360 ' Barcelona, Spain Tour

  • 2 months ago
Barcelona, Spain Tour
00:00Welcome guys. We're in Barcelona right here. Spain. Didn't even know Barcelona was in Spain.
00:11I just learned something. All right, let's check it out. Guys, we are in Barcelona. Barcelona
00:19is an ancient city founded at the end of the 1st century by the Romans. You can feel the
00:34history in the air. Barcelona is a coastal city known for its famous seafood, friendly
00:42people, and amazing architecture. This park is something else. Barcelona is absolutely
00:49adorned with so many of Antony Gaudi's work, his architecture. You can see these little
00:56jewels everywhere. And this was a private residence that we're sitting in right now
01:03made into a park in 1969 thanks to the organization Friends of Gaudi. This place is a labyrinth
01:12of mesmerizing pathways and mosaics, art with twists and turns everywhere.
01:27Let's take a look at some of the most iconic spots in the beautiful Spanish city together.
01:41Gaudi made his mark on Barcelona with every architecture dream, breathing life into his
02:03creative vision. In total, Gaudi designed 14 buildings throughout the city limits of
02:10Barcelona, giving the city a unique flavor on each corner.
02:33Hola, buenos dias. That's about all I know in Spanish. Anyway, welcome to the temple
02:57of the sacred heart of Jesus. Jesus Amusement Park. Oh my God, I see Jesus. Just kidding.
03:06I remember when my cousin Shelby was like two and she'd say, I saw Jesus everywhere
03:14we passed a church on the side of the road. It was the sweetest thing and I always think
03:20about that when I see a beautiful church. Anyway, we're at the top of this beautiful
03:25mountain for sunrise at the sacred heart of Jesus temple that resides on a mountaintop
03:34looking over Barcelona, Spain. It is magnificently modern with an homage to the past, a Gothic
03:44architecture. It's beautiful.
04:44Oh, today I find myself standing outside of Lost and Grip. It's so beautiful. It's like
05:13Lost and Grip Familia Basilica in the heart of Barcelona, Spain. The ingenious architect
05:21Antoni Gaudi oversaw the construction of this project in the 1800s and could not finish
05:28the construction and it continues to go on to this very day. There's still a building
05:35onto the basilica. It's not finished yet. It's a huge undertaking as the construction
05:42continues. Look down below. There's a wedding going on at this very moment. The interior
05:55is so unique. Unlike any other basilica on this earth, this place is like a portal into
06:03the universe. Light pours down from the heavens through the stained glass windows and the
06:10columns on every corner that seem to stretch in another worldly way. Abstract shapes are
06:19literally everywhere and I cannot help but wander into the corner of each side of the
06:26room to see what is there. It's very sunny outside so all of the stained glass is illuminating
06:34the room. That's the only light really that's coming into this room is from the sun through
06:39the stained glass which casts the color that the stained glass is. So over here we have
06:45the orange and reds and green hues and yellow hues and over there we have more blues, cool
06:52color, lights. It's so amazing, magnificent. Gaudi was brought onto the project in 1883
07:02and famously said that his client was in no hurry and he died in 1926 when only 25% of
07:11the basilica had been finished. The work still continues. The passion facade shows a resemblance
07:23to the human bones within the structure's design dedicated to the passion of the Christ.
07:30The magnificent 18 spires resemble the 12 apostles, Virgin Mary and the four evangelists
07:39and Jesus. The exterior and interior have no right angles within the design and very
07:46few straight lines. People come to enjoy Gaudi's architecture from all over the world.
08:00One of my favorite areas of Barcelona is actually the Gothic Quarter.
08:31I love the tight corridor type alleyways. I can get lost for days as I explore all the
08:38beautiful cracks of the history of the Gothic Quarter.
09:30Thank you for joining me on this wonderful journey through the beautiful streets of Barcelona,
09:40Spain. Next we will make our way to France. Till then, I will see you in the Metaverse.
09:47Thank you guys for watching. Please subscribe, put a like, make a comment. I'm going to have
09:55more educational videos coming up.
