Top 10 Most Powerful X-Men Mutants

  • 3 months ago
These mutants are truly mighty! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the strongest, most earth-shattering, and most destructive mutants running rampant in the 6-1-6 Marvel comics universe.
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the strongest, most earth
00:09shattering and most destructive mutants running rampant in the 616 Marvel Comics universe.
00:14We'll explore their powers and the feats they've demonstrated to label them as a
00:19dominant force.
00:29Number 10, Storm
00:40Not every character gets labeled a goddess when they're not exactly one.
00:45But Storm is an exception, as her control of the weather and atmosphere is god-like.
00:50Her abilities are handy in a fight, by throwing freezing hell or torrential rain at a baddie.
00:58But, they can also battle droughts and other severe weather.
01:12Aurora Munro's power is said to be so big that there's said to be no upper limit to
01:17her potential.
01:18Unsurprisingly, she's deemed omega level.
01:21Yet, if we remove her fancy-schmancy mutation, she's nothing, right?
01:26Nope, not at all.
01:35Powerless Storm has shown herself able to defeat powered people, including the incredibly
01:40OP Tarn.
01:41Her strength has even attracted actual gods, like Loki, who gave her the Asgardian Hammer
01:49Number 9, Proteus
01:58Imagine being so powerful that the raw energy you contained burnt out your body, needing
02:03you to jump from one host to another as the same happened to them.
02:06That's how incredibly potent Proteus is.
02:09As the son of Mora MacTaggert, Kevin MacTaggert was an immediate threat to the combined X-Men.
02:13His main ability is being able to manipulate reality.
02:28When using it, Proteus traumatized Wolverine after he was stretched and morphed while he
02:32could do nothing.
02:34To make it more impressive, metal is one of Proteus' weaknesses, and Wolverine is covered
02:39with it.
02:40In recent times, the Omega-level mutant has been using his powers for good as part of
02:44the Five's resurrection protocols on Krakoa.
03:01Number 8, Mr. M
03:02From the more obscure box of Marvel's mutants, Mr. M aka Absalom Mercator is another who
03:09can treat existence as their playground.
03:11He's an Omega-level mutant who specializes in matter manipulation.
03:15As such, he's been known to do some pretty outrageous things.
03:18For starters, Mercator can create life with butterflies and other beings and even speed
03:23up the growth of plants.
03:24He's also able to change people's biology.
03:27That can include taking away or augmenting their powers, killing them, or really messing
03:32them up by turning them inside out.
03:34Mercator also has the chance to be destructive.
03:37While it turned out to be a switcheroo, he can produce enough nuclear energy to level
03:41a town.
03:42Number 7, Professor X
04:00As the founder of the X-Men, Charles Xavier isn't just an intelligent, rich guy with
04:05several doctorates.
04:06Instead, he's one of the greatest telepaths to live.
04:09With the aid of Cerebro, in the early days, his powers were increased vastly, allowing
04:14him to connect with every being on the Earth and sometimes into space.
04:18Yet, away from the fetching helmet, Xavier is still a force to be reckoned with.
04:35When Magneto did something horrific to Wolverine, more on that later, Xavier shut down his mind.
04:55While it did have horrible consequences with Onslaught's creation, it's still impressive.
05:00Xavier has also been known to manipulate the memories of several people with one event,
05:05such as the storyline Deadly Geniuses.
05:07Number 6, Magneto
05:21As the master of magnetism, Max Eisenhardt has been one of the X-Men's most powerful
05:25foes and allies.
05:27With the ability to manipulate magnetism, it offers this Omega-level mutant a range
05:32of powers, such as flight and generating force fields.
05:49In one of his most destructive displays, in the Fatal Attraction story, Magneto pulled
05:53the Animanium from Wolverine's skeleton.
05:56Before this, he released an EMP across the globe, destroying every electronic device.
06:01Later on, during the Incursion, Magneto pumped himself with mutant growth hormone and siphoned
06:07Polaris' powers to push the other Earth away.
06:10While he wasn't successful, he did hold it for a time, which is a stunning display
06:15of power and heroism.
06:32Number 5, Iceman
06:34Before Emma Frost took over his mind and pushed him towards his potential, Bobby Drake was
06:39coasting through the X-Men.
06:52But now, he's one of their most mightiest members.
06:55Deemed to be Omega-level, Iceman can generate cold and ice and even manipulate water.
07:01Weirdly, this has even allowed him to create snowy clones and made him effectively immortal
07:05as he can replace his cells.
07:22When facing off against the Juggernaut, one of Iceman's incredible tricks was freezing
07:26the speed of light around him.
07:28When he was infected with the Death Seed, Iceman's powers got even more impressive.
07:32On top of turning himself into a giant and basically a god, he plunged the whole Earth
07:37into an ice age.
07:42Number 4, Hope Summers
07:45We imagine that when Cerebro of Ye Olden Days registered a new mutant, it bleeped gently.
07:50But when Hope Summers came into being, it wrecked the device, causing massive amounts
07:55of pains to Xavier.
07:56That's how powerful she is.
07:58As the first mutant born after M-Day, after the Scarlet Witch obliterated the mutant population,
08:03Hope was always going to be special.
08:05And boy is she.
08:07Class Omega-level, Hope's able to manipulate the powers of those around her, as well as
08:12mimic them without having to touch them, like Rogue.
08:15When taking on the Juggernaut in his Kurth form, in fear itself, Hope used the power
08:19of five mutants to fight him and succeed in her part of the plan.
08:24Number 3, Legion
08:25If the X-Men creatives wanted to create a new universe, David Holler is seemingly their
08:37go-to character.
08:38After all, Legion played a part in bringing together the Age of Apocalypse, the Age of
08:43X-Men, and the Age of X.
08:45While he's Xavier's son, Legion vastly outpowers his pops.
08:49He has an Omega-level ability of power manifestation.
08:52Essentially, there are personalities inside Legion's head.
09:07When in control, he calls upon them when required, giving him a smorgasbord of attributes to
09:12choose from.
09:13According to some characters, Legion has thousands trapped in his head, and more are created
09:19With this overpowered ability, he's been able to defeat super-strong foes, including
09:35the Elder Gods.
09:36Number 2, The Marquise of Death
09:39One of the most powerful mutants of all time didn't originate in an X-Men comic, but
09:44a fantastic 4-1.
09:45On Earth-807128, Clyde Winchman Jr. destroyed villains who attacked him with his god-like
09:50reality-warping powers.
09:52He then went on a siege across the multiverse, destroying the Earth along the way and controlling
09:57cosmic entities.
09:58The Marquise eventually took 616 Dr. Doom under his wing.
10:02Yet, when he later saw Doom wasn't running the world, the Marquise fought him and lost.
10:07Doom was then beloved by all and married Sue Storm.
10:11However, it was an illusion.
10:13The Marquise managed to trick one of the most powerful sorcerers.
10:17It took the aid of another universe's Clyde's help to defeat the Marquise as no one else
10:23Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
10:27Elixir can heal and end people, even resurrecting them with his Omega-Level powers.
10:33Quentin Quire
10:34Classed Omega-Level, Quire is one of the most powerful telekinetics and telepaths around.
10:41An alternate version of Gambit, he shows the devastating potential Remy could have.
10:46Classed Omega-Level, Jamie Braddock can warp reality to his whim by pulling the strands.
10:53An Omega-Level ancient being who is thought to be the most powerful psionic.
10:58Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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11:14Number 1
11:15Jean Grey
11:27Also known as Marvel Girl, she is the epitome of potential.
11:31In the early days of X-Men, she was treated like an afterthought.
11:35But as time went on, Jean morphed into a crazy powerful mutant becoming Omega-Level
11:39with her telepathy and telekinesis.
11:41Jean needed mental blocks during her development so she wasn't overwhelmed by her own power.
12:00When we add the Phoenix into the mix, Jean becomes even more powerful.
12:04While it was later retconned that she was in a cocoon and was copied by the cosmic entity
12:09at the time, Dark Phoenix Jean consumed a sun, destroying a planet with billions upon
12:15But even more impressive, no matter how many times you think you've slain Jean, she always
12:20comes back.
12:35Which X-Men alumni who hasn't had a live-action film or TV show would you like to see?
12:40Phantom X?
12:41Pete Wisdom?
12:43someone else?
12:44Let us know in the comments down below!