‘What Qualifications Do You Have?’: McClain Goes Nuclear On SBA Official Over Voter Registration

  • 2 months ago
On Wednesday, Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) questioned an Small Business Association Administrator on voter registration during a House Small Business Association Committee hearing.

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00:00Thank you for being here, Ms. Kim. I appreciate it. I am from the great state of Michigan
00:06and many of my constituents are very concerned with transparency and integrity, so with the
00:15state of Michigan. Real quickly, what is the mission of the SBA? What's your mission statement?
00:24We're here to support small businesses, ma'am.
00:27You're here to support small businesses. Wonderful. Have you yourself ever ran a small
00:31business, owned a small business?
00:32I've worked in small businesses. I've not owned a small business.
00:35Okay. Thank you. And what qualifications do you have? I was a little vague on that as
00:40a small business owner.
00:42My job is to oversee our 10 regional and 6 state district offices and I have overseen
00:46field offices for the majority of my career.
00:47How does that correlate with running and helping people get a small business loan?
00:56My job is to support the field offices. My job is not to run a small business.
01:00Obviously. Obviously. Do you think it would be helpful if you ran a small business to
01:05understand what it's like? I mean, I'm not a doctor nor I play one on TV, but I don't
01:10fake it.
01:11Well, I did work in a small business for four years, Congresswoman, and I think it was a
01:17small business run by a family-owned business and I definitely got a lot of experience.
01:22So that qualifies you to be in charge?
01:25I think it's my 18 years of running field offices that qualifies me to run the field
01:30I would agree with you. Running the field office is fantastic. Very similar to running
01:35the field office for voter registrations. So I want to pick up on one other thing. Is
01:41there anywhere in the SBA's mission that talks about voter registration being part of that
01:48Not specifically.
01:50Thank you. Well, my colleague, Eli Crane, asked you a question about where the programs
01:57were run past, right? And I think, if I can quote, we ran programs everywhere. Was that
02:06your answer?
02:07I can't remember exactly what I said, but I think I indicated that we run programs across
02:11all of our 68 districts.
02:13Can we take a look at Michigan, since this is what we're talking about? Okay. Just, these
02:19are facts, so since you don't know where they're at, I happen to. These are the programs that
02:26have been run by the SBA in Michigan, right? I don't know if you can see that, but all
02:34of these programs here have been run in Michigan. Southeastern, lower, you see these, make sense?
02:43Well, I can't exactly see it, but I was, I believe, shown this map when I briefed the
02:47committee staff in May.
02:49Okay. Any idea what demographic, political party-wise these represent?
02:58I'm not tracking that, and I think I clarified-
03:00I am, but let me help you. They're Democrat, right? Interestingly enough, how many, just
03:07out of curiosity, in the non-Democratic regions of the state of Michigan that you've actually
03:14done, how many Republican areas of your department, how many events have you run to open small
03:25businesses in non-Democratic areas?
03:28Well, there's a couple of things I would offer to answer that question. One is-
03:31I'm looking for a number in Michigan, and if you don't know it, I'll accept an I don't
03:35I clarified with the committee staff that those events on that map are not all SBA-run
03:40events. I think, I'm not sure, but I, because I didn't see the list from which the committee
03:43got them from.
03:44Well, here's the beauty of it. I realize you're not sure. The beauty of it is, I'm actually
03:48sure, so let me help you, right? As a small business owner, that when I come to testify,
03:54I would think you'd know your data, but again, that's crazy. Notice any in this region up
04:03I cannot see the map that clearly, but I don't see it, but-
04:07Maybe I can help. See this green thing here? Can you see green?
04:10I see green, yes.
04:11Bingo! That's one. One. Republican area, one. Isn't that ironic to you, or is that just
04:24I don't manage where the district offices do their events. Specifically, district directors
04:28have to-
04:29What do you manage?
04:30Voter registration? In Democratic areas?
04:35We are, as part of implementing the executive order, implementing a nonpartisan resource
04:40for small businesses.
04:41You know what I call, you know it's not nonpartisan, because if it was, does this look nonpartisan
04:45to you? Just share with me. Does that look nonpartisan? Democrat, Republican. Now, I
04:54understand data, because I've run a small business. Does that look nonpartisan to you?
04:58Again, I think I tried to clarify with the committee-
05:01I'm asking a question.
05:02That does not actually represent all of the SBA's work.
05:04Does this look nonpartisan to you? You're a smart woman. I mean, my goodness gracious.
05:08Dan, what's she in charge of? 600 people? I think you can answer a question. Does this
05:13look nonpartisan to you?
05:15Again, I don't think that map represents all of SBA's activities in the state of Michigan.
05:18Okay, then I will accept your map. Do you have one?
05:21No, I didn't come with a map.
05:22Oh, no, I don't. I yield back. Thank you.
05:25The chair now recognizes Chairman Williams from Texas for five minutes.
05:31Thank you, Madam Chair.
