Big Brother US Season 26 Episode 7

  • 2 months ago
Big Brother US Season 26 Episode 7
00:00He went out on a week that was so crappy for him.
00:04Yeah, I hope this week is like better.
00:08Whoever HOH is going to dictate the temperature of the house.
00:13Every time I find out where the house's head's at,
00:16it sometimes surprises me and sometimes doesn't.
00:19I thought I was going to learn a little bit more from the boats.
00:24Yeah, and you didn't.
00:27I wasn't on his side.
00:30That's why I didn't want him in the house because it was just getting too messy.
00:34And I hope people see that.
00:39Sometimes it's better to keep all the secrets to yourself
00:42so things don't get twisted in this house.
00:44So I am going with the narrative that I voted Matt out.
00:50I know a lot of emotion goes into this game.
00:52I just don't want my emotion to overpower me being a smart girl.
00:56I do not believe a word that has come out of her mouth right now.
01:00Let's use our brains here.
01:02Nobody else was up under Matt's armpit other than Leah, Mackenzie, and Lisa.
01:08I know you're lying to my face. I know you're lying.
01:11Because HOH tonight is going to, you know, just switch with Lisa.
01:17I don't think that they think that I kept him.
01:22But it scares me a little bit that I am on the outside of the conversations of what the house wants.
01:27So going into the HOH competition, I am going to try my best to win
01:32because I do not want to be going home or even be one of the nominations on the block.
01:40You got yourself locked.
01:42And we got Matt out.
01:46That's all, period.
01:50Don't underestimate chemo.
01:53Don't underestimate.
01:55Unpack this.
02:01Who do you think the three votes were?
02:03For sure Mackenzie and Leah.
02:05I don't know who the third one would have been.
02:07The only person I can think of is Lisa.
02:10Part of me thinks it was, but I don't actually know.
02:13The third vote, a bit of a mystery.
02:15I feel as though the house associates Lisa with that Matt, Leah, Mackenzie crew.
02:23And so Lisa being the additional third vote kind of adds up.
02:28The house was together on this vote.
02:30Let's unpack.
02:33I didn't really see that coming.
02:35Did you?
02:37Let's unpack.
02:59I didn't really see that coming.
03:01Did you?
03:03You didn't like Jane?
03:04Oh, I stayed the same.
03:05I sadly choose to evict Kenny.
03:09And he'll see that.
03:11You know what, I'm just going to take it as people saw him as a threat.
03:14He was a great player.
03:15A hundred percent.
03:16A great man.
03:17A hundred percent.
03:18They did what they needed to do.
03:20He was too good.
03:21He was too good to have to let him go.
03:22Too good and too buff and too handsome and too jacked.
03:24Oh, wow.
03:26Is that alliance still a thing?
03:28Even though the votes for eviction showed that the Barbershop Alliance definitely did not stay loyal to Matt.
03:39I think the only way to go far in this game for me is to stay loyal to this alliance right now because I need the numbers.
03:45I feel like everybody knew except us.
03:47I know.
03:48It's a whole new game now.
03:49It is.
03:50We've got to protect ourselves.
03:51You got me.
03:52I got you.
03:53A hundred percent.
03:54We were part of an alliance called the Barbershop, which was true BS, if you know what I'm saying, because it obviously never existed.
04:03All I can do now is buckle down, win this head of household for Matt, show him we got the freaking muscle, and we can do this.
04:15We're going to do this.
04:17We're going to do it.
04:19Find a camera.
04:20Gosh dang it.
04:21We're going to do it.
04:22Which one do we look at?
04:23We're doing this now.
04:25And this week, she's going down.
04:42Let's go.
04:43I just survived the eviction, and I want this HOH because things are looking pretty grim right now.
04:48So I need this.
04:49I need this bad.
04:51While trying to learn more about carbon-based life forms, Ainsley discovered that humans are completely obsessed with cute and funny animal videos.
05:02That's why this head of household competition is called Animal Obsession.
05:09As outgoing HOH, I am ineligible to compete.
05:14Here's how it works.
05:16You will be shown a compilation of animal videos.
05:19You will then be asked a series of true or false questions based on the videos you just saw.
05:26Answer correctly, and you stay in the competition.
05:29Get a question wrong, and you are eliminated.
05:33After four questions, you will be shown another compilation of animal videos and will be asked new questions about that.
