• last year
Watch the riveting "Too Much" scene from the renowned CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series intricately explores the lives of the Reagan family, a clan dedicated to law enforcement in New York City. In this dramatic scene, Bridget Moynahan stars as Assistant District Attorney Erin Reagan alongside Steve Schirripa as Investigator Anthony Abetemarco. Feel the intensity as they face a particularly challenging situation, highlighting the pressures and complexities of their work. Don’t miss this compelling moment that showcases the emotional depth and professional challenges within Blue Bloods, where justice and personal stakes are always high.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:00Your office called, said you needed these.
00:06Thank you, Anthony.
00:07So this is where we're at now?
00:12Your office calls me, not you?
00:14It doesn't mean anything.
00:17So something that's never happened before
00:19has happened three times this week,
00:21but it doesn't mean anything?
00:24Hold on, Anthony.
00:27I don't like that you were following me without me knowing.
00:31I know.
00:32But understand, I was just looking out for you.
00:34That's what friends do.
00:36Okay, but sometimes it's just a little too much.
00:39Oh, so you mean I'm a little too much?
00:43You know, the thing with me,
00:45I don't let anybody in.
00:48So when I do, it's a big deal.
00:53I'm an all-or-nothing guy,
00:55and sometimes all of me is too much for people.
00:59No, it...
01:01It's true,
01:02and I could have gone about this whole thing a little better.
01:05Well, the deck was stacked against you.
01:08I mean, if you had come clean about sniffing around Jack,
01:11I would have been pissed and shut you down hard.
01:14You think?
01:15And then I would have continued seeing Jack,
01:17which means it would be the post who had those photos instead.
01:21I would rather you hate me than for that to have happened.
01:23The last thing in the world I would do is hate you.
01:26Just tone it down, right?
01:29Yeah, but...
01:32I suck at some things and you suck at others,
01:35but for the most part, together, we don't suck.
01:38We're pretty great.
01:40I love it.
01:41Our new motto.
01:43We don't suck.
01:47Behind us.
01:48We have your mirror, baby.
01:50We have your mirror, baby.
01:56See you later.
01:58See ya.
