Sesame Street: Elmo Wants to Have a Ball.

  • 3 months ago
Elmo works to earn money and saves up to buy a new ball.


00:00Oh, oh, hi! Welcome to Sesame Street! Oh, look what Elmo has! His very own dollar.
00:15Elmo's daddy said he can buy whatever he wants with it. But what should Elmo buy?
00:20Oh, cool! Elmo can buy a flower at the flower shop!
00:42Wait, Elmo can buy a TV!
00:51Elmo can buy... Elmo can buy fabric softener from the laundromat!
00:57Oh, except Elmo doesn't wear clothes.
01:04Oh, yeah!
01:06Wait, Elmo can buy ice cream from Hooper's store.
01:11Oh, Alan!
01:14One ice cream cone, please, Alan.
01:16Oh, I'm sorry, Elmo. My ice cream maker's broken.
01:20But don't worry. I hired Luis to fix it.
01:23Oh. Oh, thanks, Alan. See you later.
01:27Oh, hey, Luis! Hi!
01:29Hi, Elmo.
01:30Is Luis finished fixing Alan's ice cream machine maker?
01:34Not yet, Elmo.
01:35Oh. Oh, well. Well, maybe Elmo will just think of something else to spend his money on.
01:42How about a stupendous ball, huh?
01:46A stupendous ball? What's a stupendous ball?
01:50I'm glad you asked.
01:54Stupendous ball!
01:58Looks like a regular ball to me.
02:00Well, can a regular ball do this?
02:05Wow! It's making music!
02:12It makes music, but that's not all.
02:16There are lights on stupendous ball!
02:19Check out! Check out! Check out! Check out! Check out!
02:23Stupendous ball!
02:27Wow! That ball is lighting up!
02:32Stupendous means great, and I will announce.
02:36Stupendous ball has some great bounce.
02:39Just bounce. Just bounce.
02:41Just bounce. Just bounce.
02:43Stupendous ball!
02:47Wow! Hey, look at this ball can bounce!
02:52It's really great.
02:54It is tremendous.
02:56Admit it, folks, this ball's stupendous.
03:01It is. It is.
03:03It really is.
03:05It is stupendous.
03:13That's it!
03:14Elmo wants to buy a stupendous ball.
03:17Ha ha!
03:18Well, I can see you're a fellow who knows a quality bouncing object.
03:22That will be $5, please.
03:25But Elmo doesn't have $5.
03:27Oh, well, um, how much does Elmo have?
03:31Elmo just has $1.
03:33Oh, yikes!
03:35Ha ha! One is much less than five.
03:37It is?
03:38Oh, yeah, you need four more dollars to get to five.
03:42Oh, no, well, Elmo doesn't have four more dollars.
03:45Elmo only has just $1.
03:47Well, uh, for $1, I can sell you, um, stinky ball.
03:56That ball stinks.
03:58Well, that's why it's called stinky ball.
04:01But no, no thanks.
04:03Elmo really wants the stupendous ball.
04:07Ha ha!
04:09Okay, kid, then you're going to need to have four more dollars.
04:13Ha ha!
04:15So if you'll excuse me, uh, I have balls to sell.
04:22Stupendous balls for sale!
04:25Did you see that?
04:26Stupendous ball can bounce on people's heads.
04:29Well, Elmo's going to buy that ball.
04:31Hey, hey, Luis.
04:32Hey, Luis.
04:33How do people get money?
04:34Well, usually people work to earn money.
04:36Oh, so if Elmo wants to earn money, Elmo could work?
04:41Oh, but where could Elmo work?
04:43Well, you know, Elmo?
04:46I could use some help right here.
04:47Oh, Luis could?
04:50See, I'm having a little difficulty holding this bolt in place and turning the wrench at the same time.
04:56Would you like a job helping?
04:58Well, yes.
04:59Elmo would take the job.
05:00Ha ha ha!
05:04All right.
05:07I'm going to hold the bolt like this.
05:08Like that?
05:10And you tighten it with the wrench.
05:12Here Elmo goes.
05:13Right here?
05:14Yeah, just like that.
05:15And just turn it?
05:17Like that?
05:22Like that?
05:23Doing good, Elmo.
05:27It's tight.
05:28Is that right?
05:29That's good.
05:31Oh, look.
05:32You did it, Elmo.
05:33Oh, yay!
05:35Luis and Elmo fixed the ice cream maker.
05:38Hey, thanks a lot for your help, Elmo.
05:40Oh, well.
05:41And because you did such a great job.
05:44Here is your pay.
05:46Oh, cool.
05:47Oh, boy.
05:48Oh, boy.
05:49Elmo had one dollar and Luis paid Elmo one more dollar and now Elmo has one, two dollars.
05:58Oh, boy.
05:59Oh, thank you, Luis.
06:00Thank you so much.
06:02You're welcome.
06:04Step right up and experience the power of Stupendous Ball.
06:10Oh, yeah.
06:13Boy, Elmo would love to experience the power of Stupendous Ball.
06:17Oh, here are two dollars.
06:19Uh, whoa.
06:22Hey, sorry, kiddo.
06:24Two is still less than five, so you're going to need three more dollars.
06:29Oh, no.
06:31It's okay, kiddo.
06:33For two dollars, I can sell you, um, ha-ha, Average Ball.
06:42Well, that was kind of, uh.
06:47That's why it's called Average Ball.
06:49Oh, well, no, thank you.
06:51Elmo still wants to buy the Stupendous Ball.
06:54Okay, kid.
06:57But, uh, you're going to need more money.
07:00Oh, wait.
07:02Luis, Elmo's not sure he can get enough money to buy the Stupendous Ball.
07:08Oh, sure you can, Elmo.
07:10You just have to save.
07:11Save what?
07:12Your money.
07:13Well, how does Elmo do that, Luis?
07:15Well, you could save all your money in a piggy bank.
07:18Oh, yeah, a piggy bank.
07:20That's a great idea, Luis.
07:22Elmo will save his money in a piggy bank.
07:24All right.
07:26What's the matter?
07:27Elmo just remembered Elmo doesn't have a piggy bank.
07:30Oh, no problem.
07:33You can use this jar.
07:35What do you mean, Luis?
07:37What are you doing?
07:38Well, see, I'll just, um, I'll just put a slot on the top.
07:43Yeah, see, uh.
07:47Yeah, like that.
07:51Oh, there's a slot, yeah.
07:52And then when you get more money.
07:55You just put your money into your piggy bank.
07:59How's that, huh?
08:01Yeah, just like that.
08:02Like that?
08:05And then with a little patience, if you save it and don't spend it.
08:08You will have enough money to buy that, um.
08:10Stupendous ball.
08:11Yeah, yeah.
08:12Elmo's going to save all his money and then one day Elmo will get the stupendous ball.
08:18Oh, thank you, Luis.
08:20Elmo's going to save every day.
08:24It's OK.
08:25What I say, going to save.
08:27Yeah, Elmo's going to save.
08:30On Monday, Elmo helped Lila fold shirts with clean white collars.
08:35And Elmo did the job so well, he earned himself $1.
08:39Elmo has two dollars and he's got another.
08:43Yo, put two and one together and voila, Elmo has three.
08:47On Tuesday, he brought lots of bottles back to Hooper's store.
08:51All those bottles, when they're added up, earns him $1 more.
08:56Elmo has three dollars, now he's adding in one more.
09:00Add three and one together, check it out, Elmo has four.
09:04Elmo's going to save every day.
09:07It's OK.
09:08What I say, going to save.
09:10Yeah, Elmo's going to save.
09:14On Wednesday, Elmo wanted to buy ice cream that he craved.
09:18But Elmo didn't spend it all.
09:20No, that day Elmo saved.
09:23Elmo's going to save every day.
09:25It's OK.
09:26What I say, going to save.
09:28Yeah, Elmo's going to save.
09:32On Thursday, Elmo got a car from Nana with $1.
09:36What was that?
09:39He had four and he's won.
09:42And now he's got five dollars.
09:45Oh, boy, oh, boy.
09:48Elmo waited and worked and saved.
09:50And now Elmo has enough money to buy the stupendous ball.
09:54Oh, boy.
09:57Hey, Elmo.
09:58Elmo saved his money, just like Luis said.
10:01You did.
10:02Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:04See, Elmo had two dollars and now Elmo has three, four, five.
10:10Five dollars.
10:12Congratulations, Elmo.
10:13Thank you, Luis.
10:14That's enough to buy the stupendous ball.
10:18Yay, she's here.
10:20Stupendous ball, yeah.
10:25Elmo would like to buy the stupendous ball, please.
10:29Well, one stupendous ball.
10:31Coming up.
10:32Oh, cool.
10:33And here's the five dollars.
10:35Oh, no.
10:38Me no have cookie.
10:41What happened, Cookie Monster?
10:43Me on way to bakery to buy cookie.
10:47And me had dollar to pay for it.
10:49But me got so hungry on way that me ate the dollar.
10:55And now me have no money for cookie.
11:01Oh, yes.
11:02This tragic turn of events.
11:06I hate to interrupt, but do you still want to buy stupendous ball?
11:13Oh, yes.
11:14Here's five dollars.
11:16Me really want cookie.
11:20Wait, wait, wait.
11:21Maybe Elmo can help, Cookie Monster.
11:23Help me how?
11:24Well, Elmo has five dollars here that Elmo saved.
11:28Maybe Elmo can share the money and give Cookie Monster a dollar for a cookie.
11:33Oh, wait a minute.
11:34But if you give him a dollar, you won't have enough money for stupendous ball, huh?
11:40Elmo knows, but Elmo likes to share with his friends.
11:44Here, Cookie Monster.
11:45Here's one dollar for a cookie.
11:47Here you go.
11:48Oh, boy.
11:49Oh, boy.
11:50Oh, boy.
11:51Oh, boy.
11:52Oh, thank you, Elmo.
11:53Me not forget this.
11:55Oh, boy.
11:56Oh, boy.
11:57Oh, boy.
11:58Oh, boy.
11:59Oh, boy.
12:00Oh, boy.
12:01Oh, boy.
12:02Oh, boy.
12:03Oh, boy.
12:04Oh, boy.
12:05Oh, boy.
12:06Oh, boy.
12:07Oh, boy.
12:08Oh, boy.
12:09Oh, boy.
12:10Oh, boy.
12:11Oh, boy.
12:12Oh, boy.
12:13Oh, boy.
12:14Oh, boy.
12:15Oh, boy.
12:16Oh, boy.
12:17Oh, boy.
12:18Oh, boy.
12:19Oh, boy.
12:20Oh, boy.
12:21Oh, boy.
12:22Oh, boy.
12:23Oh, boy.
12:24Oh, boy.
12:25Oh, boy.
12:26Oh, boy.
12:27Oh, boy.
12:28Oh, boy.
12:29Oh, boy.
12:30Oh, boy.
12:31Oh, boy.
12:32Oh, boy.
12:33Oh, boy.
12:34Oh, boy.
12:35Oh, boy.
12:36Oh, boy.
12:37Oh, boy.
12:38Oh, boy.
12:39Oh, boy.
12:40Oh, boy.
12:41Oh, boy.
12:42Oh, boy.
12:43Oh, boy.
12:44Oh, boy.
12:45Oh, boy.
12:46Oh, boy.
12:47Oh, boy.
12:48Oh, boy.
12:49Oh, boy.
12:50Oh, boy.
12:51Oh, boy.
12:52Oh, boy.
12:53Oh, boy.
12:54Oh, boy.
12:55Oh, boy.
12:56Oh, boy.
12:57Oh, boy.
12:58Oh, boy.
12:59Oh, boy.
13:00Oh, boy.
13:01Oh, boy.
13:02Oh, boy.
13:03Oh, boy.
13:04Oh, boy.
13:05Oh, boy.
13:06Oh, boy.
13:07Oh, boy.
13:08Oh, boy.
13:09Oh, boy.
13:10Oh, boy.
13:11Oh, boy.
13:12Oh, boy.
13:13Oh, boy.
13:14Oh, boy.
13:15Oh, boy.
13:16Oh, boy.
13:17Oh, boy.
13:18Oh, boy.
13:19Oh, boy.
13:20Oh, boy.
13:21Oh, boy.
13:22Oh, boy.
13:23Oh, boy.
13:24Oh, boy.
13:25Oh, boy.
13:26Oh, boy.
13:27Oh, boy.
13:28Oh, boy.
13:29Oh, boy.
13:30Oh, boy.
13:31Oh, boy.
13:32Oh, boy.
13:33Oh, boy.
13:34Oh, boy.
13:35Oh, boy.
13:36Oh, boy.
13:37Oh, boy.
13:38Oh, boy.
13:39Oh, boy.
13:40Oh, boy.
13:41Oh, boy.
13:42Oh, boy.
13:43Oh, boy.
13:44Oh, boy.
13:45Oh, boy.
13:46Oh, boy.
13:47Oh, boy.
13:48Oh, boy.
13:49Oh, boy.
13:50Oh, boy.
13:51Oh, boy.
13:52Oh, boy.
13:53Oh, boy.
13:54Oh, boy.
13:55Oh, boy.
13:56Oh, boy.
13:57Oh, boy.
13:58Oh, boy.
13:59Oh, boy.
14:00Oh, boy.
14:01Oh, boy.
14:02Oh, boy.
14:03Oh, boy.
14:04Oh, boy.
14:05Oh, boy.
14:06Oh, boy.
14:07Oh, boy.
14:08Oh, boy.
14:09Oh, boy.
14:10Oh, boy.
14:11Oh, boy.
14:12Oh, boy.
14:13Oh, boy.
14:14Oh, boy.
14:15Oh, boy.
14:16Oh, boy.
14:17Oh, boy.
14:18Oh, boy.
14:19Oh, boy.
14:20Oh, boy.
14:21Oh, boy.
14:22Oh, boy.
14:23Oh, boy.
14:24Oh, boy.
14:25Oh, boy.
14:26Oh, boy.
14:27Oh, boy.
14:28Oh, boy.
14:29Oh, boy.
14:30Oh, boy.
14:31Oh, boy.
14:32Oh, boy.
14:33Oh, boy.
14:34Oh, boy.
14:35Oh, boy.
14:36Oh, boy.
14:37Oh, boy.
14:38Oh, boy.
14:39Oh, boy.
14:40Oh, boy.
14:41Oh, boy.
14:42Oh, boy.
14:43Oh, boy.
14:44Oh, boy.
14:45Oh, boy.
14:46Oh, boy.
14:47Oh, boy.
14:48Oh, boy.
14:49Oh, boy.
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14:51Oh, boy.
14:52Oh, boy.
14:53Oh, boy.
14:54Oh, boy.
14:55Oh, boy.
14:56Oh, boy.
14:57Oh, boy.
14:58Oh, boy.
14:59Oh, boy.
15:00Oh, boy.
15:01Oh, boy.
15:02Oh, boy.
15:03Oh, boy.
15:04Oh, boy.
15:05Oh, boy.
15:06Oh, boy.
15:07Oh, boy.
15:08Oh, boy.
15:09Oh, boy.
15:10Oh, boy.
15:11Oh, boy.
15:12Oh, boy.
15:13Oh, boy.
15:14Oh, boy.
15:15Oh, boy.
15:16Oh, boy.
15:17Oh, boy.
15:18Oh, boy.
15:19Oh, boy.
15:20Oh, boy.
15:21Oh, boy.
15:22Oh, boy.
15:23Oh, boy.
15:24Oh, boy.
15:25Oh, boy.
15:26Oh, boy.
15:27Oh, boy.
15:28Oh, boy.
15:29Oh, boy.
15:30Oh, boy.
15:31Oh, boy.
15:32Oh, boy.
15:33Oh, boy.
15:34Oh, boy.
15:35Oh, boy.
15:36Oh, boy.
15:37Oh, boy.
15:38Oh, boy.
15:39Oh, boy.
15:40Oh, boy.
15:41Oh, boy.
15:42Oh, boy.
15:43Oh, boy.
15:44Oh, boy.
15:45Oh, boy.
15:46Oh, boy.
15:47Oh, boy.
15:48Oh, boy.
15:49Oh, boy.
15:50Oh, boy.
15:51Oh, boy.
15:52Oh, boy.
15:53Oh, boy.
15:54Oh, boy.
15:55Oh, boy.
15:56Oh, boy.
15:57Oh, boy.
15:58Oh, boy.
15:59Oh, boy.
16:00Oh, boy.
16:01Oh, boy.
16:02Oh, boy.
16:03Oh, boy.
16:04Oh, boy.
16:05Oh, boy.
16:06Oh, boy.
16:07Oh, boy.
16:08Oh, boy.
16:09Oh, boy.
16:10Oh, boy.
16:11Oh, boy.
16:12Oh, boy.
16:13Oh, boy.
16:14Oh, boy.
16:15Oh, boy.
16:16Oh, boy.
16:17Oh, boy.
16:41Steggy, what's coming up next?
16:43Abby's flying fairy school.
16:45Oh, boy.
16:52in the sky
16:53in the pool
16:54it can fly
16:55what so
16:57to the flying
16:58fairy school
16:59grab your
17:01bring your
17:03we will
17:04learn magic
17:06oh, boy
17:07oh, hurry
17:08to the
17:09flying fairy
17:11how to
17:12make us
17:14and how
17:16make us
17:17In a single twinkle twinkle
17:19This school is really magic
17:21And magic's really cool
17:23Let's go in, let's begin
17:25In flying fairy school
17:42Another smooth landing
17:44Oh, hello! Welcome to Flying Fairy's Pool!
17:48Today, we're on a field trip!
17:53Oh boy, the petting zoo!
18:05Where's the slimy section?
18:07I want to pet something covered in mucus!
18:10Ew! Oh, what kind of weird animals do they have here anyway?
18:18Relax, Gonnigan! It's just Niblet!
18:28Welcome to Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo!
18:30I'm Puckish Pete, and you...
18:34are locked in!
18:37We're locked in! Why are we locked in?
18:40Don't worry, Gonnigan! Puckish Pete is full of surprises!
18:44Tell us, Pete, what surprise do you have in store for us today?
18:48Today, you can't exit the zoo until you complete Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along!
18:56Um, what's Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along?
19:07First, you must find and feed the Hydra!
19:11Second, you must find and play with the Kraken!
19:16And third, you must find and ride the Unicorn!
19:22Good luck! You'll need it!
19:26All right, class! You heard that Puckish Pixie!
19:30Time to find and feed the Hydra!
19:33Um, what exactly is a Hydra, Mrs. Sparklenose?
19:39A Hydra is a dragon with one, two, three, four, five, five heads!
19:48Got the Hydra!
19:53And he's been fed!
19:55Sorry, Blogg. That dragon only has one head.
19:59You need a dragon with four more heads!
20:08Well, this dragon has one, two, three heads!
20:12Three is still less than five!
20:14We need to find a dragon with two more heads!
20:17Not me! I don't want to find any more heads on any more dragons!
20:23Ah! More heads!
20:25Count them, Gonigan!
20:27Gonigan? Where's Gonigan?
20:29He's gone again!
20:31I'll count! One, two, three, four, five! Five heads!
20:36That's a Hydra, all right! Now let's feed her!
20:39Luckily, my mommy packed me five carrot sticks!
20:43Here you go, Miss Hydra!
20:45One, two, three, four, five!
20:49That's one carrot for each head!
20:52Great job! You found and fed the Hydra!
21:00Can we leave now?
21:04There's still more of Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along!
21:08Next, you need to find and play with the Kraken!
21:13And last, find and ride the Unicorn!
21:20All right, class! You heard Pete!
21:23Time to find and play with the Kraken!
21:27What's a Kraken again?
21:29A Kraken is a gigantic sea monster!
21:34Gigantic monster? He wants us to play with a gigantic monster?
21:39Oh boy! I bet it's gigantic and gooey!
21:43Let's get Kraken and find that Kraken!
21:47If it's a sea monster, it must live in water! Come on!
21:53Yeah! Kraken, Kraken, Kraken!
21:57Oh, how can we play with it if it won't come out to play?
22:02Maybe it needs a toy to play with.
22:04What kind of toys can you play with in water?
22:07Let's Twinkle Think!
22:09Oh man, I can't believe I have to Twinkle Think on a field trip!
22:13Twinkle Think! Twinkle Think!
22:16Oh, how about a beach ball?
22:19Or a toilet plunger?
22:22I don't know. Maybe there's a clue on the billboard.
22:26Look! The Kraken is holding a boat! He must like playing with boats!
22:31That's it! Maybe we should try a boat!
22:35One boat coming up!
22:37Wave your wands or your fingers and say,
22:40Boat, boat, boat!
22:42Boat, boat, boat!
22:45Oh boy!
22:47Come on out and play, you cute Kraken, you!
22:57Hey! Why didn't he like the boat?
23:00Maybe it's too little.
23:02Mrs. Sparklenose did say that Kraken was gigantic!
23:07Then we must need a gigantic boat!
23:10Come on! Wave your wand and say,
23:12Gigantic boat with me!
23:15Gigantic boat!
23:18Now this is gigantic!
23:21Oh, too gigantic! Get it off! Get it off!
23:26Thanks, Gigantic Tentacle!
23:28Ah! Gigantic Tentacle!
23:31It's the Gigantic Kraken!
23:33And he's playing with a gigantic boat!
23:39That was huge, class!
23:41You found and played with a Kraken!
23:48But you still need to find and ride the unicorn!
23:54I got this!
23:56Yee-haw! Giddy-up, unicorn!
24:04The unicorn!
24:06Time for a unicorn ride!
24:14That didn't work.
24:17Maybe we have to sneak up on it.
24:29Oh, no! We'll never get out of here!
24:32Gonigan, why don't you give it a try?
24:35I can't ride a unicorn.
24:37Sure you can, Gonigan.
24:39Just think, if you were the unicorn,
24:42how would you like to be treated?
24:45Okay. Well, if I was a unicorn,
24:49I really wouldn't want anyone to jump out and surprise me.
24:52That would scare me.
24:54I'd want someone to come up and ask me nicely for a ride.
24:58Nice thinking, Gonigan.
25:01Go for it.
25:07Excuse me, Miss Unicorn,
25:09but would it be okay if someone went for a ride on you?
25:18It worked!
25:20Gonigan's riding the unicorn!
25:24And that was the last task.
25:29You passed Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along.
25:32You're free to go.
25:34Actually, we'd like to stay.
25:38We love the petting zoo!
25:48Super Grover 2.0 is almost here.
25:51But right now, it's time for Magic Murray
25:54and his lovely assistant...
26:00And now, we shall make the number of the day appear out of my hat.
26:04Are you ready, lovely assistant?
26:08It's time to work and it's time to play,
26:11but now it's time for the number of the day.
26:18Lovely assistant, please count the cookies.
26:21Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco.
26:28That means the number of the day is...
26:32Hey, Ovajita, time for a cookie break.
26:36Lovely assistant, after those cookies.
26:41In the meantime, check this out.
26:55Five dogs.
26:59One bone for you.
27:02And one for you.
27:05One for you.
27:09And one for you.
27:14Uh-oh, no more bones.
27:22Five dogs.
27:24Five bones.
27:30Eliana and William, what's up next?
27:32Super Grover 2.0.
27:34Oh, yeah!
27:40He observes.
27:47He questions.
27:53He investigates.
27:59Super Grover 2.0.
28:02He shows up.
28:10In a desert covered in sand and dust,
28:14one cactus is about to have a very prickly problem.
28:18Oh, boy!
28:20I'm going to play with my new ball.
28:25Oh, no! Oh, no, what's happening?
28:28My new ball! Help!
28:30Help, somebody, help!
28:38Super Grover 2.0, you showed up!
28:42It is what I do.
28:46Now, what seems to be the problem?
28:50I was about to play with my new ball,
28:52but look what's happening.
28:54Stand back,
28:56for I will engage my super power of observation!
29:04My super eyes see that that ball is shrinking.
29:10And wait, what is that?
29:12My super ears hear something.
29:14I hear it, too.
29:16It's a ssssss sound.
29:18I think it's coming from the ball.
29:21That can only mean one thing.
29:23There is a snake in that ball!
29:25Come on out of there, snake!
29:27Come on, we can hear you!
29:29I feel something.
29:31I think the snake just blew into my ear.
29:34Super Grover, there's a hole in the ball.
29:38I think the air is leaking out.
29:41Oh, I'll never get to play with a ball now.
29:45There, there.
29:48I am now observing that you are covered in sharp little prickly pointies.
29:55Well, yeah.
29:57I am a cactus.
30:00Wait a minute.
30:02Maybe I'm the reason the ball has a hole in it.
30:06Maybe it's because of me.
30:09Do not blame yourself.
30:11That hurts just as much the second time.
30:15Don't you see?
30:17I think I'm making the holes in the ball with my prickly parts.
30:22My spines.
30:24Oh, I'll never be able to play ball.
30:28Of course you will.
30:30We just have to answer the question,
30:32what kind of ball can a cactus play with?
30:36It is time to unleash the power of investigation!
30:41Be right back.
30:44That was fast.
30:46Here is the perfect ball for you.
30:48A bowling ball?
30:51Look, it already has holes, but no air is leaking out.
30:56Here, try it.
31:01Sure is heavy.
31:03But it is not leaking air.
31:05Come on, throw it to me.
31:07I am wide open.
31:08All right.
31:11Super Grover 2.0, are you okay?
31:15Yes, just feeling a little bowled over.
31:19I think I need a lighter ball.
31:22Then I shall investigate further for you.
31:25Be right back.
31:29Sorry I took so long.
31:30I took a wrong turn in Antarctica.
31:32You went to the South Pole?
31:34Yes, to get you this ball.
31:37A snowball?
31:39It is lighter than a bowling ball.
31:42But we are in a desert where it is really hot.
31:47So the snowball is starting to melt.
31:51Then we must play with it quickly before it melts.
31:54Here, throw it to me fast.
31:58Where did the ball go?
32:00It just broke apart.
32:03Maybe there just isn't a ball that a cactus can play with.
32:08There, there.
32:10I have got to stop doing that.
32:13I don't suppose you've got anything in that utility socket of yours, do you?
32:18Good idea.
32:19I will check.
32:21No, no.
32:23Just my lunch.
32:27A meatball hero sandwich.
32:31This superhero needs to take a lunch break and eat this superhero.
32:40What is that?
32:43This is merely the foil from my sandwich.
32:45It is nothing.
32:46But it looks like you can make it into any shape you want.
32:50I wonder if you can shape it into a ball.
32:55Let me investigate this.
32:58A little patty pat here and a patty pat there.
33:03Yes, I can.
33:05Check it out.
33:08It's not filled with air.
33:10It's not too heavy.
33:12And it's not melting.
33:14It's the perfect ball for me.
33:17Heads up.
33:18And so, thanks to his powers of observation and investigation,
33:23our hero found that a foil ball was the perfect ball for a cactus to play with.
33:30Give me a hug.
33:31Come here, you.
33:34I think I'm leaking air.
33:59Elmo's coming soon.
34:00But right now, let's play Dare to Compare.
34:03Look real closely here and there.
34:06If you dare, dare to compare.
34:10Let's compare.
34:12Which balls are the same?
34:15Is it these?
34:18Or these?
34:21Is it these?
34:23Nah, they're different.
34:26How about these?
34:29Nah, different.
34:32These are different.
34:35How about these?
34:38Yes, the tennis balls are the same.
34:41Now keep watching, because Elmo's on the way.
34:45The Job Song
34:51I deliver the mail to your mailbox.
34:54That's my job and my job rocks.
34:56Carry letters and packages without delay.
34:58I do my job and earn my pay.
35:02Jobs are important, yes, it's true.
35:04Jobs are important, the work that we do.
35:06Jobs are the things we do every day.
35:09Jobs are how we earn our pay.
35:13I grow vegetables and I grow fruit.
35:15That's my job and my job's a hoot.
35:17I farm when it's rainy, I farm when it's Sunday.
35:20Because that's my job, how I earn my money.
35:23Jobs are important, yes, it's true.
35:25Jobs are important, the work that we do.
35:28Jobs are the things we do every day.
35:30Jobs are how we earn our pay.
35:34I am a teacher and I teach at school.
35:37That's my job and my job's cool.
35:39I love to teach because there's so much to learn.
35:41And that's how I get the money I earn.
35:45Jobs are important, yes, it's true.
35:47Jobs are important, the work that we do.
35:49Jobs are the things we do every day.
35:51Jobs are how we earn our pay.
35:56I drive a taxi up and down the street.
35:58That's my job and my job's sweet.
36:01I take people wherever they go.
36:03Because that's my job, how I earn my dough.
36:07Jobs are important, yes, it's true.
36:09Jobs are important, the work that we do.
36:12Jobs are the things we do every day.
36:14Jobs are how we earn our pay.
36:17Get me out of here.
36:18That's my job.
36:19Jobs are how we earn our pay.
36:24Hey guys, what's up next?
36:32La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's World.
36:37La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's World.
36:42Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayon too.
36:54That's Elmo's World.
37:00Hi, this is Elmo's World.
37:04Yeah, Elmo's very happy to see you.
37:08And, so is Dorothy.
37:12Say hello, Dorothy.
37:15Guess what Elmo is thinking about today.
37:33That's right.
37:38Balls, you know, balls.
38:12Dorothy's been thinking about balls too.
38:15And, Dorothy has a question.
38:18Want Elmo to tell it?
38:21How do you catch a ball?
38:24Good question, Dorothy.
38:27Let's watch Mr. Noodle catch a ball.
38:30Good question.
38:37Come on, Shake.
38:43Turn around, Mr. Noodle.
38:46Turn around.
38:48No, you've got to turn around to catch the ball.
38:51Yeah, that's good, Mr. Noodle.
38:54Clap your hands.
38:56Catch the ball.
38:58Yeah, come on, Mr. Noodle, you can do it.
39:01Almost, Mr. Noodle, try again.
39:03Try again.
39:05You can do it.
39:06No, not...
39:08Where are you going?
39:12That's a big catcher, Smith.
39:14Yeah, really big.
39:16Boy, you're going to really catch it now.
39:18Oh, yeah.
39:19Catch the ball, Mr. Noodle.
39:22Look, catch it, Mr. Noodle.
39:26Boy, it's really heavy.
39:28Where are you going now?
39:31Mr. Noodle.
39:33A butterfly net.
39:35There are no butterflies.
39:39Oh, Mr. Noodle.
39:41You can't catch a ball with a butterfly net.
39:45Mr. Noodle.
39:47Mr. Noodle.
39:49He hit it.
39:50He hit the ball.
39:52Now he's free.
39:57Use your hands, Mr. Noodle.
39:59That's right.
40:03You can do it.
40:11Mr. Noodle.
40:13Mr. Noodle.
40:20Oh, yeah.
40:21Dorothy wants to ask someone else.
40:24How do you catch a ball?
40:28You have to spread your arms out and catch a ball.
40:40You put your arms out, and when the ball is coming right at you, you reach your hands.
40:52Dorothy, this is how you catch a ball.
41:01Thank you, Dorothy.
41:03Now, let's ask a baby.
41:11How do you catch a ball?
41:20Thank you, baby.
41:27And now, Elmo has a question for you.
41:31How many bounces will this ball bounce?
41:33Let's count them and see.
42:04Twenty-eight bounces!
42:06That was great counting, everybody!
42:07And that was some great bouncing ball!
42:08Look, Elmo knows some other things besides balls that bounce, and things that don't bounce,
42:15Want to see?
42:21Don't bounce.
42:22But they're delicious to eat for breakfast.
42:24And bouncy seats bounce.
42:25Phone books.
42:26Don't bounce.
42:27Birthday cakes.
42:28Don't bounce.
42:30Doesn't bounce.
42:32Doesn't bounce.
42:50Doesn't bounce.
42:51Unless he's on a pogo stick.
43:04Some things bounce besides balls.
43:06But what if balls weren't so bouncy?
43:08Elmo wants to know.
43:10How can Elmo find out?
43:18Oh, yeah.
43:19That's right.
43:20Elmo can watch the Ball Channel.
43:25The Ball Channel.
43:27Bouncy, bouncy balls all the time.
43:30And now, if balls didn't bounce...
43:34Roll them.
43:35If balls didn't bounce...
43:38If balls didn't bounce, basketball would be boring and impossible.
43:44Tennis would be terrible.
43:47People would get tense and testy.
43:50Little children wouldn't be able to bounce a ball at all.
43:56Handball would be horrible.
43:59And that is what would happen if balls didn't bounce.
44:03Bouncing is good.
44:06Sometimes it's too good.
44:09The end.
44:11That's ball, folks.
44:16Wait, no.
44:18Elmo wants to learn more about balls.
44:21How can Elmo learn more?
44:26Who could that be?
44:30Want to talk to a ball?
44:33Elmo can talk to a ball.
44:35Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
44:37I'm a beach ball.
44:39Is it fun being a beach ball?
44:41It's a ball.
44:45That's funny.
44:46See how light and airy I am.
44:48Pick me up.
44:52I'm filled with lots of air.
44:54All inside me.
44:56And you see, that helps me to bounce up and down.
45:00Elmo knows all about bouncing.
45:03Elmo likes to bounce up and down, too.
45:05Let's see.
45:07Good bouncing, Elmo.
45:09And it's fun, too.
45:12What else do balls do besides bouncing?
45:15Balls roll.
45:17Watch this.
45:24How does a ball do that?
45:26You see, I'm round.
45:27That's how.
45:28Like a circle.
45:31All balls are round, you know.
45:33Who said that?
45:34That's football.
45:37I'm not completely round like that beach ball.
45:42Elmo says that.
45:44Is it fun to be a football?
45:46I get my kicks.
45:49Hey, you know, there are lots of different kinds of balls for playing lots of different kinds of games.
45:54Four, 18, 22, hike.
45:59There are ping pong balls for playing football.
46:01Oh, wow.
46:03Oh, look, look, look.
46:05Dorky is imagining Elmo playing football.
46:25There are ping pong balls for playing ping pong.
46:31There are golf balls for playing golf.
46:46And miniature golf.
47:04You see?
47:05You couldn't play any of those games without balls.
47:08Yeah, nobody could.
47:10Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.
47:11Elmo wanted to find out what a beach ball would look like without air inside.
47:15Don't look at me.
47:17So, Elmo made a video with this camera.
47:23It's called Squishing the Air Out of a Beach Ball by Elmo.
47:31TV, where are you?
47:32Oh, there you are.
47:34Oh, good.
47:35Here we go.
47:47And that's Squishing the Air Out of a Beach Ball.
47:50Hi, Mom.
47:51Hi, Mom.
47:52Good squishing, Harry.
47:55There's the TV.
47:57Oh, boy, look at that.
48:00Elmo likes the beach ball better with lots of air in it.
48:03It's more fun to play with, and it bounces better.
48:09And Elmo really likes to play ball.
48:13Some of Elmo's friends like to play ball, too.
48:16Yeah, Elmo's friend, Michelle, played catch with her daddy the other day.
48:20Michelle told Elmo all about it.
48:29Michelle went to the beach to play catch with her daddy.
48:34Catch is a good game to play outside.
48:38Michelle's daddy threw Michelle the ball.
48:41She almost caught it.
48:43Michelle is still learning.
48:51The hard thing about playing catch is you have to catch it and throw it.
48:57Nice catch, Michelle.
49:00It takes a lot of practice.
49:03Michelle caught the ball.
49:05Yay, Michelle.
49:08Michelle is getting better and better.
49:16She played catch for a while.
49:18Then Michelle's daddy caught Michelle.
49:26Good catch, daddy.
49:30And that's how Elmo's friend played ball.
49:33Elmo really likes balls, too.
49:35Oh, so does Dorothy.
49:37Oh, that's right.
49:38Dorothy wants to sing the ball song.
49:46Here we go.
49:53Oh, there's the word ball.
49:55Follow the bouncing ball and sing if you want to.
50:28Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter G
50:32and by the number 5
50:35This is Murray saying see you next time on the street
