• last year
The Blind Sea is a documentary about Australian blind surfer Matt Formston, who overcomes macular dystrophy to achieve w | dG1fWlM0NmdNeUs1WHc
00:00My parents found out that I was blonde when I was five and that was a real challenge for
00:10They basically were told, Nat will have no career aspirations, he won't be able to play
00:13sport, he won't have many friends.
00:15He's got his gold medal in cycling, he's also got three world titles with the ISA World
00:24From the way I see his riding, he's almost got like a sonar going.
00:30I don't think anyone trains as hard, I don't think anyone wants it as much as him, he's
00:34a champion.
00:35He just goes for it, he's so competitive.
00:37We lived in a unit in DY which was great, up he would get at 4am, hop on this bloody
00:43wind trainer and it would sound like there was an aeroplane going off in our bedroom.
00:47I want to keep pushing this big wave thing, a blonde person's never got barrelled in a
00:51big wave before.
00:5312 foot wave, he's done that, he wants to go higher, maybe 15, maybe 20, it's risky
00:59but it's calculated.
01:00Honestly, I think the visually impaired surfers are the bravest of the lot.
01:05Surfing is already scary enough.
01:06And any wave over 30 feet tall is a big wave, it's a big deal.
01:11Very dangerous, you can easily lose your life.
01:13Once you start riding bigger waves, there's a lot going on, basically you get held under
01:17or you get knocked out.
01:20You're a rag doll, you're being tumbled, you're being pulled this way, you're being
01:22pulled that way.
01:23It's a lot more dangerous, there's a lot more power.
01:27He's pushing big waves, it's next level.
01:28There is no logic man, it's just insanity.
01:30I would not do big waves, I'm too much of a chicken.
01:34If Matty's looking at going out in big surf, I would love to join him.
01:40I want to get you the barrel of your life.
01:43My main thing is safety, the most important thing is bringing you back to your family.
01:48I think in Fiji, we'd do some big wave pool training with me, test your mental strength.
01:52How was surfing with a blind pole on?
01:56Man, that was one of the heaviest things I've ever done.
01:59I want to see how far I can take things, I want to see how many world titles I can win
02:02before I'm too old.
02:03Why would I get success today when I haven't had success the whole time I've been here?
02:06You're good Matt, drop that 4, so we've got 20 minutes to get another 7, 8, 9.
02:11Chasing big waves is something I just do because I'm curious is probably the most best way
02:15to describe that, I'm extremely curious about what's possible.
02:19I think he has that determination, that drive, that fearless factor.
02:22It's so important that we push into the big wave scene.
02:26For the adaptive community, it's the new frontier.
02:29This community blows me away with what people do and the way they push themselves.
02:33People can actually gain a lot of value by being around a bunch of people they identify
02:38and finding their tribe.
02:41Have a very blessed life, lots of support from you and from my family and I've got very
02:46high expectations of how I perform as a human and that's hard sometimes.
02:58Yes buddy!
02:59Oh my gosh!
03:01Ha ha ha!
03:02Holland, come back to me!
