Reborn: The Legend Luna Awakening Full Movie

  • 2 months ago
Reborn: The Legend Luna Awakening Full Movie
00:00:00I am Alpha King.
00:00:08Is your wife still all dark about it?
00:00:11Don't kill the vibe by bringing her into this.
00:00:15I am Alpha King.
00:00:26Conrad, is that you?
00:00:29I have great news.
00:00:34You two tamed the lowlives.
00:00:37I gave you both pieces of my heart.
00:00:40Well, this is not a secret anymore.
00:00:45Oh, poor Emma.
00:00:50You're such a self-obsessed snob.
00:00:55As a wolfless rogue, in what world do you deserve to be Howard's Lina?
00:01:02Keep your mouth shut and I'll still consider you as my mate.
00:01:05You've taken the oath beneath the Moon Goddess.
00:01:09Your wrongdoing will be known to all.
00:01:12Oh, you wouldn't dare.
00:01:15We can't keep her alive to sabotage us.
00:01:22You're the Alpha.
00:01:24Finish the job.
00:01:31Howard, you took me under the Moon and now I'm pregnant with your child.
00:01:44I won't let someone like you pollute my bloodline.
00:01:55If I had to do it all over again, I would have made those two scabby sluts pay with their misery.
00:02:05I swear to the Moon Goddess.
00:02:15Emma Evans, I hear your prayer.
00:02:19I grant you a second chance.
00:02:22Who's speaking?
00:02:24You need to find your destined one before the next full moon.
00:02:28Otherwise, I'll take everything back from you, including your life.
00:02:45The Moon Goddess heard my plea.
00:02:48She sent me back to my wedding day a year ago.
00:02:52Now, I can make my vengeance come true.
00:03:15Oh my God, Emma. You look stunning.
00:03:20Nothing brightens my day more than my sister's wedding.
00:03:25Is everything okay?
00:03:27Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed.
00:03:31Take it easy. You know I'm always here for you.
00:03:35I'm sure you are.
00:03:38Get some rest. I'll go check on the ground.
00:03:42I'll go check on the ground.
00:03:56What a charming couple.
00:03:59Truly heartwarming.
00:04:13Moon Goddess, thanks for a second shot at life.
00:04:19I swear they will feel my pain.
00:04:25Watch the suit. You look great.
00:04:28Who cares? The Moon Goddess chose Emma, not me.
00:04:54Oh my God.
00:05:20What the hell was that?
00:05:21I didn't see their face.
00:05:22We must keep this under wraps no matter what.
00:05:24Get him.
00:05:33I'm done playing the victim.
00:05:35Just you wait and see.
00:05:41Quick. There's nowhere for him to hide.
00:05:44The honour.
00:05:46Why do you have to attend the wedding in such a booger pack?
00:05:50I know this might sound crazy, Jimmy, but I think my Luna's here.
00:06:16Are you all right?
00:06:40I think he went this way.
00:06:43Is someone after you?
00:06:45There you are, you dirty rat. Show me your face.
00:06:47Stay back. How dare you disrespect Alpha Leo.
00:06:54This is a misunderstanding. I mean no harm. I'm Alpha Howard of the Blood Moon Pack.
00:07:01Alpha Leo? We are searching for our fugitive.
00:07:07Help me. They can't find me here.
00:07:14How dare you suspect my Luna.
00:07:18Liv! Now!
00:07:21I didn't know Alpha Leo had a...
00:07:23Quiet. I just want to face his claws in the wrath of the Flame Moon Pack.
00:07:30Liv! Now!
00:07:33I didn't know Alpha Leo had a...
00:07:35Quiet. I just want to face his claws in the wrath of the Flame Moon Pack.
00:07:38Hold on. I'm just going to watch you.
00:07:48Max, it's...
00:07:52Hey, do you even realize you're being offended?
00:07:54Jimmy, relax. It was just an accident.
00:07:59I'm sorry. And thank you for saving him.
00:08:02Of course. I was well rewarded with a kiss.
00:08:06May I have the honor of knowing your name?
00:08:09You must be a guest at the wedding.
00:08:12You'll learn my name soon enough, during the ceremony.
00:08:17Oh, so you're invited.
00:08:19Blame me?
00:08:21You'll see.
00:08:24I can't. I have an hour before the wedding.
00:08:27You'll see.
00:08:30I can't. I have an hour before the wedding.
00:08:34That's because that's not just any woman.
00:08:38That's my destiny.
00:08:41My Luna.
00:08:43Where are you going?
00:08:46Just a moment.
00:08:57We need to find this lawyer before the wedding. This could ruin us.
00:09:01There's no time. Everyone's already here.
00:09:05Where is Grace?
00:09:07Why didn't the Mongoose choose me?
00:09:15The bride please come to the altar.
00:09:20Where is she?
00:09:22She said she'd be here.
00:09:30Will you honor me by being my plus one?
00:09:38Where's Luna Borel?
00:09:40She's the bride.
00:09:42Alpha, you said she was your Luna.
00:09:43No. No. The Moon Goddess will deceive me.
00:09:48Alpha Howard.
00:09:50Under the blessings of the Moon Goddess,
00:09:52do you take Emma as your companion?
00:09:55And pledge to be faithful to her for eternity?
00:09:59I do.
00:10:13I do.
00:10:26And Emma.
00:10:28Under the blessings of the Moon Goddess,
00:10:31do you take Howard as your companion?
00:10:34And pledge to be faithful to him for eternity?
00:10:37Hold on.
00:10:42Can you honestly say you'll remain faithful to your oath?
00:10:46Absolutely. I wouldn't lie to the Moon Goddess.
00:10:49If there's something you're not telling me now, it's the time to do so.
00:10:52Emma, I understand your concern.
00:10:54Trust me. I am fully committed to you.
00:10:57As I ask the same from you.
00:10:59And what if you were to ever break that commitment?
00:11:03If I did, I deserve to rot in a dungeon.
00:11:06I've given you fair warning.
00:11:14Once again, Emma.
00:11:17Under the blessings of the Moon Goddess,
00:11:19do you take Howard as your companion?
00:11:22And pledge to be faithful to him for eternity?
00:11:26By the Holy Moon Goddess,
00:11:29I, Emma Evans, renounce you,
00:11:32Alpha Howard Jones.
00:11:42By the Holy Moon Goddess,
00:11:44I, Emma Evans, renounce you,
00:11:47Alpha Howard Jones.
00:11:49For Moon's sake.
00:11:51Am I hearing it wrong?
00:11:53Emma just rejected Howard.
00:11:55This is insane. A rogue rejecting an Alpha?
00:12:04Oh my God.
00:12:07That's literally insane.
00:12:09That's the most insane thing ever.
00:12:11Emma, do you have any idea what you're saying?
00:12:13I understand it better than ever.
00:12:15I understand it better than ever.
00:12:18I, Emma Evans, refuse Howard Jones.
00:12:21Emma, you're out of your mind.
00:12:23The Moon Goddess brought us together.
00:12:25Why are you rejecting our union now?
00:12:27Trust me, you don't want me to elaborate.
00:12:33My dear sister.
00:12:36Marrying onto Alpha Howard is a huge leap for us.
00:12:41I can imagine how intimidating it might seem
00:12:44if you have any concerns.
00:12:46Rely on the Moon Goddess for guidance.
00:12:49Monica's right. Don't make a scene.
00:12:54What now?
00:12:55You both put on quite a show.
00:12:57Emma, what are you talking about?
00:12:59Ladies and gentlemen,
00:13:01I'm here to unveil the truth
00:13:03about my sister's relationship with my alleged fiancé.
00:13:11Where's the suit?
00:13:13Who cares?
00:13:14It's the Moon Goddess who chose Emma, not me.
00:13:28It was you?
00:13:29The Moonstone reveals Howard and Monica's betrayal
00:13:32of our faith in the Moon Goddess.
00:13:34This ceremony is a sham.
00:13:43Alpha Howard, you cannot take that stone.
00:13:45It was given to us by the Moon Goddess
00:13:47as a gift to our people.
00:13:54Look here.
00:13:55It's not the real Moonstone at all.
00:13:57She's prepared a fake one to frame me.
00:13:59That's not true.
00:14:01This stone is given to us by the Moon Goddess.
00:14:03It's a gift to our people.
00:14:05It's a gift to our people.
00:14:07It's a gift to our people.
00:14:09It's a gift to our people.
00:14:11This stone has been in my possession since birth.
00:14:14Untouched and genuine.
00:14:17You heard her.
00:14:19Just another trick from this cunning rogue.
00:14:22Since you lack respect
00:14:24for your own sister,
00:14:26I'll have to teach you a lesson.
00:14:30Save your lessons for yourself
00:14:32and your skunk of a lover.
00:14:34How dare you hit me?
00:14:37You're going to pay for this.
00:14:41Witness, my people.
00:14:43Emma Evans
00:14:46has manipulated evidence
00:14:48to tarnish her good Alpha's name.
00:14:51Her actions are vicious
00:14:53and unforgivable.
00:14:55As Alpha of the Blood Moon Act,
00:14:58I declare her banishment from the land.
00:15:02I declare her banishment from the land.
00:15:15As Alpha of the Blood Moon Act,
00:15:17I declare her banishment from the land.
00:15:21You were right, Alpha.
00:15:22She needs to be dispelled.
00:15:24I'm with you, Alpha.
00:15:26Me too.
00:15:28Emma Evans.
00:15:30You can either preserve
00:15:32what little dignity you have left
00:15:35and leave now,
00:15:36or face expulsion from the pack.
00:15:40You may fool the pack,
00:15:42but not me.
00:15:45Give me back my Moon Stone.
00:15:47I will uncover the truth.
00:15:49This is proof of your deception.
00:15:52You won't be getting it back.
00:16:01Don't be afraid.
00:16:02I'm here for you.
00:16:04It was you.
00:16:06I pledged to the Moon
00:16:08that you will never be an outcast again.
00:16:14As the Alpha King,
00:16:18I, the Alpha King,
00:16:20I, the Alpha King,
00:16:22I, the Alpha King,
00:16:24I, the Alpha King,
00:16:25I, the Alpha King,
00:16:26I, the Alpha King,
00:16:27I, the Alpha King,
00:16:28I, the Alpha King,
00:16:29I, the Alpha King,
00:16:30I, the Alpha King,
00:16:31I, the Alpha King,
00:16:32I, the Alpha King,
00:16:33I, the Alpha King,
00:16:34I, the Alpha King,
00:16:35I, the Alpha King,
00:16:36I, the Alpha King,
00:16:37I, the Alpha King,
00:16:38I, the Alpha King,
00:16:39I, the Alpha King,
00:16:40I, the Alpha King,
00:16:41I, the Alpha King,
00:16:42I, the Alpha King,
00:16:43I, the Alpha King,
00:16:44I, the Alpha King,
00:16:45I, the Alpha King,
00:16:46I, the Alpha King,
00:16:47I, the Alpha King,
00:16:48I, the Alpha King,
00:16:49I, the Alpha King,
00:16:50I, the Alpha King,
00:16:51I, the Alpha King,
00:16:52I, the Alpha King,
00:16:53I, the Alpha King,
00:16:54I, the Alpha King,
00:16:55She will be bonded to me as her Alpha.
00:16:58Wait, isn't that...
00:16:59It's Alpha Leo.
00:17:01Alpha Leo, with all due respect,
00:17:03you can't just take my Luna away.
00:17:08Don't you remember the first rule of survival?
00:17:11Never go against a world who's stronger than you.
00:17:14Alpha Leo,
00:17:16your pack won't accept Emma.
00:17:19Even the Goddess has abandoned her wicked soul.
00:17:23I sit through your deception.
00:17:25Emma has one of the purest and most innocent souls I've ever seen.
00:17:33It's you two who have evil within.
00:17:48Emma, I take back everything I said.
00:17:51You were always the kindest soul in the pack.
00:17:53How could I ever have doubted you?
00:17:55Please forgive me.
00:18:00Emma, I take back everything I said.
00:18:03You were always the kindest soul in the pack.
00:18:06How could I ever have doubted you?
00:18:08Please forgive me.
00:18:11The Alpha King is capable of deception.
00:18:14Don't trust him.
00:18:15We won't be fooled again.
00:18:17You two are a disgrace to our Blood Moon pack.
00:18:20You shameless liars.
00:18:21Get the hell out.
00:18:24You're a disgrace to the pack.
00:18:30Emma, it's time for us to go.
00:18:32To where?
00:18:33To my pack, the Flame Moon.
00:18:36I appreciate the help, but I have to find Howard.
00:18:40Alpha Leo, we love you.
00:18:42Thank you so much.
00:18:43We love you.
00:18:54How dare you command us after everything you just did?
00:19:00Your Honor, it's as if she only hasn't let go of her Puzzler.
00:19:04Why does she continue to pursue him after everything he's done?
00:19:17Your Honor, it's as if she only hasn't let go of her Puzzler.
00:19:21Why does she continue to pursue him after everything he's done?
00:19:25Yeah, where's your White Knight?
00:19:26Didn't you come with him?
00:19:28He's not involved in this.
00:19:31You should understand that no one else will excite you as I do.
00:19:37Well, I can't defy the Moon Goddess, so you can still come with us.
00:19:43But Monica's the one that I love.
00:19:46Howard, you should listen to yourself.
00:19:48What are you saying?
00:19:51I've come to break our ties.
00:20:06I've come to break our ties.
00:20:10Without me.
00:20:11Without me, you'll be a pathetic rogue all your life.
00:20:16I'd rather die than be with trash.
00:20:20I, Emma Evans, refuse to meet with you, Alpha Howard of Blood Moon.
00:20:28What are you waiting for?
00:20:31Just say yes.
00:20:36I agree.
00:20:37You're going to regret this forever.
00:20:51My God, it's the Light of the Mother of Werewolves.
00:20:54This is impossible.
00:20:55How could she be the leader of all werewolves?
00:21:08What did you do to her?
00:21:09We didn't do anything.
00:21:10She collapsed on her own.
00:21:13Emma's under my protection now.
00:21:16You go against her.
00:21:17You go against the entire pack.
00:21:24If Emma fully awakens as the Mother of Werewolves, we're screwed.
00:21:27Then I guess I'll just have to kill her before that happens.
00:21:55You're awake.
00:21:57Where am I?
00:21:59And who are you?
00:22:03What are you doing?
00:22:06I love your scent.
00:22:08Can I ask a favor?
00:22:10What is it?
00:22:14Can I mark you?
00:22:40You scared Emma.
00:22:44Nice to meet you.
00:22:45I'm Lena, Leo's cousin.
00:22:47You're Lena from the White Moon Pack.
00:22:50I've heard of you.
00:22:51As Snows and the Likens.
00:22:53You know me.
00:22:54Why did my mark react to Lena?
00:22:56Could he be my destined mate?
00:22:59I need to speak with Emma, please.
00:23:01Emma, until next time.
00:23:06Is this your castle?
00:23:08I feel like I shouldn't stay here.
00:23:10As I said, this is your pack now.
00:23:13Just stay.
00:23:15You're safe.
00:23:16Thank you, Leo.
00:23:18But I have my mission.
00:23:20What is it?
00:23:21I can help.
00:23:22It might sound absurd, but...
00:23:25I've been tasked with finding my destined mate before the next full moon or else I'll die.
00:23:32I'm serious.
00:23:33Alright, alright.
00:23:35I believe you.
00:23:37I can assist.
00:23:41Have you considered that the person you're seeking might be right in front of you?
00:23:48I wish it were you.
00:23:51But unfortunately...
00:23:56It's not.
00:24:04Thank you.
00:24:09Leo, it's unusual to have a rogue dining with us nobles.
00:24:13The room provides shelter to every werewolf, not just the nobles.
00:24:17Don't you dare talk back to me.
00:24:19My dear sister, she's right.
00:24:22All werewolves are equal in the eyes of the moon goddess.
00:24:25Please, Emma, have a seat.
00:24:27Thank you.
00:24:29Leo, she's a rule breaker.
00:24:33As author of this palace, I make the rules.
00:24:39Emma will join us for every meal.
00:24:42She will not.
00:24:47And you forgot my warning.
00:24:49I'll show you how foolish it is to keep her here.
00:24:52I'll show you how foolish it is to keep her here.
00:25:03Found it.
00:25:09The legend Luna must endure the trial of truth and deception before her awakening.
00:25:14Choosing a false may...
00:25:23You were pretending this whole time?
00:25:26You're the missing piece, Ebony.
00:25:28It's only right that you become part of me forever.
00:25:37Emma is my mate.
00:25:39Stay away from her!
00:25:42I desire her as my mate as well.
00:25:44Why not let her decide?
00:25:47Life is for gentlemen.
00:25:49Don't you dare advance towards her again.
00:25:52Otherwise, you'll be banished from my castle.
00:26:01You're hurting me.
00:26:02I'm sorry.
00:26:03I can't stand Luna so close to you.
00:26:05He isn't your true mate.
00:26:07How can you be so sure?
00:26:08Because he's toying with you. I know it!
00:26:12Don't be harsh.
00:26:13I'm still young.
00:26:15I'm all right.
00:26:17What will it take to make you mine?
00:26:19I will do whatever it takes.
00:26:25I wish it were you.
00:26:30I tried, but...
00:26:38You are not leaving me.
00:26:50That shameless cunt must be dealt with!
00:26:59What's going on here?
00:27:01What is everyone searching for?
00:27:03A crucial letter has gone missing.
00:27:05If it gets in the hands of the wrong person, it could spell big trouble.
00:27:08I'm sure it will.
00:27:09I'm sure it will.
00:27:10I'm sure it will.
00:27:11I'm sure it will.
00:27:12I'm sure it will.
00:27:13I'm sure it will.
00:27:14I'm sure it will.
00:27:15I'm sure it will.
00:27:16I'm sure it will.
00:27:17I'm sure it will.
00:27:18If it gets in the hands of the wrong person, it could spell big trouble.
00:27:20Don't waste time with an outsider.
00:27:26Howard, trust me. I didn't take the letters.
00:27:28Who else could it be?
00:27:29You've turned me into a laughingstock in front of our whole pack.
00:27:32Get out of here.
00:27:33Get the fuck out!
00:27:41Déjà vu all over again.
00:27:44No way I'm falling into this trap twice.
00:27:47Not in this life.
00:27:55The order I've searched everywhere.
00:27:57Still nothing.
00:28:00How could it have just disappeared?
00:28:03No, not everywhere.
00:28:05There's still one place left.
00:28:08Here it comes.
00:28:09You think the letter's in my room.
00:28:13Your room is the only place left unchecked.
00:28:16We've accounted for everyone else who's been in and out,
00:28:19and the letter's still missing.
00:28:21That's ridiculous. Why would she have it?
00:28:23Don't worry.
00:28:24It's just a simple room search.
00:28:27Jimmy can handle it.
00:28:40It's just a simple room search.
00:28:43Jimmy can handle it.
00:28:47What are you waiting for? Move.
00:28:49If the letter is in her room, she must be the spy from Ludden.
00:28:57Everyone, see for yourselves.
00:29:00Emma is the spy.
00:29:03According to our law, we must end her life with a silver dagger,
00:29:07preventing her from transcending and returning as a traitor.
00:29:17You've overstepped your bounds.
00:29:19You have zero concrete evidence against Emma.
00:29:24As the Alpha, your duty is to make tough decisions to protect the pack.
00:29:29What a scene.
00:29:31I heard the news about this letter.
00:29:34Leslie, read the letter.
00:29:37I don't want to.
00:29:39I don't want to.
00:29:41I don't want to.
00:29:43Leslie, read the letter.
00:29:59How come you did it?
00:30:14How come you did it?
00:30:16Did you intend for the letter you placed on my pillow to turn into a blank paper?
00:30:21What letter are you referring to?
00:30:24I have the real letter right here, everyone.
00:30:26Wait. Hold on. Why do you have the letter?
00:30:30Don't worry, Leo. Let me explain.
00:30:43Someone was in here.
00:31:14Wait. Hold on. Why do you have the letter?
00:31:18Don't worry, Leo. Let me explain.
00:31:22Someone was in here.
00:31:35Elena, can I ask you for a favor?
00:31:41This is a letter from the Alphas. How did you get this?
00:31:45Well, it seems someone's trying to set me up.
00:31:49I've heard you have an exceptional sense of smell, so I was hoping you could help me trace who wrote it.
00:31:56What smell, Leo?
00:32:07It's not your scent, but it's familiar.
00:32:11Whose scent is it?
00:32:14It's my reward.
00:32:23What do you want?
00:32:37What smell, Leo?
00:32:50It's not your scent, but it's familiar.
00:32:53Whose scent is it?
00:32:56It's my reward.
00:32:59What do you want?
00:33:15It's not your scent, but it's familiar.
00:33:18And that concludes my story.
00:33:25And that concludes my story.
00:33:30Elena, why are you taking your side over your own sister?
00:33:34Have you been brainwashed by this lice-infested bitch?
00:33:38Oh. We can conduct a simple test using a mercury lamp.
00:33:42I coated the inside of my pillow with a fluorescent powder that takes a week to come off.
00:33:47Leslie, I believe we'll still find the traces of it on your hands.
00:33:55Let's see it.
00:34:14Leslie, what other lice can you conspire?
00:34:19Leslie needs to learn the consequences of spying.
00:34:24Don't kill me, Leo.
00:34:26My jealousy got the best of me. I never intended for the message to leak. Trust me.
00:34:30Emma, it's your decision whether or not to spare her.
00:34:37Emma, I was wrong to frame you.
00:34:42I was wrong to frame you.
00:34:45I was wrong to frame you.
00:34:48I was wrong to frame you.
00:34:52I was wrong to frame you out of jealousy.
00:34:56I beg for your mercy.
00:34:59I promise not to cause you trouble again.
00:35:05She's my sister.
00:35:07For my sake, give her a chance.
00:35:14I'll let you go this time.
00:35:17But, as you agreed, if I proved my innocence, you'd be my maid for a month.
00:35:24Don't you think it's time to fulfill your promise?
00:35:28Very well.
00:35:30I shall serve as your maid.
00:35:34I don't need a deceitful maid like you.
00:35:38That was for Leo's injured hand.
00:35:40Remember, never cross me again.
00:36:03Your power is formidable.
00:36:05Don't forget our promise.
00:36:18Are you here to mock me?
00:36:20How dare you set me up with that wicked cunt?
00:36:22Leslie, I'm in love with Emma.
00:36:24I can't just stand by and watch her suffer.
00:36:26Emma, Emma, Emma.
00:36:27Why does everyone adore her?
00:36:29I'm your sister.
00:36:30You'd rather see me suffer?
00:36:31Calm down.
00:36:32We're on the same side.
00:36:34I'll end the relationship.
00:36:36You will get Leo.
00:36:37Emma will be mine.
00:36:40Call it a deal?
00:36:48What did you promise Leno?
00:36:53You don't have faith in me.
00:36:56Where did that come from?
00:36:59You went to Leno first, not me.
00:37:03I was just trying to solve Leo's problem.
00:37:06And yet you went to Leno first, because you trust him more.
00:37:10I didn't feel that way.
00:37:41I can't confront Leo.
00:37:43Keeping him around, killing him is impossible.
00:37:45Then we'll have to lure him out of this castle.
00:37:54Your Honor, urgent news.
00:37:56Our guards were killed at the border.
00:37:58We need you there.
00:38:00Go, Leo. I'll be fine.
00:38:02Wait for me here at the castle.
00:38:11This marks the end for Emma.
00:38:13Are you certain?
00:38:15What if our plan fails?
00:38:17Do you want a vengeful Emma on our heels?
00:38:20This is our only option.
00:38:41With Leo away, why not try to make a move on Emma?
00:38:45It wouldn't be fair.
00:38:47I want an equal chance with Leo.
00:38:49What's so special about that rogue?
00:38:52You don't understand.
00:38:54She exudes this mysterious aura of power.
00:38:57It's like nothing I've ever felt before.
00:38:59More powerful than Leo?
00:39:01More powerful than Leo and any of us combined.
00:39:06If she's that impressive,
00:39:08why did Howard leave her?
00:39:10Strength doesn't equate to love.
00:39:12The strongest don't necessarily deserve love.
00:39:15Perhaps there's beauty in the ordinary.
00:39:18I'm fated to be Luna of the Mightiest.
00:39:21I shall marry Luna.
00:39:25Emma's in trouble.
00:39:27Emma's in trouble.
00:39:39Emma's in trouble.
00:39:44Who are you?
00:39:46This is the Alpha King's castle.
00:39:48You won't get away.
00:39:52Stay back!
00:39:58Stay back!
00:40:12No one touches her!
00:40:23No one touches her!
00:40:28No one touches her!
00:40:34There's trouble in the castle.
00:40:37Let's head back.
00:40:39He's running the pack. We have to go.
00:40:45Are you okay?
00:40:46I'm fine. Are you?
00:40:48Just seeing you has me lightheaded.
00:40:58The dagger was poisoned.
00:41:16If you need a way out, follow me.
00:41:19I know a hiding spot.
00:41:21Don't ask questions.
00:41:23If you want that bitch dead, we're allies.
00:41:26Let's go.
00:41:34Who were they?
00:41:36How did they get in?
00:41:38How did they leave?
00:41:40I don't know.
00:41:42I secured the castle at the first sign of intruders.
00:41:46Only someone familiar with the layout could have escaped.
00:41:51So someone helped them.
00:41:54Where's Cecily?
00:41:56Her brother's injured. Why isn't she here?
00:42:04Take off your masks, Alpha Howard, Blood Moon and Monica.
00:42:09How did you know it was us?
00:42:11You weren't the only ones after Emma's life.
00:42:14But I'm curious.
00:42:16She's no longer part of your pack. Why risk killing her?
00:42:19Because she's a threat.
00:42:21A threat.
00:42:23Emma is the Legend Luna.
00:42:26How's that possible?
00:42:28We wouldn't have believed it ourselves if we hadn't seen it.
00:42:31She truly is the Legend Luna.
00:42:34And all the harm I've caused...
00:42:36We're already her enemies.
00:42:38As soon as she discovers her true identity, she'll seize your status, your man, your pack.
00:42:46Our only option is to eliminate her before she fully awakens.
00:42:54What's that?
00:42:55It's Wolfsbane. It's the deadliest of poisons to our kind.
00:43:16You know what to do with it.
00:43:20No. If anything happens to Emma, I'll be the prime suspect.
00:43:24Our intent isn't to harm Emma.
00:43:27What then?
00:43:29Simply make it look like Emma's doing it.
00:43:32If everyone in Flame Moon were poisoned, then she...
00:43:36You want me to harm the entire pack?
00:43:40No way.
00:43:42Pretend we never met today. Leave before it gets too late.
00:43:50She'll come around here.
00:43:58I beg of you.
00:44:00Please be alright.
00:44:02They're after me.
00:44:04It should have been me.
00:44:06This feels like the Moon Goddess's punishment.
00:44:10Perhaps I shouldn't be with Leon.
00:44:13Please, Moon Goddess.
00:44:15Help me once more.
00:44:18Bring Lana back.
00:44:20And this time, I won't defy you.
00:44:47I'm sorry.
00:45:03You want it back?
00:45:12Lana, how are you feeling?
00:45:14Not too bad.
00:45:18Let me do that.
00:45:23Here. Let me help you.
00:45:28You big faker.
00:45:30Is that how you treat a patient?
00:45:32I don't know. You seem pretty agile to me.
00:45:34Tell you're invalid.
00:45:36I'm not.
00:45:37Your Honor, we got news.
00:45:39Leslie let the attackers escape.
00:45:48Your Honor, we got news.
00:45:50Leslie let the attackers escape.
00:45:52Where's Leslie now?
00:45:54Why did she let the attackers go? Bring her here.
00:45:58Confronting her directly won't get us the answers we need.
00:46:01The attackers failed this time, but they'll try again.
00:46:03They wouldn't dare.
00:46:04The Council's on high alert.
00:46:06Any further attempts would be met with lethal force.
00:46:12We might need you to keep up the act of being ill a bit longer.
00:46:31No, I won't allow it.
00:46:33It's too risky.
00:46:35But Lana is still in danger.
00:46:37The Red Yarrows are our only hope.
00:46:39I can send people to them.
00:46:41The Red Yarrows are only found in the Rogue's secret land.
00:46:45Trust me.
00:46:47I'll be quick.
00:46:49I know where to find them.
00:46:56Well, the bait is taken.
00:46:58Emma, if I was truly in danger, would you risk your life to save me?
00:47:03No, I am not risking your life or anyone else's.
00:47:05Especially not Lana.
00:47:11Get some rest and take care of yourself.
00:47:14We'll be back soon.
00:47:34Why did you refuse, Lana?
00:47:36It's part of our plan.
00:47:38I don't want you giving them false hope.
00:47:55Please, Moon Goddess, help me once more.
00:47:58Bring Lana back.
00:48:00And this time, I won't defy you.
00:48:14Leo, stop.
00:48:17We're not meant to be together.
00:48:19You're not my destiny.
00:48:21How could you say that?
00:48:23Our bond is real.
00:48:25We've shared so much together.
00:48:29Let's not dwell on that now.
00:48:32We need to focus on our plan.
00:48:34If we can get through this, maybe the Moon Goddess will bless us.
00:48:43Do you believe in us?
00:48:45I do.
00:48:50With all my heart.
00:48:55Let's make it happen.
00:49:02I do.
00:49:07With all my heart.
00:49:11Let's make it happen.
00:49:28Howard, Monica.
00:49:30What are you two doing here?
00:49:32Sorry, Emma.
00:49:34I took her side.
00:49:36Enough chit-chat. She's alone now.
00:49:51Don't you dare.
00:49:53You dare.
00:49:56What the fuck, Leslie?
00:49:58You said only Emma would be here.
00:50:01Emma, you vicious fucking cunt.
00:50:03You tricked me again.
00:50:10Emma, you vicious fucking cunt.
00:50:12You tricked me again.
00:50:13Don't play innocent.
00:50:15You dare side with outsiders.
00:50:18Leslie, please reconsider your choices.
00:50:23Let us go or she dies.
00:50:25Leo, please. They forced me into it. Help.
00:50:29Leo, let them go.
00:50:31Leslie shouldn't be a target.
00:50:34After everything she's done, are you sure?
00:50:38She doesn't deserve to die.
00:50:42Give her another chance.
00:50:45Get out of here.
00:50:50Don't come back.
00:50:54Don't come back.
00:51:02You wanted to see me?
00:51:05You wanted to see me, Leo?
00:51:10Do you understand the consequences of your actions?
00:51:14I was the one who got hurt. What did I do wrong?
00:51:20I've known you since you were young.
00:51:23Do not play innocent.
00:51:27If Emma hadn't intervened, you'd be dead.
00:51:34It's all because of Emma, isn't it?
00:51:37She changed everything. You never treated me like this before her.
00:51:40Your jealousy has clouded your judgment.
00:51:43This is your last chance.
00:51:45Bring Howard and Monica to me alive.
00:51:53You. What do you want?
00:51:59Leo wants you dead.
00:52:01I assumed as much.
00:52:03What, are you going to give us a countdown on our remaining days?
00:52:06We're still on the same side.
00:52:09Why? You're done with Leo?
00:52:11If I can't have him, nobody will.
00:52:15I don't want to die.
00:52:18I don't want to die.
00:52:20If I can't have him, nobody will.
00:52:23First of all, Spain.
00:52:36Here's a secret spell from Blood Moon.
00:52:40It can make you look like Emma.
00:52:42All you need is a strand of her hair.
00:52:51I haven't heard of this before. What spell?
00:52:56You didn't need to know.
00:52:58It's just a little trick.
00:53:00Wait. Have you ever impersonated Emma before?
00:53:04No questions. I need rest.
00:53:20It's a lovely soup.
00:53:22You really know how to make a great soup.
00:53:24This recipe has been in my family for a long time.
00:53:28Keep an eye on the fire while I gather some fruits.
00:53:31Of course, Miss Emma.
00:53:40Wow, that was quick. Did you get the fruits for your soup?
00:53:43Fruit? What fruit?
00:53:46The one that's in the fridge.
00:53:48Wait. What fruit?
00:53:50The fruits for your soup.
00:53:54Oh, right. The fruit.
00:53:57Actually, I forgot to put in the spice.
00:54:00Would you mind getting the fruits for me instead?
00:54:44What are you working on?
00:54:47Smells amazing.
00:54:49Looks like the pack is in for a treat tonight.
00:55:09I feel like I just got to know you a little better.
00:55:12Since you trust Emma for everything,
00:55:15don't blame me for what happens next.
00:55:18Are you okay?
00:55:33What's so urgent, Leo?
00:55:35Have you heard the secret blood moon spell?
00:55:37It lets you take on the form of anyone
00:55:39just using a strand of their hair.
00:55:41Sounds familiar.
00:55:43Why are you bringing it up now?
00:55:45Your Honor, Miss Emma was taken by Elder Bob.
00:55:58Uncle Bob? Why?
00:56:01Miss Emma was accused of poisoning of our pack by her soup.
00:56:05Many of our people have fallen for it.
00:56:09Your Honor, are you okay?
00:56:12No time to worry about me.
00:56:14Lana, we have to find Howard at all costs.
00:56:17I'm convinced he's involved in this.
00:56:19Howard? Why?
00:56:21I met Emma in the kitchen earlier and noticed something suspicious.
00:56:25She's someone in disguise.
00:56:27I'll explain later, but right now,
00:56:29I need to find a way to save her before the trial tomorrow.
00:56:36You need to bring Howard to me.
00:56:43Emma, do you plead guilty?
00:56:45Elder, I'm innocent.
00:56:47You poisoned the entire pack with your soup.
00:56:50You are the real snake.
00:56:52I didn't. I went to get some fruits.
00:56:55The real criminal must have poisoned the soup while I was gone.
00:56:58Nonsense. We've questioned the maids.
00:57:01You are the only one left alone in the kitchen.
00:57:04Uncle Bob, I implore the moon to execute the vicious Emma Evans.
00:57:10Emma, do you have anything to say in response to her accusations?
00:57:14Nothing more.
00:57:16And under the blessings of the moon goddess,
00:57:19I declare that Emma Evans be whipped
00:57:22and banished from the Flame Moon Pack for eternity.
00:57:35Leo, as Alpha King, you know that interrupting these proceedings is a sacrilege.
00:57:40Did they hurt you?
00:57:44How can you take her side against our pack and the moon goddess?
00:57:47I don't care about the moon goddess' choice, Leo.
00:57:50I made my choice at the wedding.
00:57:52Leo, what are you doing?
00:57:55I request to take her place in this trial.
00:57:57I will abdicate as Alpha King
00:57:59and never step foot in Flame Moon again.
00:58:01Do you understand the consequences of your actions?
00:58:04How can you give up your leadership for a... role?
00:58:07I'm not giving up anything.
00:58:10I'm following my heart.
00:58:12And if it means sparing her life of mine,
00:58:15then I will endure the flogging myself.
00:58:18I'm not giving up anything.
00:58:21I will endure the flogging myself.
00:58:29Leo, stop it!
00:58:31We must uphold the law, even for an Alpha King.
00:58:34Do it!
00:58:36Go ahead. I won't blame you.
00:58:43Don't worry, Emma. It doesn't hurt.
00:58:53Stop it! He's been poisoned too! You're killing him!
00:58:56Why stop? A bunch of cowards. Give me the whip!
00:58:59Enough of this nonsense, Leslie!
00:59:10Enough of this nonsense, Leslie!
00:59:13Stop it!
00:59:15Stop it!
00:59:18Enough of this nonsense, Leslie!
00:59:21Pardon my bluntness, Uncle Bob,
00:59:24but I have two suspects for this crime.
00:59:27Leo found a forbidden spell by the Blood Moon
00:59:30that allows one to take another's identity.
00:59:33With that, I tracked these two down
00:59:36and discovered Wolfsbane in their lair.
00:59:38Alpha Howard, is this true?
00:59:40Elder, the Wolfsbane was merely a precaution for self-defense.
00:59:43It was never intended to harm anyone.
00:59:47Do you dare believe that we would believe such accusations?
00:59:50It was all Leslie's idea.
00:59:52She coerced us into providing the Wolfsbane and the spell.
00:59:56Otherwise, she'd expose our hideout to Leo.
01:00:01Oh, shit! Uncle Bob, trust me,
01:00:03I know nothing of Wolfsbane or any other secret spell.
01:00:06Then how do you explain this?
01:00:09What's found in your room?
01:00:16It is Wolfsbane.
01:00:19I have no idea.
01:00:21It must be Emma framing me.
01:00:23Lena, please, hope I'm innocent.
01:00:26Your Honor, I, Lena Hopps,
01:00:29come to you for consent.
01:00:31As the Alpha of the White Moon Pack,
01:00:33I request that Leslie Hopps be banished for all of eternity.
01:00:39Thank you, Your Honor.
01:00:41Leslie Hopps, be banished for all of eternity.
01:00:45I consent.
01:00:47Leslie Hopps, from this moment forward, you are banished!
01:00:50You will live the remainder of your days as a rogue.
01:00:54Neither Flame Moon nor White Moon welcomes you.
01:00:57You deserve this, Leslie.
01:01:00Emma, you lowly piece of shit!
01:01:03I curse you to the depths of eternity!
01:01:05You stanky monster!
01:01:06Leo, we're going to be free from Blood Moon.
01:01:09Keep him alive.
01:01:11Lock him away.
01:01:13You're a whore, and everyone's going to find out the real kind you are soon!
01:01:17It's not fair! It's my life! You didn't do anything!
01:01:27Thank you for making the antidote for everyone.
01:01:30It's the least I could do.
01:01:33This whole mess started because of me.
01:01:37I feel responsible.
01:01:41Once you're healed, I'll leave.
01:01:43Where are you going?
01:01:45Anywhere away from here.
01:01:48No, I'll proclaim you as my Luna to the rest of the world.
01:01:51Leo, that goes against everything we know.
01:01:55I don't care.
01:01:56From the moment I met you, I wanted you by my side.
01:02:00Who else?
01:02:02I couldn't care less.
01:02:30I love you.
01:03:00How did my wound heal so quickly?
01:03:14Your Honor, Alpha Hour regrets to see you.
01:03:31Alpha King, I, Howard Jones, seek a duel.
01:03:34A duel?
01:03:36Do you not let a consequence make you lose?
01:03:38I do.
01:03:40I choose honor over fear.
01:03:43I only ask for mercy from you.
01:03:46I guess that's your own barter.
01:03:51I commuted your death sentence to a standard trial solely because of your testimony against Leslie.
01:03:58Now that you're prepared, I'll honor your request for combat.
01:04:20Leo, honor your word.
01:04:22If I lose, Monica goes free.
01:04:26I never go back on my word.
01:04:28Pardon my wrong judgment.
01:04:45Is that all you got, Howard?
01:04:49I'm happy to be honored.
01:05:09Why didn't you catch?
01:05:11Don't forget.
01:05:17Tell me why I'm allowed to die.
01:05:29Why did you do it?
01:05:34I know, Monica.
01:05:37I'm sorry.
01:05:56What were Howard's last words?
01:05:59He said that Emma's a Legend Luna.
01:06:02And she needs to activate her powers with true love.
01:06:06Then who would that be?
01:06:10I don't care if Emma's a Legend Luna or not.
01:06:13She doesn't need to awaken her powers. She has me.
01:06:16We should let her decide that.
01:06:18We should let her decide that.
01:06:49What's all this?
01:06:51I decided to teach you some self-defense moves.
01:06:53So that when I'm not around,
01:06:57you can protect yourself.
01:06:59Come on.
01:07:01Attack me.
01:07:44Will you marry me?
01:07:46I promise.
01:07:48I will convince you, my goddess, that you are my destined mate.
01:08:06Will you marry me?
01:08:08I promise.
01:08:10I will convince you, my goddess, that you are my destined mate.
01:08:26Anna, did you want to see me?
01:08:28Did you forget about our deal?
01:08:30You promised me a day as my mate.
01:08:34So what do you want?
01:08:37What's on your mind?
01:08:39I just want to show you these.
01:08:46What are these?
01:08:48The most beautiful but fleeting fireworks in the world.
01:09:35Despite the moon goddess's will,
01:09:37who would you choose as your mate?
01:09:55Monica, it's all your fault.
01:09:57Now I'm abandoned by everyone.
01:10:01Emma is to be blamed for this.
01:10:03We're not finished yet.
01:10:05Pull yourself together.
01:10:07What can we even do now?
01:10:09Howard's gone.
01:10:11There's no hope left.
01:10:13Enough whining.
01:10:16If you want revenge,
01:10:19follow me.
01:10:33What's going on here, Monica?
01:10:35My man's blood is said to be pure.
01:10:37It's not.
01:10:39It's not.
01:10:41It's not.
01:10:43It's not.
01:10:45It's not.
01:10:47It's not.
01:10:49It's not.
01:10:51It's not.
01:10:53It's not.
01:10:55It's not.
01:10:57It's not.
01:10:59It's not.
01:11:01My man's blood is said to be purest.
01:11:05If I
01:11:07mix a drop
01:11:09from your heart
01:11:11with my spell,
01:11:13I can become the legend.
01:11:15You're insane.
01:11:17Let me go, or I will kill you.
01:11:21I don't think you will.
01:11:31I don't think you will.
01:11:37All you need to do is think about what benefits
01:11:39the castle, what benefits the power.
01:11:41Your Honor, big trouble.
01:11:43What's the matter?
01:11:45Monica claims she's safe.
01:11:47What is she saying?
01:11:49She's declaring herself as a legend, Luna.
01:11:51She's spreading the news
01:11:53and demanding Amos' execution.
01:11:55She has united the Greenwood Pack,
01:11:57the Silverwood Pack,
01:11:59and the Blackmoon Pack
01:12:01under her control.
01:12:03That's absurd!
01:12:05Emma is the legend, Luna.
01:12:09I'm the legend, Luna?
01:12:23I'm the legend, Luna?
01:12:25You mean
01:12:27I'm the legend, Luna?
01:12:31The only way to awaken your power is through true love.
01:12:35That's absurd.
01:12:37And what about Monica?
01:12:39That witch
01:12:41probably found some secret spell to disguise
01:12:43herself as a legend, Luna.
01:12:45We have to show people the power of the legend, Luna
01:12:47is embodied in Emma.
01:12:49The only way to do that is...
01:12:51to mate with her true love.
01:12:57You said before
01:12:59I'm not your true love.
01:13:01How can you be so sure?
01:13:03The Moon Goddess
01:13:05left this mark on me
01:13:07to identify my true mate.
01:13:09I've tried before.
01:13:13And it's
01:13:15neither Leo nor I?
01:13:17The Moon Mark
01:13:19recognized Luna.
01:13:33The Moon Mark
01:13:35recognized Luna.
01:13:37What if she made a mistake?
01:13:45Luna, show us.
01:14:05The Moon Goddess played tricks on us!
01:14:15The Moon Goddess played tricks on us!
01:14:37Are you sure about that?
01:14:39It's our best shot
01:14:41to expose Monica's fate.
01:14:45What if I can defeat her?
01:14:47And she's nothing but a fraud.
01:14:49She has the packs under her control.
01:14:53I don't want to cause bloodshed.
01:14:55I can't bear to see you with someone else.
01:14:59Let's get out of here.
01:15:05my Leo,
01:15:07we both know our responsibilities
01:15:09too well.
01:15:11My heart,
01:15:15will forever be with yours.
01:15:41You love Leo.
01:15:45Don't you?
01:15:49That doesn't matter now.
01:15:51We have a mission to complete.
01:16:11I don't feel anything.
01:16:15Why isn't the power weakened?
01:16:19You're not my true love either?
01:16:25this is the end for you.
01:16:29Emma, though, follow your heart.
01:16:39This is the end for you.
01:16:41Emma, though, follow your heart.
01:16:51I didn't intend for Luna to get hurt.
01:16:53Consider yourself lucky
01:16:55that I'm not in the mood
01:16:57to finish this today.
01:17:03Luna, we'll get help.
01:17:09I'm going to my moon now.
01:17:13You can't leave.
01:17:17I knew it wasn't your true love.
01:17:19The moon goddess
01:17:21might have picked me,
01:17:23but your heart didn't.
01:17:25Then why did you agree to the ceremony?
01:17:29In another life,
01:17:31I met you before Leo.
01:17:33Emma, I'm so cold.
01:17:37Can you hold me?
01:17:43You're so...
01:18:03May you rest in peace.
01:18:11It's time to face me
01:18:15I've long awaited this
01:18:17one-on-one, Monica.
01:18:19Reveal yourself.
01:18:25I'm not ready.
01:18:27I'm not ready.
01:18:29I'm not ready.
01:18:31I'm not ready.
01:18:35Let her go!
01:18:37Hell no!
01:18:39I've got nothing to lose.
01:18:41She's finished.
01:18:49When I'm not around,
01:18:51you can protect yourself.
01:19:13This is probably the worst possible place to ask this,
01:19:15but I need to ask you.
01:19:17What is it?
01:19:19Do you love me?
01:19:23Then you trust me?
01:19:25What do you mean?
01:19:27Marry me, and let me mark you.
01:19:59Damn it! No!
01:20:05it's time to shine.
01:20:09I need you
01:20:11to plead guilty.
01:20:17The only thing
01:20:19I am guilty of
01:20:21is having
01:20:25for a stepsister.
01:20:33Drop your act!
01:20:35I really wish
01:20:37it didn't turn out this way.
01:20:39For the multitude of crimes
01:20:41you committed,
01:20:43I shall render judgment
01:20:45in the name of the Moon Goddess.
01:20:57I wonder,
01:20:59are you nervous?
01:21:01Is that obvious?
01:21:03Well, if you're not,
01:21:05can we do this room here
01:21:07for finish?
01:21:27Here we go.
01:21:43Here it is.
01:21:45Just a moment.
01:21:47Thank you.
01:21:49We are gathered here today
01:21:51to witness the union
01:21:53of this couple.
01:21:55Our bride, our legend
01:21:57Luna, Emma Evans.
01:21:59And our groom,
01:22:01our Alpha King,
01:22:03Leo Hawks.
01:22:07under the blessings of the Moon Goddess,
01:22:09do you promise to take
01:22:11Emma as your partner
01:22:13and to be faithful forever?
01:22:15I do.
01:22:17And Emma,
01:22:19under the blessings of our Moon Goddess,
01:22:21do you promise
01:22:23to take Leo as your partner
01:22:25and to be faithful forever?
01:22:27I do.
01:22:31I now declare
01:22:33this ceremony has begun.
01:22:35Will you please mark one another
01:22:37as a sign of your bond?
