مسلسل فيولا الحلقة 10 العاشرة مدبلج HD

  • 3 months ago
مسلسل فيولا الحلقة 10 العاشرة مدبلج HD


00:00Life is a series of choices.
00:04You choose to go right or left.
00:10Are you in?
00:13Or are you not?
00:19The choice is very difficult.
00:24No, Antonio.
00:27Yes, it is possible that he is your father.
00:30No, this is the old priest, but the website is not updated.
00:35It is impossible that he is the person who gave birth to me.
00:39Besides, it is not necessary for my father to be a walking priest.
00:41They say that he is in the church, in a normal residential house.
00:45That's good, and you will move in with him.
00:47And you will return to the balcony.
00:49And I will get rid of your annoyance.
00:51You know me, it is impossible to live with him.
00:54You will not live with your father?
00:56Not even with Raniro?
00:59Tell me, who do you want?
01:03Or do you think the right person is your real neighbor?
01:10No one. I am happy alone.
01:13I am sorry.
01:21Every choice we make is a sacrifice.
01:23We can regret it.
01:40But there is one thing for sure.
01:42We are opening a new door for ourselves.
01:47Okay, you made your decision and that's it.
01:53What are you doing?
02:01Our lives can change forever.
02:03Every time we make a decision.
02:12We are not human.
02:14We are not human.
02:16We are not human.
02:18We are not human.
02:20We are not human.
02:22We are not human.
02:24We are not human.
02:26We are not human.
02:28We are not human.
02:30We are not human.
02:32We are not human.
02:34We are not human.
02:36We are not human.
02:38We are not human.
02:40We are not human.
02:42We are not human.
02:44Is your father a priest?
02:48I think the man who called me on the phone that day
02:50might be living in the church.
02:52Yes, that's right.
02:54The one who lives in the church is not a priest.
02:56He is an angel.
02:58Okay, his husband had a meeting there
03:00and maybe he was going to pray.
03:02Okay, everything you say is 100% true.
03:04I saw the guard who lives in one of the apartments in the church.
03:06Who is he?
03:08The guard.
03:10He is the person who takes care of the church and takes care of its affairs.
03:12He turned out to be an angel like your father.
03:14An angel, right?
03:16Like the guy you go out with.
03:18Yes, he is an angel and I love him very much.
03:24What is he saying?
03:26Do you remember Alex?
03:28He was going to tell me something.
03:30And I happened to know who he is.
03:32We went out together and he told me that he loves me.
03:36So I invited his boyfriend and let him see him.
03:38And why?
03:40I don't know.
03:42I think he is going to break his promise.
03:44That's why I saved all this drama for myself.
03:46Alex, don't you like his son?
03:50He is just my colleague.
03:52Do you know Vittorio Randazzo?
03:56The founder of the app called Remyamous Tourism, right?
04:00I know him.
04:02He is a special person in his field.
04:04He is trying to develop the economy.
04:06Should I go meet him?
04:08What are you doing here?
04:10The founder of the app called Remyamous Tourism, right?
04:12I don't know much about this topic.
04:14But I heard that you are coming.
04:18I am here with Beth.
04:20I expected this.
04:24I want you to bring me the news as soon as possible.
04:26There are no signs of intrusion on the door.
04:28He knew the person who killed him.
04:30This is very clear.
04:32About the spy.
04:34How are we going to know?
04:36Explain to me.
04:38What are you going to do?
04:40This is supposed to be a secret.
04:42You don't want to open it again.
04:44Do you understand?
04:46Of course.
04:48But my wife always tells the whole world.
04:50Then she forgives you, right?
04:52Of course.
04:54I will kill you.
04:56Who saw him?
04:58His servant.
05:02He has no hostility.
05:04He was very good.
05:06And successful too.
05:08Even the Takoni Foundation was going to give him an important award tomorrow.
05:10He has no right to be happy.
05:12Isn't this the same foundation
05:14that wants to honor Domenico Barisi?
05:16Did you say Domenico Barisi?
05:18The foundation was going to honor
05:20Vittorio Domenico called Takoni.
05:22Takoni? He deserves it.
05:24His app is unique.
05:26It gives you tourist information
05:28By the way, my wife and I
05:30and even our children
05:32Shut up, tourist.
05:34Can't you see we're busy right now?
05:36We're going to listen to you.
05:38Go ahead. I'll take you there.
05:40Francesco, can you explain to me
05:42more about the matter?
05:44Of course.
05:46But I don't have anything to say.
05:48What's going on?
05:50What does he want to tell me?
05:52He looks upset when we got the Takoni Foundation.
05:54And where are we going to get information from?
06:04Did you know Vittorio?
06:06The investigator told me
06:08he found something else.
06:10He won't be able to catch up with me.
06:12Don't worry.
06:14He was supposed to receive an award
06:16from the Takoni Foundation tomorrow.
06:18And I met him at the press conference
06:20he held at Takoni's villa.
06:22Did you notice anything strange about him?
06:24He was a little nervous
06:26Did you memorize his face?
06:28To be honest, I was far from them.
06:30Claudia told me we're going to the Takoni's villa
06:32to gather information.
06:34And how did you know we were here?
06:36Because your voice changes
06:38when you're next to her.
06:42This is the girl we found.
06:44Yes, but her story isn't good.
06:46You'll get the story from her excellent manager.
06:48Of course.
06:52I'm going now.
06:54I'll be back soon.
06:56Beth will be waiting for you.
06:58I'm sorry she came with me.
07:00But to be honest,
07:02we were going to spend time together.
07:04Just the two of us.
07:06In your opinion,
07:08our relationship is normal?
07:42Be nice, okay?
07:48Good morning.
07:50How can I help you?
07:52We'd like to talk to the owner of the villa.
07:54I'm sorry,
07:56but the Takoni's madam is busy with her son.
08:00But this is Detective Demir.
08:02Yes, that's right.
08:04The detective is the Takoni's madam's only son.
08:06You mean the owner of the villa?
08:10Viola, you're so lucky.
08:12You always choose very special men.
08:16Just a moment.
08:18I called you this morning,
08:20but you didn't pick up.
08:22Don't embarrass me.
08:24I was a little busy.
08:26I'm talking about Vittorio.
08:28Did he have any enemies,
08:30or did he have a good cause?
08:32Can we talk about a dead man?
08:34I haven't seen you in months.
08:36This man died a long time ago.
08:38He was here before the murder happened.
08:40Are they from the police?
08:44They're journalists.
08:46I'll let them take a look.
08:48Come in.
08:50Thank you.
08:52You seem to know them well.
08:54Yes, I know them.
08:56Good morning.
08:58We're from the electronic news network.
09:00I'm sure you're good at your job.
09:02Even my own son is better than you.
09:10do you know if anyone has a source
09:12that could kill Randazzo?
09:14He was in the conference,
09:16and he said you can keep your money.
09:18He also said it won't end well.
09:20With one person?
09:22But Parisi told me
09:24he was fighting with one person,
09:26not with one person.
09:28You seem to be good at your job.
09:30You see?
09:32She knows more than you.
09:34Do you know who this man
09:36was fighting with?
09:38What was his name?
09:40He wasn't invited,
09:42and Vittorio asked us to let him in.
09:44Posto Rosso.
09:48Let me know if you remember anything.
09:58will I see you today?
10:00I have an appointment with my friend.
10:02Cancel it.
10:04I miss you.
10:06I can't cancel it.
10:08Who's your friend?
10:14I don't know.
10:44A priest and a priestess.
10:46But most importantly,
10:48the priestess and the priestess
10:50are 20 years old.
10:52And the priestess?
10:54Don Andrea.
10:56I'll show you his picture.
11:08Okay, honey.
11:10I'll be right back.
11:14I missed you, didn't I?
11:16Yes, because I didn't see you sleep today.
11:18Maybe it wasn't a good idea
11:20to bring her to Palermo.
11:22You're right.
11:24But I had to.
11:26It's just an excuse, nothing more.
11:34When I grow up,
11:36I want to be like Domenico Barresi.
11:38And I want to be related to Beth Shaw.
11:40He's the only one who wrote
11:42what all 30 of us love.
11:44It's like a fashion show.
11:58Come in.
12:00Is there any news about Randazzo?
12:02Of course.
12:04I heard that on the day of the conference,
12:06he had a fight with one of the guests.
12:08And we also heard that he had a fight
12:10with a man named Foster Rossi.
12:12Okay, thank you.
12:16Do you want to tell me something?
12:20How are you dealing with this?
12:22Since Domenico and Beth are in the city.
12:24And do you expect him to answer you?
12:26No, of course not.
12:30I'll wait for your information about the case.
12:38I'm sure I didn't kill him.
12:40I'm sure you won't admit to your crime.
12:42Why not?
12:44The detective was making fun of you.
12:46And me too.
12:48I heard you were threatening him
12:50in Taconi Villa.
12:52I had my reasons.
12:54The same reasons that made you
12:56go to his house this morning?
13:02There are surveillance cameras
13:04recording your car in a place
13:06that you can't see.
13:12I went to his house and knocked on the door.
13:14But he didn't open it.
13:16So I carried myself and left.
13:18I didn't see him at all.
13:20I think you went inside,
13:22pulled out a gun and killed him.
13:24Believe me, Vittorio was my friend.
13:26Okay, what made you threaten him?
13:32He stole an idea from me.
13:34What idea?
13:36The app.
13:38We designed it together a few years ago.
13:40We worked for a long time to develop it together.
13:42After I got a job at a school
13:44to teach art history.
13:46It was a nice job.
13:48And it was the hardest decision
13:50I've ever made in my life.
13:52So I chose the job.
13:56Vittorio continued his work
13:58to develop the app.
14:00And he succeeded.
14:04So I went to his house
14:06to ask for my share of the profits.
14:08And then?
14:12He totally refused.
14:14So why did you go back to his house?
14:16Because I wanted to apologize to him.
14:18We've been betraying each other
14:20for a few years.
14:22I didn't want to make the same mistake.
14:24Go back to your house.
14:26But we can ask you to come back
14:28to the department at any time.
14:34Excuse me.
14:40Excuse me.
14:52She fell from there.
15:00Did you break his head?
15:04Maybe he's the criminal.
15:06That's strange.
15:08I mean, it's true that he was very angry.
15:10But by himself.
15:12Maybe he got angry because he found out.
15:14What's his interest in killing him?
15:16That's life.
15:18Maybe someone close to him will help you.
15:20It's obvious.
15:22But you see, your mother is very calm.
15:24My mother has nothing to do with it.
15:26I didn't expect her to be
15:28such a nice and kind person.
15:32I didn't expect your father to be a priest
15:34and make mysterious calls.
15:36That's life.
15:38It surprises us right away.
15:40Excuse me.
16:01I'm sure you're in a difficult position
16:03to ask for help.
16:05No, I need a journalist who has
16:07a lot of experience in his field.
16:09I think there's a spy among us
16:11leaking secret information.
16:13All my movements regarding human trafficking
16:15are being exposed.
16:17And now you want me to do the job instead of you?
16:21That's right, Domenico.
16:23I need your help with smuggling.
16:25I wrote a story about illegal smuggling before.
16:27And I'm sure you know all the details.
16:29If what you're doubting is true,
16:31then knowing the details isn't enough.
16:33Right. I'm with you.
16:35But I'm going to expose this spy.
16:37And this will be a journalist's race.
20:30Is this the girl you're meeting?
20:32Good evening.
20:34I know you don't like to come to my place,
20:36but I thought I should make use of my presence here.
20:38You can meet anytime.
20:40What are you saying?
20:42We're living together, aren't we?
20:44Yes, but...
20:46I understand. You want to keep your distance.
20:48And that's a good thing.
20:50Come with me, please.
20:54Let's go.
20:59What's wrong?
21:05My mom wants to have dinner together.
21:07What's wrong with that?
21:09I told her I have a date with a friend of mine.
21:11A close friend of mine.
21:13A close friend of yours? I don't get it.
21:16No, you get it.
21:18You want me to go with her, don't you?
21:20Or will it look like I'm making an excuse
21:22so I don't see her and stay with her?
21:24Really? Is that what you think?
21:29I'll be your close friend.
21:32Don't get too involved, okay?
21:36Come on, let's go.
21:43Now he's a troublemaker.
21:45When he was a kid, he used to make fun of him at school.
21:47I'm sure his teachers were happy with him.
21:49No, no, no.
21:51He was a bookworm.
21:53That's enough, please.
21:56She knows me better than you do.
22:01Okay, fine.
22:03I'm going to go before the evil witch
22:05turns into my car.
22:07Viola, it was a pleasure to meet you.
22:09Me too, Mrs. Sonia.
22:11Don't lose her.
22:13You're giving me advice.
22:18Why are you treating her like this?
22:20She deserves it.
22:25Come on, let's go.
22:55I've been with the police until today,
22:57and it turned out to be illegal.
22:59They used me to hurt each other.
23:01Did you talk to him about this?
23:05Did you talk to your father?
23:50Don Andrea?
23:52Don Andrea Manohon.
23:56Do you know him?
23:58I know all the people here.
24:00How do you know him?
24:02What do you want from him?
24:04To be honest,
24:06I wanted to confess something,
24:08so I wanted to ask if he was the right person.
24:15He became a priest in 1989,
24:17a few months before my mother was born.
24:19Oh, so he ran away and left you.
24:21How bad is that?
24:23How would I know that my mother was pregnant?
24:25What did you forget?
24:27When he decided to leave my mother,
24:29when she decided not to tell him,
24:31of course he left her,
24:33so he could become a priest.
24:35Oh, so he decided all of a sudden.
24:37My mother probably told him about me
24:39when she came to Palermo a few years ago,
24:41when he gave her money to give me to them.
24:43What a man, honey.
24:45What do you want him to do?
24:47He was a priest,
24:49and of course it was not easy for him.
24:51What do you want from me?
24:53Do you want to see him?
24:57I'm supposed to talk to him about my illness.
24:59I don't want to cause him any trouble.
25:03In your opinion,
25:05he will help me, won't he?
25:14Excuse me.
25:19This is Mr. Rosso.
25:21He turned out to be innocent.
25:23Before the press conference,
25:25Randazzo withdrew all the money he had in his account.
25:27And Rosso is not here.
25:29The money is gone.
25:31And you want my help, don't you?
25:33Why do you think so?
25:35Because you gave me information without asking you.
25:37Honestly, I want you to go and ask Rosso
25:39if he saw Randazzo arguing with someone in the conference.
25:41Maybe we can reach him.
25:43Okay, ask someone from your department.
25:45The police here don't have a sensitive companion.
25:47That means I'm right.
25:49About Rosso?
25:53You want my help.
26:01I saw him arguing with a woman,
26:03but I don't think this has anything to do with what happened to him.
26:07You don't know who this woman is?
26:09Or did you hear what they were arguing about?
26:13But he gave her a chance,
26:15and then she left him and went on her own.
26:17If she saw her picture, would you recognize her?
26:19Yes, maybe.
26:21She was a very beautiful woman.
26:23She was in her thirties.
26:25Thank you.
26:27And how are you?
26:29As usual.
26:31What worries me is that in the end,
26:33we're going to die.
26:39This man is more upset than me.
26:45I don't care about this man at all.
26:47Maybe because you don't know what he's going through,
26:49and how he's feeling.
26:51Regret doesn't help,
26:53and it doesn't bring results.
26:55Regret can correct your mistakes.
26:57Tell me about Vittorio.
26:59The one who hit him,
27:01maybe he wants to fix his mistake.
27:03Yes, I forgot.
27:05He's dead now.
27:07The important thing is that Fausto assured us
27:09that Randazzo was killing himself in the conference.
27:11In the end, he gave her a chance.
27:13Maybe he has the money to withdraw it from his account.
27:15But we don't know who it is.
27:17No problem. We'll get to it as soon as possible.
27:21I'll let my mother invite me to lunch,
27:23and I'll ask her about the women
27:25who were present at the conference.
27:27That's right, Salah.
27:29No, you're coming with me.
27:33Because if I go alone, my husband will get upset,
27:35and I can't stand him sleeping.
27:37But if we go together,
27:39who will I go see?
27:41Your mother?
27:43Not you.
27:45My close friend.
27:49Wouldn't it be better if you two
27:51went out together and left me alone?
27:53I love him,
27:55but I don't know what's wrong with him.
27:57Yes, I think he's feeling the same way.
27:59That's why he took advantage of the chance you gave him
28:01and got close to him before your feelings cooled down.
28:03I see.
28:05I'll see you.
28:19You're crazy.
28:21It's just lunch with his mother.
28:29I'm ready.
28:39Thank you.
29:09I don't understand.
29:11What do you mean?
29:13I don't mean anything special.
29:15I mean work.
29:17I know the police and the press don't get along.
29:19When I first fell for her,
29:21I thought she was a criminal.
29:23Yes, that's right.
29:25I remember when he was going to kill me with his motorcycle.
29:27And then what?
29:29Then I realized
29:31that she's a very talented person.
29:33She, in one look,
29:35knows what we're feeling inside.
29:39That's very nice.
29:41Francesco is exaggerating.
29:43The idea is that I like to hear people's experiences.
29:45That's how I know what they're feeling.
29:47And what did you like about Francesco?
29:53Can I be honest with you, Mrs. Sonia?
29:55Of course.
29:59His voice.
30:03I enjoy being around him every day
30:05and hearing his voice for the first time.
30:07And look at him.
30:09I can't believe how comfortable he is.
30:19You two are very similar.
30:27What happened to what I asked of you?
30:29I'm talking to my assistant,
30:31but I don't understand why you want to hear
30:33the names of the women who were with us
30:35during the press conference.
30:37Because one of them could be the criminal.
30:39My son, you're not sweet at all.
30:43That's how you always support me.
30:49Here's the list I asked for.
30:57Put my name among them and give it to the investigator.
30:59I might be one of the suspects among them.
31:05Thank you.
31:11We could have stayed to drink coffee.
31:13We drink coffee.
31:15Why don't you give me another chance?
31:17Go talk to him.
31:19I can do without everything to talk to my mother
31:21while you still have time.
31:23You know what's on my mind
31:25and you want to teach me how to act, don't you?
31:29I just want to help you.
31:31Look at me.
31:33You don't want me to help you in bed?
31:39Does that mean that the more we see each other,
31:41the more we fight?
31:43It means that we have to see each other.
31:45Yes, that's logical.
31:49Yes, Touri.
31:51Yes, I'm coming.
31:55Do I have to call you back?
31:57No, I'll take a taxi.
32:04Promise me.
32:06If you hear me say that I want to go out with Francesco,
32:08won't you let me?
32:12But if you get close to him, don't interfere, okay?
32:14As you wish.
32:16But I can't stand him.
32:18He's complicated. He's always angry with everyone.
32:20He needs to be treated.
32:22Where's Claudia?
32:24She went out to have lunch.
32:26She went out with Beth a while ago and hasn't come back yet.
32:28Did they really go out to have lunch together?
32:34How are you, Claudia?
32:37I'm fine.
32:40I didn't expect you to smoke.
32:42I don't smoke.
32:44I'll turn it off.
32:46I'm fine.
32:49How was lunch with Beth?
32:51We went to a sushi bar.
32:54But she doesn't eat raw fish.
32:56Don't you like it?
33:00Because it's sour.
33:02Because it's sour.
33:04That's why.
33:12I think
33:14we're responsible for all our actions.
33:17And lately, my actions have been wrong.
33:19What are you saying? You're a very good woman.
33:22And that's the problem. I'm a woman.
33:25I worked a lot and suffered
33:28to become a strong and respectable journalist.
33:31And when someone had to go to the police station,
33:34the manager always chose the man.
33:37That's why
33:39I didn't care about work anymore.
33:41And I came here to start from scratch.
33:43And were you able to reach him?
33:46Maybe I shouldn't have left.
33:49Maybe I had succeeded at the time.
33:51I mean, a long time ago.
33:54And I noticed that I wasn't suitable
33:57for someone like Domenico.
34:00But he's the loser, Claudia.
34:03Enough excuses, Viola.
34:05Because it doesn't work.
34:07I'm telling you this because I understand you.
34:09You can't always get what you want, Claudia.
34:12I mean, a lot of times,
34:14life stops in front of you.
34:16And it changes your decisions and plans suddenly.
34:19It's like you're talking about something specific.
34:51That's why I went back to Palermo.
34:53And did you find out anything else about him?
34:59He's a priest.
35:02Those who see the misfortune of others
35:04pay for their own misfortune.
35:07You've gone too far, really.
35:10We might regret our actions
35:12and what's the point?
35:15We won't be able to change the past.
35:18So we should only focus on our future.
35:21Do you know what I regret?
35:23My opinion of you.
35:25I rejected your offer because you're a girl
35:27like my boss thought.
35:29And I was very upset.
35:31I won't bother you because you're sick.
35:33And because I'm sure you'll give me
35:35an excellent article about Randazzo.
35:37By the way, Randazzo's case is complicated
35:39and it caused me problems.
35:42Do you know what I asked myself
35:44when I was in your place when I first started working?
35:47Why did you choose it?
35:49That's a good question.
35:51But now I'm asking myself
35:53what is the origin of the case?
36:01This is the origin of the case?
36:03We have to publish this article.
36:06Think about everything.
36:08The fraud with Russo and the reward.
36:10Everything is related to this app he designed.
36:12And it's dangerous for us to see it.
36:14So you're going to try and see the city?
36:16Not me.
36:18They tried the app and wrote bad comments about it.
36:20Look here.
36:22By the way, this app is very dangerous
36:24and must be closed.
36:26Stay away from it because the admin is crazy.
36:28The owner of this comment calls himself
36:32Ah, they're definitely going to lose.
36:34Yes, but if that's how he addressed his words,
36:36the guides on the site didn't address
36:38his words to Randazzo alone.
36:40Of course he hates him.
36:42That's why he's saying this about him
36:44and cursing him.
36:47How can we reach this Redson95?
36:50We can't.
36:52Unless you go and ask this person
36:54who promised you not to get close to him.
36:58Yes, I have news.
37:00I received information that there is a tour guide
37:02working for Randazzo.
37:04She told one of the clients that his way of dealing
37:06is violent.
37:07What's his name?
37:08Daria Mandala.
37:09I mean, what's the name of the violent accused?
37:11It's impossible to know.
37:12Especially since the identity of the users of this app
37:14is confidential.
37:15That's right.
37:16The application system is very complicated.
37:20Move and tell me.
37:24Uh, I want to tell you.
37:27It's not right for me to tell you
37:29thanks for everything you've done for me before.
37:33I met your mother, didn't I?
37:36I know she's back to work.
37:38As usual.
37:40There's no need to thank me for anything.
37:45Excuse me, sir.
37:46Daria Mandala has dropped the case.
37:48When, Tori?
37:49Three days ago.
37:50Of course, after she took Randazzo's money.
37:52Because she's expected to be the same woman
37:54she fought with in the conference.
37:55So, before she killed him, she stole it.
37:57If she's the killer.
38:04Answer it, Francisco.
38:10I'm sitting with Santo.
38:11And I'm listening to the speaker.
38:12Good morning, Santo.
38:13I have news about Randazzo's case.
38:15For us, it's a case.
38:16But for the journalists, it's a story for your followers.
38:19Good morning, Viola.
38:20The investigator is shaking his head
38:22because he's very happy to hear your voice.
38:24And he wants to see you.
38:29The alleged name is Redson 95.
38:32It's linked to an Internet address
38:34and looks like a modem on a street next to me.
38:36His number is 102?
38:40How do you know his number?
38:41This is Daria Mandala.
38:43She's the same woman who reported the rape.
38:50Who are you?
38:51I'm the investigator, Demir.
38:53Can you open the door?
39:03Did she run away from you?
39:42Don't move and show me your face.
39:57Is that you?
40:03She works for my mother.
40:05Come in.
40:10Daria, what happened to you?
40:11Mom, please leave quickly.
40:13Daria is suspected of murder and is being interrogated.
40:15Don't forget that I'm a lawyer.
40:17That's why I'm here to defend her.
40:19Don't be afraid. I'm with you.
40:22What made me get to this point, Madam Sonia,
40:25is that I didn't tell you when I had to.
40:29When I decided to file for Randazzo,
40:32I had to tell you that I was working as a lawyer.
40:36And one of the clients
40:38assaulted me several times.
40:42And you didn't tell me about it?
40:44I did, but without knowing the identity of the real assailant or who he was.
40:48It's impossible for us to get to him.
40:50Because their names are fake.
40:53Randazzo was afraid of being exposed to the world.
40:57That's why he offered me money
40:59to get out of the case.
41:01The money he gave you here when you were at the conference?
41:05Then I thought that what happened to me
41:07could happen to another woman.
41:10So I went back to him for my money.
41:12But he refused and tried to force me out of the room.
41:16I felt like I was in Kabul.
41:19And I hit him.
41:22I'm sorry.
41:24Forgive me, Madam Sonia.
41:31I'm sorry.
41:39I'm really sorry.
41:41Because she's just a victim, not a criminal.
41:45But if she told me what happened to her from the beginning
41:48and didn't try to hide it, I wouldn't have gotten here.
41:52What do you mean by that?
41:54Do you know what I mean?
41:57I'm glad we worked together.
42:01I mean, in this case.
42:03Not in any other case.
42:05Don't worry.
42:06My mother is going to the evening.
42:08And you don't have to pretend to be my close friend.
42:14So, you're going?
42:17You still have a few hours to talk to her.
42:20And tell her what you feel, honestly.
42:25Your actions determine your life.
42:28Your personality determines the decisions you made yesterday.
42:32And when you're sure of yourself, you don't care about what people say.
42:45May I come in?
42:47If you don't mind, I don't want anyone to come and ask me during work hours.
42:50Because that's not how we finish the program.
42:52We found out that anyone can have a heart attack
42:55and you can have the heart attack you want in America.
42:58And how much does this operation cost?
43:00No problem.
43:01We made a deal with the students.
43:03And we raised some money to help you with it.
43:06We shouldn't worry and live in regret.
43:08And forget to live our lives.
43:11And we're going to save the rest of the money in a week.
43:14Because there are beautiful things that can happen to us.
43:26If we live a life that's different from the one we dreamed of,
43:33we'll discover that our lives aren't that bad.
43:45That's a nice memory.
43:47The past is always more beautiful than our thoughts and memories.
43:56You're right. It's better to live our days.
44:00What are you doing?
44:01Beth is gone.
44:04You should have gone with her.
44:06I know she's pregnant.
44:08I love you from the bottom of my heart.
44:11I understand.
44:16I don't want you to worry.
44:18I'm trying.
44:25I love you.
44:32We can't change the decisions we made in the past.
44:39But we can think about the decisions we're going to make in the future.
44:44Good morning.
44:45Good morning, Noor.
44:47Where is she?
44:49She had to leave before the appointed time.
44:51And she was very upset because she couldn't see her.
44:55Do you want to leave a message for her?
44:58I hope she gets there safely.
45:00Otherwise, it's going to take a long time.
45:04Even if it's the past, it still hurts.
45:18What a surprise!
45:19Francisco wanted to talk to me.
45:22I'm on a trip now.
45:23He could have talked to me when I was with him instead of torturing us.
45:37It's obvious that you're the one who tortured him.
45:40And you're trying to get away from him.
45:43I feel guilty because of what I did in the past.
45:47Francisco is right.
45:48It's true that you can read people's minds.
45:53They say that I have the sixth sense.
45:57Okay, we'll talk later.
45:58And I hope you stay close to him and never leave him.
46:05Are you going to cancel my trip?
46:10Don't waste your only chance to talk to him.
46:13Because you can't talk to him anymore.
46:16I know what he's going to say.
46:18That I was a bad mother.
46:20And he's right.
46:21But he took it out on me.
46:24He's also mad at me for leaving him.
46:26Let him be.
46:27It's better if he doesn't know the truth.
46:31What is the truth?
46:35His father is another man, Viola.
46:40I should have told him a long time ago.
46:42Maybe everything in his life would have changed.
46:44But it's not possible now.
46:48You still have time to tell him the truth.
46:53I hope your luck is better than mine with the guy you love.
47:00We should forget that we're still paying for our old actions.
47:18Let's go.
47:41Excuse me.
47:43My name is...
47:45Viola Vitale.
47:48Don't be afraid.
47:50I won't ruin your life.
47:52Believe me, I'm not mad at you.
47:54And I won't blame you.
47:55My mother was late to tell you.
47:57If she had told you, things would have changed.
48:00That's why I'm here.
48:02Get out.
48:04But can you hear me?
48:05I don't want to hear a single word from you.
48:14Get out.
48:20Get out of here.
48:23I'm telling you to get out.
48:27And sometimes,
48:28we make other people's decisions.
48:44I love you.
48:45I love you, too.
