Backlash 2003 WWE Title Brock Lesnar (C) vs John Cena

  • 2 months ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, coming up next, the WWE Championship is on the line.
00:05The champion, Brock Lesnar, the challenger, John Cena.
00:09Holding out both an opportunity for Cena.
00:11It's gonna be a hell of a matchup.
00:13Lesnar, Cena, a matchup built on respect.
00:19I'd like to take this time to say thank you to Brock.
00:22Shattered my knee on TV, now I can't walk.
00:26It's official, I got crippled by the meathead.
00:30But Brock, you left me breathing when you should have left me for dead.
00:35I'll break you down.
00:37Watch you drown and not throw a rope.
00:40This is jail, Brock.
00:41We inmates.
00:43You just dropped the soap.
00:45Who will be Brock Lesnar's next opponent for the WWE Championship?
00:50Well, we're gonna let the SmackDown superstars fight it out.
00:55John Cena's a name you'll remember.
00:57I'm here for one reason.
00:59My target's Brock Lesnar.
01:01Who beat Eddie Guerrero?
01:04John Cena.
01:04John Cena.
01:06Big ups to John Cena.
01:07Who beat The Undertaker?
01:10The last ride is on the way.
01:13To Lombo from the FBI.
01:14There's the boot.
01:15And now Johnny The Rock.
01:16Full-blooded Italian did the damage, and now they're running to die.
01:21Those damn full-blooded Italians have screwed The Undertaker.
01:25Cena advances.
01:26The Doctor of Thuganomics.
01:29Who beat The Rabbit Wolverine, Chris Benoit?
01:33Cena got him.
01:33John Cena.
01:35Cena beats Lesnar in Backlash.
01:38John Cena's a name you'll remember.
01:40John Cena is bigger than Brock Lesnar.
01:44Here comes the pain.
01:45Brock Lesnar, the youngest champion in WWE history.
01:50The mental and physical prowess of this man, Brock Lesnar,
01:54is absolutely amazing.
01:57Brock Lesnar surviving a possibly career-ending maneuver at WrestleMania.
02:03This man is a freak.
02:05He's damn near subhuman.
02:07It's all bad now.
02:09You done messed up now.
02:11Disrespecting the wrong hood.
02:13You wanna talk about pain?
02:15You wanna talk about here comes the pain?
02:18For Brock tonight, here comes the real pain.
02:22John Cena has shown no respect for the champion tonight.
02:26Will John Cena show Brock Lesnar respect Sunday at Backlash?
02:32Will we crown a new champion Sunday?
02:35Will that new champion's name be John Cena?
02:39Word, life.
02:40So, you think you're untouchable.
02:45Word, life, this is basic ergonomics.
02:50Yo, yo, yo, kill them beefs.
02:56Cuz y'all are listening to the next WWE champion.
03:03Yo, the list of legends that held the title now include me, bro.
03:08I'd be a better champion than Bruno San Martino.
03:13This is ergonomics, I got opponents homing crutches.
03:18I'm iron like the Sheik.
03:23I got you in my camel clutches.
03:28I lost my mind like mankind pulling socks from his ass crack.
03:33I'm straight, your dude loves.
03:38So get off the cactus, Jack.
03:43I'm straight, your dude loves.
03:48So get off the cactus, Jack.
03:53I'll take your varsity letters and medals.
03:56I'll leave you mangled and hurt.
03:58I'm attacking from all angles.
04:00You'll be calling me Kurt.
04:02And I'm wearing this Yankees jersey cuz Massachusetts makes me sick.
04:11You don't like what I'm saying?
04:15Well, you can suck my.
04:19Well, John Cena was brought up just a few moments down the road from Luster as a kid.
04:24Not endearing himself to this crowd tonight.
04:26Yankees suck, Yankees suck, Yankees suck, Yankees suck, Yankees suck, Yankees suck.
04:34Yankees suck ringing through the arena.
04:36Well, here comes the pain.
04:43Here comes the pain.
04:44Following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Championship.
05:05From Minneapolis, Minnesota weighing in at 295 pounds is the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.
05:19You see the bandage on the head of Brock Lesnar.
05:22It was a wound opened up with a shot by a steel chain and
05:26then the championship title three days ago on SmackDown at the hands of John Cena.
05:33Cole, do you think that bandage, that that wound on that man's head is gonna stop Lesnar?
05:39Hell no.
05:40Not a shot in hell.
05:42I'm telling you, Brock Lesnar, in my opinion,
05:47can run straight through a brick wall and not get a mark on him.
05:52He's a bad, bad dude.
05:54What'd you call him last week?
05:56The baddest man on the planet.
05:58And it was a day with Mike Tyson was, but in my opinion,
06:01Brock Lesnar's the baddest man on the planet period.
06:04Brock Lesnar, 295 pounds, the youngest champion in WWE history.
06:09And the number one contender, John Cena, taking little time to gain control of this matchup.
06:14And what an opportunity for Cena here tonight.
06:17Well, John Cena seizing the opportunity and catching Lesnar from behind.
06:20But here comes Lesnar with that big knee and those clubbing blows to the back of Cena.
06:25It has been a wild ride for Brock Lesnar.
06:28For Brock Lesnar, his first title defense tonight since he won the title at WrestleMania from Kurt Angle.
06:34Cena's in trouble here.
06:35He got caught.
06:36What a backbreaker driven.
06:38Brock's hanging on.
06:39And again, Brock Lesnar.
06:44Nice fall away suplex over those two backbreakers.
06:47Lesnar is well documented, very technically sound.
06:50Perhaps John Cena has talked himself in way over his head tonight.
06:54Lesnar gesturing to that wound opened on his head by Cena three days ago on SmackDown.
07:00Nice suplex by the former All-American from the University of Minnesota, Brock Lesnar.
07:05Well, John Cena, in my opinion, you want to try to get into a fight with Lesnar.
07:10Don't try to out-wrestle Lesnar.
07:12And yet another suplex.
07:14Lesnar just, he hits high impact move after move after move.
07:18And he just gets you rocking and on your rope.
07:20Here's the cover by the champion on Cena who gets the shoulder up.
07:23And do not count out John Cena.
07:25Well, this is what you don't want to do.
07:26You got caught right now in a front headlock and arm draft by Brock Lesnar.
07:30Very tough to escape any hold that Lesnar puts in you.
07:34John Cena wants to try and get some wrist control and do a sit-out to get behind Lesnar.
07:39The problem is you don't want to tick off Brock Lesnar.
07:41Brock Lesnar's coming off the handle as it is.
07:43Problem is that John Cena has disrespected the champion, has pissed him off in recent weeks.
07:47And that's why Lesnar's wearing that today.
07:49So what, Cole?
07:50It's about disrespecting people.
07:52You want to get in your opponent's head.
07:53You want to be a top dog in this company on Raw or SmackDown or SmackDown on Raw.
07:58You've got to.
07:59You've got to not be looking to make friends.
08:01You've got to get wins.
08:03Somewhat of a fisherman's suplex there from Brock Lesnar.
08:06And John Cena's in trouble.
08:07But don't count Cena out.
08:08John Cena went through Eddie Guerrero.
08:10He went through The Undertaker with some help from the FBI.
08:13He went through Chris Benoit just to get in this matchup as the number one contender.
08:16Don't forget three days ago, Cena knocked off Rhyno.
08:19Cena's the real deal.
08:21Well, if Cena can knock off Brock and become the new champion here tonight at Brock Lesnar,
08:26he'll definitely be the real deal.
08:28The whole world will know him.
08:29Perhaps a bit overzealous that time, but here's the strength of the champion.
08:32Press slam by Brock Lesnar.
08:34Driving Cena to the mat below.
08:36They say what goes up's got to come down.
08:38Are you surprised that Lesnar's had his way with Cena this far?
08:41Oh, wow.
08:42Leading Cena's clock.
08:44I don't want to say I'm surprised, because Brock Lesnar, out of the gate, out of the box,
08:48he's always intense.
08:49He's always fast.
08:50And I think that's what he's doing right now here with Cena.
08:53They're right out in front of us.
08:55Brock Lesnar helping Cena to his feet.
08:57The WWE champion, Brock Lesnar.
09:00I think he's helping Cena to his feet.
09:01Oh, look out.
09:02John Cena right into the announce table.
09:04Back first.
09:06That won't leave a mark.
09:08Well, the announce table just got moved about two feet.
09:12You have to see it.
09:14You heard Brock Lesnar throw that championship at Cena's face and say,
09:17Cena, that's what this is all about.
09:19That's what drives me as a man.
09:21That's what drives me as a champion.
09:23That championship gold.
09:24And that may be the closest that John Cena ever gets to that title,
09:28the way Brock Lesnar's going here tonight.
09:30Well, Brock did the right thing.
09:31Do some physical damage to the man's body on the outside.
09:34And get him back in the ring.
09:35That's where you win the match.
09:36Oh, look at that.
09:37John Cena.
09:38This is smart by Cena.
09:39This is a way for Cena to regroup, to regather himself.
09:42And Lesnar's in pursuit.
09:43John Cena.
09:44John Cena better be careful.
09:46John Cena does not want to get himself disqualified in this matchup.
09:49It's about being in the ring and winning the title.
09:51Yes, it is.
09:52But Brock Lesnar's so fast and just came up right behind him.
09:55Right behind Cena.
09:57High knees being driven into the ribs of John Cena.
10:01And Brock Lesnar, the champion, wanting to break the couch.
10:05Get him in the ring.
10:06Come on.
10:07You know, Brock Lesnar's always been a fighting champion, Taz.
10:09He doesn't want to win this one by DQ or anything else.
10:12Disqualification or anything else.
10:13And look at that.
10:14Lesnar driven into the steel steps.
10:16And you see Lesnar went immediately to that wound on his forehead.
10:20Well, so is Cena.
10:21Cena, too, going to that wound on his forehead.
10:23That's a fresh deal.
10:24That's from this past Thursday on SmackDown.
10:26Just three days ago.
10:27Well, John Cena better stop chitting with the crowd and having fun and
10:31get back on the champion.
10:33Well, let's take a look at these steps, the reversal here.
10:39See right there?
10:40See, Cole, you got Cena upset.
10:42He thinks you're a player, Hayden.
10:43John Cena's a player.
10:44John Cena better be a player and get on the champion here, or
10:47he's gonna be, his title shot's gonna go right down his leg.
10:50And a right hand, and look at Brock Lesnar.
10:53The wound has been reopened.
10:55The blood beginning to seep from that wound on the head of Brock Lesnar.
10:59It's Cena now.
11:00Cena has a golden opportunity.
11:02Here's the cover.
11:03On the champion.
11:04And Lesnar powers out.
11:07Well, that's smart by Cena.
11:08You see that blood come out.
11:10You know you got your man.
11:11He could be out of his feet, and he goes for a cover.
11:14Suplex by Cena.
11:15Again, a quick cover on the champion.
11:17Hook of the leg this time.
11:18And Lesnar gets the shoulder up.
11:19But the more blood Lesnar loses, the weaker he becomes.
11:22Well, I don't think Lesnar's at that point yet.
11:24Lesnar's losing some blood.
11:26But John Cena obviously picking up the pace now, picking up the intensity.
11:31Of course, he smells blood.
11:32He knows that he has Brock down and hurting.
11:35Cover again off the elbow by the challenger.
11:37And a kick out by Lesnar.
11:38John Cena's got to stay on Brock, and that's just what he's doing.
11:41And we've seen from John Cena in recent weeks,
11:43when he realizes his opponent has an injury,
11:45John Cena goes right to work.
11:47Remember, the elbow of the Undertaker.
11:49Here's the cover on Lesnar.
11:50And Lesnar kicks out.
11:51Remember the neck injuries to Benoit and Rhyno.
11:54Cena pinpointed all those injuries.
11:56Took advantage.
11:57Can he do it here tonight?
11:58I pointed out the past couple weeks on SmackDown,
12:00John Cena is tremendous at that take no prisoners attitude.
12:04And that's the attitude you need to be a champion around here
12:07to defeat a man like Lesnar.
12:09And John Cena perhaps a bit overzealous that time.
12:12Lesnar trying to shake the blood,
12:13trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head.
12:15But look at Lesnar's face.
12:17He is covered in blood.
12:19Well, we know how tough Lesnar is.
12:20That is very well documented.
12:22We've seen this man damn near survive a couple of career ending maneuvers.
12:26Yeah, at WrestleMania, he survived hell in a cell.
12:29But Brock Lesnar is being tested here tonight by John Cena.
12:33Cena, I think, lowered his level trying to shoulder block Brock Lesnar.
12:36Brock Lesnar added a ring, but Lesnar held on to the rope.
12:39A ring presence by Brock.
12:41So if you're John Cena,
12:42and your champion is bleeding now from the forehead area,
12:45what does Cena do to continue the pressure?
12:47Well, that's exactly what he's doing, Cole.
12:49You pinpoint, go for that head.
12:50Go for that head.
12:52Take out the head and the body will die.
12:54It's that simple, Cole.
12:55And that's what Cena needs to keep on doing.
12:57Well, the body is dying here.
12:59And perhaps so is Brock Lesnar's championship reign.
13:02Lesnar trying to crawl up the announce table.
13:04The body's dying, but I think the head is dying.
13:06And look at this.
13:07Off the steel post goes Lesnar.
13:09Did you see how Lesnar instinctively reached for the championship?
13:13Perhaps grasping for it for the final time here on the announce table.
13:16Well, I think Brock Lesnar, he's right out in front of us a second ago.
13:19Look at this.
13:20Cover, cover, cover by Cena.
13:21Cena can have the championship.
13:23And Lesnar just kicked out again.
13:25Well, Cena might take this thing, man.
13:27Brock, don't get banged up like this often.
13:30And you see perhaps close to a choke here by John Cena.
13:33This will cut the air to Brock Lesnar's esophagus, of course, to his lungs.
13:37With that coupled with the blood loss, this is going to hurt the champion.
13:41Well, Cena's grabbing his hold.
13:42He's content on letting Brock bleed.
13:44And you're right.
13:45You squeeze that neck, you squeeze that throat, and the blood will come out more.
13:49It sounds gross, but it's the truth.
13:54The number one contender, John Cena, could perhaps be moments away
13:58from being crowned WWE champion.
14:01Enjoying that long list of champions he ticked off here a few moments ago.
14:05Don't let him up, Cena.
14:06Don't let him up.
14:07But no doubt that John Cena ain't making no friends, Cole.
14:09That's no secret.
14:10Yeah, Brock Lesnar's to his feet.
14:11Lesnar needed to get to his feet.
14:13Look at this.
14:14Great takedown.
14:15Yeah, Smack Man right there by Brock.
14:17Oh, right to the, what a boot.
14:19Straight to that open wound.
14:20Right in that cut head.
14:21You said John Cena.
14:22Take no prisoners.
14:23Face first.
14:24He's gonna win it.
14:25Here's the cover.
14:26Cena's gonna win it.
14:27Right here.
14:28And Lesnar got the shoulder up.
14:30Cena can't believe it.
14:32Man, that was close.
14:33But what John Cena needs to do is he can't allow the frustration
14:36to become too much here.
14:37He can't allow the frustration to take control of it.
14:39He's gotta stay in control, which he seems to be doing.
14:42Yeah, I agree with you.
14:43Right, and he is doing that.
14:44Cena looked at the ref and got a little upset that he thought
14:46the count should be quicker.
14:47I think the count was fine.
14:48But Cena's coming for this.
14:49Oh, what a takedown.
14:50That was a spine buster.
14:53Double leg into that spine buster.
14:55And John Cena's down.
14:57Brock Lesnar's down.
14:58First man to his feet here will gain momentum
15:01and perhaps be able to put this match away.
15:04This is the turning point of the match for both athletes.
15:07This is for the WWE Championship.
15:09And who's gonna get to that feet first might have the advantage.
15:12You see Lesnar trying to shake the blood out of his eyes,
15:14trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head.
15:16Did you ever have blood in your eyes?
15:17I have, and it burns, I'm telling you.
15:19And you can't see it.
15:20You can't see it on the fight.
15:21But Lesnar's bringing those knees.
15:23Look at John Cena.
15:24What a counter by the challenger.
15:25Yeah, jaw-breaking from a clothesline.
15:27And look at this, John Cena.
15:28Here's the cover.
15:29Hook of the leg.
15:30He got him.
15:31Cena, how much more closer can this kid get?
15:35If you saw Cena look into the eyes of Lesnar and say,
15:38what does it take to keep you down?
15:40Well, right back on him.
15:41Cena getting the legs in that double grapevine
15:43with that rear chin lock, locking up,
15:46immobilizing Brock Lesnar's body.
15:48And look at John Cena continuing to draw the breath from Lesnar.
15:52And Brock Lesnar continues to breathe.
15:54And the tide of Lesnar to keep that grapevine around the body.
15:57As you see, Lesnar is trying to get Cena's foot
16:00controlled by his hand to break that body scissor.
16:03And then they can work on that rear chin lock.
16:05Anybody knows how to get out of this thing.
16:07It's the all-American with the amateur skills in Brock Lesnar.
16:10Oh, absolutely.
16:11Lesnar's such a little kid.
16:12He's well-accomplished, obviously.
16:14And he's our champion.
16:15But he's also lost a lot of blood.
16:17He's also winded at this point in time.
16:19He's in it with a young lion in his prime.
16:20And Cena, you can see his eyes.
16:22They intensely how much he wants this damn championship.
16:28So, you know, right now, with that rear naked choke
16:31and that grapevine, some people here,
16:34some people are getting behind Cena.
16:36He is from Massachusetts.
16:37But Cena don't care about these people.
16:39Not at all.
16:40Cena doesn't care about the champion.
16:42All he wants is the championship title.
16:44John Cena continues the pressure.
16:46Brock Lesnar trying somehow to weasel his way out of this.
16:51He might have a pin here.
16:52If Brock can arch back and bridge a little bit more,
16:55he can get Cena's left shoulder down
16:57and maybe get a pin cover.
16:59Brock Lesnar could be fading here.
17:01Yeah, I think you're right.
17:02John Cena has this locked in.
17:04The champion could be fading.
17:06I don't think we'd ever see Brock tap out.
17:08I don't think that would happen.
17:10But he might pass out.
17:11Yeah, you're right.
17:12He's too proud of a champion and of an athlete Brock is to tap.
17:15And if Brock Lesnar passes out,
17:17the referee has to stop this thing
17:19and award the title to John Cena.
17:22Look at John Cena.
17:23Look at the intensity.
17:24That's what it's about, man.
17:25That's what it's about, trying to become a champion.
17:28And that's what-
17:29John Cena knows the opportunity that he has here.
17:33And Cena's just hanging on,
17:35trying to squeeze the big monster Brock Lesnar out.
17:41Right now, the leg lace that Grapevine by Cena is in
17:45is still very tight.
17:46You can feel it here in the arena here in Worcester.
17:48The crowd beginning to feel that perhaps Brock Lesnar
17:50getting to his knees to build momentum.
17:52That's right, build momentum.
17:54And here comes Brock.
17:56Oh, my God.
17:57Lesnar's up to his feet.
17:58He's such a powerful athlete, Lesnar is.
18:01Back first, Cena, into the turnbuckle.
18:03But Cena holding on.
18:04Back first again into the turnbuckle.
18:06Cena continues to hold.
18:07Got him!
18:08A third time.
18:09Breaks the hold.
18:10But Lesnar may have nothing left.
18:12He just lifted a 245-pound man onto his back,
18:15carried him around the ring three times.
18:17Brock Lesnar, you're right,
18:18exerting a lot of energy to get Cena off his body.
18:21Brock Lesnar using the ring as his ally,
18:24using the ring and those turnbuckles as a weapon.
18:26How much did it take out of Brock Lesnar?
18:28Well, I don't know that, Cole.
18:30I mean, it looks like Brock is starting to get to a knee.
18:33And Cena, I think, went for an elbow, didn't connect,
18:36but boom, block, sweep.
18:38We've seen that before.
18:39Yeah, that sweep and that clothesline.
18:41And another clothesline.
18:42And here comes the champion.
18:44Oh, here comes the pain.
18:45Lesnar getting it all fired up.
18:47Oh, Cena might be on dream sheet and treat here shortly.
18:50Lesnar planting Cena.
18:52Hooks the leg.
18:53Shoulders down.
18:54And no, Cena kicked out.
18:56You don't know how much is behind,
18:58behind that pin cover by Lesnar.
19:00Lesnar's lost some blood,
19:01and he's got the top beat out of him here tonight.
19:04Double leg elbow.
19:05Driving Cena into the turnbuckle.
19:07And now the shoulders to the gut by Lesnar,
19:09trying to wear down the number one contender.
19:14Cena's in trouble.
19:15Once in a month, Cena tried to counter,
19:18The champion hooks the leg.
19:20He got it.
19:21Shoulders down.
19:22And John Cena, again, gets the shoulder up.
19:25What a matchup here.
19:27Both men leaving it all in the ring.
19:31The champion, again, pulling,
19:33pulling Cena up to his feet to drive those big deltoids
19:37that Lesnar possesses.
19:38Look at John Cena, the pain.
19:42Went for the clothesline.
19:43That's their counter.
19:44Shot to the midsection by Cena.
19:47Oh, almost ran into the referee.
19:48And a low blow!
19:50A low blow, referee!
19:51Number seven!
19:52Cena's gonna win it here!
19:54He's gonna win it off a low blow!
19:55And Lesnar just kicked out!
19:57What has John Cena gotta do to defeat Brock Lesnar?
20:01The low blow almost fell on the champion.
20:04Here comes, here comes Cena!
20:05Neck breaker!
20:07Cover him, John!
20:08Cover him, Cena!
20:09You might be the new champ!
20:10John Cena hooks the leg of Lesnar.
20:12Do you have a new champion?
20:14And there is the frustration in the challenger.
20:18John Cena gotta keep it on him, Cole.
20:20Gotta keep the pressure on Brock.
20:23John Cena, again, on the attack of Lesnar.
20:26If you're Cena, you better-
20:27Lesnar driving Cena into the top rope!
20:30And his neck just snapped off the top rope.
20:33Talk about a whiplash.
20:35The chain, Cole.
20:38Look at this.
20:39Cena's got that steel chain.
20:42Cena knows how to wrap that bad boy around his hand.
20:44Yeah, he opened up a Lesnar chain last week on SmackDown.
20:48Watchful hand with that steel on his fist.
20:51And referee pointing at him for doing his job.
20:53Well, good job by him, though.
20:56Don't go, don't go, don't go!
20:58Look out!
20:59Oh, boy!
21:00Here comes the pain, Cole!
21:02Here comes the pain!
21:03Five connects!
21:05Can Lesnar take advantage?
21:08And Brock can cover Cena!
21:10Brock, I think, will retain the championship!
21:12Here's the cover!
21:13One, two, three!
21:15Lesnar retains the title!
21:19Here is your winner, and still WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar!
21:26You gotta give the challenger a hell of a lot of credit.
21:28John Cena took the champion to the limit tonight.
21:31But Brock Lesnar retains the championship!
21:34What an effort by a busted-up Brock Lesnar!
21:37Oh, ain't no doubt about it.
21:39Both athletes leaving it all in the ring.
21:41That was a phenomenal match-up.
21:43WWE Champion Brock Lesnar still is the WWE Champion.
21:48You see the dejection in the face of John Cena.
21:51But for John Cena, there will be many more nights like this one.
21:55That's right.
21:56For John Cena, one day, he may join that rank of champions.
