Imran Khan

  • 2 months ago
Imran Khan


00:00Our country is standing on the stage of its history because it can go both ways.
00:10This is the dream of Pakistan for which so many people have made sacrifices.
00:20It can go towards that dream and it can also go towards destruction.
00:26In Salah, we ask Allah to put us on the path of those who He has blessed and not of those who have gone on the path of destruction.
00:35Every time a person has to decide between these two paths.
00:39This is why you offer Salah.
00:41Otherwise, why offer Salah?
00:43In Salah, you ask for one thing from Allah.
00:45Otherwise, you thank Him and praise Him.
00:48You ask for that path which is the path of man's greatness.
00:54Not that, but the path of destruction.
00:56To save it.
00:58Today, our country is standing there.
01:01Remember, if the future generations of this country succeed in this struggle,
01:12then they will consider you to be those people who made Pakistan out of Quaid-e-Azam.