Emmerdale 29th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 29th July 2024


00:30Hey, Piper. You having a good walk? Lots of good sniffs.
00:42No more escaping, eh, up?
00:45She's not had a chance.
00:47What, are you and Miss Lydia making croissants for breakfast? Those tin ones always blow
00:52my mind.
00:53Is that what you want to talk about? Piper's walk and what you've had for your breakfast?
01:00Look, I feel terrible. I was overthinking and I guess reading too much into things.
01:06I shouldn't have said it, and I'm sorry.
01:11Me too. I was just really embarrassed. I feel like everyone's judging me.
01:16You've done nothing wrong.
01:18What, lying about having a miscarriage?
01:20And that's no one's business, Belle.
01:22Look, I'm still worried about you, the way he's been treating you.
01:25This isn't all on him. We'd both say stuff that we didn't mean. We'd get angry.
01:30But it's done now, isn't it?
01:33And Tom's not in a great place, so I just don't want to stir things up.
01:36But thank you for looking out for me.
01:40Of course we are. Come here.
01:43Just leave me to deal with Tom, though, yeah?
01:56Dare I ask?
01:58It's just arrived. A little treat for the kids.
02:01If we're not allowed to take them to the seaside, then we'll bring the seaside to them.
02:05It's a candy floss machine.
02:08What's wrong with that?
02:10We can make them more mocktails, pretend we're living it up on the Costa Blanca.
02:14It's a nice idea, but Billy and Dawn have got a whole Hollywood day planned.
02:18Save that for another time.
02:20How come you're in a mood?
02:22I'm not. I just don't want any more problems.
02:24Nothing to do with you and Kim.
02:27I don't want to pry, I don't want to get involved,
02:30but I can see how stressed it's making you.
02:32I just don't get it, what it is she's doing.
02:35Hold up at the B&B like some kind of martyr.
02:38It's not how she operates.
02:40You make it sound like some sort of game.
02:42I'm not sure what it is.
02:44Maybe I just need a break from you.
02:46You fancy a walk?
02:48Well, let's stop you stressing about it.
02:50Will it stop you stressing about Kim?
02:52Probably not, but we can give it a go.
02:55Once we've hidden this, obviously.
03:01We were going to come and see you later.
03:04We heard what happened in the pub.
03:08Me making a fool of myself to let everyone up, isn't it?
03:10That's not what anyone's saying, not as far as I can make out.
03:13I wish you'd told me and Jimmy about the abortion.
03:17Why, I didn't know myself, not until we went away.
03:20Is that why you came home early?
03:24Cos she left me.
03:30I still can't believe it.
03:32I mean, how could she end things like that?
03:34Our marriage, our baby?
03:36I just wanted to be her dad.
03:39And now her and Vinnie.
03:41Vinnie? What about her and Vinnie?
03:43I don't know, maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there.
03:45We married you two minutes ago, I always knew you were too good for her.
03:47But I still love her.
03:49Maybe I've got it wrong, maybe we've still got a chance.
03:52Oh, love.
03:54You must think I'm pathetic.
03:56Of course not.
03:59I guess I'm just...
04:01I'm just lonely.
04:03Rattling round that house with too much time to think.
04:05Hey, you know you're always welcome here.
04:08Thank you, but you don't need me moping about.
04:11Tom, you're family.
04:13You don't have to do this by yourself, we want to help.
04:16Are you sure?
04:18I mean, I did think about asking, only I'm worried it'd be too cheeky.
04:22But I swear it wouldn't be for long.
04:24Only a few weeks, if that.
04:26And, you know, I'd pay my way, help the kids.
04:29Oh, that's not...
04:33Not a problem. No problem at all.
04:36Though it can get a bit crowded.
04:38And noisy.
04:40Queuing for the bathroom, that kind of thing.
04:42Sounds perfect.
04:44Thank you, Nicola.
04:46You don't think that Uncle Jimmy would mind, do you?
04:49What do you think?
04:53You know, I was thinking, and...
04:55I might ask Belle if she wants to move back into ours.
04:58You know, give us both the chance to have a proper reset, see how we really feel.
05:01Well, is that a good idea?
05:03What if it doesn't work out?
05:05Well, then I guess I'll have to walk away.
05:07But at least I would have done everything I can.
05:11Look, Tom, I'm really sorry, but I need to get to the cafe.
05:14I promised Brenda I'd come for a bit.
05:16Eric's got an appointment with his Parkinson's nurse.
05:21Are you going to be OK?
05:43Not that it's any of your business.
05:48I made an appointment for the scan.
05:50I managed to pull a few strings at the hospital.
05:52And were meant to be impressed.
05:55I'm still waiting to hear back from the other clinic about the paternity test.
05:59I'm not sure I even want any of this.
06:01Well, I'm not going to force you, obviously, but...
06:05You know, it'd be good to get some answers.
06:07Except I don't need any.
06:09Because I know the baby's real and it's yours.
06:11OK, well, for me, then.
06:15I appreciate the fact...
06:16Look, Brenda was in the flat. I said I'd step in until you got here.
06:19I thought you said you didn't want to wait for me.
06:21I'm not. I'm working for Brenda.
06:24What's that all about?
06:25Oh, Nicola, how should I know?
06:27It's half the job, keeping up with the local news.
06:30I promise it's safe.
06:32I wouldn't ask you to do something that wasn't.
06:37I'll pick you up tomorrow lunchtime.
06:40The sooner we know, the sooner we can both move on with our lives.
06:44OK, fine.
06:46If it'll shut you up.
07:15Nice car.
07:17Goes with a nice gaff.
07:21Let's skip the small talk.
07:23Fine by me.
07:24What you having?
07:26A name.
07:28I want to know who put you up to all this.
07:31The thing is, I'm a man of my word.
07:34How does two grand sound?
07:37Sounds like your clueless, darling.
07:40I was paid to do the deal and keep quiet.
07:43It was a lot more than that.
07:48And I know it wasn't Rose.
07:53Like I said, man of my word.
08:11She lied about the miscarriage.
08:13He's in a right state.
08:14Oh, poor Tom.
08:17Do you really think her and Vinnie are having an affair, then?
08:20Who knows?
08:22Might explain the abortion.
08:24And that, I say, can stop at ours,
08:26but he'll need to find somewhere else before Angel's released.
08:28Oh, hey, it must be really exciting.
08:31I'm relieved.
08:33She's been head down, staying out of trouble,
08:35or there'd still be months to wait.
08:36Oh, it's gonna be great.
08:37I tell you what, I don't know how you've coped.
08:39It's only been a couple of days without Archie in that house
08:42and it's just felt so, so empty.
08:45I'm thinking of Tom, if you like.
08:49How are things with you and Jay?
08:51Did Rishi's memorial go OK?
08:53Do you know what? It was actually really moving.
08:57And then I went and ruined it
08:59and told Jay that I'd got a solicitor for our divorce.
09:03I know, there's never a good time, is there?
09:05But at least it'll help him come to terms with things, I think.
09:11Shouldn't you be at work by now?
09:13No, I'm on reduced hours.
09:15Gabby knows all about it.
09:17How's Archie?
09:19That was the last time you asked.
09:21Which is fine, by the way, in case you do actually care.
09:24Just want to keep civil.
09:26I'm not the one who got the solicitors involved
09:29on our anniversary,
09:31a year to the day that my dad died.
09:43Back to work.
09:44Oh, no, you don't already know.
09:46It's just this flaming paternity test.
09:48I feel like it's the most normal thing in the world.
09:50Yeah, but if it shuts him up a bit...
09:52That's what I thought, but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
09:56Hey, I don't suppose you're free to come along instead?
09:59Tomorrow dinner time?
10:01I've got a full head tent blowaway booked in.
10:04There must be someone else, eh?
10:06Yeah, sure.
10:10Yeah, I mean, between you and me,
10:12I'm not devastated what with Bill's problems, but he is.
10:16So I want something special enough to show we care
10:18without making it feel like a celebration.
10:20I've honestly no idea.
10:22I mean, I always go straight to cake.
10:24Although you are in luck,
10:26cos Caleb fancies himself as a bit of a foodie,
10:29and he is an expert in messy break-ups.
10:32You what?
10:34Tom and Bill split.
10:36I'm trying to cheer him up.
10:38It's nice of Kate to let me know.
10:40Thought you'd been off somewhere on a fancy holiday.
10:42I'm still at the end of a phone, aren't I?
10:44Someone sounded a bit jealous there.
10:46Have you and Ruby?
10:48Where did you go anyway? Nice?
10:50Yeah, it was lovely. Barley.
10:52Beautiful hotel right on the beach.
10:56Hey, Tom will be fine.
10:58Pizza and a bucket of wine will help.
11:02Just heard about you and Tom.
11:04How are you doing?
11:06I don't want to talk about it.
11:13Depends what you and Vinnie have been getting up to.
11:16Just these, please.
11:18Er, 3.98, please.
11:22Oh. Sorry, I think it's declined.
11:25No, it can't be.
11:28Erm, try putting your card in, if you want.
11:30Actually, it's the wrong card.
11:32I'll come back later.
11:38Hiya, love.
11:40Hey, what's the matter?
11:42Nothing, just wrong bank card.
11:44That's not worth getting in a state about.
11:46No, I know. I'm being stupid.
11:52Is she OK?
11:54I wish I knew.
11:56I hate seeing her so upset.
11:58Yeah, you and me both. I'd best go after her.
12:00Well, I can go.
12:02If she tells me to back off, then I'll back off.
12:04But it's been a really tough time.
12:06Everyone that cares about her pulling together.
12:10Well, I want to be a part of that.
12:14OK, love.
12:30I know things aren't easy for you, Tom,
12:32but you can't keep taking time off without any warning.
12:34Call me back when you get this.
12:38Good job I don't do Vet of the Week.
12:42Can you pull up this week's appointments?
12:44I'm going to have to rejig things.
12:46Yeah, sure.
12:48I'll be with you in a sec.
12:58You OK?
13:00I just need a bit of air.
13:02It's a bit messy, eh?
13:04Yeah, about that.
13:06I hate to mess you about, but I've got a scan tomorrow.
13:08Sorry for the short notice.
13:10Oh, that's great. You must be dead excited.
13:12Yeah, it's just with Tom not turning up.
13:14It's not the same thing.
13:18Just a bit of cramp.
13:20Yeah, maybe.
13:22But you'd better get it checked out.
13:24I don't want to cause any bother.
13:26It's only over the road.
13:28I'm sure I can cope on my own for a bit.
13:30On second thoughts, erm...
13:34I'm coming with you.
13:36No arguments.
13:42Belle, can we talk?
13:46I can't even feed Piper now. Is that what you want?
13:48Of course not.
13:50Look, just tell me what's happened.
13:52There was no money in the joint account.
13:56I didn't think we'd still be using it.
14:00No, she can share a few with Chip and Monty.
14:02I don't want anything from you.
14:04All right, well, if you're sure. But we still need to talk.
14:10I'm moving in with Jimmy and Nicola.
14:12I think it'd be safer than being on my own.
14:14OK, yeah.
14:16It's a good idea.
14:18It means our place will be sat empty.
14:20Which seems a shame.
14:22It's better than you hurting yourself.
14:24Or worse.
14:28I would love it
14:30if you and Piper would move in there.
14:32Rent's already been paid, six months in advance.
14:34No, we're good where we are.
14:36You and Piper would have your own space again
14:38and you'd still be close to your family.
14:40A chance for
14:42you both to...
14:46get back onto your paws.
14:50Why don't I buy you a coffee while you think about it?
14:56I think she's just a bit overwhelmed
14:58with the maternity test and the scan, you know.
15:00She asked me if I'd go with her.
15:02And are you?
15:04I would if I could, but...
15:06She certainly knows how to get everyone's attention, doesn't she?
15:08Think she got pregnant to annoy you?
15:10I've no idea, Mandy, cos I've no idea if it's mine.
15:12She's not gonna lie about something like that, is she?
15:14She has done nothing else since she turned up.
15:16Liam, I know you're in your head,
15:18and I get it, I really do, right?
15:20But just think about what it's like for her.
15:26See, all I want is a bit of certainty.
15:30Oh, thank God.
15:32Why's the surgery shut?
15:34Well, it's lunchtime, so...
15:36Are you OK? What's happened?
15:38Is it the baby? Do you need to go to hospital?
15:40No, it's just a bit of cramp.
15:42OK, well, then you really should go to hospital.
15:44I said no.
15:46OK, look, when did it start?
15:48I don't know, but it's really not that bad.
15:50Well, I'd rather make sure. I'll take it from here.
15:52Right, well, let me know how you're doing,
15:54and do not worry about work.
16:10Do you want out from my shop?
16:12Why? What's Lydia said?
16:14I haven't seen her.
16:16I'm sorry.
16:18We had a misunderstanding earlier, but we're fine.
16:20You should go.
16:24Well, I act much of a friend if I don't make sure you're OK.
16:26I already told you I'm fine.
16:28It's just...
16:30Tom was watching us earlier,
16:32and it creeped me out.
16:34What are you on about? We weren't even doing anything.
16:36No, I know. It's just...
16:38It's weird, innit?
16:40Are you being paranoid? He's actually trying to make things better for me right now.
16:42You're not getting back with him, though, are you?
16:46I'll explain it to you later, OK?
16:54You're not joining us?
16:58He is definitely into you.
17:00He's just a mate.
17:02Am I allowed does?
17:04Of course.
17:06Sorry, it was just a stupid joke.
17:10So, about the house...
17:14I'm not sure.
17:16We'd need a lot of ground rules.
17:18Have as many as you like.
17:20So, is that a yes?
17:24How are you doing?
17:26Bob's coffee hasn't improved.
17:28Well, there's a decent cup for you down at Home Farm.
17:30I'll stick to the wine.
17:34Well, they seem to be getting on better.
17:36Amazing what a conversation can do.
17:38Very subtle.
17:40I thought you were going to sort this out.
17:42At least try and talk to Will.
17:44Seems daft you've been down here.
17:46Yeah, well...
17:48It shouldn't be for much longer.
17:50I had a very interesting meeting earlier.
17:52Seems someone has paid a lot of money to screw me over.
17:56Why would someone want to do that?
17:58The real question is, who?
18:02I can only come up with one answer.
18:06He's rich enough.
18:08Obsessed enough.
18:12Yeah, with getting revenge.
18:14But I've got a big surprise planned for him.
18:22So, have you got any...
18:24any bleeding or spotting?
18:26And the pain?
18:28Standard issue, period.
18:32Between one and ten?
18:34Four, sometimes five.
18:36But it's stopped now, anyway.
18:38Good. I mean, cramps are fairly common,
18:40so there's nothing to worry about.
18:42But, er...
18:44I'm happy to drive you to Houghton General
18:46if you want to be certain.
18:48I'm just going to go and have a rest for a while.
18:50In the salon?
18:52It's not actually in the salon.
18:54Yeah, I know, but, er...
18:56I mean, you can't be sleeping properly.
18:58Better than in my car.
19:02Anyway, I'm not going to start complaining.
19:04It's really good of Mandy to let me stay there.
19:06Oh, yeah. It's just how she is, isn't it?
19:10Still, it's not ideal, and
19:12there's probably lots of chemicals floating about.
19:14None that I've noticed.
19:16Even so.
19:20I'm going to call Bob.
19:22Pay for a room for you.
19:24You really don't have to do that.
19:26No, I know, but it's for the best.
19:28We can't take any chances.
19:30I can't.
19:32As a doctor.
19:34I think we'll both be able to just breathe a lot easier
19:36after this go.
19:42Er, front and back.
19:44And spares.
19:46You always like this?
19:50I just want to make sure they're 100%
19:52and this one isn't.
19:54It seemed OK to me.
19:56We can each get another one cut.
19:58Yeah. Thanks.
20:00You'll have to pick it up from the shop tomorrow.
20:02Oh, no problem. I'll see you then.
20:12You seem friendly.
20:14At least he could get it done so quick.
20:16And you don't mind?
20:18The locks?
20:20Of course not.
20:22Whatever makes you feel safe.
20:24This is your home.
20:26Yours and Piper's.
20:29Well, erm...
20:33I'll see you then.
20:46Hang on, hang on.
20:48Sorry, mate.
20:50She wants to keep hold of that key afterwards.
20:52But we will still have a
20:54decent spare cut.
20:56Either works or it doesn't.
20:58Look, erm...
21:00She gets a bit
21:02bad with her nerves.
21:04You know, twitchy about keys floating around.
21:06Everything has to be accounted for.
21:14Obviously, I...
21:16will pay for it.
21:38A self-destructive Vivienne
21:40faces a life-changing experience
21:42after inheriting a beach house
21:44located on a cliff top.
21:46Streamed brand new, totally and completely fine
21:48right now on ICBX.
21:50Next here, Coronation Street.
21:56Coronation Street.
21:58Coronation Street.