Cailee Spaeny, Isabela Mercad & The Case of Alein Romulus Variety Studoo

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Wow, now we are part of of this world like that. No going back now
00:05This is this is us in that movie with xenomorphs, and I'm really so proud of it
00:17Whatever comes we'll face it together. Let's go
00:23All right, I want to start this out by asking you all to participate with me for a moment
00:27Raise your hand if you've been to comic-con before
00:32Not this one not this one. Yeah, I'll kind of fucking hop at my yeah, never San Diego
00:37So how prepared are you for it's like this the feverish fandom of what is about to happen you all unveil an alien?
00:46in front of
00:49Something you can prepare for something like that. I think we can do it. Yeah
00:53Yeah, we gotta match their energy for sure. Yeah, I can do that. I love nerds
01:04What how would you describe what this movie brings to the franchise
01:17That's why I'm not supposed I'm from Uruguay you don't say that you did things are great
01:22You let other people say just say like I tried to do and then exactly what I did
01:26Yeah, well, it's it's supposed to be something that's inspired by all the other movies
01:31But but it has to be its own thing. It is it is it is definitely its own thing
01:34I mean, we we kept a lot of the elements are perfect about those original movies untouched in a way
01:40They didn't have any need to improve them make it better
01:44Update them to the new audience
01:46We didn't do any of that really play a lot of things straight in the most classical form
01:50And then but then we had a lot of new stuff. That's what makes it modern and new
01:55So hopefully, you know, it takes its place among the other ones and for me
01:58There's never a bad time in the theater is when you watch an alien movie
02:03What was that experience like watching it for the first time?
02:08Haley also, I think I think we had
02:11It was such a joyous experience
02:13And I think for me and for a lot of us
02:17I think we were coming from a place of such love and respect for the franchise and
02:22I think all those memories sort of came back and then it just sort of cemented that oh, wow
02:28Now we are part of of this world like that. No going back now
02:32this is this is us in that movie with xenomorphs and I'm really so proud of it and
02:41Yeah, so I had sort of all different kinds of waves of emotions watching it
02:46Mm-hmm. Yeah, what is all of y'all's earliest memories? I want to hear about watching this one
02:51But also what is your earliest memory of watching an alien movie? I remember seeing it like I like
02:59Probably too young with my dad and one of my mates that live next door to me and that was that was an experience
03:05I was scared. So yeah, that was that I sorry
03:09I just
03:16Obviously is a common common kind of theme here in like dad's showing their kids things a bit, too
03:27I will never be ready for that those scenes that I mean that first Chessburster scene every time I watch it
03:34It really is chilling. So I actually watched it later in life
03:38Maybe a few years before I this movie happened
03:40so I did I actually experienced it in a way that I actually enjoyed thoroughly because I because I feel like I
03:47Didn't have any pre
03:51Notions about it. I kind of just went into it my friends on a projector and it was incredible
03:56Like I felt all the things that I I imagine people in the audiences and the 80s felt when they watched the movie originally
04:01It was really really cool
04:03I can imagine just
04:04This is a theater movie like you have to see it in the theaters because otherwise it's just not the same experience
04:09Doesn't hit as hard
04:10So then how did the Zeno's and the Chessbursters and the facehuggers compare in real life?
04:16To what you had been in some cases scared of since you were a child like I was
04:22It's nice knowing. They're not really real. I'm really gonna hurt you
04:27While saying that as I'm everyone seen I can say this is there is is in the trailer
04:32I do get very up close and personal with a
04:35Face hugger. So thank you. Thank you for that. Yeah, I was doing that. I was doing the puppeteer in that one
04:41Pleasure and doing the puppeteer in that particular
04:45For that one. I wasn't there when they shot that I actually don't think a encounters any facehuggers
04:51Do you know no because you know, she's yeah, where you might as you avoid them. I managed to avoid the facehuggers
04:58Yeah, let's see everything else. Were you excited disappointed? I mean we do we
05:02know you do get to
05:03Interact with the Chessburster. How yeah, how was that experience? Oh, man, Aileen who?
05:10killed it
05:11Aileen plays Navarro in the in the movie and
05:14She basically did all the work and I just had to react
05:17I mean you actually get to see the little babies, you know pop out of the chest the Chessburster he pops out and
05:25Don't I mean that was actually a real puppet and it was really cool because they did this thing where they put the blood in
05:30The head and it released and so I actually saw all of the details that you see in the film and they had like a fake
05:36Body on Aileen and Aileen was basically wearing two bodies
05:40right like her own and then the extra one and it's really cool you put her real body underneath the ship and then the fake
05:45One on top so you could actually burst it out of her chest. It was so and it was Aileen's first film
05:51I think to take on an iconic moment like that doing your first movie ever is
05:56Really something and she did she nailed it if you're watching this we miss you
06:00Love you
06:01Well talk about you know taking on iconic something that is so incredible about the alien franchise is obviously how it puts women and female
06:09Characters at the forefront. So Kaylee and Isabella to you. What was it like to kind of carry on that mantle? I
06:17Think what Sigourney did she really?
06:21properly paved the way and sort of made a conscious decision to
06:25You know, whatever it means to be a woman in a horror film or in a sci-fi film beforehand
06:32I think she
06:34Intentionally went another direction and so then stepping into the franchise. I never felt that pressure of
06:41Being a certain way
06:43Because I think she really did a lot of the work and I could just sort of be myself
06:49So it didn't feel it. It felt I wouldn't say easy
06:53There's a lot of pressure going on, but I felt sort of comfortable in that place
06:58Have you gotten a chance to talk to her?
07:00But I hope it happens. I hope this is my this is my way in. It's gotta be I've got to make it happen
07:06I've got one window. This is my shot. So it was like camera one camera to
07:13Get her on FaceTime
07:15Isabella, what about for you with K? Oh, um
07:20Without saying too much
07:24It's easier for me to talk about other people can I just talk about Kaylee for a second?
07:27Yes. Okay, great. Um, so I feel like Kaylee is also very smart in real life
07:32So when you see her character make really good decisions
07:35Are she disagrees? I spent more time with her
07:38so I feel like I know but um
07:39she just makes really smart decisions in the movie and it's more believable because Kaylee herself is a very like intelligent individual and I
07:45Think that's what really cool about the movies too is the odds are against them
07:48But their intelligence usually allows them to persevere and overcome the the other creature
07:53Well, that's very sweet
07:56I was easier for me to answer
07:58Well, let's talk about that idea for a second to you because this it was an intentional decision for
08:03This cast to be younger and for it to well, you know, this movie does take place between alien and aliens
08:09You know wanted to have this kind of youth movement, you know with the characters
08:14Why was that the angle that you wanted to explore with with your with your crew?
08:20Well, I think it was a good way to
08:24Give it a
08:25New spin in a way that to make a story to tell a story that I haven't told before and I think the adult
08:32Professionals in space it was done a lot of times and those movies always there we can always go watch them
08:37So if you're gonna make something new it got to be different and and you know, it's it is different
08:43It's not radically different. I mean we forget. I mean Kaylee. Are you 26?
08:48It's the one he was in her late 20s and the first movie as well
08:52So it was you know, and so there is there's difference. It's not that radically different
08:57I think some of the actors obviously and a first alien were older
09:00But but I think it was it was more for me
09:03as a way of imagine
09:05What it would be to a bunch of young people to grow in one of these colonies in sci-fi and the end of the world
09:12Having to face this creature because they're closer to the audience in a way that they don't know anything about the world
09:18They they get it into
09:20And look as a rule of thumb in horror the younger the people the tougher is to watch them die
09:27Let's agree on that right 80 or man dying on screen. Hey, well, you know, you lived a good life
09:34Twelve year old kid died in a movie heartbreak
09:38So for the the job that is to terrify you the younger people are the more scarier for them
09:45You don't want them to die. So I think that also served the story
09:48Well, I definitely thought you said you were gonna say the younger the people the more sequels we can have
09:54But the studio is probably thinking. Yeah
09:57well to to that point and kind of to the
10:01Legacy of this friend franchise. What is everyone's favorite of the alien movies?
10:08I'd say the
10:10I love them all for different reasons, but probably
10:14the first
10:15Yeah, purely for the fact of I like the eeriness of the first one and how elusive
10:20The alien is I think that's what we're kind of
10:24for me anyway fear is in the unknown and the fact that we
10:28It's not really revealed
10:30For a while into the film
10:33Makes it the acting is so good in the first one, too
10:36It's just such a stellar cast, you know, Harry Dean Stanton yuff at Kodo
10:41You know Sigourney obviously in home. It's just such a
10:45They're proper actors and they were they were doing so I mean it was the golden age of cinema
10:51I think the 70s and they were injecting that amazing sort of naturalism
10:56Into a sci-fi film, so I think I'm just all every time I put it on I'm sort of in awe of of the acting
11:03Did you watch it in advance of this one? I had them on repeat in the background the entire time
11:10I just hoping something would sort of soak in and it would come across on screen. Yeah on repeat
11:18Anybody else any favorites or any recent rewatches? What'd you pick up? I?
11:23I did on the plane. I watched alien resurrection. No, I felt like I needed to do my homework. I hadn't seen that one
11:32And yeah Fincher's one as well is also
11:35It's interesting seeing them all in different scenarios
11:37I think that you know the prison being in that prison environment with all these men is like a very strange
11:43Scenario that you know, he says that they're all
11:45Rapists and murderers and all sorts of sort of villains in there
11:49And it's interesting to see in the different dynamics, you know
11:52I gotta give some love a telly like I watched I was living in Amsterdam in 2004 and
11:57and I
11:58Went to see AVP
12:02It was the first time I smoked a joint in my life
12:04I was high as a kite and I went to see AVP and the first hour of that movie
12:09I thought was the best movie I ever saw in my life
12:12Watch it sober. It's not as good
12:16That first hour of that movie. Let's give you some love because they had some really incredible moments
12:20I love AVP, but I also love Prometheus because David is that boy like he is
12:26He's got some crazy one-liners. Yeah, great great character. I'm I'm a fan of that one
12:34The first one for me that's just a perfect movie
12:36I think how you were saying that you know, the acting is just stellar in it
12:39I think yeah, I think that was definitely the one I think about the most while doing a film for sure
12:45But yeah, that's just I think watching it
12:47So young not really understanding cinema and understanding films and then when you you get a love for movies and you join this industry
12:54it becomes like
12:56Films you start looking at more and that one was definitely for me. Like that's just a perfect movie
13:04I'd say I'd say I know everyone's probably got a different preference
13:07Some people think that over you know, but that for me is a perfect the marriage of the first movie
13:11It's unbeatable because it's the one that comes up with those all these ideas and all the talent involved in that film is
13:17when it's so unique and
13:19From Giger to the writers to to Ridley's all this combination of creations that it's just it's really hard to repeat that in cinema
13:27so obviously
13:29All the other movies own everything to alien
13:32As you made this movie and made it of course also as an homage to what Ridley started
13:37Well, what was it like showing it to him and also when you did show it to him?
13:43Was there?
13:45When he made his reaction, was there anything that he noticed that you were particularly excited that he saw you do?
13:51Yeah, I mean he was the first one
13:53I want to show the movie as soon as it was done
13:54It didn't show to anybody and I just really took it for it from editorial to to to his office
14:00He watched it and I went to see him right after he was done. I want to have the
14:05Instant reaction, you know to see how he react and yeah, I was ready for anything Ridley is a straight shooter
14:11He will tell you whatever you think about your movie. I'll tell you her face. So we're shit. He would have said it's shit
14:19He he sat down. He looked at me. Well, he said it's fucking great and he said
14:24It's a massive movie, which I thought you know from us, you know doing it from where we'd making it
14:29It never feels as a epic thing a big thing and for him was like that
14:33That's one of the things he noted and and you know, I couldn't be more grateful that he let us do it
14:40And of course you guys are all just going from one big thing to the next big thing
14:44Kaylee you're hanging out with the knives out folks at the moment. What is it been like joining that franchise to you?
14:51Oh, gosh, it's really like Ryan is
14:55Truly incredible the way he sort of pulls off who done it see the way he keeps doing it ideas
15:00He comes up with he's really brilliant and it's just like the cast is on people. He pulls together
15:07It's just on I'm pinching myself
15:10Every day. Everyone's very funny and talented and smart and I'm just trying to soak it all up
15:16Is there anyone that you're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe I get to meet this person
15:19I mean really all of them
15:21But but Glenn Close was a big one just having her sort of standing right next to me on the first day. I
15:28Barely got the lines out of my mouth when they said action. She's
15:33Very supportive and wise and very silly. Did she smell good?
15:37Um, I don't remember how she smelled but she does have a really cute dog named Pip that comes everywhere
15:51I hope you guys all pip it Wimbledon. Pip is a boss. I was there
15:54I was I was there with he was the star of the show Pip. Oh
15:58Amazing, but and Isabella last time I saw you we were talking about your hot girl costume
16:02I would ask how that smells but that feels like a weird question. It's not great like summertime
16:07It's like in Atlanta in Atlanta, and we also got to film in Cleveland though. I'm from Cleveland. So that was really cool
16:12I was in the on the set, right?
16:15There's a lot of people, you know taking pictures and stuff
16:17But you know, I would be in the middle of the scene and then I look to my right
16:19There's a lot there's like a lot of background actors. I'd see my childhood doctor
16:23His name is dr. Ernie and he was there as one of the background actors
16:27He just wanted to do it and then I looked to my left and I see mrs
16:29Leon who is the mother of my brother's best friend lived down the street
16:33It was crazy
16:34Now my brother was there as a medic because he was a paramedic firefighter
16:37And so he was there as the medic for the background actors first day somebody broke their ankle, but he got it
16:41He solved it. But anyways, yeah, that was that was really cool. That was a really cool experience
16:45Well, I'm curious how the the costume it feels like the fabric maybe the fit a little different than maybe what we were initially
16:52Expecting how what was it? Like what was it? Like to oh it took took forever. Like those things are not
16:58Two fitting three fitting process, which is the norm
17:01It was a lot it was a lot longer and there's so much attention in your bathroom breaks, don't you?
17:06You know what? Yeah that too and then you had a sometimes wear a cooling vest underneath
17:09But like you still want to look snatched. So you're wearing a cooling vest. I mean, it kind of adds a little bulk to it
17:14Whatever. It's fine. I got over it. I still have a little bit body dysmorphia. But um
17:19Yeah, it's cool. The hardest thing to get was the crotch though
17:21Cuz there's it's hot like being a woman you got to have a certain structure to the pant, right?
17:27But they so that was the hardest part. Actually, that was the longest it took was like eight fittings to get the crotch, right?
17:31There's a science. Yeah super science. There's a science
17:35There's a science to all of this and part of that science is just getting people to watch
17:40So curious for you all as we are, you know
17:44Anticipating this movie and rewatching so many of the rest of the alien franchise. What's on your watch list?
17:51Movies TV upcoming rewatch I need to get and I need to get to theater and see twisters. Mm-hmm
17:57I'm really excited for that one
17:58I love the first one and I think this cast is great and I think Daisy Edgar Jones stellar
18:04So I'm really excited to watch that
18:08I'm just ready for notched out the new notch
18:14I can't wait for the last of us to
18:22I'm excited for so many good things. Yeah, there's a lot of good things out. If only you guys would have been here last night
18:27I don't know how Disney didn't work that out for you. Yeah, they were here
18:31Did you watch it last night at the proof and Hall H? No, you've already seen it. No because I want to see you the theater
18:37Oh as soon as he started I was like real deal in this. I'm not I really want to watch this movie
18:42I don't want to watch that ticket this big room with small chairs. I know I need my
18:50Director for you literally such a director
