WWE No Mercy 2003 - The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar (Biker Chain Match, WWE Championship)

  • 3 months ago
00:00Coming up next in No Mercy, the WWE Championship is on the line.
00:05Brock Lesnar meets The Undertaker in a biker chain match.
00:10Title's on the line, baby. Two of the biggest dogs in Undertaker's shot.
00:14Going at it. Lesnar, take a biker chain.
00:17You know who you are?
00:21I know who the hell you are.
00:25You're an animal.
00:27Brock Lesnar is a violent, vicious, sadistic animal.
00:34This man, Brock Lesnar, is on a path of rage.
00:39And I don't know who the hell's gonna stop it.
00:44Brock Lesnar respects no one.
00:48You don't even know who the hell you really are.
00:52I know who the hell you are.
00:53I am the real Brock Lesnar.
00:57The new WWE Champion.
01:00Brock Lesnar cheated his way to the WWE title.
01:04So deal with it.
01:06Brock Lesnar may be the new face of the WWE, but here comes the WWE's conscience.
01:14I respect the title, but I don't respect you.
01:19When I wrestled Kurt Angle for the title, you came out and hit me with a chair.
01:25I guess you think I was gonna let that slide.
01:30I don't forget, and I don't forgive.
01:35You need to take that belt and enjoy it.
01:38Hang on to it real tight.
01:40Because your first title defense is against me.
01:45Undertaker, Lesnar for the title at No Mercy.
02:15But now, the championship match at No Mercy is a biker chain match.
02:45Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be the first ever biker chain match for the WWE Championship.
03:15Now the rules are simple.
03:17The first wrestler to get the chain can use it on his opponent.
03:45The winner is the challenger from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 385 pounds, The Undertaker.
04:03The Undertaker looking to win the WWE title for the fifth time here tonight.
04:10In a matchup that he wanted, that he got, that's in his yard.
04:15Biker chain match.
04:17How intimidating looking is Big Evil when he comes out here on that big ass hog, boy.
04:24Tell you what, how intimidating is Big Evil when he marches into his yard.
04:29No doubt, baby.
04:31This is what it's all about, the WWE Championship.
04:35And there is The Undertaker.
04:38Looking very comfortable in his yard.
04:41The Undertaker has dominated the WWE for over a decade.
04:46As the true American heroes, our US troops, look on tonight from No Mercy.
04:52The Undertaker would love to grab that biker chain, use it on Brock Lesnar, and show No Mercy to the champion tonight.
05:02Well, here comes the pain.
05:07And from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295 pounds, is the WWE chicken, Brock Lesnar.
05:19The man is an animal.
05:22Yeah, the man is a monster. Half man, half monster.
05:26Tell you what, Brock Lesnar is going to be tough to defeat.
05:31If anybody can do it, it is Big Evil.
05:35He's faced the best, and Brock Lesnar fits the bill as one of the best.
05:43The youngest WWE champion in history.
05:51Now, this is what's ironic about this matchup.
05:54This match between these two men, Brock Lesnar and Undertaker, was originally made by our now former general manager, Stephanie McMahon.
06:02Ironically, when Stephanie McMahon made this matchup, it led to the I Quit match between Mr. McMahon and Stephanie, because Stephanie would not rescind this match.
06:12What happened earlier tonight, Mr. McMahon defeated his daughter, Stephanie is no longer general manager, yet this matchup still goes on.
06:20And that right there, what referee Brian Hebner just held up, is what it's about.
06:24And that right there, that steel chain, can be the difference maker.
06:28Remember, one more time, reiterate.
06:30Whichever athlete can gain control over that chain, that biker chain, they can use that chain for their advantage.
06:38So basically, there are no rules in this matchup.
06:40No, and in my opinion, whoever gets that damn chain is going to win this match.
06:43Yeah, no, no, there is no rules, that's right, you just go.
06:45Let's talk strategy. Brock Lesnar, the champion, what's he got to do here?
06:48Well, like I pointed out earlier, in the keys to victory, Brock's got to play that mat game.
06:51Try and get the Undertaker down on the mat.
06:53See, right there's a quick goal behind by Lesnar.
06:55Got to try and get the Undertaker on the mat and turn it over.
06:57What about for the better for the Undertaker?
06:59Like I said earlier, if you're the better, soup bowls, throw those hands.
07:01The striking game, if you are the Undertaker, that's what you want to do.
07:05Low to the back of the neck, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, no stranger to each other.
07:10They have met in the past, they met last year.
07:12But as I talked to the Undertaker, he's told me this, he's in better shape now, physically and mentally, than he's ever been in his career.
07:20This is a better Undertaker than met Brock Lesnar last year.
07:23For Brock Lesnar, this is a much more mature and a much better Brock Lesnar.
07:27See Lesnar, right there, gripping that bear hug, preventing Undertaker from trying to go into that arm wringer, which leads into old school.
07:34But right there, Brock Lesnar blocking it with that great grip from all his days of amateur wrestling, being a former two-time NCAA champion.
07:41That's not too shabby.
07:43It isn't often that Brock Lesnar is matched to the power department in the ring.
07:46Tonight he may very well be.
07:48Yeah, I believe Undertaker and Lesnar are close in the power department, but not in speed and quickness.
07:53My opinion, Lesnar wins that battle.
07:55Brock Lesnar, knee to the midsection with the Undertaker.
07:58Brock Lesnar.
08:00But you also got to talk about big match experience, Cole.
08:02And Undertaker wins that battle.
08:04Undertaker had post.
08:05Wow, that shaked the ring. Lesnar, shoulder first.
08:08Well, that was the chain post.
08:09That was that biker chain you heard rattling up there.
08:11And there's the suit bolts again.
08:13That's what the Undertaker needs to do.
08:15There's the arm wringer taker he was looking for before.
08:17The lead at the old school.
08:18Now working on the shoulder, which again leads at old school as well.
08:21Ramming that shoulder right into the shoulder.
08:24That bone on bone.
08:26Dropping Brock Lesnar with that very powerful and thick shoulder of Big E.
08:31Again, in this matchup, there are no rules.
08:34And whichever man can climb up and grab that biker chain can use that chain to their advantage.
08:40And Undertaker setting the champion up.
08:43You hear everybody here.
08:45You know it. Old school's coming. Lesnar don't want no part of that.
08:48Like Lesnar a lot, smart to break that thing up with those spotty shots to the gut.
08:52And the champion Brock Lesnar hammering away on the Undertaker.
08:57This man is the champion. Yeah, he's our champion.
09:00Definitely we got to like him.
09:01The same man who broke the leg of Zach Gowen.
09:03The same man who shoved Zach Gowen down a 25-foot height.
09:06And no!
09:09You know, speak for yourself.
09:10Title on the line.
09:11Shoulders down.
09:12Kicked out by Lesnar.
09:13Speak for yourself.
09:14I like Brock Lesnar's ignorant style.
09:16I like what Lesnar brings to WWE.
09:18And I'm personally proud that he's WWE champion.
09:20That's my opinion.
09:21Proud that that animal's our champion.
09:23Yes, I am. He's a great competitor.
09:24I'd be a lot prouder to have Undertaker as our champion.
09:27Undertaker may be better.
09:28Here comes Old School.
09:29Old School across the shoulder.
09:31I wouldn't mind if the dead man was our champion.
09:34And you can feel the Undertaker starting to build that confidence up.
09:37Momentum shifting here.
09:39To that roll right there.
09:41Shoulders down.
09:42And Lesnar, wisely.
09:43It's actually, believe it or not, it's a luchador pin right there.
09:46It's a Mexican move.
09:47I never go out and see Big E do something like that with a long whip of his.
09:50Undertaker got it done.
09:52And he's got some submissions under his belt, too.
09:54It used to be for The Undertaker, in his younger days,
09:56it was all about power.
09:57It was all about destruction of his opponent.
09:59Undertaker, though, as he gets older,
10:01he's starting to go right more to the areas of style.
10:04Changing with the times.
10:05That's what Dead Man does.
10:06And that's what good veterans do.
10:08They change to keep up with the young bucks.
10:10That's smart.
10:11And this is Big E's taker here.
10:13Of course it is.
10:14Undertaker's mixing it up here.
10:15Point to the elbow right across the face.
10:17Check it out.
10:20Dead Man nailed that elbow.
10:21Point to the elbow.
10:22Bone on jaw right there, baby.
10:24I'll tell you what.
10:25The challenger, The Undertaker, mixed it up here tonight.
10:28Go on, old school.
10:29Come on, let's go, guys.
10:30Here's Brock Lesnar driving that knee into the gut.
10:33And another knee driven by Lesnar.
10:35The thing that's impressive about Brock Lesnar,
10:37what makes him champion, he's always,
10:39Lesnar's always one move away from regaining control
10:43over his opponent.
10:44That's what makes Brock so dangerous
10:46when he wrestles a guy.
10:48He's so damn dominant.
10:49Brock Lesnar, knee to the midsection.
10:52Brock Lesnar in control of The Undertaker.
10:54Get up, Undertaker!
10:55Oh, my God!
10:56Knees first into those steel steps.
10:59And as you can see, obviously Brock Lesnar doesn't care
11:02which way he gains control over his opponent.
11:05Doesn't play by the rules.
11:06Lesnar will cheat to get ahead.
11:07Yeah, you think?
11:08Well, he plays dirty.
11:09There ain't no doubt about it.
11:10Lesnar plays dirty.
11:11Listen to the impact here.
11:14Oh, wow!
11:15I'll tell you what.
11:16That'll tear your knees up right there.
11:17And it'll take the big man off his feet as well.
11:19It'll blow your damn knees out.
11:20And Brock Lesnar now continues the assault.
11:23The animal Lesnar, smelling blood,
11:25believing the challenger's in trouble.
11:27Well, the tide has changed now.
11:28And now Brock Lesnar, now Brock Lesnar
11:31throwing some striking blows.
11:33Kicks to the gut.
11:34Punches to the face.
11:36Keep in mind, ever looming, that chain above the ring.
11:40Great point.
11:41Great point.
11:42And here's another thing I just thought about.
11:44Undertaker gets driven into those steel steps.
11:46Knees first.
11:47His legs give out on him.
11:48Can't climb that rope to get up to the chain.
11:50That's another good point.
11:52And right there, Lesnar, textbook Lesnar,
11:54with the big, thick deltoid right into the gut of Big Evil.
11:58And Brock Lesnar, the champion.
12:01This is that high...
12:02Oh, wow!
12:04Version of a perfect plex right there.
12:06Shades of the late, current Henning with that cradle.
12:09Hook of the leg by the champion.
12:11And Undertaker rolls the shoulder out
12:13before the count of three.
12:15Big time toughness there by Taker.
12:17Kicking out of that nice version of a perfect plex.
12:20We are live.
12:21Capacity crowd.
12:22First Mariner Arena, Baltimore, Maryland.
12:25No mercy.
12:26With a WWE championship on the line.
12:29Lesnar, the champion.
12:30Undertaker, the challenger.
12:31In a biker chain match.
12:32And the chain has yet to come into play.
12:34But Undertaker starting to build some momentum.
12:37Starting to battle back.
12:38That's right, Cole.
12:39A little hesitation by Brock.
12:41The veteran, the Undertaker,
12:43capitalizing on that slight hesitation by Lesnar.
12:47Taker took a little time there.
12:49That'll tear a groin, rip a hamstring.
12:51No doubt, that'll stretch it all out on you there.
12:53You know what I mean?
12:54Brock Lesnar to the midsection.
12:56And Undertaker...
12:57Undertaker is in a world of trouble right now.
13:00Undertaker, I thought he was going to start regaining control,
13:03but Lesnar stopped it by moving out of the way.
13:05Oh, got one in him.
13:06The champion got caught.
13:07He got top rope.
13:08That next step right there,
13:09brings him like a hot shot, kind of.
13:11And Undertaker buys himself some time.
13:14Yeah, Undertaker...
13:15Tries to give it a regroup here.
13:17Undertaker back up on the apron.
13:18And look at Brock Lesnar, the champion,
13:20to his feet.
13:21Driving Undertaker off the apron.
13:24Bouncing off the barricade outside.
13:26You know, Cole, another reason why Lesnar and Undertaker
13:29probably haven't gone up for that, Shane,
13:31is because that leaves yourself open.
13:33You're vulnerable when you go up for that thing.
13:35So you've got to wait for the right time.
13:37You've got to wait for timings.
13:38Everything in a match, obviously.
13:40And that's probably what Brock and Taker are doing.
13:42That's why they're not going to get that chance.
13:44And look at The Undertaker here.
13:45It looks to me The Undertaker may be a bit punch drunk.
13:48Brock Lesnar really taking it to the challenger here.
13:52Right into the Spanish announce table.
13:56Face first went The Deadman.
13:59Brock Lesnar back into the ring.
14:00The champion stalking The Undertaker.
14:03Undertaker with an elbow.
14:04An elbow to the champion.
14:05The challenge of The Undertaker.
14:06Shot to the midsection.
14:08An uppercut.
14:10And now The Undertaker beginning to throw hands.
14:12Back to throwing hands.
14:13I'm telling you, that's what Deadman's M.O. is, man.
14:16And it works.
14:17Undertaker ripped off the rubber.
14:18Whoa, whoa, whoa.
14:20That's it, Undertaker.
14:21What speed did The Deadman put on him?
14:24Title on the line.
14:25Got him!
14:26Kick out.
14:27Remember, this matchup is won via pinfall or submission.
14:30You don't have to have that biker chain involved to have a decision here.
14:34That's the truth right there.
14:35That's right.
14:36You don't need the chain.
14:37If you can get a win.
14:38If Taker can get a win.
14:39And walk out of Baltimore and know Mercy has a new champion.
14:42Hey, that chain can just sit up there.
14:44Undertaker whipped across the ring.
14:46Brock Lesnar into the midsection again.
14:48Every time Taker begins to build momentum, Brock Lesnar right back on the assault.
14:52Oh, look at this.
14:53Whoa, whoa, whoa.
14:54Oh, my God.
14:55Lesnar hung up.
14:56Top rope and a champion in a world of trouble.
14:58Lesnar tried to block that.
14:59Didn't work.
15:00Stunned him first on that tight, on that top rope there.
15:03And those ropes.
15:04People don't understand.
15:05Whoa, whoa, whoa.
15:06Look at Taker's eyes.
15:07Undertaker looking.
15:08This could be the opening.
15:09Undertaker looking at that biker chain.
15:12Here we go.
15:13Looking at the biker chain as The Undertaker.
15:15That's the time.
15:16This is what you were talking about.
15:17Waiting for the opening.
15:18And Undertaker looking to seize the opening here.
15:21This is the opening.
15:22You are right.
15:25Wait a minute.
15:26The power.
15:27What the hell happened?
15:28What the hell happened?
15:29The lights went out.
15:30Somebody that's...
15:33Undertaker did the right thing.
15:34Got down.
15:35Never knows Taker's coming.
15:36Generator problems perhaps.
15:37I guess an Undertaker going to grab that chain.
15:40Brock Lesnar some time, whatever it was.
15:42And now Undertaker's in trouble.
15:44Lesnar gripping the thigh of Undertaker.
15:46Undertaker fighting him off.
15:49Undertaker shot to the midsection again.
15:52Climbing up there to get that chain in the dark.
15:57And look at this.
15:58Brock Lesnar.
15:59Undertaker ripped across the ring.
16:00Oh, look out.
16:03What a shot.
16:05Brock Lesnar.
16:07Hooks the leg.
16:10And Undertaker just kicked out so close for the champion Lesnar.
16:14That was close.
16:16Speaking of close.
16:17Undertaker was real close to grabbing that chain.
16:20That biker chain.
16:21But then lights going out.
16:22Biker chain suspended above the ring.
16:24There you see it.
16:25Brock Lesnar the champion outside the ring now.
16:27Again, there are no rules in this matchup.
16:29Brock Lesnar can throw those steel steps in the ring and use them if he wants to.
16:33That's right.
16:34That's what he's doing.
16:35And Lesnar will do that.
16:37Lesnar just throwing those steps like they're made out of paper,
16:40but they're made out of steel.
16:42And look at Brock Lesnar back in the ring.
16:44All right here by the Undertaker.
16:46Those steel steps flying precariously.
16:48Center of the ring.
16:49The challenge of the Undertaker off the headbutt.
16:51Well placed headbutt.
16:53Those street fight instincts of the Undertaker.
16:56There's another one. Boom!
16:57Another headbutt to the champion Lesnar.
17:00Undertaker's rearing a little bit though Cole.
17:02Shot to the midsection.
17:03And Brock Lesnar.
17:04A clubbing blow to the back of the neck.
17:06Those steel steps are there.
17:07Who's going to use those steel steps?
17:10Looks like it might have to be Lesnar.
17:11Lesnar's in control right now.
17:13The champion shot to the midsection.
17:15Another shot to the midsection again by Brock Lesnar.
17:19Undertaker in trouble.
17:20The champion continues the attack.
17:22And now Undertaker looking to battle back here.
17:25The Undertaker looking to battle back.
17:28Undertaker trying to build some momentum here.
17:31Watch those steps though.
17:32Head first into the steel steps goes the Undertaker.
17:35I believe that.
17:36It looked like Brock Lesnar dropped toehold.
17:39The Undertaker on that reversal.
17:41Back to the wrestling background of Brock Lesnar.
17:44And look at this.
17:45Off the steel steps goes the Undertaker again.
17:48And keep in mind, Undertaker blocks it yet again.
17:50And a big right hand.
17:52A big uppercut to Lesnar.
17:53And here comes the Undertaker.
17:55Another uppercut.
17:56Does he take his eyes?
17:57He had a freaky look in his eyes.
17:59You just think what Undertaker would be doing if he had that biker chain in his hand.
18:02Well, if the damn lights didn't go out.
18:03Yeah, if the lights didn't go out, who the hell knows what would be happening.
18:07And Lesnar!
18:08Now going to the top rope by the Undertaker.
18:11Now that's the understatement of your vehicle.
18:13Cleaning Lesnar's clock completely.
18:16Now Undertaker on the attack.
18:21What a clothesline over the top rope by Big Evil.
18:25Brock Lesnar in a world of trouble.
18:27The championship is on the line in this biker chain match.
18:30What is Undertaker going to do here?
18:35Oh my God!
18:36A turnstile!
18:37Oh my God!
18:38Oh my!
18:42Oh man!
18:44I don't know who got the worst of that.
18:46Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!
18:51Well, I agree with the crowd here.
18:54See Brock Lesnar holding his neck.
18:56Piledriver into the steel steps.
18:59And Undertaker has got his eyes set on that biker chain as we take another look.
19:05Just watch this.
19:06Oh my God!
19:09And Undertaker.
19:11Undertaker going to climb.
19:13Going to climb the ropes.
19:14He's heading for the biker chain.
19:16Undertaker is going to gain control.
19:18And be able to use that biker chain to his advantage.
19:20Can Undertaker get this?
19:22Brock Lesnar desperately, desperately trying to pull up the Undertaker.
19:25Close but no cigar.
19:26Close but no biker chain.
19:27And now Undertaker is in a world of trouble.
19:29Undertaker on the shoulders of Lesnar.
19:31Undertaker is caught in a...
19:35That's a triangle choke!
19:37Undertaker with a triangle choke applying to Lesnar.
19:40A submission hold.
19:41The damage may have been done to the champion.
19:43It looked like Lesnar was trying to get Undertaker in a piggyback position.
19:47Like go for an electric chair or something.
19:49But big props to the Undertaker to turn it into that.
19:51No doubt triangle choke out of nowhere.
19:54With those long legs of the Deadman.
19:56Deadman, you know, always down with mixed martial arts.
20:00And a long, long no rules legal in this matchup.
20:04Well, that'll mix up your odds for sure.
20:05But perhaps that was desperation by Lesnar who was just dropped on his head by that pile driver on the steel step.
20:12I think it was definitely, safe to say, definitely desperation that Brock needed to do that to try and keep himself in this match.
20:20But that's what Brock Lesnar is all about.
20:21He's all about low blows and using the steel step.
20:24This isn't an athletic competition.
20:26Lesnar has the steel step directly into the skull of the Undertaker.
20:30This might be it!
20:31Champion into the cover.
20:32Hooks the leg of the Undertaker.
20:34Shoulders down and Undertaker instinctively kicks out.
20:39Again, cover.
20:40Again a kick out.
20:41Smart by Lesnar.
20:42Forced the man to kick out again.
20:44But uh-uh.
20:45Taker too tough.
20:46Hang it in.
20:49Brock Lesnar back to his feet.
20:51Back to those steel steps.
20:52Lesnar's desperate here, Cole.
20:54Again, back to the steps.
20:56He's trying to do what he did to Taker a moment ago.
20:59He's going to run those steps into Taker's head.
21:01A different champion!
21:03The step bounced off his skull by The Undertaker!
21:08That man seen that coming.
21:10This ain't Big Evil's first barbecue.
21:12And now, Big Evil got his eye on that chain for the third time on that biker chain.
21:18Brock Lesnar can't know where he's at.
21:20He's at steps off his head.
21:21Piledriven into the steps earlier on.
21:23And now, look at this!
21:25Undertaker just missed.
21:27And Brock Lesnar, shot to the midsection.
21:30That would have been scrambled Lesnar's brains there.
21:33And again, Brock Lesnar on the assault.
21:35The champion taking it to The Undertaker.
21:37And The Undertaker up into the corner.
21:39And his shoulders delivered into the gutter.
21:41The champion Brock Lesnar trying to suck the win, suck the title hopes out of The Undertaker.
21:46Brock Lesnar with those two point shots to the belly.
21:49And now, looks like Lesnar.
21:51Here we go.
21:52A sense of urgency by Lesnar.
21:53And Lesnar trying now to climb the ropes.
21:55Trying to get to that biker chain.
21:57What the hell did Lesnar do with that chain?
21:59That's a dangerous individual without a chain.
22:01Brock Lesnar's right there.
22:02And The Undertaker!
22:03Oh my God!
22:04The Undertaker!
22:06No, no, no!
22:07Roman Reigns in a last ride position!
22:09He's gonna get last ride!
22:10Lesnar's gonna get last ride!
22:12And Brock Lesnar counter.
22:14And Lesnar!
22:16That knocked out center of the ring.
22:17This is a crucial point of this matchup.
22:20If one of these men can get to their feet, they may be able to get to that biker chain.
22:24That double clothesline was a vicious collision.
22:27Both athletes are down.
22:29Referee Brian Eppert counting.
22:30He's up to three.
22:31Heading to four.
22:33Take another look.
22:34Undertaker going for the last ride here.
22:36I'll tell you what.
22:37If Tank would have nailed that last ride.
22:38Great counter by Lesnar.
22:39If Tank would have nailed that bad boy.
22:42I think we would have a new WWE champion here tonight in Baltimore.
22:47Both men to their knees.
22:48Brock Lesnar the champion.
22:49Looking to go on the attack first.
22:51But there's the right hand from The Undertaker.
22:52And The Undertaker beginning to throw hands here.
22:54The champion's in trouble.
22:55The challenger is bringing it to Lesnar.
22:58The Undertaker's still got some mustard behind those punches.
23:01After this grueling battle for the WWE championship.
23:05Again a testament to the great shape The Undertaker keeps himself in as he delivers the right hand again.
23:10The quest of The Undertaker to regain the WWE championship continues tonight at No Mercy.
23:15And the champion's in trouble.
23:17The Undertaker's got the advantage now.
23:18He's got the momentum on his side.
23:21JL Altaker the veteran does not waste time.
23:24No wasted motion.
23:25No talking smack.
23:26Just stay focused on your opponent.
23:28Pinpoint him and go get him.
23:31305 pounds impacting the champion in the corner.
23:34Uh oh.
23:35And now Brock Lesnar.
23:36Snake eyes.
23:37Broke the necks of The Undertaker.
23:39Loose in the face.
23:41The end is near my friend.
23:43Undertaker feels it.
23:46Undertaker wants that choke slam.
23:50Brock Lesnar's down.
23:52The challenger.
23:53The challenger.
23:54The Undertaker is measuring his opponent.
23:56Undertaker waiting.
23:57Waiting for Lesnar to get to a vertical base.
24:01Here we go.
24:03Goozle city cold.
24:05A new champion here.
24:09What goes up.
24:11Great counter by Lesnar.
24:12And look at this.
24:15Lesnar the champion.
24:16I don't know.
24:17It has a cover here.
24:18Come on.
24:19Shoulders are down.
24:20And Undertaker.
24:21Got caught.
24:22Got caught in that elbow.
24:23That triangle choke there.
24:25Undertaker with a submission hold.
24:27Applied to the champion.
24:28If Lesnar taps out the title will change hands.
24:30Well right now there's no way Lesnar can gain a grip on his own hand.
24:34To break up and keep that arm from being extended.
24:37Lesnar's arm is extended.
24:39Almost completely.
24:40If that elbow gets talked the other way.
24:43Trying to hyper extend the elbow is the challenge of the Undertaker.
24:46The champion is in all kinds of trouble.
24:48But now Lesnar.
24:49Lesnar back to his feet.
24:50Oh my God.
24:51Look at this.
24:52Look at the strength of that animal.
24:53How powerful is Brock Lesnar.
24:56He just lifted a 300 pound man simply with his lower back.
25:01To bust up that triangle choke.
25:04Oh my God.
25:05Come on man.
25:06He's so powerful.
25:08Straight up bull.
25:09But look at the champion Lesnar.
25:10The price that he had to pay to break up that triangle choke hold.
25:14How much does Lesnar have left?
25:16Or how much does the Undertaker have left?
25:18Both men are up now to a vertical base.
25:20And look at the big knock down by Lesnar.
25:23Well that didn't last long.
25:24Brock Lesnar is the champion.
25:26You might not be proud of him.
25:28You may not respect the way he does things.
25:30But he's a champion.
25:32You might not be proud of him.
25:33You may not respect the way he does things.
25:35But he is the WWE champion.
25:37And Brock Lesnar measuring his opponent.
25:40The Undertaker scooped up.
25:42Uh oh.
25:43Look at this.
25:44It's a dragon sleeper.
25:45A dragon sleeper.
25:46A submission hold.
25:47It's locked in.
25:48Undertaker knock out the champion.
25:51Smocked by Lesnar with those kind of like a cross face right across the forearm.
25:56By Brock with that thick forearm.
25:58Oh what a shot there.
26:01Look at that elbow.
26:02The champion.
26:03He took the pin.
26:04The F5 delivery.
26:06Lesnar delivered the F5 to the Undertaker.
26:11The champion.
26:12Right out of that dragon sleeper.
26:13What a count of come ups.
26:17And wait a minute.
26:18The Undertaker got his foot on the bottom rope.
26:21Benefited Undertaker had those long legs.
26:24Couldn't quite see why the referee stopped the count.
26:26But the veteran, the Undertaker got his foot on that bottom rope.
26:30You see Lesnar's face there a moment.
26:32Looks like he's going to snap.
26:33That's what I'm saying.
26:34Lesnar's got to control that anger.
26:35Don't lose your cool.
26:36Now Brock looking at that steel biker chain.
26:41Brock's going to do that climb.
26:43And Brock Lesnar is going after the biker chain.
26:46Brock Lesnar is going to climb those ropes.
26:49It's the second time Lesnar's climbing up.
26:51Trying to hang on that steel.
26:53That biker chain suspended above the ring here.
26:56And look at this now.
26:57Undertaker has got Brock Lesnar.
26:59Lesnar fighting.
27:00Trying to knock the Undertaker back.
27:01He wants that biker chain in hand.
27:03Undertaker desperately trying to keep the champion at bay.
27:06Undertaker getting up from an F-5.
27:07That damn air is impressive right there.
27:10Look at this.
27:12Look at this.
27:14Joslin with a top rope.
27:15The Undertaker is going to win the title.
27:19He's taking a cover.
27:20He's taking a climb.
27:21He's going to climb.
27:22He's going to climb.
27:23The Undertaker is looking at the biker chain.
27:26The Undertaker wants to knock out the champion once and for all.
27:30There's no way Lesnar's going to get up from that short stride from the top rope.
27:34The Undertaker is climbing to the top.
27:37The Undertaker's in control.
27:38We're going to have a new champion here.
27:39Wait a minute.
27:40What the hell is this?
27:41What the hell is that?
27:42That's not a UFO.
27:43From the FBI?
27:44It's a longbow.
27:46Look at Johnny Defoe.
27:48And look at the double team.
27:49There's no disqualification in this match.
27:51There's no rules.
27:52But this isn't right.
27:53This is a street mugging.
27:55What the hell is going on here?
27:56The full-blown Italians.
27:58And here comes the Undertaker.
28:01The Undertaker knocking out the FBI.
28:03Undertaker hitting anything in his sights.
28:05But the Undertaker again was so close to getting that biker chain.
28:10First the power went out.
28:11Then the FBI came out.
28:13What more does Taker got to put up with him?
28:15Now Brock Lesnar hits with the Undertaker.
28:19Undertaker counter.
28:20Shot to the midsection.
28:23Someone's going for a ride, partner.
28:26If he connects here, it's all over.
28:28Last ride.
28:29The last ride connects.
28:32The Undertaker moments away from becoming champion.
28:36Anything that high should have a damn flight attendant on it, Cole.
28:40Lesnar was way up in the air, bro.
28:43Did you see the impact in which Lesnar collapsed to the mat?
28:51Here comes the Deadman.
28:52Build up momentum.
28:53What the hell?
28:54Wait a minute.
28:55Launching over the top rope.
28:56Shaking out the FBI.
28:58Suicide Copay by Big Eagle.
29:01That's a near 7 foot tall man.
29:04A 300 pounder.
29:05Launching like a torpedo over the top rope.
29:08Here's another look.
29:11Suicide Copay.
29:12Look at this thing here.
29:15Look what's going on in the ring.
29:18Look it.
29:20Nunzio is up on the top rope.
29:21Trying to get to the biker chain.
29:22About 10 feet too short to reach that thing.
29:24Nunzio doesn't get to the biker chain.
29:27Things do not look good for Nunzio.
29:29Nunzio's not going to live here.
29:30I hope Nunzio doesn't eat right here next to the top rope.
29:33Nunzio, come on.
29:34We're in the neighborhood.
29:35Mind your damn business.
29:36What are you doing?
29:37And here's Undertaker.
29:38The champion is knocked out.
29:39The Undertaker is going to grab that biker chain.
29:42He's got it.
29:43He's going to get it.
29:44The Undertaker has the biker chain.
29:46The title hangs in the balance.
29:49Big Evil has control of the biker chain.
29:52Wait a minute.
29:54It's Mr. McMahon.
29:55Where the hell is Mr. McMahon?
29:57Where the hell did he come from?
29:59Where the hell did he come from?
30:02Mr. McMahon.
30:04Undertaker got straddled.
30:06Lesnar now has control of the chain.
30:08Thanks to the champion of the board.
30:11Undertaker got the chain.
30:13Was going to use it.
30:14Was going to win the damn championship.
30:16And Mr. McMahon knocked Undertaker off that top rope.
30:19And Lesnar, the champion, has the chain.
30:21But Cole, it's not over yet.
30:22It's not count on Undertaker yet.
30:24Even though Lesnar's got a steel chain now wrapped around his fist.
30:27Mr. McMahon egging on, egging on the champion.
30:31His boy, so to speak, Brock Lesnar.
30:33And a biker chain off the skull of the Undertaker.
30:37Undertaker getting robbed in a big time way.
30:41The cover.
30:42Lesnar retains the title.
30:47Here's your winner and still WWE champion, Brock Lesnar.
30:55What more does Big Evil have to do?
30:57And you see Mr. McMahon running out of the arena.
30:59High tailing out of the arena.
31:01That desperate act by Mr. McMahon shows you how desperate he is to keep the title in the hands of Brock Lesnar.
31:09Undertaker had the damn title won tonight.
31:12And Mr. McMahon screwed him over.
31:15I mean, the dream became a nightmare because of Mr. McMahon.
31:18Undertaker had a shot to get the biker chain.
31:21The lights went out.
31:22Why? We don't know.
31:23Then, out of nowhere, football Italians come out.
31:25Out of nowhere.
31:26Why? We don't know.
31:27Then, Mr. McMahon, the difference maker, stops it.
31:30And now we know. Everything makes sense now.
31:33The Undertaker moments away from winning the title.
31:37Brock Lesnar had been knocked down by a last ride.
31:41Undertaker had the biker chain.
31:43And Mr. McMahon made sure that Lesnar kept the title.
31:47Well, Cole, let's check out this replay here.
31:49Let's check out the right side of your screen, I believe.
31:53Mr. McMahon, I believe, right side of your screen.
31:55I believe he comes out from underneath the ring, up to the infant skirt.
32:00There he is. That's how desperate Mr. McMahon is.
32:02He was hiding underneath the damn ring.
32:04How the hell did he get under there?
32:06I have no clue.
32:07I've been sitting out here all night. I have no idea.
32:10And when Undertaker was knocked off that top rope by Mr. McMahon,
32:13the champion Lesnar grabbed the biker chain.
32:16But keep in mind, he used the biker chain, shot to the skull, and retained the title.
32:21McMahon's face acting like he's shocked.
32:23For better or for worse, this night truly belonged to Mr. McMahon and Brock Lesnar.
32:28They showed no mercy to all who stood before them.
