Leo and Tig Summer best Funny Family Good Animated Cartoon for Kids

  • 2 months ago
“Leo and Tig” is a delightful animated series that follows the adventures of a leopard cub named Leo and a tiger cub named Tig in the taiga forest. In the “Summer Best” episode, they embark on fun and educational adventures, learning about nature and friendship along the way1.

You can watch the full episode here1. Enjoy the summer fun with Leo and Tig!

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00:00:00Join us on a new adventure, we have friends to help you out.
00:00:11Tig and Leo will be there too, show you all the sights around.
00:00:17In the home of these brave heroes, woods are dense and beautiful.
00:00:23Mountains rise to be the tallest, rivers turn to waterfalls.
00:00:28Tig and Leo!
00:00:32Leo! Catch!
00:00:40Hey Cuba, catch!
00:00:46Ew, Cuba, look, you're a real pig.
00:00:50Oh Cuba, stop rolling around, let's play!
00:01:12Cuba in love.
00:01:22What, you get stuck over there?
00:01:28Oh, look at that, a piggy, I haven't seen her before.
00:01:34I know her, I do.
00:01:36This is Lada, her family just recently moved into our forest.
00:01:42It looks like our Cuba has, you know, fallen in love.
00:01:48Love, love, I can see my friend that your heart was touched by a wonderful feeling.
00:02:00Why don't I tell you a love story?
00:02:06Once upon a time in the taiga, there lived a swan princess, a real beauty.
00:02:14She had three suitors. The first one dove to the bottom of the sea and got pearl.
00:02:22Look how well I can dive, I am the very best.
00:02:28The second one flew to the top of the highest mountain and brought from the peak a precious gem.
00:02:36Look how high I can fly, princess, it's me who's the best.
00:02:42Now the third swan started to think, what present should he give to the princess?
00:02:48Well he flew far and wide in search of a worthy present.
00:02:54He almost gave up, but one day while flying over a glade, he spotted a snowdrop.
00:03:02He gave the snowdrop to the princess and told her that only the first flower of spring was worthy of her beauty.
00:03:12And the princess made her choice.
00:03:16She gave her love to the third swan.
00:03:21Because unlike the other two, he was thinking about her, and not himself.
00:03:29So what? I don't get it. Cuba's got to give the girl a snowdrop then? It's not snowdrop season.
00:03:38It's not about snowdrops. Don't be shy, all you have to do is go to your beloved and do something.
00:03:48From the heart.
00:03:58Cuba, wait!
00:04:01Legends are great, of course, but you're, you know, no swan.
00:04:08You can't go meet her like that.
00:04:11I bet she won't even talk to you.
00:04:16Cuba, you're covered in mud from hooves to tail.
00:04:25Don't despair, Cuba. We can help you.
00:04:30I can't turn you into a swan, but a very handsome boar you could be, okay?
00:04:38That I can promise you.
00:04:46Cuba, hang on. Beauty always has a price.
00:04:53There you go, Cuba. Now you're the most handsome boar in the woods.
00:04:59Wait! We still aren't finished yet.
00:05:04Cuba, you're clean all right, but you're still a little bit plain, you know?
00:05:12Don't you worry, buddy, because we're going to dress you up.
00:05:42There, much better now. As good as a swan.
00:05:51Remember, you, sir, are a swan.
00:05:56And you, sir, are a swan.
00:06:00And you, sir, are a swan.
00:06:03And you, sir, are a swan.
00:06:06And you, sir, are a swan.
00:06:10Remember, you, sir, are the fanciest boar in all of the taiga. Now go!
00:06:30Don't get upset, Cuba. Girls don't know anything about being beautiful.
00:06:36What if she's just not attracted to flashy looks?
00:06:41Right. How should we, I mean Cuba, try to win her over then?
00:06:47He should try to do something impressive. Heroic even. A feat.
00:06:53That's it! Cuba, how do you feel about fighting a wolf?
00:06:59How about crossing the rapids?
00:07:03Or would you jump across a huge gorge?
00:07:11It won't work, Leo. Cuba is afraid of everything.
00:07:15That's fine. I've got an idea for you.
00:07:34Stay where you are, piggy. I'm going to eat you for lunch.
00:07:41Oh no! It's a wolf! Let's run!
00:07:49Don't worry. Our Cuba, he's so brave, he'll beat any wolf. A whole pack of wolves.
00:07:58No, no! Lata, stop!
00:08:06It really hurts! You're a hero!
00:08:10I told you this wasn't going to work.
00:08:41I smell, I smell... A rich and tasty dessert.
00:08:50I'm going to eat you!
00:08:54I'm going to eat you!
00:08:57I'm going to eat you!
00:09:01I'm going to eat you!
00:09:04I'm going to eat you!
00:09:07A gorge.
00:09:14Stay right there.
00:09:17Come on now, Cuba. Who cares? She's just some girl.
00:09:22She is bound to like you, you know. You are so... so...
00:09:37All right, but next time you won't get away from me
00:10:08Looks like we're too late. I
00:10:11Don't get it. So what did Cuba chase the wolf away you would have chickened out I bet what?
00:10:20No way
00:10:44Wise man once said be yourself and you'll find someone's heart will open
00:11:01Guys watch this I got this I am gonna hit it on the first try
00:11:10You missed it's all it's all because of the wind
00:11:15Sure, the wind well, let me give that another shot
00:11:22Something always gets in tigs way
00:11:28Of foundling
00:11:35Look at what I found
00:11:37It was there in the sand. Oh, and I wonder who it belongs to and oh, I wonder who's gonna pop out of it
00:11:44Oh, what's gonna pop out of it for something to pop out of it. One of us will have to sit on it first
00:11:50So take go ahead
00:11:53Sit down
00:11:55Why do I have to do it because you my friend are the most fluffy and the most pillowy
00:12:11Curious do you think it could be a duck?
00:12:14Maybe a star. I heard that snakes also hatch from eggs
00:12:39Take relax, will ya? It's just a little turtle
00:12:50Dig can't tell a baby turtle from a snake. Oh
00:12:55Come on, Leo. I was just kidding a bit scared you tonight
00:13:54Got it. That must be why the other turtles ditched him
00:14:01We'll take really good care of you, isn't that right boys, of course we will know what
00:14:08I'm going to make a true tiger out of him. Why a tiger, huh? He could become a great leopard. Oh
00:14:15I will call you a little baby
00:14:24Remember baby T
00:14:26Tiger is the Tigers King. Huh? We got a king don't interrupt Leo
00:14:33Teeth do you know why everyone is afraid of Tigers because they are really really super fierce
00:14:43Make sense. Well now you try
00:14:49Come on louder like this
00:14:53Enough now, it's my turn
00:14:55Bear in mind baby T
00:14:58Then an ambush is the best way to overcome an enemy
00:15:02We leopards are experts at this
00:15:18That's not quite like a leopard but it's a good start
00:15:25Use that little precious angel in the bathtub, huh?
00:15:29It's you my little cutie patootie
00:15:32Okay, baby teeth your mission right now is to catch this dragonfly and we Tigers
00:15:39Call this thing hunting
00:15:41now go
00:15:48All right, I think it's my turn to train little T now
00:15:53No way
00:15:54Cuz he's still not a real tiger yet
00:15:56But he won't be because baby T will grow up to become the bravest leopard tiger leopard guys
00:16:04Does it really even matter?
00:16:07He's just a baby
00:16:11Guys guys, where is T?
00:16:22Baby T come out say something
00:16:28Nope we'll never find him like this
00:16:31We gotta split up take you go left and Mila you go, right? I'll go straight ahead
00:16:45Where are you Oh Mila, where are you going in such a hurry?
00:16:56Hello, sir, we can't find our little baby T anywhere
00:17:01Where's little T?
00:17:05You know the little turtle yes, he's special sort of little feet
00:17:10As if they're glued together
00:17:12Nope, I haven't seen him
00:17:15Also, what would a turtle with glued feet as you say be doing in the forest?
00:17:20turtles live
00:17:25Well, let me tell you a
00:17:27Long while ago all turtles used to live ashore
00:17:32but one fateful day
00:17:34Spring came about and brought along high waters
00:17:38One of the islands on the river became completely covered in water
00:17:42Then the oldest and wisest turtle turned to the river and asked it to have pity on them and teach her children and grandchildren
00:17:49how to swim
00:17:52The river was deeply moved by her plea and gave all turtles
00:17:57webbed feet
00:17:59But they still lay their eggs ashore
00:18:03So that before going into water the little ones could get a chance to know where they came from
00:18:09Land their first home. It is a memory. They will cherish for the rest of their lives
00:18:14And when a baby turtle comes into the world is guided to the water by the soul of that very wise
00:18:24So that means that T is a water dweller
00:18:35There's no sign of him
00:18:39It turns out that T is a water dweller
00:18:44What a water dweller if that's true, then that must mean he yes
00:18:51But guys the vulture
00:19:04Lunch orders here with an extra crispy tortilla shell
00:19:14Hey you back off our little baby T. Could you say that again?
00:19:20Didn't catch that keep your filthy beak. Oh, baby T
00:19:24I'm so honored to have guests for dinner
00:20:10Hey you cut it out
00:20:35Get jerk food anyway, just know that I like to come back
00:20:47Well done baby T
00:20:50That's my student, huh? No way I thought no we taught him together
00:21:03Look it's her. It's the wise turtle
00:21:12swim T
00:21:13This is your family and well, I
00:21:17Wanted to say you were one awesome tiger and a brave leopard
00:21:24See don't forget to ride
00:21:36I am keeping up. I just I wanted to breathe some fresh air. I've heard it's good for your health
00:21:44In that case, can you breathe a bit faster? We're running late for Mapa
00:21:52Hi there Mila, oh hi guys perfect timing I had a nut roll under these roots
00:21:58Can you help me get it out pretty please?
00:22:01Mila, have you seen the size of my paws look they're huge. They won't fit in there Mila
00:22:08Sorry, but Mapa is waiting for us. We'll definitely help you
00:22:14The story of a hero
00:22:28So today children I'm going to tell you the story
00:22:34About the nightingale song but Maba pandiga nightingales again
00:22:40Can you tell us something?
00:22:43Heroic, that's right. Like about battles and stuff
00:22:51About battles and stuff
00:22:53Okay, I've got something for you. It took place a long time ago
00:22:58Back, then all animals in the forest live peacefully together. No one hurt anyone
00:23:05but then
00:23:06something bad
00:23:08Happened from a faraway land a great pack of wolves came to the tiger
00:23:17The wolves were vicious and bloodthirsty and pestered the lives of the forest residents
00:23:24The animals lost their peace. They got together for a council to decide who was going to defend their home forest
00:23:34But no one dared to challenge the fierce wolves
00:23:39Only one animal the strongest fastest and bravest of all stood up to the wolves
00:23:48The battle continued throughout the night it was tough on our hero
00:23:53But he never backed down and chased the wolves out of the forest
00:23:58Whoo-hoo. He really showed them wolves
00:24:03Muppet Indigo, so who was that hero a leopard, right? Why would you think it's a leopard?
00:24:09It was a tiger for sure
00:24:11Some say it was a leopard
00:24:14Some talk about a tiger. It was a long time ago. Well children go now and I'm
00:24:32Let's play the hero game
00:24:37Okay, I'll be the hero and you'll be the wolf go ahead try to help
00:24:48No, that's not working it doesn't sound like a wolf sounds like a chipmunk you chipmunk
00:24:56Tig try to howl in here
00:25:10Awesome take you're totally a wolf now
00:25:14Leo hold on. How come I have to be the wolf? I want to be the hero. Oh, no
00:25:20The hero was a leopard but Mapa said that Mapa just didn't want to get you upset
00:25:27Maybe he didn't want you to get upset
00:25:29Everyone knows that the hero was a tiger cuz Tigers are stronger than leopards
00:25:34Stronger whatever the leopard is agile. No, I disagree. I play the hero or not at all
00:25:44Take let's make a deal whoever's the first to the top gets to be the hero
00:25:50Okay, you got a deal
00:25:54Well, don't be so slow then
00:26:33Got stuck
00:26:36Listen Mila. Wait here. I'll be right back. I need to show Tig who the real hero is and then I'll come back
00:26:45Have you seen Leo? Yeah, he ran that way
00:26:52This is a bad time Mila I
00:26:55Need to beat Leo first then I'll come back
00:26:58Stay where you are. Don't go anywhere. How could I go anywhere?
00:27:06Look at that a weasel
00:27:09Poor thing got trapped. Shall we help her?
00:27:13Yeah, and also have a lunch
00:27:23Well, who's the hero now
00:27:55Was that
00:28:00That's where you are wrong
00:28:07It looks like we got you
00:28:13Leo Leo, whatever you do, don't let go
00:28:17I won't
00:28:19Climb up on me
00:28:23You sure you won't fall I'm sure leopards are strong
00:28:35You know take the whole racing idea was really stupid we could just take turns playing the hero
00:28:42First you then me
00:28:44You're right, but I think I should go first
00:28:55Something happened, let's go
00:29:12This is not gonna help you anyway
00:29:17That's fine you are about to run out of those pine cones
00:29:25Leave me alone right now
00:29:29More food come over here my delicious
00:29:35Who did you call food? Huh? Leo? Let's show them
00:29:41Grab him
00:29:47Let's just throw them out of here
00:29:50We already have less spicy food
00:30:14What was that wolves nonsense, what wolves are you talking about angry and hungry?
00:30:31All right, let's leave it's better to stay out of their way
00:30:53You have to be very careful
00:30:55Wolves are coming. It's okay. Mila. There are no wolves. It was all taking me
00:31:09Sounded just like real wolves. I even got a little bit scared
00:31:22And here's that night, thank you guys
00:31:26You know, you are my heroes
00:31:29Take I've got an idea. Maybe the year that chased away the wolves wasn't alone
00:31:35Maybe there were two of them
00:31:38Yeah, that's right a tiger and a leopard
00:31:42We can both be heroes and Mila can be the wolf let's go play
00:32:00Little feet
00:32:09Then the Fox started chasing the little hair away
00:32:15Leo check it out the Fox just like a real one. Oh Mila
00:32:21Seriously, Tig don't interrupt Mila go on. Come on. Show us what happened next, but the little hair
00:32:29Didn't get scared of the box
00:32:32Look at that hair. He didn't get scared. Haha. What a big hero
00:32:40Hey Mila, is this also part of your performance?
00:32:51You lot running not watching your step
00:32:58So what happened exactly
00:33:06That's bills up
00:33:11She is so enormous
00:33:17He's a hero he saved our little boy
00:33:21What now a hero?
00:33:24Well, he's safe
00:33:26So what now? I'm a hero
00:33:29You hear that Leo, I'm apparently a hero sure you are
00:33:43What is this Oh your wiseness, it's the first heroic deed Oh
00:33:50Hero you saved our beloved little boy, and that's why we like to invite you to a feast
00:33:58in your honor
00:34:00Feast in my honor. This is so awesome. I'm a hero
00:34:08Tig you can't be serious. Sure. I'm serious. Just watch me. Come on guys
00:34:17Hey, you need to be more careful carrying me don't let the hero fall, right
00:34:27Hero take the courageous. Are you quite happy staying with us? Uh-huh
00:34:35It's a pity Leo can't see me right now. He would never believe this
00:34:45Is that my picture awesome now I have something to show Leo at the feast
00:34:59Made it that was a close one
00:35:04Come on it's nothing
00:35:06Seriously, the second deed the second day. Oh
00:35:10Your royal highness. It's the second heroic deed
00:35:24Take this get out of here 30
00:35:34That's right, it's so much fun being a hero
00:35:41Great hero Tig
00:35:43The legends telling the truth you came back to us again
00:35:48the legend, huh
00:35:50What kind of legend an ancient legend it happened a long long time ago
00:35:59Weak and small was the lemming tribe afraid of everything
00:36:05Anyone could hurt us
00:36:08But most of all our tribe was afraid of the forest monster
00:36:12Every year the monster would come to our pantry and plunder it
00:36:17The lemmings then started to pray Oh
00:36:21Great spirit of tiger. We are small and need your protection
00:36:28The spirit of tiger heard them and promised to send down a hero
00:36:36Lemmings didn't recognize him right away
00:36:38Only after he performed three heroic deeds
00:36:43They realized he was the hero
00:36:46The lemmings lowered their heads before the hero and told him about their troubles
00:36:53The hero then went out and made the forest monster
00:36:59Go away
00:37:03That's awesome what happened then
00:37:06And then the hero left but he said that if the forest monster would ever start bullying the tribe again
00:37:13He will come back and we will recognize him by three heroic deeds
00:37:20And now he's here
00:37:24So is he?
00:37:26It's you Oh great hero
00:37:32And now when you're here you will chase away the scary forest monster
00:37:37Yeah, not a problem so who's your monster then a chipmunk or something
00:37:48No, it's actually a little bigger. Actually. I'm talking about
00:37:58You know what
00:38:00I'm I'm not ready to be a hero. I'm not hero material. Really. I think you should find someone else. Okay?
00:38:08Lemmings the hero has to perform a heroic deed
00:38:17Hey, what are you doing?
00:38:29Hey you let me out of here you hear me I need to go home now
00:38:38I mean, I'll be back in the evening in time for heroism
00:38:45Come over here I
00:38:48Saved your life. It's your turn to help me
00:38:51Go find my friends
00:39:13Hey, wait a minute, did you just say cage go back and start from the beginning?
00:39:22Why did I decide to become a hero I could be at home right now with Leo
00:39:31Lemmings the time of heroism has come
00:39:35Leo my friend
00:39:37Where are you?
00:39:39Hero, do you feel that you're ready to fight the forest monster?
00:40:10Feels up listen, maybe we could reach some kind of agreement
00:40:19Okay, this is the end
00:40:23Pig don't be scared. I'm here. Oh, buddy. Oh, you're here
00:40:29You here to save me? Yes dig. I have a plan
00:40:39Are you trying to blind him is that your plan patience dig the performance is only getting started
00:41:08The hero made the forest monster go away
00:41:15It wasn't me
00:41:17Where did it go the scary monster?
00:41:21Here's your scary monster take
00:41:27Wow guys, that was something what a great idea you came up with even Beelzebub scared of you
00:41:34It's you who deserved to be called heroes
00:41:39Greatest of heroes. Oh, no, we're not your heroes. We were simply saving dig
00:41:45He's our friend and the thing we used to scare away Beelzebub is Micah
00:41:51In that case in that case, let's have a feast to honor Micah
00:41:59The Micah and friends day sounds good
00:42:05Oh, you're a wiseness
00:42:11Leo I did perform three heroic deeds. Didn't I?
00:42:35Time to wake up. What if we skip it today? I'm so sleepy
00:42:48Yo, line up suck in that gut
00:42:54Some water aerobics what?
00:42:56It's time for target practice. Why target practice?
00:43:01Okay, there's an old stuff in a clearing
00:43:04Well, who will be the target one three two, this will surely be
00:43:12Why do I always have to do it quiet you now get to the hollow what to the hollow?
00:43:20ready and aim
00:43:30Hey, what's with you can't you be a good sport we're playing a game here. Well, it's a horrible game
00:43:37Yeah, it's not horrible it's like the best game ever
00:43:43Do you want me to show you a real game?
00:43:47playing battleship
00:44:00Captain I spy some wreaths dead ahead
00:44:07The spyglass captain
00:44:09Helm to port I helm to port and sign hoist the colors
00:44:26Man overboard. Hey sailor hoist the boat out when you need something done
00:44:39Well, how about that?
00:44:41You see now that's what I call a real game
00:44:46big deal
00:44:48On the other hand if this was a pirate ship a pirate ship. Oh
00:44:54Yeah, awesome. But where would we get a pirate ship?
00:44:59Why don't we just build one?
00:45:04Pirates don't build their ships. They steal them. Oh, we've gotta do is wait for the right moment
00:45:20Right, let's get going
00:45:26Spike check it out. What they're gone
00:45:34Are the borders ready borders away
00:45:51We're sorry, we're late the one who is late
00:45:55Steals time from the one who waits and time
00:46:00Something you can't get back
00:46:04But today I wanted to talk about something else I wanted to talk to you all about
00:46:15Hmm can anyone break these tweaks?
00:46:20That is so easy. I mean look how thin they all are
00:46:23Dig you can't break a single one. What sort of crazy weird magic is this weird magic?
00:46:39Why don't you give it another try
00:46:45Well, then have you figured it out what the magic is
00:46:54I know I know pick me. Of course. Go on Mila
00:47:00We are together
00:47:02We're strong that a girl Mila
00:47:13Down with the enemy flag a pirate ship has to have a pirate flag
00:47:20Pirate flag. Yeah spike. Look how crooked and bent their swords are
00:47:27Their sabers and it's captain spike. Y'all got that. It's captain spike
00:47:33Captain spike. Hey, what are we gonna do when Spaddy and strength come back? Yeah, we'll cut them to pieces
00:47:41Do you see how many cannons we have? Do you see how many sabers we have? Yes
00:47:50Also have an idea a brilliant pirate idea
00:48:05There will be really thick jungle there
00:48:07Mila nothing but thick impassable jungle and wild animals and man-eating fish
00:48:15and aggressive spiders
00:48:18Perhaps we should avoid this desert island
00:48:22Really? How come the only way to become a true sailor is on a desert island?
00:48:28But perhaps it's far away
00:48:32What are we going to do while we're sailing to the island ideas
00:48:36We will gather supplies you Mila collect some nuts take will collect mushrooms. I'll take berries. Okay, let's make it happen
00:48:52Hey striped getting ready for a distant cruise
00:48:57That's none of your business
00:49:00Well, I'm just worried about you because your crew is quite wonky. You are the wonky one
00:49:07Yeah, you should have heard what Leo called you
00:49:10He said takes no good as a helmsman give him the ship and he'll sink it just like that and Mila said
00:49:23But from our point of view it's pretty obvious who the real captain of the ship is
00:49:28Really? And who is that? Ah, oh dear. Of course. It's you striped
00:49:35Only you have stripes on your fur like a real sailor. Yeah, he said just like this
00:49:41How can he be a captain if he doesn't even have stripes on his fur and Mila went we must make Leo a cabin boy
00:49:48So he won't get a big fat head. Can you imagine they also said that there's no place for girls on board
00:49:55Can you believe it?
00:49:57What what yeah, they said that can you imagine
00:50:04Your pirates come on
00:50:15Nobody's gonna help you
00:50:25You have stripes on your fur
00:50:28Believe it or not. Yes, I do. So what?
00:50:32You'll never become a captain a
00:50:35Captain of you two. No, thank you. I will never step aboard your ship again
00:50:41You can go play by yourselves you and Mila. No way you can have Mila
00:50:47I don't want to see you again or else or else what?
00:51:00It's Mila
00:51:07Hey you
00:51:09Let me look go right now. No way your crew member is now ours and the ship as well
00:52:24Still don't believe it
00:52:26How could I have been tricked by the Martins? Don't worry about it
00:52:31You and I are best friends forever
00:52:35What's that Leo's paws? Huh in my paws?
00:52:42Yes, the twigs which can only be broken one at a time, but are strong together
00:52:48Well, let's set sail the desert island is waiting for us and sign hoist the colors
00:53:00Off with the feathered ones
00:53:29See what all the buzz is about
00:53:35You stop your chittering right away we can't get no sleep shoot shoot pipe down you hear me
00:53:44Who's flopping their trap this early in the morning
00:53:48Quiet stop yapping. Hey, you
00:53:51Seems to me like it's you who's yapping here and the birds are singing
00:53:56No one can sing this nice in the whole forest. Oh, yeah, we'll see about that
00:54:02Shoe feather freaks get moving your presence here with disapproving
00:54:06Messing with my sleep. Oh, well, I say shoo
00:54:10Sing now birdie sing a song sing about the thing along for scholars need to hear just how lovely you can sing
00:54:18Feathered one shoe. This is our forest. Not yours. You disturb our sleep. So once again, shoo
00:54:25Birdies, don't you be afraid just get comfy in your neck. We've been waiting for so long just to listen to your song
00:54:32This is our forest ours only
00:54:36ones need to go
00:54:39Songs of joy spring is here. We love singing. Can't you sing sing and whistle to a dance?
00:54:45You'll bring spring into our land
00:54:51This is our forest not yours
00:54:54You disturb our sleep. So shoo now this forest is not all yours. So stop being so bossy
00:55:01Leave our feathered neighbors alone
00:55:15The boss around here you all got that is that right? Well, you're not the boss of me. Yeah
00:55:28We run this forest you all got that I don't think so
00:55:34Come on y'all got nothing on us
00:55:46I have no time for you right now Cleo check your six watch out
00:56:06Can we have a timeout
00:56:08What's this you give up now, you know, who's the boss around here not you
00:56:18You just wait and see
00:56:20Everyone get back to the base. It's time to drop our battle plan
00:57:03Taken Yara you wait over here Mila you run over here and draw them into a trap
00:57:27What are we
00:57:40I just don't know how I can wake him up. Oh
00:57:50Mosquitoes grab a pine branches
00:58:10So now are we going to have to stay in here forever
00:58:13Why forever in winter the squeaky mosquitoes go to sleep Mapa Pantiga?
00:58:20What sort of squeakers are these anyway?
00:58:23And what are these?
00:58:25Mosquito boy
00:58:27My great-grandfather told this story to my grandfather
00:58:31One day the spirit of the Tigers own brother
00:58:36Amber was visiting him
00:58:37But Amber was so evil the animals of the tiger didn't want anything to do with him
00:58:44It made Amber very angry. So he made up his mind to punish the animals
00:58:51He summoned swarms of mosquitoes squeaky mosquitoes for animals had nowhere to hide
00:58:57They went to complain to the kind spirit of the tiger the spirit of the tiger asked tiger to deal with the mosquitoes
00:59:05Tiger couldn't do a thing
00:59:07The squeaky mosquitoes were too small and too fast. Then the spirit of the tiger sent leopard to fight them
00:59:16And then wolf
00:59:18But they returned empty-handed
00:59:21Then a little birdie flew to him and said can I try?
00:59:26The spirit of the tiger agreed. You can my friend birdie unleashed a mellifluous song
00:59:32summoning the birds
00:59:34Answering the boisterous call the birds filled the sky their wings flat with vigor and their beaks snapped with thunderous might
00:59:42Not a day passed when the mosquitoes disappeared the squeaking mosquitoes were gone
00:59:56We hurt them really bad so that explains why there's so many mosquitoes in the tiger
01:00:03Okay, what did you guys do to the birds
01:00:06Well, we first tried to defend them from the Martin. We really stuck it to him and made things much worse
01:00:29The spirit of the tiger come to us
01:00:44Come to us
01:00:47spirit of the tiger and help us
01:00:51Help us. Let's the tiger dry up and become a desert
01:00:57Come on go on Oh
01:00:59The great spirit of the tiger, please help us to bring back the birds to our forest
01:01:05We'll always treat them well and never harm them and we will protect them with our lives
01:01:10And I beg you the great spirit of the tiger, please
01:01:15I miss hearing them sing so much
01:01:18We will cherish each one of them. We'll never take them for granted
01:02:34Get it now
01:02:36It all makes sense now
01:02:39The mosquitoes are scared of the birds
01:02:44Build your nests go on build them and the best spots are right here next to our home our hollow here here and over here
01:03:30Gift from the spirit of the tiger
01:03:58So sweet
01:04:00so fresh
01:04:02What a nice chubby boy
01:04:06Came for lunch himself
01:04:12Stop right there
01:04:22Okay this way
01:04:29Okay now this way I
01:04:33Found it
01:04:35Very very good job. Did you see it?
01:04:39Cuba spent like half an hour sniffing around and I'm like BAM BAM and found it. I've got an awesome nose
01:04:47Well done dig
01:04:51Where did the sense of smell even come from? Oh
01:04:56That's an ancient story children once upon a time
01:05:02Animals didn't have any sense of smell at all. Oh
01:05:05That's incredible
01:05:07Listen to the story
01:05:10in those ancient times
01:05:13Animals were relying only on their eyes and ears
01:05:17But one day a harsh winter came to the tiger
01:05:21The weather was freezing cold like never before and a thick blanket of snow
01:05:29covered the earth
01:05:30It became very hard for animals to find food
01:05:34And they began starving and it seemed like the winter would last forever
01:05:42The spirit of the tiger felt sorry for its children
01:05:45And so it gave them the sense of smell to find food even under the thickest layer of snow
01:05:55To every single one
01:05:58Sure, and the keenest sense of smell was given to fierce predators
01:06:04the wolves
01:06:06That's why you need to be more careful
01:06:09There are rumors that a red wolf came to our woods
01:06:13Oh dear me, that means no more woods for me
01:06:18Let's go look for flowers
01:06:22Sure Mila
01:06:25Dig where's Cuba Cuba probably still looking around for his flower
01:06:32The spirit of tiger didn't do a good job on his nose
01:06:36No, dig he's not in the bushes
01:06:39What if he went to the woods the red wolf is there nah, he must be around here
01:06:46Take we have to find him
01:06:59Where are you?
01:07:00Take stop screaming like that. We don't want the red wolf to hear us
01:07:08How do we find him by his tracks? Can you see them? No, Tig
01:07:14We'll find Cuba by the smell like you found flowers. Oh, that's right. I'm gonna pick up his trail at once
01:07:22Leo listen, what does Cuba smell like seriously like acorns, of course here smell this one
01:07:31Well, wait, don't distract me
01:07:35I think I think
01:07:40Got it, do you smell it? That's definitely Cuba's aroma. Let's find him
01:07:50Apparently he went off the trail
01:07:52But why would he go into the woods?
01:07:55It's all because of you Tig if it weren't for you
01:07:59Cuba wouldn't go anywhere. What did I do now? Weren't you making fun of him Tig?
01:08:07Cuba you've been searching for half an hour
01:08:14Maybe you forgot your nose at home. Oh
01:08:19I know you exchange your nose for acorns
01:08:37Leo I didn't know that he'd take it so personally Tig. It's not okay to laugh at friends
01:08:43Do you like it when Martins make fun of you?
01:08:47For being afraid of height so much
01:08:50Okay. Okay. I get it now
01:08:53Where's the smell?
01:08:55It just appeared
01:08:59I don't like this at all
01:09:04So, who is he hiding from Leo I sense another smell
01:09:14Calm down Tig. He's not even real
01:09:19Cuba come on. Go away. Go away
01:09:22Let's go we have to save Cuba right if he hasn't gotten eaten already
01:09:46What a surprise a kitten dessert
01:09:52Leo do you think this one's real?
01:09:59He said we're dessert must have eaten Cuba already
01:10:53Let's hide there behind the mound
01:11:10Well now kittens, there's nowhere to run anymore
01:11:17I think he spotted us. I
01:11:20Smell you I
01:11:23smell you my wonderful delicious sweet little kittens a
01:11:34And a leopard cub
01:11:49This is the bog land monster this time we're finished. All right kittens
01:12:01Coming for you
01:12:13Huh what's going on? Where did you two go?
01:12:22Don't understand I was following the trail
01:12:30All right, you've outsmarted me
01:12:35But next time you won't manage to run away from me
01:12:45It worked he left he couldn't smell us
01:12:50Take thanks to the monster the mud covered our smell
01:13:01And we thought you were the bog land monster not Cuba
01:13:05Listen Cuba, you know
01:13:07I'm sorry. I was making fun of you
01:13:10You might not have a sharp sense of smell, but I would never ever think of hiding like that
01:13:19And this is lily of the valley my favorite here smell it amazing, right
01:13:31You're right that smells very weird very weird
01:13:36It's because of us
01:13:40I'm a muddy monster
01:13:42I'm gonna save everyone
01:13:46You're nothing like a monster. You're just a dirty little tiger cub
