I'm sorry, mate. I love you.
00:58:55I'm sorry.
00:58:58I'm sorry.
00:59:00Just do us one thing.
00:59:04Don't start loving me.
00:59:07Don't start loving me.
00:59:10Don't start loving me.
00:59:15I've only got you.
00:59:18I love you.
00:59:20I've got to go.
00:59:24I love you.
00:59:26You're not safe. You're not safe.
00:59:28Don't worry.
00:59:30I love you. I love you. Bye.
00:59:32Bye. Bye.
00:59:34All right?
00:59:37You all right?
00:59:46There's somebody out there at the moment.
00:59:48He's got to come in soon, really, cos he's been out there waiting.
00:59:51You all right?
00:59:54Yeah, I'll get you a coffee and water.
00:59:56I'll get you a coffee and water.
01:00:05I'll get you a coffee and water.
01:00:07It's hard for him to sort out.
01:00:21With the interviews complete,
01:00:23it's time to update their specialist CPS lawyer
01:00:25to get her final agreement to charge.
01:00:28We've literally just come out of an interview with Brooks.
01:00:31Everything's been put to him and it was a no comment.
01:00:37No, well, on the 14th, his Audi turns up,
01:00:41Campbell and Brooks are inside
01:00:43and it reverses him for ten minutes and drives away.
01:00:46And that was how we identified Cap as the courier.
01:00:49So that was all...
01:00:51I can't positively ID him driving it, but he looks very similar.
01:00:55So it's two lots of 5,000, so that's ten.
01:00:59Then another 1,160.
01:01:02And then another 260.
01:01:05I suppose, to put it into context for you,
01:01:07the dashcam footage, so Brooks is there on both days,
01:01:10so is Campbell.
01:01:12We've only got Cap on the 14th,
01:01:14but his phone is also down at the same time, so...
01:01:17Let's have a look.
01:01:19To fortunately evade the prohibition on the importation of a controlled drug,
01:01:22Class A, namely heroin, imposed by Section 3.
01:01:25Yep, that's looking good.
01:01:27Oh, perfect.
01:01:30Lovely, thanks for all your help, really appreciate it.
01:01:33Cheers. Bye.
01:01:36Charge is authorised.
01:01:38MG3 received.
01:01:40Rock and roll.
01:01:46I've just had to create a new record.
01:01:48Are you good to charge your man? Yeah, yeah.
01:01:50Man, both? Both of them, yeah.
01:02:02Mr Cap, you all right?
01:02:05Mr Cap, the CPS have come back with a response, obviously.
01:02:09The case has been reviewed, all right?
01:02:11OK, the first charge is that on 5th December 2019
01:02:14at Chorleywood in the county of Hertfordshire,
01:02:16had in your possession 5kg of cocaine,
01:02:19a controlled drug of Class A with intent to supply it to another.
01:02:23Second charge is conspired with Robert Brooks,
01:02:26Richard Campbell, Thomas Wozniak
01:02:28and others unknown to supply a controlled drug of Class A.
01:02:31In relation to those charges, do you want to make any reply?
01:02:34You don't have to. No.
01:02:39Come on, buddy.
01:02:41I've got to take you up to the charge desk.
01:02:44All right.
01:02:50Hold on, won't you?
01:02:53You all right, Mr Brooks? Yes, sir.
01:02:55So we've gone to the CPS and they've authorised some charges,
01:02:59so I'm going to charge you now.
01:03:01Between 5th November 2018 and 23rd August 2019,
01:03:07you conspired together with Richard Campbell,
01:03:10Thomas Wozniak and other persons unknown
01:03:13to fraudulently evade the prohibition on the importation
01:03:16of a controlled drug of Class A, namely heroin.
01:03:24The scale of this heroin importation was massive
01:03:27and it would be impossible to work out how far-reaching this would be,
01:03:31but it's vast.
01:03:33So many crimes stem from people taking heroin.
01:03:37Shoplifting is almost exclusively done by heroin addicts.
01:03:40Burglaries, people's houses getting ransacked,
01:03:43they are generally the heroin addicts of this world.
01:03:46So much violence between crime groups
01:03:48to make sure they're capitalising on that bit of the market
01:03:51so they can make that bit more money.
01:03:53Heroin is definitely the most damaging drug I've encountered.
01:03:57Do you wish to make any reply?
01:03:59OK, cool.
01:04:01Mr Brooks, shall I understand all those charges, yeah?
01:04:04Yes, sir. Yeah.
01:04:22Hello, little man.
01:04:24Happy birthday.
01:04:26OK, you had a good day?
01:04:28Yeah, well, you had to go to school, didn't you, on your birthday?
01:04:32Oh, how bad is that, eh?
01:04:35It should be law, shouldn't it, that you get your birthday off?
01:04:39Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous, isn't it?
01:04:43Eh? I can't find my...
01:04:45I'm at work and my phone's in my locker,
01:04:48so I've just used somebody else's. I've used the office's.
01:04:51OK. Are you OK?
01:04:54What did you get up to?
01:05:00What, for your PS4?
01:05:02Oh, that's good. Are you playing FIFA?
01:05:06Oh, OK. All right.
01:05:08All right, listen, I want you to have a lovely day, OK?
01:05:11Have a lovely rest of your day, OK?
01:05:13And I'll love you to the moon and back, OK?
01:05:16Come on, mate.
01:05:18OK? I'll speak to you later.
01:05:20All right, love you.
01:05:39Yeah, it must have a huge effect on people's families.
01:05:42If that individual, like the dad of your family,
01:05:44is going to go to prison for 10, 15 years,
01:05:46that's massive for your whole family, isn't it?
01:05:48You've probably lost your main source of income,
01:05:50you've lost your parent. It's huge.
01:06:00But people are making lifestyle choices, aren't they?
01:06:02And if you choose to be an international drug dealer,
01:06:05then it's satisfying for me that you are sent to prison.
01:07:06With much of the UK back in lockdown,
01:07:09Anthony Barney reveals what went wrong.
01:07:11Lockdown chaos, how the government lost control next Monday at nine.
01:07:15Well, the votes have been counted and the new head girl is revealed.
01:07:18Channel 4's own electoral college,
01:07:20educating Greater Manchester.
01:07:22New tomorrow at 9.15.
01:07:24Well, back to tonight when Gogglebox is next.
