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00:00That was kind of messed up now I'm gonna have to chat now back in Minecraft
00:19where the hell am I oh why do I look so cute
00:26I forgot why we're here don't run away from me are you did I do something wrong
00:32oh pumpkins this is good we won't starve and then we eat pumpkin very good in ramen and cooked in
00:40oven don't sleep on pumpkins there was a big mountain we were chasing I remember but I can't
00:46see it now because of this damn rain can it stop already hey pig can you make the rain stop
00:53make it stop or die he chose death not my fault I am not consequence I am not consequences
01:02there's the mountain I can see the faintly in the distance we're gonna go there Sven
01:07damn I forgot how good this looks with the modern stuff look at this if only I could see my home
01:13from here but I really really really can't right Sven you know okay so now we have directions
01:19onwards and upwards actually downwards technically but then upwards onwards and
01:24downwards and then upwards and then home fully homewards it might get dark soon Sven we should
01:30hurry Sven Lina my my apologies it's dark Sven Lina it's really bad but I think we're
01:37close enough I think we're close enough baby pig let's murder the parent
01:42grow strong and defeat me one day I'm such a good motivational speaker just murder someone's family
01:51that'll keep them motivated right oh wait now I have this I can see in the dark finally why is
01:58this not default in Minecraft I swear to god we're almost by the giant mountain thing that
02:03mountain better be something look at this thing it's huge so tall and evil I love it Sven Lina
02:11we must climb it look at this parkour though what their ship could never can this rain stop I bet
02:18it's curse I bet this water sheep what their sheep is humbling spells curse curse rain spells
02:27I knew it I knew it Sven
02:31oh the rain stopped cool and be very very very epically careful just be very careful
02:39super high up dude look at this view so beautiful I'm so happy I can share this romantic wonderful
02:46moment with you Sven you're not looking at the view are you scared of heights
02:50well if you are you wouldn't jump around like that I'll tell you that
02:54oh let's do a selfie yes oh we're not at the top yet not at the top yet oh god that's not a good
03:00angle for me on the very top tippy toppy almost at the tippy toppy holy there's still more what
03:07is that god damn is big there's literally snow up here Sven that's Lina I bet we'll find big
03:14is that cum what is he doing up here is this this must be from the new update right like
03:20tall cliffs like this would never spawn back in my day like holy schmoly holy there's another
03:27giant cliff over there what's with all this all the view is going to be spectacular once we make
03:34it to the top Sven hopefully this won't be like if you climb on Fuji and there's literally like
03:39vending machines on the top the traveling salesman will be at the top whoa there's a lot this is the
03:47coolest cliff ever what the is this Sven be very careful make sure you dust off your polish this
03:54is so sick Sven do not push me I really wish you wouldn't push me not cool I don't have safety gear
04:02it's literally free soloing this stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
04:10is Sven Lina trying to did you try to murder attempted murder on live stream
04:16bye dog stop it be careful I told you dust off your paws Sven Sven you're standing on a hair
04:24interrupting Minecraft with Minecraft with a new G Fuel collaboration Hatsune Miku
04:33beautiful oh I have them right here actually Miku's sweet melodies with the hydration version
04:40as well the flavor is rock candy with watermelon I messed it up she's got a pimple now
04:48again so to promote this new collaboration I am going to infiltrate the hardcore Hatsune
04:54Miku fans in Minecraft hi let's try hi oh yes I want to role play no no I mean I
05:07actually don't want to role play I want to really be friends
05:09yes okay yes let's role play I'm an energy drink salesman oh they're in
05:17hello I want to sell G Fuel energy drink would you like some um thinking about it
05:24yeah all right all right yeah you get 30% off right now with code PewDiePie Hatsune Miku
05:34let's go let's go
05:43okay I'm adding them as friend because that's what they wanted
05:47now that's what this is all about removing harassment from games of course it's a delicious
05:52flavor and check out other flavors as well use code PewDiePie as as mentioned you get 30% off
05:57it's a great way to suck up on G Fuel it's an amazing energy drink I absolutely love it I drink
06:01it every single day and I also unironically love Hatsune Miku I actually love the music I'm
06:07obsessed over it last year I made a playlist if you guys want to check it out so you can fully
06:11enjoy all your senses anyway check it out thank you G for sponsoring me the idea here we are
06:17we got to get up the trees as well what the are you there how do you get up here
06:25no don't hurt Sven of course there had to be a boss battle at the top jesus christ
06:32are you guys ready
06:37whoa Sven get up here this is so sick
06:44I need something not to be with me I fish you up where are you okay I've been saving this uh raw
06:50okay I've been saving this uh raw beef for you don't jump now
06:59damn it looks insane dude my graphics card explosion this is so cool look at this thing
07:07this is like a whole peninsula sminshla here yeah we're gonna have to jump from here absolutely
07:13oh beautiful Sven beautiful all right we're gonna have to jump into the ocean where's a
07:20good jumping off point it has to be a big body of water somewhere I love beef I could jump in the lava
07:27huh it's gotta be on this side right
07:32no what the how how did that even happen
07:46he was a father of a child to me what how did that happen
07:52Mojang can I quit and save and go back if I go back quick enough
07:57I can I can say I can fix this I can fix this
08:07are you kidding me I'm starting to think she wanted to die
08:14she fell from a tree I fed her as well
08:18oh I can't even enjoy the game now look at that cool thing flying I can't even enjoy that
08:23I'm gonna have to jump in her honor I think it's the only way
08:27Sven did not jump so we could jump as well I think the only way is to jump into the lava
08:34then jump out of the lava I think that's the only way is that a good idea lava doesn't slow
08:39your fall what the f**k is lava then maybe she's back at base I think Sven is back at base
08:45I got this uh weird feeling I'm so mad why why is that a thing she was well fed
08:51Sven Lina was a well-fed and happy dog she tried to kill me multiple times
08:55but we loved each other I fed her show the footage don't jump now
09:05I fed her no remorse no sadness I will obviously sadness I would have been so
09:10sick to jump in Sven Lina she loves jumping clearly clearly she was jumping
09:17no it's not funny she's dead she's never coming back okay um is that water I feel like that's water
09:28what do you guys think is that water what do you guys think is that water
09:35all right boats don't have fall damage I could just jump with the boat
09:39I just had this idea all on my own good idea me thank you all right listen if you guys are so
09:44smart then why did no one tell me that Sven Lina was literally starving to death explain that
09:49here we go I'm gonna do it this one is for Sven Lina play play sad epic music okay this one works
09:59my dog my beautiful dog my companion my loyal companion in life I loved you
10:10you were like a child and father and son and daughter and mother all those things
10:18you tried to kill me so many times but we had a special bond special bond that no one could
10:25understand such love and such beauty you love jumping you love jumping so much
10:34it was the end of you and therefore I will jump the bravest jump anyone's ever taken in Minecraft
10:43this one is for you Sven Lina here I go I love you
10:54that was pretty cool I should probably get back home
10:57such beautiful sunset this one is for you Sven Lina
11:04I know you weren't veggie I mean pescetarian but this one's for you Sven Lina
11:10do I go back to my base this place looks so much cooler right I don't know like I'd have diamonds
11:17at home but Sven Lina isn't at home it'll be too sad oh they're all spawning I think we should move
11:23here this looks way cooler yeah the treehouse area sucks we went quite ah how did that even
11:31Sven Lina I kiss you I kiss you goodbye I don't know what played the song I I
11:40wasn't even open the tab I'll come back and I make a monument in your glory one day
11:46now I'm all alone I killed Sven Lina how that how that is so rude now we know chat is a bunch of
11:53liars bet you're gonna blame that one on me too somehow I don't even want the meat I just want
12:01murder justice for Sven Lina the real question is what the is that how do I do that the ghost of
12:11Sven Lina lives on she speaks to me can you summon uh can you summon you summon dogs in the game
12:22have they added that update can you resurrect the dead like full metal alchemist have they
12:26added that update in the game I think they should do that next is that the icebergs
12:31we must be close I see the icebergs I'm still stop it there's different
12:37dogs in different biomes so maybe that was a fake Sven after all
12:41all right well the boat is dead don't ask I knew they were gonna ask where's Sven Lina
12:53and my tears I'm crying I don't even care if I get hit
13:01oh okay that's too that's that's just mean now you're just being mean
13:05I shouldn't have thrown away all my food but it was what Sven Lina would have wanted
13:09Jesus I'm gonna die if you keep shooting at me
13:15Sven Lina Sven Lina is that you
13:23is that I'm gonna die I'll come back for you I'm almost dead maybe I was hallucinating okay now
13:32maybe we can see where the is it it is here I know it's here I can smell my house
13:38I can smell disappointment and loneliness yes okay I'm starting to recognize yes yes yes I know
13:44this water it's Sven Lina bath water I know it she swam here all the time is that what I think it
13:51is we're close yes someone idiot has been here holy there it is I did it we returned but we lost
14:03friends along the way this is bad what do I tell Axolotl Axolotl oh hi I brought you back milk
14:19where's Sven Lina
14:24I don't have the heart to tell him I'm gonna have to kill him
14:28that way no one will know
14:34that was kind of messed up
14:46oh I'm gonna have to kill chat now too oh no I'm in too deep now
14:59oh he was like oh not Axolotl hold up oh not Axolotl too
15:10I can't believe it Axolotl was like my grandfather
15:16everyone I loved is dying
15:20it's too sad for me to stomach well it's time to start a new life
15:27so we're just gonna have to burn it all down there can't be any evidence of what I did
15:32I don't make the rules this is just how Minecraft works otherwise I might be legally
15:38liable or uh I don't want to be legally like I'm good I'm I have to do this I don't want to
15:46ah milk drink the milk what the I'm still on fire I doesn't stop okay we're fine here we go
15:55our journey to move find a new home this is what people did back in the day when they
16:01you just have to migrate towns and be like hey guys I'm not sketchy or weird
16:09it wasn't me it wasn't me
16:21you left your child you left your child
16:31what is happening what is happening to me oh I'm trapped under the ice
16:37oh bro it wasn't me I swore what the is this music playing anytime I open coordinates
16:48I'm going with it now that's a song after you murder babies in Minecraft
16:58if murder baby is so bad why music so good
17:18any babies
17:22if you have a problem fight back if you have a problem fight back I need turtle soup
17:28I'm dying I had to do it for my own survival
17:31this music works
17:39not like this I deserve to live I'm a good person this music doesn't fit anymore at all in fact
17:52stop it what do I do what do I do what to do this is not karma it's not karma I deserve to live
18:01I'm a good person okay okay I'm in the hole it's a good hole actually this is this is where I
18:11deserve to be yes maybe I can fish from here perfect this is just what I wanted
18:31fishing for food
18:36there we go holy they work
18:42making pro moves left and right holy another kid I never die in this game back on adventuring
18:50this game is dangerous man anyone can die at any point especially if I'm near them with an axe
18:55there it is there's the tower tower of Sven Luna oh we made it at last we will resurrect her
19:02to her prime condition everyone knows everyone knows you can resurrect in in like the first
19:10rule of Minecraft if your pet dies you can use necromancy to resurrect it everyone knows about
19:17but you have to kill one axolotl one baby polar bear yeah that's right I bet you all feel feel
19:23bad now you have to kill a baby pig's father in front of it Sven Luna
19:33you survived the fall
19:39yes she's alive everyone no necromancy required well you got a you got a deeper voice before you
19:47were like now you're like oh Sven Luna 2 I guess I should call you nah just Sven Luna she lives
19:56fake Luna no no do you hear what they say to you Sven Luna they call you fake Luna
20:03that is so rude all right we there's a way to test this real Sven Luna would jump into this lava
20:11no the diamonds the diamonds
20:14there's water right there what am I doing
20:28you didn't even try to save me you didn't even try to blow air on me
20:33you didn't do anything you are the real Sven Luna I knew it I knew it they
20:39that's how you know it's real she's still hey hey all right okay I won't question again
20:45I just realized I wouldn't lose the diamonds right if I burn up it's just if I die in the
20:49lava of course I knew that of course this place is so cool like look at all this
20:55this will be our new base right here but only in temporary
21:01just stop what the f**k is wrong with you it's only temporary until we get back on our feet
21:08I build a door yeah we should probably build a door
21:14yes of course I knew that all right so here will door be actually actually no door maybe we'll make
21:21it in glass that could be kind of cool because we have sand here anyway we can just melt it
21:27let's do that all right
21:29this will door be actually actually no door maybe we'll make it in glass that could be kind of cool
21:37because we have sand here anyway we can just melt it let's do that right good idea I think so
21:46no not a sand house maybe that's cool yeah let's do a sand house it's never been done before
21:52Sand house, so beautiful, so strong, nothing stronger than the strongest sand house.
21:59It's getting dark, better finish sand house, better finish sand house real soon.
22:07Sven get in here, hurry!
22:12It's getting dark Sven, Sven get in you're gonna freaking get a cold, Sven, Sven Linne,
22:18get in!
22:20Get in, it's safe with me I promise, get in, get in, get in, hurry!
22:26Oh thank goodness gracious.
22:31Oh f***, not this s*** again!
22:35S*** Sven, f***ing shut the f*** up, leave me alone!
22:43I'm building a roof, I'm building a roof before they can kill me, I'm building, I'm building
22:49a roof before they can kill me, it's the best, it's the best!
22:56They can't swim in water, I just have to hold my breath, f***, I just needed a ceiling,
23:07ceiling gang at it again, the precision, the speed of this ceiling is incredible.
23:20Oh you're trapped in here with me now, idiot, really proud of this build, feel very good
23:27about this build.
23:28Alright at least they can't come in now, you know what I mean, at least I can chill, we're
23:36Wow that looks incredible, okay nice, if only I didn't leave my bed, you know, actually
23:44I have to go outside to fix my ceiling.
23:48They don't want me to have a ceiling, holy s***, boom, boom, we got a ceiling, ceiling
23:55gang where you at?
23:56Oh s*** they can make it in, just filling in the gaps, yeah, this is good for now, Ikea
24:05sand castle, that's right, that's right, wait, I had wool, I could have slept this whole
24:12time, Sven, but I need wood, I need wood to sleep, what a pickle, perfect, now we sleep
24:26here, makes bed at daytime, yeah, oh the adventures of Sven and who am I, oh, we're under attack,
24:41we're under, oh, f***ing up my sand castle, I'm gonna have to end it there, I have to
24:50end it there because I drank too much cheese pepsi and now I have to go, see you guys next
24:56time, bye bye, brofist, brofist, there it is.
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