PNBP Perikanan Jauh dari Target

  • 2 months ago
Direktur Kapal Perikanan dan Alat Penangkapan Ikan (KAPI) Kementerian Perikanan dan Kelautan melaporkan, Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) perikanan tangkap mencapai Rp533 miliar hingga Semester 1-2024. Capaian tersebut masih jauh dari target PNBP perikanan tangkap tahun 2024, yaitu Rp1,85 triliun.


00:00We go to the Director of the Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Department, Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, who reported that the country's receipt of non-taxed fisheries was caught up to Rp 533 billion until January 1, 2024.
00:13And the achievement is still far from the target of the fisheries and maritime affairs department caught in 2024, which is Rp 1.85 trillion.
00:21On the other hand, the achievement of the fisheries and maritime affairs department of the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, who reported that the country's receipt of non-taxed fisheries was caught up to Rp 533 billion until January 1, 2024.
00:38And the achievement is still far from the target of the fisheries and maritime affairs department caught in 2024, which is Rp 1.85 trillion.
00:48On the other hand, the achievement of the fisheries and maritime affairs department caught in the first semester of 2024 reached Rp 3.34 million from the target of 2024, which is Rp 6 million.
00:59The production achievement has reached 111.33% of the target of the first semester.
01:06Then it is very good related to BNPB.
01:10Alhamdulillah, BNPB has risen sharply because the SOP that we run with friends of PSDKP is very effective to provide the best service to entrepreneurs.
01:26Then also the data in the port has also started to be serviced well by placing sufficient enumerators in the fisheries port.
01:40The demand for the exchange rate of fisheries at the beginning of 2024 was greatly affected by the increase in the price of public building materials and the impact of extreme weather.
01:49The exchange rate of fisheries is very dependent on the price of fish products produced by the fisheries compared to its export.
01:56Coverage Team IDX Channel
