Ahole of the Year in Japan!

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hey guys, probably going to put this video on our myths about Japan playlist because
00:03it's going to cover two myths.
00:05One is that everywhere in Japan is immaculately clean.
00:08The other one is that everybody in Japan is really polite and kind.
00:12So of course, most of Japan is really clean, however you do get a small percentage of the
00:16population who are a-holes and they will throw their rubbish out the window, usually in a
00:21quiet little street somewhere where nobody will notice, and it's very common.
00:25We've showed you this before, they'll tie up their rubbish in their car in a little
00:28bag like that, all nice and neat and tidy, and then toss it out the window.
00:33So of course, small percentage of the population, but like every country, Japan has a-holes
00:37and a-holes do that sort of behavior, don't they?
00:41Another example of that is someone's been walking down the street replacing the batteries
00:44in some device and then they're just throwing old batteries on the ground, which is just
00:50amazing isn't it?
00:51Couldn't you leave it in a pocket and throw it away properly?
00:53However, the biggest a-hole that we've encountered for a very long time, we were driving down
00:57this street here, and it's one lane where we are, and you can see off up ahead there's
01:02a white line, that's where it becomes two lanes again.
01:06And we're driving up this street and we're almost got to where it's two lanes and a guy
01:09in a white car's come the other way really fast, right up to our bumper bar and stopped
01:13right in front of us and blocked the road.
01:15So he could have reversed back about, what's that, 10 meters to that white line and we
01:19could have got past him, he just refused.
01:22He just sat there and looked at us, right?
01:25Which, we've talked to you about that before, you do get that now and again here, usually
01:29it's older guys, this guy wasn't that old, he was just arrogant.
01:33And he just wasn't going to move.
01:34And it's, rather than getting into any drama, it's better off just to back off, but just
01:38have a look how far we had to back off, he had about 10 meters to go didn't he?
01:42So have a look, this is where we had to back off to, to get, to let him past.
01:49So first we had to go back to here, and you can sort of see up ahead there to where we
01:52were previously.
01:58So we got back to here and had to keep going back, because we can't pull into anyone else's
02:02driveway, that's just rude isn't it?
02:03So keep going back from there, so we're going in reverse, right?
02:06However far that is, back to here.
02:08Now about here, I had the camera mounted on the front window of the car and I was going
02:12to make a video for you guys, talking video about something.
02:15So at this point, I turned the camera on, and he saw me turn the camera on, I reached
02:19up and pushed at GoPro, and the camera came on with a red light, and he saw it, he saw
02:24me turn it on, so he stopped, see he backed off, he was right up against my front bumper
02:29like a meter away, and when he saw me turn the camera on, he backed off a little bit,
02:33but you can see he's still pushing towards us.
02:37Just arrogant, just arrogant.
02:38In Australia I might have hopped out and had a little chat with him, but in Japan you just
02:41don't want to get into any of that, so we just let him go.
02:45But he's got to be the winner of the biggest a-hole we've come across for a long time.
02:48So I'll just show you now, now we have to go back down the road again, have a look how
02:52far we reversed to let him past.
02:56He could have gone back 10 meters, this is how far we had to reverse down the road to
02:59let him past.
03:04So yes, a-holes do exist in Japan, usually you don't get them so in your face as that,
03:10but they do exist.
03:12More videos, coming soon!