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Reaction: Nas Daily's Insane Lies About Islam


00:00Asalaamu Alaikum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile2jannah.
00:04Naz Daily is somebody who says that he's a Palestinian, however tweets stuff like this.
00:10I am Israeli first, then Palestinian.
00:14Oh my days, love it.
00:17He makes videos that get millions of views that whitewash Israel's crimes.
00:24Love it my son.
00:25And he is so beloved and loved by the Zionist elite that the famous Israeli lobby group ADL
00:34gave him an award to appreciate everything that he has done for them.
00:39This individual had the gall to make a video about Islam.
00:45Seen as he is such a hypocrite, a sellout, a absolute piece of work,
00:52I was only curious to see what on earth could he be teaching the people about Islam.
00:57And well let's have a look together.
01:00I spent one full month studying my religion Islam.
01:05Oh ladies and gentlemen, hold your horses right there.
01:09He spent an entire month, that's what he said yeah, spending learning my religion yeah.
01:16So religion he believes in, he spent an entire month learning it yeah.
01:20For the first time in my life I shaved my head completely just to make a point.
01:29Okay this was a bit random, but why would you shave your head to make a point?
01:34And especially if you say this to a Muslim, a Muslim's thinking huh?
01:37We shave our heads after pilgrimage because this was an act of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
01:44him and this is something that we replicate.
01:47And he should also know the importance of intention,
01:50that the intention has to be correct for it to be accepted by God.
01:54Not doing it to make a point.
01:56But this religion I did not learn from a shaykh.
02:02I learned Islam from my mother.
02:07He's gone to the scholars of the other religions because he's covered the other religions as well,
02:12but when it comes to Islam, forget about it.
02:15I'm gonna go to my mom.
02:17But I know what you're thinking yeah, hang on a minute Zeeshan, is she a scholar?
02:21No she's not a scholar.
02:23Has she studied anywhere?
02:25No she hasn't.
02:26She just prays a lot according to him.
02:30And let's see what she's been teaching him.
02:39Where'd you get this from?
02:40I've scoured the Quran, the hadith, nay even the religious books of other religions.
02:46Couldn't find this quote anywhere.
02:48Can we get a reference?
02:49No we didn't yeah, we didn't get a reference for this.
02:52So if this is your source, frankly I'm worried about what's coming up next.
02:58There it is, this is where Islam started, in a cave that looks something like this.
03:04Yeah clearly my worry is justified.
03:08No, Islam did not start 1400 years ago.
03:12Islam started from the beginning, from Adam alaihi salam, Prophet Adam.
03:18We don't believe that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was the first Muslim.
03:23In fact in the UK, I used to go to a non-Muslim secondary school,
03:28and we had a subject called RE-religious education.
03:32This was something that was in the books of the non-Muslims, and we had to correct them.
03:39Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by an angel while he was sitting in the cave.
03:46Ah this is just getting embarrassing now.
03:48Islam wasn't revealed in the cave, the Quran was revealed.
03:54You ask a four-year-old this mate, after he's finished taking the crayon out of his nose,
03:59he's gonna school you on this better than the relatives around you.
04:04And so I read about Islam, and the first thing I learned is discipline.
04:10Again mate, you ask any person that accepts Islam,
04:14the most fundamental thing that he or she is taught is monotheism.
04:20Tawheed, the oneness of God.
04:23This is what separates Islam from the other major religions, and it is an integral point.
04:32And he keeps going on about yeah discipline, discipline, okay discipline,
04:36but discipline alongside devotion.
04:40Every day, every morning, for 30 years, I saw my mother wake up at 5am.
04:46Don't exaggerate mate yeah.
04:48Are you telling me that you've never traveled in your life,
04:52and stayed in that place for more than one day?
04:54Why are you exaggerating mate?
04:56Before every prayer, Muslims have to be cleaned by washing their feet.
05:05No, not cleaned, clean.
05:09We need to be in a state of purity, and if your state of purity is broken,
05:15then you renew your state of purity or your wudu.
05:20You don't have to do the ablution before every single prayer for your prayer to be accepted.
05:26According to Prophet Muhammad, cleanliness is half the faith.
05:31And it's very strange that he's mentioned several ahadith of the Prophet ﷺ,
05:36and not once does he say- even if he didn't say ﷺ, he could say peace be upon him.
05:41Because as a Muslim, we're taught again from the get-go,
05:44that when we say the name of the Prophet, we send salutations upon him as well.
05:49Did you memorize every single word?
05:52I didn't, but my wife did, and all of her family members, and all of her friends.
05:56And this was just embarrassing.
05:58He's making a big point about memorization of the Qur'an.
06:01Couldn't you at least speak to one hafiz? One person that's memorized the Qur'an?
06:06Nay, but this guy says yeah my wife is, and her whole family is.
06:11Why can't you ask him if you can interview one member from her family?
06:18If my mom can pray every day for 30 years,
06:22five times a day, and commit to fasting and cleanliness,
06:26then I can make a one minute video and I can go to the gym.
06:30Did he really make this comparison? Is he okay?
06:34If his mom's been praying for 30 years, surely he can start to pray now.
06:40How was the first thing that he said? Yeah my one minute videos.
06:46She's the best Muslim I know.
06:48She doesn't hate anybody, she loves her religion, she loves other religions, it's incredible.
06:53How can you love every religion?
06:56No, you can be tolerant of other religions,
07:00you can be accepting of other adherents of other religions,
07:04but you don't have to love other religions.
07:06I mean Islamically we believe, like I said, in monotheism.
07:10We believe the greatest sin is associating other partners to God.
07:15So how can I say I love the concept of someone associating partners with God?
07:20It doesn't make any sense.
07:22And I don't think you're a very good judge of who the best Muslim is.
07:26I think we've got better candidates than somebody who allows
07:29her son to publicly stab the Palestinians in the back,
07:34and wrongly preach his religion whilst teaching him false things frankly.
07:39There is no difference between anybody here.
07:42Yes there is.
07:44He's bold, he's got a grey beard and you don't.
07:47He's trying to push forward a certain narrative which is the theme of his videos yeah.
07:51So no no no we're all the same mate, we should love each other mate.
07:55You see him stabbing and you know hurting those other folks,
07:59now you love both of them, that's what you do.
08:01No, what we're taught is there are differences.
08:04Be okay with that.
08:06Even in the eastern traditions they teach you this as well that
08:09things happen, it's just the way life is.
08:12So in Islam we're told there are differences, and it's okay to have differences.
08:19Enmity, that's the bad thing.
08:21Mate, you don't need to thank me right now for teaching you your own religion.
08:25I don't mind tutoring you and the folks around you,
08:29but yeah just message me to make sure you know we can arrange a time.
08:33Hopefully in the interim period this video suffices.
08:37Let's leave it there guys until next time.
08:40Asalaamu Alaikum
