Hollyoaks 26th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Hollyoaks 26th July 2024


00:00What if there wasn't a business?
00:01I'll get him to hand everything over to Blue.
00:03You have to swear that you'll stand by my son.
00:07I swear to you.
00:08I'll stay here all night if I have to.
00:11Thank you.
00:15Tomorrow's gonna be one of the hardest things we'll ever have to do.
00:17We'll get through it together.
00:19We'll be strong before it, won't we?
00:21They burned the cache.
00:27Is it time to take him down?
01:32Yes, I'll take him down.
01:57...anytime soon.
01:57But at least yesterday brought me some time.
01:59What do you think? You were supposed to be committing to a new life with Mercedes and instead you put your whole family at risk.
02:06And Noah's funeral today will now all be targets.
02:09It's a private funeral. Only Joel and Leela are going to be there.
02:12We'll all be at the wake.
02:14Just forget about Blue, will you?
02:16Warren, you are not invincible.
02:19I've made a promise to Mercedes to make sure that you have a normal life with your family.
02:25What are you talking about?
02:27I promised her that I'd get you out of all this.
02:30But to do that we can't be seen to be a threat to Blue anymore.
02:33We need to dismantle the businesses.
02:38What was that?
02:40Just a cat, babe.
02:42Must have been a big flipping cat to hear it over these two.
02:48After what you've done, if I were Blue, I'd want blood.
02:53Fine. I'll ring one of the lads. Get him down as extra security.
02:57But listen to me. Nothing is going to happen, okay?
03:05Do you think we've got enough food?
03:06You don't need any more food.
03:08I know, but I can't have people going hungry, can I?
03:10Do you know what? I'm really regretting not ordering balloons.
03:13I mean, why did I order balloons? Daddy liked balloons, didn't he?
03:17Yes, I do know it's not his birthday.
03:20No-one's ever going to get one of those, is he?
03:24Joel? Come here a minute.
03:31Come here. Come here, you. Come on.
03:37Right. Now, you listen to me.
03:40It's only you two going to the funeral today,
03:43so all you've got to focus on is each other.
03:46Just let it all in. Every moment, every feeling,
03:50and then you let it go.
03:52And it's going to be messy, but that's all right,
03:54because we're all going to be here to hold you up afterwards, all right?
03:58I just don't want to say goodbye.
04:02You're going to do him proud, I know it. Our little Noah.
04:06I think we should get going now.
04:17Come here.
04:27Let's go.
04:36Not here.
04:38Oh, she's not in.
04:40I thought you were supposed to be at the funeral.
04:42She's not in.
04:43I thought you were supposed to be at the funeral.
04:45Yep, but when I buried Gabriel,
04:47the last thing I wanted there were two screaming newborns.
04:50Are you all right? You look awful.
04:52No, I'm not. I'm sweaty, I've not slept,
04:55I've got to unpack, my family aren't talking to me,
04:57and Warren is organising his grandson's wake, so he's not about.
05:00No, I don't know how you can forgive him.
05:02His drugs killed your hunter.
05:04He's changed.
05:06And anyway, it's got nothing to do with you.
05:08Well, they've changed six times, but you know what I've told myself?
05:11We're moving on, and after listening to you and Misbah,
05:13I know that the man of my dreams could walk through the door any minute.
05:19Hey, Misbah's got me in to fix this fence.
05:23I've been wanting to talk to you.
05:41I'm sorry.
05:43I'm sorry.
05:45I'm sorry.
05:47I'm sorry.
05:49I'm sorry.
05:51I'm sorry.
05:53I'm sorry.
05:55I'm sorry.
05:57I'm sorry.
05:59I'm sorry.
06:01I'm sorry.
06:03I'm sorry.
06:05I'm sorry.
06:07I'm sorry.
06:09I'm sorry.
06:11I'm sorry.
06:13I'm sorry.
06:15I'm sorry.
06:17No, obviously not.
06:19If it's singles night, Ethan will go wild.
06:21Oh, you can't actually have a crush on him.
06:23He's, like, way older.
06:25No, no.
06:27Well, I don't know, I'm just so sick of being, like, this age.
06:31Right, well, we've got 15 minutes for the bus in a second.
06:33So if you're getting it, get it.
06:35I don't know.
06:37I mean, I'm skin, and Rhett owes me a load of money. He's gone MIA, so...
06:41Well, no, it's fine, cos we've got these.
06:43Chief Mungo tells me, eh?
06:45Right, what are you doing here?
06:47At work, yeah.
06:49I'm ruined in love before it even has a chance.
06:52I'm sorry, what?
06:53The other day, when you were talking to Miss Bra about
06:55how she's moved on from Zane too quickly.
06:57Well, yeah, that really freaked her out, and then she ditched her date.
07:01Oh. Yeah, no, that was quite awkward.
07:05Yeah, well, you've made things very awkward for me at home.
07:09I thought you were going to make it up to me.
07:15I'm going to go to work.
07:20He's going to be my boyfriend. Just you wait.
07:29I've had weeks trying to avoid Dave, and now I'm trapped with him.
07:31Well, go, then.
07:32Sorry, I'm just knackered.
07:34Barely slept more than 20 minutes at a time last two weeks.
07:37Right, I've reset it. Put some new batteries in.
07:39Oh, thank you. Would you mind looking at boiler, anyway?
07:42I don't want those carbon monoxide leak things.
07:45What time is your boyfriend home?
07:47He is out all day.
07:50I'll tell you what, if you're tired while we're here,
07:53why don't you go and have a kit?
07:54Are you serious?
07:56Yeah. Twins will be all right with us.
07:58Is that OK?
07:59Er, thank you.
08:01Thank you.
08:02Oh, thank you. I love you.
08:09Don't you even think about trying to worm your way back in with me.
08:17Have you got your keys?
08:18Can't find mine.
08:19Told you. You need a man bag.
08:21Then why are we wearing these?
08:24What, like we should be in Men In Black?
08:25About to punch aliens.
08:28I know you've been strong for Leela,
08:30but you're not giving yourself a chance to grieve.
08:33I don't feel like I've got any right to.
08:36Do you know, after Juliet died,
08:37it actually helped knowing how deeply everyone felt.
08:40Didn't feel so lonely.
08:42You don't need to be so strong.
08:45Sad not to feel bad, though.
08:47All my problems are self-inflicted,
08:48but our Leela shouldn't deserve this.
08:50Not all your problems are your fault.
08:52Look, we need to look to the future.
08:54Like you said yesterday, your problems,
08:56our problems are behind you.
09:13Listen, why don't you go in the pub?
09:15I'll meet you in there in two minutes.
09:16He can talk to you tomorrow.
09:18He can't expect you to get his job back on a day like today.
09:21I don't want my job back.
09:23Not after the way Warren fired me.
09:26Just let me get rid of him, I'll follow you in.
09:34You tried to kill me.
09:35That was Warren, OK?
09:36I had no idea he was going to do that to you.
09:38Yeah, but he did.
09:39And what did you do about it?
09:42You left me for dead,
09:43thinking that all your problems had gone up in smoke.
09:45Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send that sex tape
09:48to that posh boy of yours.
09:49The money's gone, Rex, OK?
09:51It's over between Warren and Blue, so you just need to leave it.
09:53Go and have a nice life.
09:54It was never about the money for Blue.
09:57OK, the war on Warren is only just beginning.
09:59The war on you is only just beginning.
10:02I'm not working for Warren any more.
10:03Don't lie to me!
10:05OK, I'll war him over with the only one with a dead daughter.
10:13What do you want me to do?
10:16You're going to help me destroy Warren Fox.
10:25I just don't want to let you go.
10:29You know you are always, always going to be with me.
10:35Because you're a part of me.
10:40In everything that I do.
10:48I am so lucky to be your mummy.
10:58Yeah, yeah.
11:11Well, I've got no idea what happens next.
11:16Maybe you're up there with the angels, eh?
11:22..I'll see you again.
11:27And I'll always be your dad.
11:34..I love you.
11:39I love you, son.
12:05We therefore gently released little Noah to the ground.
12:09Earth to earth.
12:13Ashes to ashes.
12:15Dust to dust.
12:31I thought me and you might have done this one day.
12:33I know we're cracking on, but it might have happened.
12:35Bet you changed your mind after this.
12:37Well, too bad you paid to have sex with a random then, isn't it?
12:40People do stupid things when they're grieving.
12:42You of all people should know that.
12:43I had mental health problems. You just had the horn.
12:46It was more than that, thank you.
12:48Oh, so it was love then, was it?
12:50That's not what I meant.
12:55They must find the sound of a row soothing.
12:58Well, they are Warren's kids.
13:00Well, one of them is.
13:06I miss you, Cindy.
13:10I know you don't want to hear this, but my life fell apart this year.
13:15After Ronan left, I had a real chance to build it back up.
13:18With you, I was still too messed up.
13:21So this is where you tell me that you're not anymore?
13:25I went as low as it's possible to go after Lizzie died.
13:27You know, sleeping with a sex worker.
13:30I disgust myself.
13:32But maybe I needed that low to truly find out who I am.
13:36You know, what I've sacrificed.
13:39But not anymore.
13:40From now on, I'm going to live my life to make Lizzie's count.
13:46You want to do it with me?
13:49You do still love me, don't you?
13:54You do, don't you?
14:01No, no, no, I can't do this.
14:07But you did.
14:08You did love me.
14:10And you will again.
14:16This isn't happening.
14:24Hey, come here.
14:26How was it?
14:30It was beautiful.
14:32Come here.
14:37This will have been the hardest day of your life
14:39and you never have to do it again.
14:42You all right?
14:44Er, no. I'm fine, ain't I?
14:46Pretty awful, to be honest.
14:49Go and get us a drink.
14:54Mate, listen, can I have a word with you?
14:57Hey, who's this and why isn't my son's awake?
15:00Someone's trying to kill me.
15:01He's just here to make sure it doesn't kick off.
15:03Well, there wouldn't be any kicking off, Dad,
15:05if you weren't constantly involved in something bad, would there?
15:07Joel, he's not involved anymore.
15:09Just go and be with Leela, OK?
15:11I want him gone.
15:12That's not going to happen.
15:13Yeah, well, that's not up to you, is it?
15:14Come on, then, please. Hey, hey, hey.
15:17Hey, hey, hey, hey.
15:19Hey, get your hands off him!
15:30I'm sorry.
15:35Don't follow me.
15:39I don't even know what I'm doing.
15:41I can't seem to process anything,
15:42not even remotely helpful to Leela.
15:44I can't even say my own son's name, for goodness' sake.
15:46That's OK.
15:47Well, it's not, though, is it, Dad?
15:50Today's going to be over soon.
15:53Everyone's just going to go back to normal
15:54and I'm just going to be left here, the moment's passed.
15:58No-one's going to understand what you meant to me
16:00because I've not been able to tell them.
16:02Why can't I just grieve like a normal person?
16:04Because there's...
16:05There's no rulebook on how to do it, son.
16:08I'm sorry I tried to hit you.
16:12I suppose it's better than running me over.
16:17Look, for what it's worth,
16:20I'm sorry for bringing that geezer to the pub today.
16:23I'm sorry for everything over the years.
16:26I love you, son.
16:30Listen to me.
16:33Listen to me.
16:34Listen to me.
16:37If there is something that you need to say or do for Noah today,
16:41then do it.
16:43Because you won't get another chance.
16:48You know, I read that, erm...
16:50cells pass over from the baby into the mum's body
16:53when they're growing in the womb.
16:56And they can stay there for years.
17:00Sometimes even forever.
17:04So that means Noah's literally going to be a part of me, innit?
17:19Everything all right?
17:21Yeah. Yeah, fine.
17:23You know, you're doing the right thing,
17:25trying to get out of it all.
17:27I don't even know what I was trying to achieve all these years,
17:29but I do know what I sacrificed.
17:32So what's the plan?
17:34While I'm in Tuscany, I'm going to start dismantling the businesses.
17:38It'll take time, but it'll also give us funds
17:42to help keep Blue off you.
17:43Well, if it works, I guess I'll owe you.
17:46No, you won't.
17:47This is all I ever wanted for you.
17:50A normal, happy family.
17:53Maybe you'll let me be a part of it.
17:56Of course you'll be a part of it.
17:58You're my mum. I love you.
18:01I love you too.
18:06Sorry, everyone.
18:08I'd just like to say a few words.
18:14OK, um...
18:18My boy...
18:21We wanted to show you the world, your mum and I.
18:26Because for a short, beautiful time, you were our world.
18:29All of our worlds.
18:32All of our worlds.
18:34And we'd got things mapped out for you.
18:39Your big brother Daniel, he was going to teach you how to ride a bike,
18:42and Perry, she was going to read you her favourite bedtime stories
18:46when she was little.
18:48Meghan Mogg.
18:51And your grandad.
18:52Oh, he'd still be trying to think of a different title
18:54other than grandad, so...
19:02I love you.
19:03I love you too.
19:04I love you.
19:05I love you.
19:06I love you.
19:07I love you.
19:08I love you.
19:09I love you.
19:10I love you.
19:12I love you.
19:13I love you.
19:14I love you.
19:15I love you.
19:16I love you.
19:17I love you.
19:18I love you.
19:19I love you.
19:20I love you.
19:21I love you.
19:22I love you.
19:23I love you.
19:24I love you.
19:25I love you.
19:26I love you.
19:27I love you.
19:28I love you.
19:29I love you.
19:30I love you.
19:32I love you.
19:33I love you.
19:44We're closed.
19:47Well, I went to the beach and then they started chucking it down.
19:49So, I was wondering if there was any inside fun
19:52going on over here.
19:53This is your only one.
19:55OK, first of all, I don't know you.
19:57Second of all, we're closed.
20:00I want those wristbands back.
20:03What wristbands?
20:05They're wristbands for singles night.
20:07I want them back.
20:09I don't know what you're on about.
20:11Why are you making a blue cocktail?
20:13I told you, I'm trialling them for singles night.
20:15And I'm assuming if you don't have any wristbands,
20:17you ain't coming.
20:19We already got some from Rex, so...
20:21Vicky, give him back.
20:31Thank you.
20:47Thank you.
20:49I'll let him see you around.
21:00Thank you.
21:30Thank you.
22:00You're welcome.
22:30You're welcome.