Rounding Off Up To Millions

  • 3 months ago
00:00Hi kids! Today we will learn rounding off and that is up to millions. So first of
00:10all, what is rounding off? Rounding is to replace the number with another one that
00:19has value approximately equal to original number but is simpler, shorter
00:27and easier to represent and use in calculation. It makes the number less
00:35exact but simpler to calculate. Rounding off can be the nearest ten, hundred,
00:42thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand or even million. Here we will be learning
00:51all today. In rounding off, there are always two options. Either you round up
00:59the number or round down the number. Let's see some examples. Let's round off
01:0845 to the nearest 10. 10's digit here is 4 and there are two options. Either you
01:18round down or round up. Either we can round it up to next 10, that is 50, or we
01:28can round it down to previous 10, that is 40. And it depends upon the digit next to
01:374, that is 1's digit. If the 1's digit is 5 or more, we will round it up and if
01:47the 1's digit is less than 5, we will round it down. Here is the 1's digit, is 5.
01:58So we will round it up, so 45 will be rounded up to next 10, that is 50. Now
02:10let's round 678 to nearest 100. Here again we have two options, as we have to
02:20round the number to nearest 100. So we will either round the number to next
02:26100, that is 700, or round it down to previous 100, that is 600. And it will
02:36depend on the digit on the 10's place. If the digit on the 10's place is 5 or
02:43more, we will round it up and if the digit on the 10's place is less than 5,
02:50we will round it down. And here the 10's digit is more than 5, so the number will
02:58be rounded up to the next 100, that is 700. Now let's round off 1234 to the
03:11nearest 100. Here the 100's digit is 2. We have to round the number to nearest
03:20100. So nearest 100 are 200 and 300. Again it will depend on the 10's digit.
03:32And if the 10's digit is 5 or more, it will be rounded up to next 100. And if
03:40the 10's digit is less than 5, it will be rounded down to nearest 100. Here the
03:4810's digit is less than 5, that is 3. So it will be rounded down to previous
03:56100, that is 200. So our number will be 1200. Now let's move to next example. Now
04:09we have to round off 567,450 to nearest 1000. Digit at 1000's place is 7. So we
04:23have to round it off 7,450 to nearest 1000. The previous digit, that is 56, will
04:34unchanged at their places. As we have to round off this number to nearest 1000,
04:43there will be two options. Either round down to previous 1000, that is to 7000,
04:51or round up to next 1000. And next 1000 will be 8000. And it will depend on the
05:01100's digit that will be rounded up or down. If the digit at 100's place is 5 or
05:10more, it will round up to next 1000. And if the digit at 100's place is less than
05:175, it will be rounded down to previous 1000. And here the digit at 100's
05:25place is less than 5. Before number will be rounded down to previous 1000, that is
05:337000. And also we don't change the digits which are at bigger place than
05:40the digits we are rounding off. So our answer is 567,000. Now let's move to next
05:52example. Now let's round off this big number. It is 4,683,703, the nearest 100,000. First of all,
06:08see the digit which is at 100,000's place. Here the digit at 100,000's place is 6. As the digits
06:19at bigger places will remain unchanged. So we have to round off 683,703 to nearest 100,000.
06:33And we know we have two options. Either round up to next 100,000 or round down to previous
06:45100,000. Previous 100,000 is 600,000. And next 100,000 is 700,000. And it will depend on the
06:5710,000 place. If the digit at 10,000 place is 5 or more, the whole number will be rounded up to
07:08next 100,000. That is 700,000. And if the digit at 10,000 place is less than 5, the whole number
07:20will be rounded down to previous 100,000. That is 600,000. And here the digit at 10,000's place
07:32is more than 5. The whole number will be rounded up to 700,000. Now let's move on to next example.
07:43Here we have again a big number. It is 7,978,465. And we have to round it off to nearest million.
08:00The digit at million's place is 7 again. We have two options. That is either round down to previous
08:12million. That is 7,000,000 or round up to next million. That is 8,000,000. And it will depend
08:21the 100,000's place digit. If the digit at 100,000's place is 5 or more, the number will be
08:32rounded up to next million. And if the digit at 100,000's place is less than 5, the whole number
08:42will be rounded down to previous million. And here the digit at 100,000's place is more than 5.
08:51It's 9. So the whole number will round it off to next million. That is 8,000,000. Now let's take
09:03one more example. Now we have to round off 3,643,849 to nearest 10,000. So first of all,
09:18see the digit at 10,000's place. The digit at 10,000's place is 4. The digits at the bigger
09:28place will stay unchanged. So we have to round off 43,849 to nearest 10,000. That is either round
09:42off to next 10,000. That is 50,000 or round down to previous 1,000. That is 40,000. And the whole
09:53thing will depend upon the digit of 1,000's place. And the digit of 1,000's place is 3. And we know
10:02if the digit is less than 5, then we round it down. And this number will be rounded down to
10:09previous 10,000, and it is 40,000. And we do not change the digits at higher places than the digit
10:20we are rounding off. So the whole number became 3,640,000. So kids, we learned rounding off to
10:33the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, or even millions. Now you may go ahead and take a quiz
10:42to learn more. Bye-bye.