Australia’s first forced marriage conviction

  • 3 months ago
A Shepparton woman was sentenced to three years imprisonment for organising the forced marriage of her 20-year-old daughter. The daughter was murdered by her husband in Western Australia in 2020.


00:00Australia is not immune to forced marriages and this crime type often goes
00:04underreported. This investigation would not have been possible without the
00:08assistance of members of the community including many witnesses who came
00:12forward to police despite community and cultural barriers. The number of human
00:18trafficking complaints to the AFP is on the rise with the AFP receiving 340
00:24reports of these offences in the year 2022-23 with 90 of those being forced
00:31marriage allegations. We hope this conviction highlights how seriously the
00:35AFP takes these matters and its commitment to bringing perpetrators
00:40before the court.
