Trump Discusses Israel Relations During Turning Point Event: 'I Stood Proudly With Our Friend'

  • 2 months ago
During the Turning Point Action 'Believers Summit', on Friday, in West Palm Beach, Florida, former President Donald Trump delivered remarks on foreign relations in the Middle East.

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00:00In my first term, I defended, like nobody, Christians against hate and bigotry.
00:07Nobody did what I did.
00:08And Marxist aggression — no president has ever done what I've done for Christians
00:15I restored religious liberty for doctors, nurses, teachers, and faith groups like the
00:21beautiful Little Sisters of the Poor.
00:24We defended them very strongly.
00:26I stopped the IRS from using the Johnson Amendment — that's a vicious — that's
00:30after Lyndon Johnson, who had a problem with a certain pastor in Houston, didn't like
00:37So he passed an amendment.
00:38It was a disaster.
00:40To interfere with pastors' freedom of speech, he wouldn't let pastors even discuss anything
00:45having to do with politics.
00:47And if they did do that, they'd take away their tax-exempt status.
00:51So pastors were afraid, because they need the tax-exempt status in order to do what
00:56they have to do.
00:57And we want to listen to our pastors.
00:58We don't want them to be silenced, because these pastors are incredible people.
01:03That's right.
01:04I'd listen to you.
01:09Sometimes I don't listen well enough, though, I will say.
01:13You know, Franklin Graham — you probably heard me say this, I said it a couple of times
01:17— but he's a great guy and always been a supporter of mine.
01:21He was never a supporter of people politically, probably can't be, but he was always a supporter
01:25and openly.
01:27But he wrote me a letter a few weeks ago.
01:31He said, President Trump, I love listening to your stories.
01:35You're a great storyteller.
01:36That was very nice.
01:37He said, but please, if it's possible, it'll be even better, don't use foul language.
01:44He told me, please, do away with foul language.
01:48If you don't use foul language, it will be even better.
01:53And I thought about it.
01:54And I tried it for a couple of nights, actually.
01:57Actually, it didn't work out so well.
02:01It was — you know, when I get to the punchline, I'm ready to use that one word, just one.
02:06Franklin, one word.
02:09And then I use a politically correct word, and the whole thing just falls flat.
02:17But I try.
02:18I'm trying, Franklin.
02:19I'm telling you now.
02:20He's a good man.
02:21He's a good man.
02:22He's a good man.
02:23He's a good man.
02:24He's a good man.
02:25I issued guidance making clear that the right to freedom of worship does not end at the
02:30door of a public school.
02:32We know that.
02:34I was the first and only president to convene a meeting at the United Nations to end religious
02:39persecution worldwide.
02:41That's the first president to do it.
02:42They didn't want to get into it.
02:46All of these very religious precedents that you've had — you know, religious in quotes
02:51— they said, no, we'll pass on that.
02:53But I went and I did it, and I was proud to do it.
02:55For four years, I stood proudly with our friend and ally, the state of Israel.
03:07And for them, and us, I withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal.
03:11We left Iran weak, broke, and unable to fund terror.
03:16And we would have had a deal if the election weren't rigged and stolen.
03:21We would have had a deal within the first week after the election.
03:25Instead, Iran is now a very wealthy country.
03:27They were a poor country.
03:29I said, nobody can buy from them.
03:30If you buy from them, you can't do business with the U.S.
03:34And China didn't buy, and nobody bought.
03:36And they didn't have the money to give to Hamas and Hezbollah.
03:41They had no money.
03:42They were broke.
03:43And yet, a congressman was on a show called Deface the Nation.
03:47Do you know?
03:48Ladies and gentlemen, it's Deface the Nation.
03:53You know, they spend millions of dollars with people to try and build up their name.
03:57And then Trump comes up, makes a speech — look at all the television — Trump comes up,
04:01makes a speech, and you go deface the nation.
04:03So much for that PR campaign.
04:05But it's true.
04:06It is a defacing of the nation in many cases.
04:08The others are no different.
04:09ABC, NBC, CBS — they're all bad.
04:13But you know, we have to bring back an honest press.
04:16If we don't bring back honesty in our press, this whole thing is not going to work.
04:24But I kept my promise, recognized Israel's eternal capital, and opened the American embassy
04:29in Jerusalem.
04:30It was a big deal.
04:32And got it built for $2 billion under budget.
04:37Took an old building and reconverted it for peanuts using Jerusalem stone.
04:43Friend of mine said, oh, I love Jerusalem stone.
04:45He's in New York.
04:46Big, big, rich guy.
04:48Every time I walk into his office, do you know what this is?
04:51I know it's Jerusalem stone.
04:52You tell me every time, oh, it comes from Jerusalem.
04:55So now I'm building — I want to — I not only wanted to get it going, but I want to
05:00build it because I know I can get it built fast.
05:03And they had a building already.
05:04They were going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a site in Jerusalem.
05:07I said, wait a minute, don't we have something?
05:10We checked.
05:11Yeah, we always do, because we were there a long time ago.
05:12We were there sort of first, always by the post office, like I did in Washington.
05:17If you get a post office, it's always the first building that they put in years ago.
05:21It's always the best location.
05:22So I said, do we have anything yet?
05:24I said, hey, listen to the people.
05:27We're going to spend $2 billion on building an embassy.
05:31I said, how much do you think we can do it for?
05:34He said, we think we can do it for $350,000, so just — we're going to take an old building
05:38and reconvert it.
05:39I said, 300 — it's the only time I ever said this.
05:42I said, you know, honestly, it's too low.
05:45It sounds too cheap.
05:47I've never done that before.
05:48Usually, I say, okay, let's make it 300, right?
05:51Let's make it 250.
05:52But I said, I think it's too cheap.
05:54It sounds terrible.
05:56Do it for under $500,000.
05:57Yes, sir.
05:58I said, any chance we can use Jerusalem stone?
06:02A friend of mine says it's very expensive.
06:05He goes, absolutely, sir.
06:06It's all over the place.
06:07We're in Jerusalem.
06:08So we built the whole thing out of Jerusalem stone.
06:13Can you believe it?
06:14And got it done for nothing.
06:15And it's beautiful.
06:16It's a beautiful embassy.
06:21And that was the capital of Israel.
06:25Every president for decades and decades promised that they were going to do that — capital
06:30of Israel, Jerusalem.
06:33But I even got the building built.
06:34And we got it built.
06:35We had a beautiful opening.
06:36I went.
06:37It was a beautiful opening.
06:39And I had a young lady named Ivanka there.
06:43We had our great First Lady there.
06:46We had a lot of my children, a lot of my friends.
06:50It was a beautiful opening.
06:53It was always going to be a disaster if you do that.
06:55And every president was going to do it.
06:56They got to the office.
06:57They go into the White House.
06:59All of a sudden, they get hit by every — they
07:03never did it.
07:04They never could get it off.
07:05I understand it.
07:06The tremendous pressure not to do it.
07:07But I got it done.
07:08I got the building built.
07:09And it was a great thing.
07:10We opened it.
07:11And there were no problems.
07:12You know?
07:13People said there were going to be big problems.
07:14There would be bloodshed all over the Middle East.
07:16It never happened.
07:17It never happened.
07:19And we had it recognized, Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel.
07:24It was a great thing.
07:25It was a great day, actually.
07:26I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
07:30I never even said I was going to do it.
07:32I mean, the fact is, I've done more for Israel, by far, than any other president.
07:38Not even close.
