00:00hi kids today we will learn basic concepts of geometry so let's get
00:10started today we will learn about points lines line segments and rays let's start
00:21with a point a point is represented by a dot it is named with a capital letter
00:32example this is point A here are more examples of points here A B C D are
00:46points now let's see what is a line segment a line segment is a path between
00:57two points example this is line segment a B or B a line segment are represented
01:11like this that is a bar above the line name here are some more examples of line
01:24segments this line segment will be written as PQ or QP with a bar above the
01:37name that denotes that it's a line segment similarly this line will be
01:47represented as BC or CB with a bar above the line denotes that it's a line
01:59segment now let's see what is a line line a line is a straight path that goes
02:12on forever in both directions that is there is no end point on a line unlike
02:22segment this is line a B or B a this symbol is made on top of the name of a
02:35line it denotes that the line goes on forever in both directions and there is
02:44no end point on it here are more examples of lines and this is the way we
02:52write them now let's see what is a ray ray a ray is a straight path that goes
03:05forever in one direction that is ray a B there is a end point on one side and
03:17on one side there is an arrow showing it goes forever in this direction it is
03:27named like this the symbol on top of the name shows that this is a ray starting
03:37from a and goes forever in direction B here are more examples of rays and they
03:47will be names like this now let's learn what is a plane a plane is a flat 2d
03:59surface plane is a surface that has only two dimensions length and breadth and a
04:11plane goes on forever in all directions example if we are drawing something on a
04:19flat surface like paper or a wall or floor we are drawing on a plane which is
04:282d it has only two dimensions length and breadth and plane goes on forever so a
04:42flat surface that goes on forever is an example of plane now let's see what are
04:53intersecting lines two or more lines that meet at a point are called intersecting lines and the
05:04point at which the lines meet is called point of intersection here this is the point of
05:13intersection of these two lines and here this is the point of intersection of all
05:22these lines here the two lines CD and EF are intersecting at point M now let's
05:36see what are parallel lines two lines both in same plane that never intersect
05:46are called parallel lines parallel lines remain the same distance apart at all times
05:55these are two parallel lines they can never meet each other no matter how far you extend them they
06:09can never meet distance between them always remains the same this symbol is used to denote
06:20parallel lines here the lines a B and C D are parallel to each other we write it like this
06:32here this symbol denotes that these two lines are parallel to each other now let's see what
06:46are perpendicular lines two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular
06:56lines here M n is perpendicular to line a B that is the angle that is formed between the lines a B
07:10and M n is right angle or a 90 degree angle this is a symbol that is used to denote perpendicular
07:24line here the line M n is perpendicular to line a B or line a B is perpendicular to line M n let's
07:41see more perpendicular lines here line C X is perpendicular to line a B here line B X is
07:55perpendicular to line CD here line DX is perpendicular to line B a here line a X is
08:11perpendicular to line CD so kids today we learned that a point is represented by a dot and it is
08:24named with a capital letter these are examples of some dots we learnt line segment is a path
08:34between two points it is represented by a bar above the line name these are examples of line
08:46segments we learnt line is a straight path that goes on forever in both directions that is there
08:58is no end point on a line symbol used for a line is this representing two arrows in both directions
09:12these are some examples of lines we learnt that ray is a straight path that goes on forever in
09:24one direction that is one end point is there on this line and one side there is an arrow
09:36this symbol is used to denote a ray these are some examples of rays we also learnt what is
09:50a plane plane is a flat 2d surface that goes on forever in all directions and it has only two
10:01dimensions we learnt that two or more lines that meet at a point are called intersecting lines and
10:12the point at which they meet is called point on intersection we also learnt that parallel lines
10:24are lines that can never meet on extending distance between them always remain the same
10:33this symbol is used to denote parallel lines we also learnt that these are perpendicular lines
10:44that is the lines that form right angles between each other are called perpendicular lines
10:53this is a symbol used to denote perpendicular lines so kids today we learned a lot about
11:04lines now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more bye-bye