• last year
00:00Hello in this video this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia for watching me. Thank you for watching
00:05I just want to show you something Shia
00:10I just clicked
00:14The notifications
00:18And it shows
00:23Someone liked my comment I never made this comment
00:26And I'll click on it, and that's someone
00:33Most likely the hacker made this comment under my account name
00:41I never would have seen that this comment hat would have happened if someone didn't like the comment
00:48It was written two months ago. There's no way I would make a comment like this
01:01So once again, this is my account
01:08This is my account
01:11At Alyssa Kutcher I
01:14clicked on the notifications I
01:19Clicked on the notifications
01:23And someone liked my comment
01:27This is a
01:31And this is the comment
01:34Two months ago
01:37So is
01:38I'm a hundred percent sure it is the hacker. That's writing under my account name and adding comments
01:45The only reason why I saw it is because someone liked the comment
01:52Laughing with tears emoji
01:55And the I
01:58Will show you I searched
02:03Rakia cleanses, so I
02:07So I just searched rakia cleanse soul
02:14Cleansed soul and
02:21This is the bit this is the
02:25Video I
02:27Click on it. I go I click on comments and I clicked on newest. It's right there
02:34So the hacker is using my account to write comments and messages
02:39I've never seen that happen before I'm sure it's been done
02:46Many times and I never even knew so I'm going to
02:54I've already taken photographs of it on the camera
03:10And I the notifications
03:23Did not write that comment and that's actually
03:27Very bad that that comment was
03:32Written under my name on that account
03:35And I'm going to leave it as evidence
03:39So I just wanted to make that video to show you Shia, I love you Shia, thank you everybody for watching
03:45Thank you so much Shia for watching
