• 3 months ago


00:00From Hollywood, here's the game where knowledge is king and lady luck is queen, it's the Joker's
00:15And now, here's the host of the show, Bill Cullen.
00:27Hello, thank you, and welcome to the Joker's Wild.
00:30Well, we've had a pretty good week so far.
00:32As a matter of fact, we've begun a game, and we had to interrupt that game, and we're going
00:36to pick it up right now.
00:37And in order to do that, we're going to ask if Charlie will bring our players back.
00:41Bill, first our challenger, he's an elementary school teacher whose interests include water
00:44skiing and label collecting, Randy Hume.
00:47And our current champion, he recently moved from New York City to California, his winnings
00:53total in cash, $500, Dave Statman.
00:59Welcome, Dave, and welcome, Randy.
01:03Nice to have you back again.
01:05Let's talk about Dave first.
01:06He's our champion.
01:07Dave, you're out of high school, two years now, and in college, right?
01:10Where'd you go to school?
01:11New York University.
01:12Oh, yeah.
01:13Oh, nice school.
01:14Nice school, New York University.
01:15And you want to be, tell everybody what your ambition is.
01:17I want to be a stand-up comedian.
01:18And he has a face for it, doesn't he?
01:20He's sort of a cute-looking guy.
01:21I don't mean a funny face.
01:23I don't mean that.
01:24But you have an expressive face.
01:25And when Dave came here, he was a poor fellow with no furniture or anything.
01:29Now he's won all sorts of furniture.
01:31He's won a trip, as a matter of fact.
01:33His total winnings are $4,650.
01:41And Randy Hume, is it Hoon or Hume?
01:46Randy Hume is a teacher whose interests include water skiing and label collecting.
01:49What do you teach, Randy?
01:50This year, I'm teaching sixth grade.
01:53And tell us about label collecting, because that is interesting.
01:55Well, it's something like stamp collecting.
01:58Very few people participate in it.
02:01We collect citrus label art from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.
02:05And as a matter of fact, maybe I can start you down the same road, because this is the
02:10label that got us started, and I brought one for you.
02:14That's very pretty.
02:15And there's that.
02:16Hold that up again, Randy.
02:17Now look at that.
02:20Now, some years ago, they used to have labels like that pasted on the edge of the orange
02:27and apple and crates like that.
02:28Is that not so?
02:29Wooden crates, yes.
02:30And what kind of crate was that on?
02:33What held it?
02:34This was a lemon crate, and this was from the Oxnard area from about 1937.
02:38And that has value, has it not?
02:40Some value.
02:41It's one of the less rare labels, but it has some value.
02:44But it's like collecting comic magazines or baseball cards.
02:47You can trade and you can sell them, correct?
02:52So we will pick up the game right where we left off.
02:53First of all, gentlemen, let me get out of the way here and show you the categories.
02:56These are the ones we were playing with when time was called.
02:59Quotations, comic strips, American states, what's my name, and fast-forward movies.
03:06The fast-forward is a very good question, as I always say if somebody, in this case
03:10Dave the Champion, because he spins second or last, a good question with which to catch
03:15Before I begin, gentlemen, let me see the scores up there, please.
03:18It's 300 for Randy, our challenger.
03:20He's ahead.
03:21Dave has 100, trying to catch up.
03:23Natural triple jackpot begins to be worth discussing.
03:26It was hit last week, it hasn't been hit this week.
03:29We add a little something to it each day.
03:31If either of you come up with three categories exactly the same, not counting jokers, you
03:35win the natural triple jackpot right there, which is now worth $2,300.
03:40All right.
03:42Last week...
03:43Last week, it was knocked off for $13,000 some dollars, so it builds or it can be knocked
03:50off right here.
03:51So we're ready to go, Randy.
03:52If you want to spin, I'll read them off for you.
03:54Okay, let's have some jokers.
03:56Let's see what he gets.
03:57He has what's my name, joker, and quotations.
04:01Let's try what's my name for $100, please.
04:04What's my name for 100 bucks?
04:06Let me get it out of here.
04:08I'll take them all and I'll put them back.
04:10Here we go.
04:11All right.
04:12Here we go.
04:13I am quoting.
04:14This is me speaking as a person.
04:15I'm one nursery rhyme character who would not make a good stuntman.
04:19I once fell off a wall, broke into so many pieces that all the king's horses and all
04:24the king's men couldn't put me back together again.
04:28For $100, Randy, what's my name?
04:30Why, you're Humpty Dumpty.
04:32I certainly am and have been for some time.
04:37He's up to 400, Dave.
04:38You got work ahead of you.
04:39You bet.
04:41Let's see some jokers.
04:42Our champion, Dave.
04:43What's my name, comic strips, and what's my name again?
04:46I'll take what's my name for 100.
04:48All right.
04:49I became the first heavyweight boxing champion to win the title three times.
04:54If you ask me how I did it, I'll tell you that I float like a butterfly and sting like
04:59a bee.
05:00Simply said, I am the greatest.
05:02What's my name?
05:03Muhammad Ali.
05:04You're right.
05:05That's my name.
05:06Now then, 400 to 200, and we'll be back to pick it up at exactly this point.
05:12Right now, would you bear with us?
05:20Someone's been sneaking my Milano cookies.
05:23Is he capable of indulging himself the way I do?
05:27The baby.
05:29Would she know how to savor every moment?
05:32The finest dark chocolate.
05:34Two exquisite cookies.
05:37The plumber.
05:38Could he possibly appreciate?
05:43One of the distinctive cookies from Pepperidge Farm.
05:46Oh, yeah.
05:47They're that good.
05:49So sweet, so kissably fresh.
05:52My baby's skin is at its best when it's cleaned just right.
05:56For these delicate parts, I want a wipe that's not too dry.
06:00Try Pamper's Baby Fresh with new moisture pillow quilting.
06:03These special wipes contain just the right amount of moisture to help leave skin clean and fresh.
06:08And they're gentler than the other leading regular brand.
06:11When her skin's this perfect, this fresh, it's perfectly irresistible.
06:16Pamper's Baby Fresh with moisture pillows.
06:18Keeper's teacher in school suggested the Hooked on Phonics program for him.
06:21Hooked on Phonics really took him to the next step of wanting to be able to read
06:25and making it so he could do it.
06:29His teacher noticed right away a real difference in his reading.
06:32The program made it so he had a good time learning to read.
06:35To the shed.
06:37No dogs.
06:39Hooked on Phonics really did work for us.
06:41Call now.
06:42See dramatic improvement in just four weeks or your money back.
06:45Call 1-800-ABCDEFG.
06:50We're getting close to the end here.
06:51400 and 200.
06:52You could go either way yet.
06:53Randy, you have a spin.
06:54Let's see what you do with it.
06:55Okay, here we go.
06:57Randy spins and he gets American States again.
07:12I am very happy I mentioned that at the top of the show and reminded you of it
07:16because look what happened.
07:17Randy spun and he gets the natural triple.
07:19He'll tell us later what he chooses for his question and how much.
07:23Right now, I want to say the natural triple jackpot includes a gas grill,
07:26golf clubs, watches, and all sorts of other things.
07:30But Randy, right now, coming to you, natural triple jackpot worth 2,300 bucks.
07:42Now, score 400 and 200.
07:44What do you want to do, Randy?
07:46Well, I think I'll try American States for $100.
07:52$100 is fine.
07:53No, Bill.
07:54He must take it for $200.
07:55You have to take it for $200 because there's no joker.
07:56I'll take it for $200.
07:58And you realize the strategy there.
07:59He doesn't want to pass too much along to Dave.
08:01Randy, get this one right and you win the game.
08:03Miss it and Dave gets a chance and he could pick up $200 and have a spin coming.
08:08So, Randy, for a possible win for you,
08:11while traveling through the Equality State,
08:14you might want to visit Devil's Tower,
08:17which was the first U.S. national monument,
08:21or Yellowstone, the country's first national park.
08:26For $200 and a possible win, name this Rocky Mountain state.
08:33You have 600 points up there.
08:39Now, Dave, this could be your final spin
08:42unless you come up with three jokers or fast forward.
08:46You understand that?
08:48All right.
08:49Dave's spinning to stay in the game.
08:50Three jokers.
08:52One joker, what's my name, and comic strips.
08:55What would you like to do, sir?
08:56I'd like to go off the board for fast forward films for $50.
09:01You may do that.
09:02And you keep on.
09:03You don't have to tell me how many you want to answer.
09:05I ask you each question and then you tell me you want to go on, okay?
09:08$50 a piece.
09:09This could be a long one.
09:10Let's see what happens.
09:11One of Hollywood's finest actors played a rugged mountain man
09:14in the film Jeremiah Johnson,
09:16a reporter in All the President's Men,
09:19and a baseball player in The Natural.
09:21For $50, what's his last name?
09:25You have $250.
09:26You want to go on?
09:28Yes, I do.
09:29He wants to go on, and you know why.
09:31Listen to this famous movie scene.
09:33Nightclub owner Rick Blaine is having an emotional reunion
09:37with an old flame named Ilsa,
09:39while softly in the background,
09:41Sam plays as time goes by on the piano.
09:45For $50 more, name this classic 1943 film.
09:51Do you want to go on?
09:55He wants to go on.
09:57Here are three clues to a popular 1984 film.
09:59If you miss it, championship goes to Randy.
10:02One, a hit theme song by Ray Parker Jr.
10:05Two, starred comedian Bill Murray.
10:08Three, a giant marshmallow name,
10:11a giant monster name of Marshmallow.
10:15For $50 more, what's this blockbuster movie?
10:19You're right.
10:22Want to go on?
10:23Yeah, I bet.
10:24He's up to $350 and working at it.
10:26Remember, if he misses, it's over and Randy wins.
10:29In 1956, the play titled Pygmalion
10:31was transformed into a Broadway musical.
10:34In 1964, the popular musical
10:36was made into a hit movie starring Audrey Hepburn.
10:39For another $50, name this musical movie.
10:41My Fair Lady.
10:44You want to go on?
10:46You bet.
10:47Up to $400, this famous 1964 film
10:50starring Peter Sellers was a black comedy
10:53about the nuclear arms race.
10:55What one word completes this film's long title?
10:59Dr. Strangelove or how I learned
11:02to stop worrying and love the what?
11:08You're up to $450.
11:09You want to go on?
11:11Yes, I do.
11:12Naturally, but I have to ask you.
11:14In the 1954 film On the Waterfront,
11:16this famous actor uttered the classic line,
11:19I could have been a contender.
11:21I could have been somebody instead of a bum,
11:23which is what I am.
11:25For another $50, what's this actor's last name?
11:32Do you want to go on?
11:33You bet.
11:34He's up to $500.
11:35Miss it and he's out.
11:37In the touching 1978 film Coming Home,
11:40this famous actor's portrayed Sally Hyde,
11:42a Marine captain's wife who falls in love
11:44with an embittered Vietnam vet.
11:46What's the last name of this award-winning actress?
11:51Jane Fonda.
11:52Do you want to go on?
11:53Yes, I do.
11:54You are now up to $550.
11:56Your opponent has $600.
11:58Miss this one and Randy's a champion.
12:00Here it is.
12:01This American actor accomplished the extraordinary feat
12:03of winning four Academy Award nominations
12:06in four years.
12:07His films include Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon,
12:11and The Godfather.
12:13For $50 and to tie the score,
12:15what's this actor's last name?
12:17Al Pacino.
12:19And now we're tied at $600.
12:23Do you want to go on?
12:25You're not going on?
12:27He is not going on.
12:28He's going to hold it there.
12:29It's tied at $600 to $600,
12:30and we'll be back right after this word for you.
12:38Hi, I'm Gary Collins.
12:40If you suffer from back pain, have trouble sleeping,
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12:55The secret to Select Comfort is its patented air chamber design.
12:59To learn more about Select Comfort's revolutionary
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13:08You'll learn how metal coil mattresses
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13:14shoulders, spine, and hips.
13:16Clinical research shows that back pain sufferers
13:18reported relief after sleeping on Select Comfort.
13:21It's a 93% improvement in back pain relief,
13:24which is very significant.
13:26And a study conducted at Stanford University
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13:33My back problems have gone away completely.
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14:00I remember looking at it and going,
14:0290 days, that's three months.
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14:16So, pick up the phone and call now
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14:31Call 1-800-472-3300 right now.
14:35A good night's sleep is worth
14:37all the money in the world.
14:39All right, Charlie. Well, Dave played it pretty well.
14:41He got all the way up there to $600
14:43and stopped while he had a tie,
14:45because he didn't want to pass it along.
14:47Randy, we're tied again, and it's your spin.
14:49Okay, here we go. Jokers, please.
14:51All right, Randy gets comic strips,
14:53and a joker.
14:55Let's try...
14:57It's been lucky for me so far, so let's try
14:59What's My Name for $100, please.
15:01What's My Name for $100. That'll give you $700.
15:03And here's the question.
15:05And a possible win, of course.
15:07In 1981, a British beauty
15:09named Diana Spencer
15:11became the Princess of Wales.
15:13How did she do it?
15:15By marrying me?
15:17Oh, no.
15:19Let me read that again. I read it all wrong,
15:21and I'm giving it in the first person.
15:23I'm now the first person.
15:25In 1981, a British beauty named Diana Spencer
15:27became the Princess of Wales.
15:29How did she do it? By marrying me, of course.
15:31For $100,
15:33What's My First Name?
15:37Right, Prince Charles.
15:39I like my original reading.
15:43it's up to $700.
15:45You gonna try to tie him up?
15:47You bet.
15:49Take those jokers, or...
15:51You got a joker, you got a joker.
15:53And you got What's My Name.
15:55Your selection.
15:57I'm gonna take
15:59What's My Name for $200.
16:01And if you do that, that'll bring you up to $800,
16:03and you will win the game,
16:05and your total winnings will be
16:09Miss it, and the game's over right there.
16:11Randy's the champion.
16:13So a lot at stake for both of you.
16:15I read this again in the first person.
16:17Prior to 1984,
16:19I was a little-known congresswoman
16:21from Queens,
16:23Queens, New York.
16:25However, in that year, my running mate
16:27Fritz, and my loving
16:29mate John Zaccaro,
16:31helped put my name in the national
16:35Dave, for the game,
16:37and $5,500,
16:39What's My Last
16:41Name? Ferraro.
16:43Congratulations to your champion,
16:45Geraldine Ferraro.
16:55That's one of those games, it's a shame
16:57to see anybody lose.
16:59Randy, you played beautifully. You did everything
17:01you possibly could with what you got there.
17:03And Dave, you played beautifully.
17:05You had good luck on the draw, and you
17:07played it to the hill. Randy, we thank
17:09you for everything. We thank you for coming
17:11by. We have for you
17:13some very nice consolation prizes.
17:15And your natural triple jackpot,
17:19$2,300. Thank you, Randy.
17:21Thanks, Bill.
17:23Dave, we'll be back to talk to you
17:25about financial matters in a moment.
17:27Right now, we'll take time out.
17:33Extreme Gong, it's totally
17:37And it's all up to you.
17:39Weeknight, 630 Eastern, 530 Pacific,
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17:43Who can resist?
17:45Hey, guys, I got one!
17:47An interesting twist.
17:49Like Kellogg's new Nutri-Grain twist
17:51in three deliciously twisted
17:53new flavors. Ah, he's too small.
17:55Come back.
17:57What's new in hair from
17:59Conair? Go from
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18:03Introducing StraightStyle.
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18:11StraightStyles from Conair.
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18:23Pet husband.
18:25Control frizz.
18:27Remind kids of family
18:29infrastructure. Save the
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18:33the laundry really well.
18:35Good thing Whiz has a targeted cleaning system.
18:37Now, everything you wash gets done
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18:41Do it once. Do it right.
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19:41address on your screen.
19:43Okay, Dave, you've done
19:45it again. You ready to play against the devil?
19:47You bet. I hope your luck holds. Come on over.
19:55This is your third win, I believe,
19:57is it not? Yes. I think
19:59yes. It was your third game. You know, five games.
20:01You get that automobile. And the way you've been
20:03playing, you know, that was
20:05on Joker's Wild, the players can
20:07use strategy. And both you and Randy
20:09used the strategy very well. It worked out
20:11better for you because your choices were a little
20:13better. You came up with some marvelous answers
20:15there in the end to do it. Now you're back up against
20:17the devil again. No strategy, no nothing.
20:19You just, well, there's a little bit of strategy. You have to
20:21know when to quit. For instance, if before
20:23you see the devil, you decide, okay,
20:25I'm willing to settle for that amount of cash. You can
20:27take the money and go right there.
20:29But if you go all the way through and you get up to
20:31a thousand dollars or maybe a little more without
20:33seeing the devil, you win that money
20:35and this prize. Well, Dave, you'll make
20:37room for these gifts of comfort and convenience
20:39in three rooms of your home. First, Dave,
20:41in your living room, you'll have shelves for
20:43anything from books to home
20:45entertainment machines in this impressive
20:47oak wall unit. This oak modular
20:49shelving system from Marilat uses kitchen
20:51cabinets with a roll-top desk for a
20:53functional work-study area. Marilat
20:55Industries, America's cabinet maker.
20:57In your den, you'll have room for a spare bed
20:59because it folds up into this comfortable
21:01sleeper sofa. The Lazy Boy
21:03Signature II Sleep Sofa. It has
21:05a wide variety of fabrics that are suitable for any
21:07decor. Enjoy elegance by day
21:09and comfort by night, thanks to Lazy Boy.
21:11And finally, Dave, in your kitchen,
21:13make room for this prize worth
21:15$1,000 that
21:17will boil vegetables,
21:19bake a cake, and cook a roast all at once.
21:21This combination electric range and microwave
21:23oven. Tappan's electric range
21:25features a big microwave oven on top with Tappan
21:27touch controls, 10 cooking speeds, and
21:29a self-cleaning lower oven with black
21:31glass oven doors furnished by Tappan.
21:33This make room packages worth in cash
21:35and prizes over $4,550.
21:43added to your
21:45$5,450. You know, the strange
21:47interesting thing about this is when you came
21:49here in our conversation, you said
21:51you had no furniture yet, and we
21:53joked about that, and you've won a lot
21:55of furniture, plus a trip. Yeah. You're doing
21:57all right. Okay, it's all yours.
21:59Run them on, audience, one way or another. Here we go.
22:01Big money.
22:03He wants the big stuff. Well, you get a
22:05hundred, you get... Uh-oh. Oh, boy, that was close.
22:09It's going. It's going.
22:11It's going.
22:13He's on his way.
22:17$75, and...
22:19The terrible,
22:21terrible devil of a letdown.
22:23Well, you were off on a pretty good
22:25start, and, you know, you had two 75s.
22:27You know, if another 75 would have come up, that would
22:29have been an automatic win right there. However,
22:31you have three games in the bank. You also
22:33have winnings of
22:39you stay with me,
22:41because if you keep winning, you keep playing,
22:43and right now, both of us are going to meet
22:45your next opponent. Charlie, please.
22:47Well, Bill, she's a doctor whose interests include
22:49travel and sports, Dr. Ricky
22:57Well, there
22:59we are. Dave, you've met just about every kind
23:01of people in all sorts of
23:03walks of life, and now you have a doctor.
23:05Dr. Ricky Brister. Yes, sir.
23:07Hello, Dr. Br... Can I call you Ricky?
23:09Yeah. Okay, that's good.
23:11What kind of medicine do you practice? Well, I'm
23:13specializing in psychiatry.
23:15Oh, yeah? Yes, sir.
23:17Is it hard to be... You're going to be a psychiatrist
23:19or a psychologist? Psychiatrist.
23:21You are going to be a psychiatrist.
23:23And tell what educational qualities
23:25you need for that. Well, Bill, you have to
23:27go to college for four years, and then
23:29medical school for four years, and then do a
23:31four-year residency in psychiatry to
23:33specialize. I'm currently in my third year
23:35of residency. Your third... In other words,
23:37you've finished the four years
23:39in college, and the four years as a medical
23:41student. And when do you become a doctor? After your
23:43four years as a medical student, right? Yeah.
23:45And now, you're in your second-year residency?
23:47Third. Third. Third year.
23:49How long do you have to go? I have one more
23:51year. Well, now as a psychiatrist,
23:53Ricky, you can speak frankly here because
23:55I have a little time to talk. You know, here I am
23:57over here talking. What... How do I
23:59impress you as far as being emotionally balanced
24:01and things like that?
24:03Oh, Bill, you seem
24:05quite stable to me.
24:07You really do. I do? Yeah.
24:09Kind of a snap diagnosis, you must
24:11agree with that. You can snap my diagnosis
24:13any time you want, Ricky, when you...
24:15Actually, that's one of the nicest
24:17diagnoses I have ever had from
24:19anybody. Ricky and Dave,
24:21stick with us. We'll be back here in just a moment.
24:23But right now, I have to go away and rest for a
24:27Food that
24:29sounds as fresh as this
24:31comes from a food storage
24:33bag that sounds like this.
24:35Slide lock
24:37from Ziploc. The bag
24:39that tells you it's closed.
24:41So now you can be sure it's
24:43fresh because you can hear
24:45slide lock close.
24:51Slide lock.
24:53The zip locks
24:55in freshness from Ziploc.
25:07things can never be taught
25:09in a classroom.
25:13You won't find them in
25:15any textbook.
25:17And with Fix-A-Dent Long
25:19Lasting Hold, you'll be
25:21ready no matter where
25:23the lesson takes you.
25:25For long-lasting hold, Fix-A-Dent
25:27and forget it.
25:29You quit smoking. Did I?
25:31He didn't quit. He uses
25:33Targon mouthwash. Your teeth look
25:35whiter. Look how Targon removes
25:37tobacco tar from these tiles.
25:39Your breath smells so fresh.
25:41If you smoke, use Targon.
25:43First, the rugrats face
25:45the big, bad wolf.
25:47Then, the
25:49runaway reptile wagon.
25:51Now they're in the super good.
25:53Hot enough for you, Angelica?
25:55To celebrate the Rugrats movie,
25:57Campbell's just canned them in
25:59New Rugrats Movie Soup. Hang on to your
26:01dicey beans. You're going in.
26:03We're doomed!
26:05New Rugrats Movie Soup from the kids
26:07at Campbell's. Now,
26:09six collectible Rugrats movie holograms,
26:11one behind each specially marked label.
26:13We're out of time, but when we get back,
26:15it should be fun. We have Dave Statman, who wants
26:17to be a comedian. He's our champion. And Dr.
26:19Ricky Brister, a lady who will
26:21very shortly be a psychiatrist.
26:23Just finish her present residency.
26:25Meantime, I'll be back. I could use both a comedian
26:27and a psychiatrist. Not necessarily in that order.
26:29So long from the Joker's Wall. We'll see you around.
26:31We'll see you around.
26:41It's coming.
26:43America's best clean air upright line
26:45now offers a dramatic new improvement.
26:47Now you can
26:49have a wind tunnel by Hoover that's
26:51actually self-propelled.
26:53Self-propelled so you can have the best
26:55clean air upright in a new model
26:57that's so easy to use it almost
26:59works by itself. Many ordinary
27:01vacs scatter much of the dirt.
27:03Wind tunnel harnesses the power of the wind
27:05to get carpets cleaner than any other
27:07clean air upright. In test after
27:09test, wind tunnel picks up more
27:11dirt than any other clean air
27:13upright, including all bagless brands.
27:15Now what would you expect to pay for
27:17a vacuum cleaner this phenomenal?
27:19Well, call now and this new self-propelled
27:21wind tunnel can be yours for only five
27:23easy payments of only $79.99.
27:25But self-propelled
27:27isn't the only reason this wind tunnel
27:29is better. Simply switch the lever
27:31and see through the window that the brushroll
27:33stops for cleaning hard surfaces.
27:35Also, wind tunnel has edge groomers
27:37on both sides that help you clean
27:39right up to any baseboard.
27:41And when you return the handle to the upright
27:43position, the brushroll stops,
27:45automatically shifting wind tunnel's
27:47cleaning power to our super stretch hose,
27:49which reaches up to 20 feet for
27:51incredible range. And unlike
27:53bagless brands that use dirt cups,
27:55they're messy to empty. Wind tunnel
27:57has a convenient and clean allergen
27:59filtration system, a system that
28:01traps 100% of dust mites
28:03and 99.98% of
28:05ragweed and grass pollens. So
28:07call for your self-propelled wind tunnel
28:09today. Just five easy payments
28:11of only $79.99.
28:13And if you act now, we include all these
28:15extras a $50 value
28:17free. Call now for the
28:19new self-propelled wind tunnel by
28:27wind tunnel. Nothing like
28:33next on Game Show Network,
28:35play Card Sharks, followed by
28:37Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!
29:05The Joke is Wild is a Jack Barry
29:07This is a Jack Barry and Danny Wright production.
29:37Thank you for watching.
