Venezuela, Attorney General denounces attacks on electoral system

  • 3 months ago
*FAR-RIGHT wing pretends not to recognize the will of the Bolivarian people
00:00Let's go now live with our special envoy Yunus Soner who is currently at the public
00:05ministry to go deeper into the details of everything that has
00:09happened since last night and so far during the morning in Venezuela.
00:14Hello Yunus, welcome again from the south. Good afternoon.
00:23What can you tell us?
00:24Hello, good afternoon. The Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tarek
00:34William Saab, held a press conference right here where I'm standing approximately 20 minutes ago
00:42and he made evaluations about yesterday's election day as well as attempts to sabotage the elections.
00:50He first congratulated the Venezuelan people for holding a peaceful and harmonic elections
00:57and he said this occurred despite years of provocations by the right-wing opposition
01:03against the electoral system, the attempts of the opposition to cause
01:09coups d'etat, to cause, to incite to violence, to incite to provocations. In spite of that,
01:16despite of that, the Venezuelan people has opted, has chosen path of peace and tranquility
01:24and stability, said the Attorney General who also congratulated the elected President Nicolás
01:31Maduro for his third term in the presidency. He then moved on to provide details how the
01:38electoral system was attacked yesterday during the elections. He said firstly that there were
01:4560 minor incidents all over the country attacking voting machines in some places or trying to enter
01:52election centers in illegal manner whereby 17 people were detained by the authorities. Secondly,
02:00there was an attack on the electric grid, on the power grid of the election system,
02:07of the connection between the voting centers and the National Electoral Council that was also
02:13defeated. But most importantly, he said, there was an attack, a cyber attack on the connection
02:21between voting centers and the national headquarters of the National Electoral Council.
02:28Hereby, he said, they, the attackers tried to change the results that were transmitted from
02:35the voting centers to the CNE, as the National Electoral Council is called here in Venezuela.
02:41They tried to change the results of the elections, but this attack was defeated,
02:47said the Attorney General. The only effect it has was that the transfer of data was delayed,
02:55thus causing a delay in the final announcement by the National Electoral Council.
03:02The Attorney General also provided more details about who is behind the attack and where it came
03:08from. He said that the cyber attack resulted, was originated from a country of North Macedonia,
03:18which is a country in the Balkans in Eastern Europe, and that was the place where the cyber
03:24attack was made of. And he also said they had already identified the three leaders of this
03:31attack, which were Lester Toledo, a fugitive Venezuelan citizen, Leopoldo Lopez, another
03:40fugitive citizen of Venezuela, and Maria Corina Machado. The Attorney General has said that
03:47investigation has taken up against these persons, as well as others involved in this cyber attack
03:55against Venezuela's election system, which tried to change the results that were received by the
04:01national headquarters of the National Electoral Council. And he said that several investigators
04:08of his public ministry here are working already on the case, as well as on other cases which
04:15involve crimes such as blocking transportation highways, calling incitement to hatred, incitement
04:24to violence, and also incitement to resistance against the authorities, which will all be
04:30prosecuted, said the Attorney General. He concluded saying that this was, generally speaking,
04:36a positive, peaceful election day. This is the most important part, he said. But he also said
04:43that his ministry will prosecute all the crimes committed on the election day, and will also
04:51prosecute all the crimes that might happen in the next days rigorously.
04:57Thank you, Juniors, for the latest information on everything that is happening
05:00after election day in Venezuela.
