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الربح من مشاهدة الفيديوهات فقط واثبات سحب فورى موقع رائع ومميزللربح من مشاهدة الفيديوهات 2024 ، يمكنك ربح مبالغ هائلة من هذا الموقع فقط دون استخدام اى مواقع اخرى ، يمكنك ربح ما يزيد عن 3 $ يوميا اذا قمت بالعمل الجيد على هذا الموقع واستغلاله من ناحية انه يمكنك عمل اكثر من حساب على جهاز واحد فقط
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#الربح من مشاهدة الفيديوهات فقط والسحب فورى الربح من الانترنت 2024 اكثر من اثبات سحب فى نفس الفيديو#

موقع جديد للحصول على زيارات للروابط المختصرة الربح من تبادل زيارات الروابط المختصرة 2024

طرق الحصول على 4000 ساعة مشاهدة و1000 مشترك إستراتيجية حصرية تفعيل تحقيق الربح من اليوتيوب بسرعة

الربح من مشاهدة الفيديوهات ( الربح من زيارة المواقع ) اسهل طرق الربح 2$ اثبات سحب

افضل موقع لجلب زيارات حقيقية للروابط المختصرة | الربح من مواقع اختصار الروابط

الربح من الانترنت الربح من مباريات كرة القدم افضل بديل جوجل ادسس + اثبات السحب 2021

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استراتيجية قويه للربح من اختصار الروابط و افضل موقع لجلب الزيارات ل اختصار الروابط 2021 بكل سهولة

الربح من مشاهدة الفيديوهات وكمان وانت بتتصفح + اثبات سحب حد ادنى للدفع 0.04 $ والسحب كمان فورى


00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:02Welcome to a new video on the Arafa channel
00:04Today, God willing, I have a website
00:06through which we can win
00:08by watching videos only
00:10The website we are talking about today
00:12is a Russian website with a ruble currency
00:14The website, as you can see
00:16shows every quarter of an hour
00:20with the number you see in front of you
00:24All these videos are renewed every quarter of an hour
00:26If you finish all these videos, you will find
00:28nothing else, after a quarter of an hour
00:30This website is very beautiful
00:32You can make
00:34very good profits from it
00:36Not very high, but low
00:38Of course, for beginners
00:40who want to get
00:42any money, even a small amount
00:44from the Internet, this website will help them a lot
00:46Now, let's go to the
00:48immediate withdrawal
00:50I go here and click on
00:52Draw Profits
00:54The language here is Russian
00:56You can translate it through Google
01:02Now, we will continue
01:04the withdrawal
01:06I go here and tell him
01:08I add the wallet
01:10I go here and tell him
01:12I bring it to him
01:14on the right
01:16First, I go to the wallet
01:18and I refresh
01:22I focus on the two numbers
01:34Now, I write the transaction
01:36I click on the draw
01:40The transaction was successful
01:42I go to the wallet and refresh
01:44I focus on the two numbers
01:54This was the immediate withdrawal
01:56I showed you how
01:58you can do the work
02:00even if you spent half an hour
02:02You can transfer what you collected
02:04at the same time to your account
02:06on Alpayr
02:08This is the way to work
02:10It will appear here on YouTube
02:12All YouTube views
02:14You can finish it
02:16As soon as you finish, another one will appear
02:18Of course, this is a way
02:20There are three ways
02:22other than watching videos
02:24But this is the easiest
02:26We will try to open a video
02:28But I don't want to open videos
02:30because of copyright
02:32For example
02:34I open a video
02:36I have 15 seconds
02:38I can go to any other page
02:40I go back to the page
02:42I will find the numbers
02:44I write $0
02:46If we go back to the website
02:48We will see all this together
02:54The video will be finished
02:56without going to the page
02:58Here it says that the money has been added
03:00If you go back to the video
03:02You will see it finished
03:04I will go back to make sure
03:06I still have all the money in front of you
03:08Here is $0
03:10I will press refresh
03:12You will see the account
03:14You can finish all this
03:16It was $0
03:18How to work on the site
03:20It is very easy
03:22You don't need any other item
03:24Come to the site
03:26You can do anything
03:28To be able to transfer your money
03:30You must set the profile
03:32We'll learn it
03:36We came back
03:38We will now present the features of the site
03:40The first feature
03:42As we said
03:44I mean, throughout the day, the videos are running, they don't refresh every 24 hours, they refresh every quarter of an hour, depending on the people who presented their services on the site.
03:56I mean, maybe every quarter of an hour, or at least half an hour, and all these videos come back again. That's the first feature.
04:04The second feature is that the site sends us our money on time. I mean, when I tell him a message, he sends me my money on the wallet without any problems.
04:13The third thing, and the most important thing, is that I can do instead of one account on the site, two or three accounts, and work from them.
04:20This is if you are empty, I mean, you will be empty of this talk, and you can make a lot of money from this site.
04:26For example, or to make sure, this is my main account that I have not yet converted from in front of you.
04:32We'll go to the second account here, too, on the middle, I mean, it's the same Google page, but with a second account.
04:40Or this is a second account, it's over, even a small amount.
04:47Also, the same videos appear, and if you finish it, all this will appear again.
04:51I have three rubbers here, I mean, I can't convert them now, and we can go in and convert them together, but this was his wallet.
04:58Honestly, I don't remember its number, we'll see it together.
05:05Okay, 850.
05:07Okay, let's go in and open the wallet together now.
05:13This is another withdrawal proof, guys, in the same video.
05:23Sorry, the internet is a little slow.
05:28I don't know.
05:40I don't know.
05:45I don't know.
05:54I don't know.
05:59I don't know.
06:05Okay, guys, this is another wallet, it only has 8 rubles.
06:09That's it, focus with me, the amount is 8 rubles.
06:12We'll go here to transfer the money.
06:14We said we'd get this to the end.
06:15Then I'll tell him to send it.
06:17Here he tells me, of course, it's done successfully.
06:19I'll go here to my account in the Payer.
06:22I'm going to refresh.
06:23I found 8 after 11 and it's 73.
06:26Of course, this is another withdrawal proof in front of you in the same video.
06:29Let's go to the most important points.
06:31The one who didn't finish the video will come and tell me he has problems.
06:35It's because I didn't finish the video.
06:37That's it.
06:38Let's just see how long the video is.
06:39We don't want to take long.
06:42The first thing we'll go to after the recording.
06:44Of course, I won't explain how to register, and it's very easy.
06:46After the recording, you must go to your personal file.
06:50We'll translate it into Arabic.
06:53I'll go here to my personal file.
06:55And then I'll go to the settings.
06:57This is the most important thing.
06:58That's it.
06:59We'll go down here a little bit.
07:00So, of course, you can win.
07:02I mean, I'm sorry.
07:04I mean, you get the money on your wallet in the Payer.
07:07Or the withdrawal list opens with you.
07:09You must activate your email, which is the email and the phone number.
07:15Of course, there is no problem with the email.
07:17It will be activated by sending it.
07:18You will click on it.
07:19It will tell you that the confirmation has been completed.
07:21The phone number does not send you a message on the mobile.
07:24But there is a national number that calls you.
07:26He asked for the last six numbers of the national number that called you.
07:31These are the six numbers that are supposed to send you a message.
07:34It remains the last six numbers of the number that calls you.
07:38And that's the important thing I wanted to point out.
07:41Because without confirming both, the withdrawal list here will not open with you.
07:46Of course, here it tells me that you can only withdraw once a day.
07:50I mean, once every 24 hours.
07:52All right.
07:53But if you didn't modify your data as I explained,
07:59This list will not open with you and this message will not come with you.
08:02It will tell you that you must, I mean, even, I forgot to tell you from the settings.
08:07That you add the payment method.
08:10You will come here to the finance.
08:12You will click on it.
08:14And you will choose here from the banks that are suitable for you.
08:18For example, there is the famous Alibaba.
08:22And there is PerfectMoney and others.
08:24And you're going to see what you have to add first.
08:27Of course, so that you can withdraw your money.
08:30And that was the explanation of the video.
08:32Of course, the link to the website I forgot to tell you at the bottom of the video.
08:36A direct link to our first page in our website.
08:41And then on the website registration page.
08:45I found this site really dangerous and beautiful and has many features.
08:50For any beginner who wants to make money, even if he is young.
08:55And especially if he is empty and has nothing to do at home.
08:58So this is a site that can benefit from it a lot.
09:03As I showed you before.
09:05Now I made a withdrawal confirmation twice.
09:08In the same video.
09:10At the same moment.
09:12Thank you.
09:13And that was the subject of the video.
09:14Thank you.
09:15Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.
