Battle for the Abyss:The Horus Heresy Book 8 Part 4/6

  • 2 months ago
Battle for the Abyss:The Horus Heresy Book 8 Part 4/6


00:00:01Stepping out from behind the altar, the sergeant-commander allowed the diffuse torchlight to bathe him
00:00:06in its glow.
00:00:07He was young, but highly decorated, judging by the honour studs and medals on his crimson
00:00:13The trappings of heroism and glory warred with strips of parchment and leaves of tattered
00:00:17vellum scripted in wretched verse.
00:00:20A squad of word-bearers emerged into the cathedral behind him, their bolters trained on the shadows
00:00:25where Antiges and Skrull were in cover.
00:00:28"'Show yourselves and let us speak brother to brother,' said Reskiel, allowing his guardians
00:00:33to move in front of him.
00:00:34"'You are no brother of mine!' shouted Skrull.
00:00:38"'Get ready!' Antiges hissed to his ally as Reskiel raised a hand.
00:00:43The ultramarine knew, with an ingrained warrior instinct, that he was about to give the order
00:00:47to open fire.
00:00:49He trained his bolt-pistol on a cluster of word-bearers at the front of the advancing
00:00:54Skrull roared, surging out of cover and throwing his chain-axe.
00:00:58He thumbed the activation-stud as it left his hand, and the weapon shrieked through
00:01:02the air.
00:01:03With a scream of ceramite on metal, the axe bypassed the guards and sliced clean through
00:01:07Reskiel's wrist, embedding itself in the altar.
00:01:11Shield upraised, a war-cry on his lips, the world-eater charged.
00:01:16Antiges cursed the son of Angron's impetuous battle-lust, and triggered the bolt-pistol,
00:01:21running forward as the muzzle-flare gave way his position.
00:01:25Bolt-rounds hammered into the approaching word-bearers, and three of the warriors collapsed
00:01:28in a heap against the fury.
00:01:30Bedlam filled the cathedral.
00:01:33Skrull covered the distance between him and his enemy so fast that none of the opening
00:01:36bolter-shots hit him.
00:01:38Antiges followed, acutely aware that he had foes behind as well as in front.
00:01:42An errant shot clipped his pauldron, another chipped his knee-guard, and he staggered briefly,
00:01:47but kept on into the maelstrom, the name of Gilliman, in his furious heart.
00:01:52"'This is sacred ground!' wailed Reskiel, clutching the stump of his arm as blood spurted
00:01:58freely from it.
00:02:00Skrull battered the word-bearers in his path aside, and when he reached the sergeant-commander,
00:02:05back-handed him across the face with his shield by way of reply, and wrenched his chain-axe
00:02:10from the altar.
00:02:11He spun and slammed the head of the axe into the head of a red-armoured warrior charging
00:02:15behind him.
00:02:16The word-bearer was thrown off his feet and skidded along the floor on his back, his face
00:02:20a red ruin of bone and shattered ceramite.
00:02:24The ambushers from behind the two Astartes fell into the fray.
00:02:29Skrull fought as if possessed by the spirit of Angron, slaying left and right as a terrible
00:02:33bloody rage overtook him.
00:02:35He embraced the cordon of fury within and used it to kill, to ignore pain.
00:02:41Word-bearers fell horribly before his onslaught, so fierce that those surrounding the assault
00:02:46gave ground and retreated to the cathedral door.
00:02:49The one who called himself Reskiel was dragged out by one of his battle-brothers, the blood
00:02:53clotting on the stump of his wrist as he screamed his collar.
00:02:57Bolter-fire was hammering away towards the rear of the cathedral.
00:03:01Antigues could hear it echoing loudly inside his helmet as Skrull turned from the carnage
00:03:06he was wreaking to look at him.
00:03:08A line of pain sketched its way down the ultramarine's back, and he realised he had been hit.
00:03:14This time the shot pierced his armour.
00:03:17Something warm welled in his chest, and Antigues looked down to see a wet, ragged hole.
00:03:23As his mind suddenly made the connection to what his body already knew, he slumped against
00:03:27a pillar, spitting blood.
00:03:29Lungs heaving, he tried to force his augmented body back into action and cranked another
00:03:34magazine into his bolt-pistol.
00:03:36One hand clamped over the wound, the other triggering the bolter, Antigues resolved to
00:03:40go down fighting.
00:03:42In the distance, vision fogging, a shadow fell.
00:03:46White spikes of pain were flashing before his eyes as he turned to look back at Skrull
00:03:51amidst the bloodbath of the altar.
00:03:53"'Go!' gasped Antigues.
00:03:56The World-Eater paused for a second, about to run back in and rescue the ultramarine.
00:04:00A thrown grenade exploded near the pillar, and Antigues's world ended in a billow of
00:04:06smoke and shrapnel.
00:04:10Skrull didn't wait to see if the ultramarine had survived.
00:04:13One way or another, Antigues was lost.
00:04:16Instead he ran from the cathedral, storm-shield warding off the worst of the bolter fire hammering
00:04:21across the cathedral towards him.
00:04:23As he flared into the endless darkness, the shifting of the vessel's hull echoing as if
00:04:27venting its displeasure, a thought forced its way into his mind in spite of the battle-rage.
00:04:34He was alone.
00:04:37Zadkiel watched the battle unfolding through the docking-pictures mounted along the hull
00:04:41of the furious abyss.
00:04:44Elanus had fallen, yet his inert body had been recovered and lay in the laboratorium
00:04:48of Magos Guryod.
00:04:50He would serve the word yet.
00:04:52Elanus's dedication to the word was that of a soldier to his commander, and he had never
00:04:57appreciated the more intellectual implications of Lorgar's beliefs.
00:05:01Nevertheless, he was a loyal and useful asset.
00:05:04Zadkiel would not throw him away cheaply.
00:05:07Elanus was doubtless buried beneath the rubble of Baca Triumvirum XIV.
00:05:11In that, Elanus had served Zadkiel too.
00:05:14It was another fawn removed from his side—the potential usurper dispatched.
00:05:20Yet for that deed you will receive eternal service to the legion."
00:05:24"'Where breached?'
00:05:27Sergeant-commander Reskiel's voice came through on the vox, down where the engines met the
00:05:30main body of the battleship.
00:05:32"'How many?'
00:05:33"'Only one remains, my lord,' Reskiel replied.
00:05:37"'They made it in through the coolant-venting ports open for the resupplying.'
00:05:40"'Hunt him down with my blessing, sergeant-commander,' Zadkiel ordered.
00:05:45'But be aware that you will be making your pursuit under take-off conditions.'
00:05:49"'Another fawn,' thought Zadkiel.
00:05:52"'Sire, there are still warriors of the legion fighting on the dock,' countered Reskiel,
00:05:57at the news of their imminent departure.
00:05:58"'We cannot tarry.
00:06:01Every moment we stay to fight is another moment for the wrathful to reach strike range, or
00:06:05for our stowaway to damage something that cannot be replaced, not to mention the fact
00:06:10that the dockyard's defences might be brought to bear.
00:06:14Sacrifice, Reskiel, is a lesson worth learning.
00:06:16Now, find the interloper and end this annoyance.'
00:06:20"'At your command, admiral.
00:06:22I'm heading into the coolant-systems now.'
00:06:26Zadkiel cut the vox and observed the view-screens above his command-throne.
00:06:30A tactical map showed the furious abyss and the complex structure of the orbital docks
00:06:34around it.
00:06:35Warriors and icons represented the word-bearer forces still fighting and dying for their
00:06:41Zadkiel reached back for the vox and gave the order to take off.
00:06:48Altiss watched from the rubble of the collapsed observation-platform as the furious abyss
00:06:52began to rise.
00:06:54The engines of the battleship threw burning winds across the dockyards.
00:06:58Docking-clamps and supply-hangars melted to slag.
00:07:02tankers exploded, blossoms of blue-white thrown up amidst the fire-storm.
00:07:08Fiery gales whipped around the open metal plaza, cooking cohorts and astartes alike
00:07:12in the burgeoning conflagration surging across Baca, Triumvir and Fourteen.
00:07:17Scalding winds singed his face, even shielded by the wreck-chunks of ferrocrete.
00:07:22He saw the crimson paint on his armour blistering in the backwash of intense heat.
00:07:27The maelstrom engulfed the bodies fighting outside it, and they became as shadows and
00:07:31ash before it, as if frozen in time, eternally at war.
00:07:37This was not the future he had envisaged for himself as he watched the furious abyss rise
00:07:41higher from the deck with a blast from its ventral thrusters.
00:07:44He had been betrayed, not by the word, but by another on-board ship.
00:07:50A shadow eclipsed the stricken word-bearer, prone in the rubble.
00:07:54"'Your friends desert you, traitor whelp!' said a voice from above, old and gnarled.
00:08:01Altus craned his neck around to see, vision hazing in and out of focus, dimly aware of
00:08:06the blood that he had lost.
00:08:08A massive astartes in the armour of Lehman Russ's legion reared over him like a slab
00:08:13of unyielding steel.
00:08:15Bedecked in trophies, pelts, and tooth-fetishes, he was every inch the savage that Altus believed
00:08:20the space-wolves to be.
00:08:22"'I serve the word,' he said defiantly through blood-caked lips.
00:08:27The space-wolf shook the blood out of his straggly hair and grinned to display his fangs.
00:08:32"'The word be damned!' he snarled.
00:08:36The space-wolf's gaunt-treated fist was the last thing Altus saw before all sense fled,
00:08:43and his world went black.
00:08:56Buoyed upon hot currents of air vented by the furious abyss, what was left of the assault
00:09:00boats carrying the astartes' strike-force made their escape from Bacchatriumbaran XIV,
00:09:05and back to the Rothville, held in orbit around the moon.
00:09:09Cestus was waiting for the atmospheric craft in the tertiary docking-bay when a single
00:09:13vessel touched down.
00:09:15Its outer hull shielding was badly scorched, and its engines were all but burned out as
00:09:19it thunked to an unwieldy stop on the metal deck.
00:09:22"'One assault-boat,' thought the ultramarine captain, waiting with Saffrax and Miradus,
00:09:27the apothecary ready with his narthesium-injector, "'how many casualties did we sustain?'
00:09:34Engineering deckhands hurried back and forth, hosing down the superheated aspects of the
00:09:38boat with coolant-foam and brandishing tools to effect immediate repairs.
00:09:43One of the officers stood at a distance with a data-slate already compiling an initial
00:09:50Cestus was oblivious to them all, his gaze fixed on the embarkation-ramp as it ground
00:09:54open slowly with a hiss of venting pressure.
00:09:57Bryngar and his blood-claws stepped out of the compartment.
00:10:01The ultramarine greeted him cordially enough.
00:10:03"'Well, Matt, son of Russ!'
00:10:06Bryngar grunted a response, his demeanour still hostile, and turned to one of his charges.
00:10:12"'Roogevelt, bring him out!'
00:10:15One of the blood-claws, a youth with bright orange hair, worked into a mohawk, and a short
00:10:20beard festooned with wolf-fetishes, nodded and went back into the crew-compartment.
00:10:25When he returned he was not alone.
00:10:28A pale-faced warrior was with him, his hands and forearms encased by restraints linked
00:10:32by an adamantium cord, his face fraught with cuts and a massive purple-black bruise over
00:10:38one eye the size of Bryngar's fist.
00:10:41Bent-backed and obviously weak, he had a defiant air about him still.
00:10:45He wore the armour of the Fifteenth Legion, the armour of the word-bearers.
00:10:50"'We have ourselves a prisoner!'
00:10:53Bryngar snarled, stalking past the trio of ultramarines without explanation, his blood-claws
00:10:58with their prize in tow.
00:11:00"'Find me an isolation cell,' Cestus overheard the wolf-guard say to one of his battle-brothers.
00:11:06"'I intend to find out what he knows.'
00:11:10Cestus kept his eyes forward for a moment, striving to master his anger.
00:11:14"'My lord,' ventured Saffrax, the banner-bearer clearly noticing his captain's distemper.
00:11:20"'Son of Rus',' Cestus said, leverly, knowing he would be heard.
00:11:26The sound of the departing space-wolves echoing down the deck was the only reply.
00:11:30"'Son of Rus'!'
00:11:33He bellowed this time, and turned, his expression set as if in stone.
00:11:37Bryngar had almost reached the deck-portal when he stopped.
00:11:40"'I would have your report, brother,' said Cestus, calmly.
00:11:44"'And I would have it now.'
00:11:46The wolf-guard turned slowly, his massive bulk forcing the blood-claws close by to step
00:11:52Anger and belligerence were etched on his face as plain as the Legion symbols on his
00:11:57"'The assault failed,' he growled.
00:12:00"'The furious abyss is still intact.
00:12:02There, you have my report.'
00:12:05Cestus fought to keep his voice steady and devoid of emotion.
00:12:08"'What of Antiges and Skrull?'
00:12:11Bryngar was breathing hard, his anger boiling, but at the mention of the two captains, particularly
00:12:17Antiges, his expression softened for a moment.
00:12:20"'We were the only survivors,' he replied quietly, and continued on through the deck-portal
00:12:26to the passageways beyond that would lead eventually to the isolation-chambers.
00:12:32Cestus stood for a moment, allowing it to sink in.
00:12:35Antiges had been his battle-brother for almost twenty years.
00:12:38They had fought together on countless occasions.
00:12:40They had brought the light of the Emperor to countless worlds in the darkest reaches
00:12:44of the known galaxy.
00:12:45"'What are your orders, my captain?' asked Saffrax, ever the pragmatist.
00:12:51Cestus crushed his grief quickly.
00:12:53It would serve no purpose here.
00:12:55"'Get Admiral Kaminska.
00:12:57Tell her we are to continue pursuit of the Furious Abyss at once, with all speed.'
00:13:01"'At your command, my lord,' Saffrax snapped a strong salute, and left the dock, heading
00:13:06for the bridge.
00:13:08Cestus's plan had failed, catastrophically.
00:13:11More than sixty per cent casualties were unacceptable.
00:13:14It left only the Ultramarine's honour-guard, still stationed aboard ship by way of contingency,
00:13:20and Bryngar's blood-claws.
00:13:22The space-wolf's continued defiance was developing into open hostility.
00:13:27Something was building.
00:13:29Even without the animal instincts of the Sons of Rus, Cestus could feel it.
00:13:33He wondered how long it would be before the inevitable storm broke.
00:13:38Here they were, at war with their fellow-legions.
00:13:41Guilliman only knew how deep the treachery went, how many more legions had turned against
00:13:45the Emperor.
00:13:47If anything, the loyal legions needed desperately to draw together, not to fight into Nessine
00:13:52conflicts between themselves in the name of petty disagreements.
00:13:56When the final reckoning came, where would Bryngar and his legions sit?
00:14:01Guilliman and his Ultramarines were dogmatic in their fealty to the Emperor.
00:14:05Could the same be said of Rus?'
00:14:08Cestus left such dark thoughts behind him for now, knowing it would not aid him or their
00:14:13mission to dwell on them.
00:14:15Instead, his mind turned briefly to Antiges.
00:14:18In all likelihood, he was dead.
00:14:21His brother, his closest friend, slain in what had been a fool's cause.
00:14:26Cestus cursed himself for allowing Antiges to take his place.
00:14:30Saffrax was an able adjutant.
00:14:31His dedication to the teachings of Guilliman was unshakeable, but he was not the confidant
00:14:36that Antiges had been.
00:14:38Cestus clenched his fist.
00:14:41This deed will not go unavenged.
00:14:45"'Leradus, with me,' said the Ultramarine captain, marching off in the direction that
00:14:49Bryngar had taken.
00:14:51The apothecary fell into lockstep behind him.
00:14:53"'Where are we going, captain?'
00:14:55"'I want to know what happened on Bacchatriumuron, and I want to find out what our word-bearer
00:15:00knows about his legion's ship and their mission to Macragge.'
00:15:06By the time Cestus and Leradus reached the isolation cells, Bryngar was already inside,
00:15:12the door sealed with Roosevelt's standing guard.
00:15:15The isolation cells were located in the lower decks, where the heat and sweat of the engines
00:15:19could be heard and felt palpably.
00:15:23Toiling ratings below sang gritty naval chants to aid them in their work, and the resonant
00:15:27din carried through the metal.
00:15:30It was a muffled chorus down the gloom-drenched passages that Cestus and Leradus had travelled
00:15:34to reach this point.
00:15:36"'Step aside, bloodclaw,' ordered Cestus without preamble.
00:15:40At first it looked as if Roosevelt would disobey the ultramarine, but Cestus was a
00:15:45captain, albeit from a different legion, and that position commanded respect.
00:15:49The bloodclaw lowered his gaze, indicating his obedience, and gave ground.
00:15:55Cestus thumbed the door-release icon as he stood before the cell portal.
00:15:59The bare metal panel slid aside, two thin jets of vapour escaping as it did so.
00:16:05A darkened chamber beckoned, barely illuminated in the half-light of loom-globes set to low
00:16:10A bulky shape stood within, with two shrivelled-robed forms on either side.
00:16:16Bryngar had stripped out of his armour, aided by two attendant legion-serfs.
00:16:20The menials kept their heads low and their tongues still.
00:16:24The wolf-guard was naked from the waist up, wearing only simple grey battle-fatigues.
00:16:29His torso was covered in old wounds, scars and faded pinkish welts creating a patchwork
00:16:35history of pain and battle.
00:16:38Standing without his armour, his immense musculature obvious and intimidating, and
00:16:42with a great mass of his hair hanging down, Bryngar reminded the ultramarine of a barbarian
00:16:47of ancient terror, the kind that he had seen rendered in frescoes in some of the great
00:16:53The wolf-guard turned at the interruption, the shadow of another figure strapped down
00:16:57in a metal restraint-frame, partly visible for a moment, before the space-wolf's bulk
00:17:02took up the space again.
00:17:04What do you want, Sestos?
00:17:05I'm sure you can see that I'm busy."
00:17:09Bryngar's knuckles were hard and white as he clenched his fists.
00:17:13As he had stormed from the tertiary dock after the space-wolf and his battle-brothers, Sestos
00:17:17had thought to intervene, the idea of torturing a fellow legion-brother abhorrent to him.
00:17:22Now, standing at the threshold of the isolation-chamber, he realised just how desperate their plight
00:17:27had become, and that victory might call for compromise.
00:17:32Just how far this compromise would go, and where it would eventually lead, Sestos did
00:17:36not care to think.
00:17:38It was what it was.
00:17:39They were on this course now, and the word-bearers were enemies like any other.
00:17:43They had not hesitated when they destroyed the waning moon, nor had they paused to consider
00:17:47their actions during the slaughter on Baca Triumviron XIV.
00:17:51"'I would speak to you again, Bryngar,' the ultramarine captain said.
00:17:55"'Once this is over, I would know the details of what happened on Baca.'
00:17:59"'Aye, lad,' the space-wolf nodded, a glimmer of their old rapport returning briefly to
00:18:06his features.
00:18:07Sestos glimpsed the prone form of their prisoner as Bryngar turned back to his work.
00:18:12"'Do only what is necessary,' the ultramarine warned, 'and do it quickly.
00:18:17I am leaving Liradis here to assist you, if he can.'
00:18:22The apothecary shifted uncomfortably beside Sestos, whether at the thought of partaking
00:18:26in torture, or the prospect of being left alone with Bryngar, the ultramarine's captain
00:18:30did not know.
00:18:31Bryngar looked over his shoulder, just as Sestos was leaving.
00:18:35"'I will break him,' he said, with a predatory gleam in his eye.
00:18:42"'We hid behind Baca Triumviron to keep the furious abyss from sending torpedoes after
00:18:48We're heading on course for a warp-jump vector as we speak.'
00:18:53Bryngar was as ever on station at her command-throne on the bridge.
00:18:57Saffrax was there also, straight-backed and dure as ever.
00:19:01Sestos had headed there alone after leaving Liradis with Bryngar in the isolation-chamber.
00:19:06In the scant reports he had received from the admiral regarding information gleaned
00:19:10from the assault-boat pilot, Sestos had learned a little more of what had happened at Baca.
00:19:15They had lost the other two assault-boats during the extraction, swallowed up by the
00:19:18fire of the Furious's engines that had turned much of Baca Triumviron XIV into a smoking
00:19:23wasteland of charred and twisted metal.
00:19:27The tactical readouts aboard ship had disclosed precious little, save that it was chaotic
00:19:31and not to plan.
00:19:33One of Gilliman's edicts of wisdom was that any plan, however meticulously devised, seldom
00:19:38survives contact with the enemy.
00:19:41The Primarch spoke, of course, of the need for flexibility and adaptation when at war.
00:19:46Sestos thought he should have heeded those words more closely.
00:19:50It appeared also that the word-bearers had been forewarned of the Astartes' attack, a
00:19:54fact that he resolved to discover the root of.
00:19:57He considered briefly the possibility of a traitor in their ranks aboard the Wrothful,
00:20:02but dismissed the thought quickly, partly because to countenance such a thing would
00:20:05breed only suspicion and paranoia, and also because to do so would implicate the Astartes'
00:20:10captains or Kaminska.
00:20:12"'What of our prisoner, Captain Sestos?' asked Kaminska, after consulting the battery
00:20:18of view-screens in front of her, satisfied that all necessary preparations were under
00:20:22way for pursuit.
00:20:23"'He is resting uncomfortably with Bryngar,' the ultramarine replied, his gaze locked on
00:20:29the prow-facing viewport.
00:20:31"'You believe he knows something about the ship that we can use to our advantage?'
00:20:36Sestos's response was taciturn, as he thought grimly of the road ahead, and of their options
00:20:41dwindling like parchment before a flame.
00:20:44"'Let us hope so,' Kaminska allowed a moment's pause before she spoke again.
00:20:49"'I am sorry about Antiges.
00:20:52I know he was your friend,' Sestos turned to face her.
00:20:56"'He was my brother,' Kaminska's vox bide chirped, interrupting the sentiment of the
00:21:02"'We have reached the jump-point, Captain,' she said.
00:21:04"'If we hit the warp now, Orcadis has a chance of finding the Furious Abyss again.'
00:21:09"'Engage the warp-drives,' said Sestos.
00:21:14Kaminska gave the order, and after a few minutes the Wrothful shuddered as the Integrity Fields
00:21:18leapt up around it, ready for its re-entry into the warp."
00:21:25Zadgiel prayed to the bodies in front of him.
00:21:28The word-bearer was situated in one of the many chapels within the lower decks of the
00:21:32Furious Abyss.
00:21:34It was a modest, relatively unadorned chamber, with a simple shrine etched with the scriptures
00:21:40and lit by votive candles set in Baroque-looking candelabras.
00:21:44The room, besides being the ship's morgue, also offered solace and the opportunity to
00:21:49consider the divinity of the Primarch's word, of his teachings, and the power of faith and
00:21:54the warp.
00:21:56Prayer was a complicated matter.
00:21:58On the crude, fleshly level it was just a stream of words spoken by a man.
00:22:03It was little wonder that Imperial conquerors, without an understanding of what faith truly
00:22:07was, saw the prayers of primitive people and discarded them as dangerous superstition
00:22:12and a barrier to genuine enlightenment.
00:22:14They saw the holy books and sacred places and ascribed them not to faith or a higher
00:22:18understanding, but to stupidity, blindness, and an adherence to divisive, irrelevant traditions.
00:22:26They taught an Imperial truth in the place of those simple religions, and wiped out any
00:22:31evidence that faith had once been a reality to those worlds.
00:22:36Sometimes that erasure was done with flames and bullets.
00:22:39More often it was done with iterators, brilliant diplomats and philosophers, who could re-educate
00:22:44whole populations.
00:22:47Zadkiel's belief, the root of his vainglorious conviction, was that the throne of Terah would
00:22:52be toppled not by the strength of arms wielded by the Warmaster, nor even by the denizens
00:22:57of the warp, but by faith.
00:23:00Simple and indissoluble, the purity of it would burn through the Imperium like a holy
00:23:05spear setting the non-believers and their effigies of science and empirical delusion
00:23:12Zadkiel shifted slightly in his kneeling position, abruptly aware that another presence was in
00:23:16the chapel morgue with him.
00:23:18"'Speak!' he uttered calmly, eyes closed.
00:23:21"'My lord, it is I, Reskiel,' the sergeant-commander announced.
00:23:27Zadkiel could hear the creak of his armour as he bowed, in spite of the fact that he
00:23:30could not see him.
00:23:32"'I would know the fate of Captain Belanus, sire,' Reskiel continued, after a moment's
00:23:38"'Was he recovered?'
00:23:41Doubtless the ambitious cur sought to supplant the stricken assault-captain in Zadkiel's
00:23:44command-hierarchy, or manoeuvre for greater power and influence in the fleet.
00:23:50This did not trouble the word-bearer-admiral.
00:23:53Reskiel was easy to manipulate.
00:23:54His ambition far outweighed his ability, a fact that was easy to exploit and control.
00:24:00Like Altiss, whose youthful idealism and fearlessness threatened him, Zadkiel was sanguine
00:24:05about Reskiel's prospects for advancement.
00:24:07"'Though mortally injured, the good captain was indeed recovered,' Zadkiel told him.
00:24:13"'His body has gone into its fugue state in order to heal.'
00:24:17Zadkiel turned at that remark, looking the sergeant-commander in the eye.
00:24:21"'Belanus will be incapacitated for some time, captain.
00:24:25This only strengthens your position in my command.'
00:24:28"'My lord, I don't mean to imply—'
00:24:31"'No, of course not, Reskiel,' Zadkiel interjected, with a mirthless smile.
00:24:36"'That you have suffered for our cause.
00:24:39And such sacrifice will not go unrewarded.
00:24:42You will assume Belanus's duties.'
00:24:45Reskiel nodded.
00:24:46The world-eater had shattered the bones down one side of his skull, and his face had been
00:24:50reinforced with a metal web bolted to his cheek and jaw.
00:24:54"'We have lost many brothers this day,' he said, indicating the Astartes' corpses laid
00:25:00out before his lord.
00:25:01"'They are not lost,' said Zadkiel.
00:25:05Each of the slain word-bearers was set upon a mortuary slab, ready for their armour to
00:25:09be removed and their gene-seed recovered.
00:25:12One of them lay with his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.
00:25:16Zadkiel closed them reverently.
00:25:17"'Only if the word had no place for them would they be lost.'
00:25:21"'What of Altiss?'
00:25:25Zadkiel surveyed the array of the dead.
00:25:26"'He fell at Baca,' he lied, "'and the scholar-coven with him.'
00:25:32Reskiel clenched his teeth in anger.
00:25:33"'Damn them!'
00:25:34"'We will not damn anyone, Reskiel,' said Zadkiel sharply, "'nor even will Lorgar.
00:25:41The Emperor's gundogs will damn themselves.
00:25:44We should turn about and blast them out of real space.
00:25:47You, Sergeant-Commander, are in no place to say what this ship should and should not do.
00:25:52In the presence of these loyal brothers do not debase yourself by forgetting your purpose.'
00:25:57Zadkiel did not have to raise his voice to convey his displeasure.
00:26:00"'Please forgive me, Admiral.
00:26:02I have—I have lost brothers.
00:26:05We have all lost something.
00:26:08It was written that we would lose much before we are victorious.
00:26:12We should not expect anything else.
00:26:14We will not engage the Wrothful in a fight, because to do so would use up time that we
00:26:19no longer have to spare, and our mission depends on its timing.
00:26:24Corferon will not be late, so neither will we.
00:26:27Besides, we have other options when dealing with the Wrothful.'
00:26:31"'You mean Wussorik?'
00:26:34Zadkiel clenched his fist in a moment of unsuppressed emotion.
00:26:36"'It is not appropriate for his name to be spoken here.
00:26:40Make the cathedral ready to receive him.'
00:26:42"'Of course,' said Reskiel.
00:26:44"'And the surviving Astartes?'
00:26:47"'Hunt him down and kill him,' said Zadkiel.'
00:26:51Reskiel saluted and walked out of the chapel mortuary.
00:26:55Certain that the sergeant-commander was gone, Zadkiel gestured to the shadows from which
00:26:59a clandestine guest emerged.
00:27:01Magos Guriod shuffled into the light of the votive candle slowly, mechadendrites clicking
00:27:06like insectoid claws.
00:27:09"'You have received Velanos?' the Admiral asked.
00:27:13The Magos nodded.
00:27:15"'All is prepared, my lord.'
00:27:19"'Then begin his rebirth at once.'
00:27:23Guriod bowed and left the chamber.
00:27:26Now truly alone, Zadkiel looked back at the bodies lying arranged in front of him.
00:27:32In another chamber, together with the many crew of the Furious who had died, were the
00:27:36enemy Astartes, slain in the engine-room and the cathedral.
00:27:40They would not receive benediction.
00:27:42They would have refused such an honour, even if it could be given, because they did not
00:27:46understand what prayer and faith meant.
00:27:49They would never be given their place in the word.
00:27:52They had forsaken it.
00:27:54Those Astartes, the declared enemies of Lorgar, were the ones who were truly lost.
00:28:02An hour after the Wrothful had entered the warp, Cestus went to the isolation chambers.
00:28:07Upon his arrival he found Roosevelt still dutifully in his position.
00:28:11This time, though, the blood-claw stepped aside without being ordered, and offered
00:28:14no resistance, it being ostensibly clear that the ultramarine would brook none.
00:28:20The gloom of the isolation-come-interrogation chamber was as Cestus remembered it, although
00:28:24now the air was redolent of copper and sweat.
00:28:28"'What progress have you made?'
00:28:30the ultramarine-captain asked of Laeradus, who stood at the edge of the room.
00:28:34The apothecary's face was ashen as he faced his brother-captain and saluted.
00:28:39"'And?' he hissed.
00:28:41"'Nothing?' asked Cestus, nonplussed.
00:28:43"'He hasn't yielded any information whatsoever?'
00:28:46"'No, my lord.'
00:28:50"'Your apothecary has the strength of it,' grumbled the Space-Wolf, his back to Cestus,
00:28:56body heaving up and down with the obvious effort of his interrogations.
00:29:00When he turned, Bringar's face was haggard, and his beard and much of his torso were flecked
00:29:04with blood.
00:29:05His meaty fists were angry and raw.
00:29:08"'Is he alive?' Cestus asked, concern creeping into his voice, not at the fate of their prisoner,
00:29:14but at the prospect that they might have lost their one and only piece of leverage.
00:29:18"'He lives,' Bringar answered, "'but by the oceans of Fenris he is tight-lipped.
00:29:25He has not even spoken his name.'
00:29:29Cestus felt his spirit falter for a moment.
00:29:31Time was running out.
00:29:33How many more warp-jumps until they reached Macragge!
00:29:36How many more opportunities would they get to stop the word-bearers!
00:29:40It was irrational to even comprehend that one ship, even one such as the Furious Abyss,
00:29:45could possibly threaten Macragge and the Legion.
00:29:48Surely, even the mere presence of the orbital fleet above the Ultramarine's home world would
00:29:52be enough to stop it, let alone Gilliman and the Legion mustering at nearby Calth.
00:29:58Something else was happening, however—events that as of yet Cestus had no knowledge of.
00:30:03The Furious Abyss was a piece of a larger plan.
00:30:06He could sense it, and one that posed a very real danger.
00:30:10They needed to break this word-bearer, and quickly find out what he knew and a way to
00:30:14stop the ship and its inexorable course.
00:30:18Bringar was possibly the most physically intimidating Astartes he had ever known, aside from the
00:30:23glory and majesty of the noble Primarch.
00:30:25If he, with all his bulk and feral savagery, could not break the traitor, then who could?
00:30:32There is but one avenue left open to us, said Cestus, the answer suddenly clear, even
00:30:37though it was an answer muddied with the utmost compromise.
00:30:41Bringar held Cestus's gaze, his eyes narrowed as he fought to discern the Ultramarine's
00:30:46"'Speak, then,' he said.
00:30:49"'We release Motep,' Cestus answered simply.
00:30:54Bringar roared his dissent.
00:30:58Motep sat in quiet contemplation in the quarters made ready for him aboard the Rothfull.
00:31:03As ordered, he had not left the relatively spartan chamber since his incarceration after
00:31:08he had vanquished the Fireblade.
00:31:10He sat, naked of his armour, in robes afforded to him by attendant legion serfs long since
00:31:16departed, in deep meditation.
00:31:19His gaze was fixed upon the reflective surface of the room's single viewport, pouring into
00:31:23the unfathomable depths of psychic space and communion.
00:31:28When the door to his cell slid open, Motep was not surprised.
00:31:31He had followed the strands of fate, witnessed and understood the web of possibility that
00:31:36brought him to this point, this meeting.
00:31:39"'Captain Cestus,' muttered the Thousand Sun, with an air of prescience from beneath a cowl
00:31:44of a million.
00:31:45"'Motep,' Cestus replied, taken a little aback by the Thousand Sun's demeanour.
00:31:50The Ultramarine wasn't alone.
00:31:52He had brought Excellinor, Amrix, and Liradis with him.'
00:31:57"'The assault at Bacchatriumboron failed, didn't it?' said the Thousand Sun.
00:32:02"'The enemy obviously had prior warning of our intentions.
00:32:05It is part of the reason I came here to meet with you.'
00:32:08"'You believe that I can provide an answer to this conundrum?'
00:32:12"'Yes, I do,' Cestus replied.
00:32:15"'It is simple,' said Motep.
00:32:17'The word-bearers have made a pact with the denizens of the warp.
00:32:21They forewarned them of your attack.'
00:32:23"'There is sentience in the Imperion?' the Ultramarine asked in disbelief.
00:32:29"'How is it we do not know this?
00:32:32Are the Primarchs privy to this?
00:32:33Is the Emperor—'
00:32:34"'That I do not know.
00:32:36All I can tell you is that the warp is beyond the comprehension of you or I, and things
00:32:41exist in its fathomless depths that are older than time as we know it.'
00:32:46Motep paused for a second, as if in sudden contemplation.
00:32:50"'Do you see them, son of Gilliam?' he asked, still locked in his meditative posture.
00:32:56"'Quite beautiful.'
00:32:59Cestus followed the Thousand Suns' gaze to the view-port, and saw nothing but the haze
00:33:03of the Integrity Fields and the bizarre and undulating landscape of the warp.
00:33:07"'Don't make me regret what I am about to do,' Motep he warned, glad of his battle-brother's
00:33:13presence behind him.
00:33:14The Ultramarine captain had already dismissed the arms-men guarding the door, and ordered
00:33:19they responded to with no shortage of relief.
00:33:22It was a moot gesture, really.
00:33:24Motep could have left at any time, irrespective of their presence, the fact that he had not
00:33:28somewhat mitigated what Cestus was about to say.
00:33:31That was, before Motep pre-empted him.
00:33:34"'I am to be released?'
00:33:37It wasn't a question.
00:33:39"'Yes,' said Cestus carefully.
00:33:42"'We have a prisoner aboard, and precious little time to find out what he knows.'
00:33:47"'I take it conventional methods have already failed?'
00:33:52"'Small wonder,' said Motep, "'of all the children of the Emperor, the Seventeenth Legion
00:33:57are the most fervent and impassioned.
00:34:00Mere torture would not prevail against such ardent fanaticism and zealotry.
00:34:04We require a different tack, one which I do not relish undertaking, but which I am compelled
00:34:09to employ.'
00:34:10Motep stood, setting back his hood, and turning to face Cestus.
00:34:15"'Ultramarine, there is no need to convey your reluctance to me.
00:34:19I am sure the account of this day, if such records ever come to pass, given our current
00:34:23predicament, will state that you acted under the most profound duress,' he said smoothly,
00:34:29the trace of a smile appearing on his lips, before it was lost in the mask of indifference.
00:34:33"'I do not know what powers you possess, brother,' said Cestus.
00:34:37"'I had thought to make you stand trial and answer that question for me.
00:34:41It seems, however, that events have overtaken us.'
00:34:44"'Indeed,' answered Motep, "'I am as moved by my duty as you are, Ultramarine.
00:34:50If I am freed, then I will fight as hard as any, and pledge my strength to the cause.'
00:34:56Cestus nodded.
00:34:57His stern expression gave away the warring emotions within him, the abhorrence of flouting
00:35:02the Emperor's decree, matched against the needs of the situation.
00:35:06"'Gather your armour,' he ordered.
00:35:08"'Brothers Excellinor and Ambrix will accompany you to the isolation cell.'
00:35:13Cestus about turned, and was walking away with Liradis, when Motep spoke again.
00:35:17"'What of the son of Ross?
00:35:20What does he make of my emancipation?'
00:35:23The bellowing and violent protests of Bringar were still ringing in the Ultramarine's ears.
00:35:27"'Let me worry about that.'
00:35:32Cestus and Liradis were waiting when Motep, with Excellinor and Ambrix in tow, reached
00:35:36them at the isolation cell.
00:35:40had already stormed off in the wake of the Space Wolf Captain's explosive discontent.
00:35:45Cestus nodded to his battle-brothers as they approached.
00:35:47The two Ultramarines reciprocated the gesture, and fell in beside their Captain.
00:35:52"'The prisoner is within,' the Ultramarine Captain told Motep, who had reached the door
00:35:56and stood before it calmly.
00:35:58"'Will you require Liradis's assistance?' he added.
00:36:01"'You can have your Chirurgian go back to his quarters,' replied the Thousand Sun, his
00:36:07gaze fixed upon the sealed portal as if he could see through it.
00:36:11Cestus nodded to his apothecary, indicating that his duty was done.
00:36:15If Liradis thought anything of the slight that Motep had delivered, he did not show
00:36:20Instead, he snapped a sharp salute to his Captain, and left for his quarters as directed.
00:36:25Motep thumbed the activation icon, and the portal slid open, showing the darkened cell.
00:36:31"'Once it begins,' he said, "'do not enter.'
00:36:35Motep turned to face the Ultramarine.
00:36:37"'No matter what you hear or see, do not enter,' he warned, and all trace of superiority vanished
00:36:45from his face.
00:36:47"'We will be outside,' Cestus replied, Excellinor and Americks grim-faced behind their Captain.
00:36:53"'And watching everything you do, Thousand Sun.'
00:36:56The Ultramarine Captain indicated a view-port that allowed observation into the isolation
00:37:02"'I see anything I don't like, and you'll be dead before you can utter another word.'
00:37:06"'Of course,' said Motep, unperturbed, as he entered the chamber, the door sliding shut
00:37:12in his wake.
00:37:16Motep stepped carefully into the gloom, surveying his immediate surroundings as he went.
00:37:20Dark splashes littered the floor and walls.
00:37:23Even the ceiling was not devoid of the evidence of torture.
00:37:26A suit of armour had been thrown into one corner, together with a body-glove that went
00:37:30beneath it.
00:37:31This was not considered disrobing by a coterie of acolytes—no, this was frenzied, an attempt
00:37:37to get to the soft meat of the flesh and exact pain and profound suffering.
00:37:42Motep's expression hardened at such barbarism.
00:37:44Implements, crude and brutish to the Thousand Sun's eyes, lay discarded on a silver tray,
00:37:50also speckled in blood.
00:37:53Some of the devices even bore traces of meat—doubtless rent from the unfortunate subject when his
00:37:58tongue failed to loosen under the fists of the Space Wolf.
00:38:02The Chirurgian's methods, then, had been equally ineffective.'
00:38:05"'You are quite tenacious,' Motep said.
00:38:11There was a trace of menace in his calm inflection as he approached the metal cruciform frame
00:38:16to which the prisoner was affixed.
00:38:19The Thousand Sun ignored the rapacious bruising, the cuts, gouges, and tears that afflicted
00:38:24the subject's battered body.
00:38:26Instead, he focused on the eyes.
00:38:30They were still defiant, albeit slightly groggy, from the beatings the prisoner had been given.
00:38:35"'What compromise you force us to endure?' he whispered to himself, drawing close so
00:38:40that their faces almost touched.
00:38:43"'Tell me, what secrets do you possess?'
00:38:47The response came stuttering through blood-caked lips.
00:38:51"'I serve only the word.'
00:38:58Motep reached for the scarab earring and removed it.
00:39:01He manipulated the small object with his thumb and forefinger and placed it upon his forehead,
00:39:06where it stayed affixed in the shape of a gold eye, the symbol of Magnus.
00:39:10"'Do not think,' he warned, placing his fingers against the prisoner's skull and pressing
00:39:16hard, "'that you can hide from me.'
00:39:19When Motep's fingers penetrated the flesh, the screaming began."
00:39:34Sestas's teeth clenched at the horrific noises emanating from within the isolation-chamber.
00:39:43Exselinor and Amrix followed their captain's example, stoically bearing the sounds of psychic
00:39:46torture, secretly glad that they were not the subject of Motep's attentions.
00:39:52Through the view-port the isolation-cell was shrouded in shadow.
00:39:56Sestas could see Motep from the back only.
00:39:58The Thousand Sun moved almost imperceptibly as he stood before the prisoner, who by contrast
00:40:03spasmed intermittently as his mind was ransacked.
00:40:07On several occasions, when the screaming was at its height, Sestas had wanted to go in
00:40:12and end it, abhorred at the mental damage being inflicted on what was once a brother
00:40:16of Starty's, but he had stopped himself every time, even warning off Exselinor and Amrix
00:40:21from taking action.
00:40:23Instead, the two battle-brothers had turned away from the view-port, leaving Sestas alone
00:40:27to observe the imagined horrors of the word-bearer's torture.
00:40:32Twice already he had angrily ordered worried arms-men away after they had come to investigate
00:40:37the sound, fearing another warp-attack as they patrolled the decks.
00:40:41As the shipboard-vox crackled, issuing a warning obliquely, they were right.
00:40:46Captain Sestas, come to the bridge at once.
00:40:49We are under attack.
00:40:52Loath as he was to leave Motep, albeit with Exselinor and Amrix, Sestas had little choice
00:40:57but to do as bidden.
00:40:59He reached the bridge quickly, and Saffrax quickly apprised him of the situation.
00:41:03The alert had come when several unknown projectiles had been expelled from the vicinity of the
00:41:08furious abyss, and were snaking across the warp towards the Wrothful.
00:41:12At first it was believed that the missiles were, in fact, torpedoes launched in a punitive
00:41:17attempt to dissuade pursuit.
00:41:19That assumption was crushed in the moment when Admiral Kaminska's helms-mistress, Venkmire,
00:41:24had identified their erratic trajectory, and the truth had been revealed.
00:41:30Kaminska breathed, looking up at the tactical display before her that showed the inexorable
00:41:34advance of the creatures.
00:41:36A dark atmosphere seemed to pervade the bridge, and the admiral looked uncomfortable because
00:41:40of it.
00:41:41Her uniform was in slight disarray.
00:41:43She had clearly been roused from quarters when the alert had come in, and only added
00:41:48to her apparent sense of unease.
00:41:50I had thought such things were void-born myths.
00:41:53They are the denizens of the Imperium, Sestas told her, the disquieting mood affecting him
00:41:58less acutely.
00:42:00Something was awry.
00:42:01The ultramarine captain put it down to the sudden appearance of the warp-beasts.
00:42:06Can we avoid them, admiral?'
00:42:08Kaminska's face was grave as she considered the path of the warp-creatures on the tactical
00:42:12display in front of her command-throne.
00:42:14Admiral, Sestas said sternly, snapping Kaminska free of the dark mood that had suddenly ensnared
00:42:21Yes, captain, she gasped, face pale and unsteady in her command-throne.
00:42:26Can Orcadis find a way around these creatures?
00:42:29Kaminska shook her head.
00:42:30We are on the collision course, Sestas turned to Saffrax.
00:42:35See the honour-guard, and have them gather on the assembly-deck at once—Amrix and Excellinor,
00:42:40He didn't want to leave Motep alone, but the warp-creatures threatened the safety of the
00:42:44ship, and he would need all of his battle-brothers to defend it.
00:42:47On balance, it was a risk worth taking.
00:42:50Captain, said Kaminska, as the ultramarine was leaving.
00:42:54Sestas turned and looked at her, noticing that Helm's mistress Venkmire had moved to
00:42:58her aid.
00:42:59Kaminska warned off her second-in-command with a glance.
00:43:02What is it, admiral?
00:43:03Sestas asked.
00:43:04If these creatures are indeed native to the warp, how are we to stop them?
00:43:10I don't know, answered the Astartes, and then left the bridge.
00:43:17Quite what the warp looked like was a question that could never be answered.
00:43:20The human mind was not designed to comprehend it, which was why only specialised mutants
00:43:25like Orcadis could look upon it, and even then with a third eye that did not truly perceive
00:43:30it, merely filtering out the parts that would otherwise drive him mad.
00:43:34Certainly there was something Ophidian or shark-like about the creatures that closed
00:43:38in on the Wrothful.
00:43:39In truth, they neither intercepted nor followed it, but stalked it from all directions at
00:43:44once, creeping up from the past and gliding in from the future to converge on the point
00:43:49of fragile space-time that held the Wrothful in its bubble.
00:43:53They had eyes, lots of eyes.
00:43:55Their bodies were writhing strings of non-matter, which could take on any shape, because they
00:44:00had no true form to begin with, but there were always eyes.
00:44:05They had wings, too, which were also claws and fangs, and masses of pendulous blubber
00:44:10to keep them warm against the nuclear cold of the warp's storms.
00:44:14They burned and shimmered with acid, and shed daggers of ice from their scales.
00:44:19They had been born in the abyss, and had never been forced by the tyranny of reality into
00:44:24one form.
00:44:25To stay the same from one moment to the next would have been as alien to them as the warp
00:44:29was to a human mind.
00:44:33Lamprey mouths opened up.
00:44:34The predators made themselves coterminous with the Wrothful, forcing themselves into
00:44:38unfamiliar frames of logic to avoid annihilation by the protective energy-fields that surrounded
00:44:44the ship.
00:44:45The minds inside were brimming with the potential for madness, delicious insanity to be suckled
00:44:51The predators fed normally on scraps, moments of emotion or agony powerful enough to bloom
00:44:57in the warp and be consumed.
00:44:59Here there were lifetimes' worth of sensation to be drained, enough for any one of the wraiths
00:45:04to become bloated and terrible, a whale drifting through the abyss big enough to feed upon
00:45:09its own kind.
00:45:11Thousands of bright lights flickered in the ship, each one both a potential feast and
00:45:16a gateway for the non-physical predators.
00:45:19None of them found an unprotected mind, and, easing itself painfully into the rules of
00:45:24reality, forced its way in.
00:45:29The screams were the first signs that anything was wrong on the lance-deck.
00:45:33The lances, immense laser-cannon hooked up to the plasma-reactors in the ship's stern,
00:45:37had been silent since the duel with the Furious Abyss outside the solar system.
00:45:42The gun-gangs still tended to them because lasers were temperamental, especially when
00:45:46they had to funnel the titanic levels of power that could surge through a laser-lance,
00:45:51and the gun-gangs were constantly busy hammering out imperfections in focusing lenses and cleansing
00:45:56the laser conduits, which could misfire if any blemish refracted too much power in the
00:46:00wrong direction.
00:46:02One ganger fell from his perch high up on the inner hull, where he had been aligning
00:46:07one of the huge mirrors.
00:46:08He hit the ground with a wet crump that told the gang-chief that he was most certainly
00:46:14It was a sound he had heard many times before.
00:46:17The gang-chief was in no hurry to see what had become of the fallen ganger.
00:46:21Deaths meant hassle.
00:46:22The gang would be won short, so someone would have to be drafted from somewhere else on
00:46:26the ship, and the Rothwell had lost plenty of men already, and they were in the abyss.
00:46:31For a man to die in the abyss was bad luck.
00:46:34Some said, if you died in the warp you never got out, and even with the suppression of
00:46:38religions in the fleet you couldn't stop a void-born superstition like that.
00:46:44The dead man, however, was not dead.
00:46:47When the gang-chief reached the body he saw it mewling like a drowning animal, writhing
00:46:51around on its back, with its wrists and ankles shaking, as if it was trying to right itself.
00:46:57The gang-chief expressed displeasure that the man was still alive, since he would undoubtedly
00:47:01die soon, and carting him off to the sick-bay was another inconvenience the gun-crews didn't
00:47:07The dying man's body distended with a cracking of ribs.
00:47:11One side of his body split off from the other, organs separating as his pelvis split.
00:47:16His sternum snapped free, and false ribs pinged against the laser-housing beside him.
00:47:21His body rippled up from the floor into a writhing, pulsing arch of flesh and bone,
00:47:27drizzling blood onto the gun-metal deck.
00:47:30The crewman's head lolled to one side, its jaw wrenched at an angle, its eyes still open.
00:47:37The space within the arch twisted and went dark.
00:47:40The predator forced its way through, spilling out onto the floor like the contents of a
00:47:44split belly, feeling blindly, eyes blinking, as they evolved to absorb light.
00:47:51Then the screaming started.
00:47:55It was carnage in the lance-deck's absolute carnage.
00:47:59The warning-icons had blazed through the ship, coupled with a frantic vox-chatter about monsters
00:48:03and the dead coming back to life, before it cut off ominously.
00:48:09With his battle-brothers on the assembly-deck, Cestus had led the honour-guard, fully armed,
00:48:13to the lance-decks, and there they stood to bear witness to the horror.
00:48:18The ultramarine captain wondered for a moment whether he had been wrong all along, whether
00:48:22the imperial truth itself was wrong, and that the hells of those primitive faiths really
00:48:27did exist to be given form in the lance-decks.
00:48:30He dismissed his doubts as heretical, crushing them beneath his iron-hard resolve and his
00:48:35loyalty to Raboot Gilliman.
00:48:38Even still, what he saw warred with what he desperately tried to believe.
00:48:42Bodies were painted across the walls in ragged smears of skin and muscle.
00:48:46The faces of the gang-ratings were ripped open in expressions of horror, and stared
00:48:50out from heaps of torn limbs.
00:48:53Flesh and viscera were draped across high girders ahead, or over the massive workings
00:48:57of the lances themselves.
00:48:59The focusing-mirrors and lenses were sprayed with blood.
00:49:02The living writhed in a single mass, smearing themselves with gore and sinking their teeth
00:49:07into one another.
00:49:09Spectral threads of glowing black wrapped around the spines of the bleeding revellers.
00:49:14The threads led up to the ceiling of the lance-deck, where a titanic mass of darkness squatted,
00:49:19a seething thing of eyes and mouths, gibbering and chuckling as it manipulated the lance-deck's
00:49:24crew into further depths of suffering.
00:49:28Cestus was an Astartes.
00:49:29He had seen extraordinary horrible things, amorphous aliens that consumed their own to
00:49:35be ready for battle, insect-things that broke up into swarms of seething, biting horrors,
00:49:40whole worlds infected or dying, whole stars boiling away in the death-throes of a species.
00:49:46But he had never seen anything like this.
00:49:48"'Weapons free!' he raged.
00:49:51A brutal chorus of bolter-fire rang out to his order, puncturing the mass of flesh and
00:49:55exploding it from within.
00:49:58Thestor swung his heavy bolter around and added his own punishing shots to the salvo.
00:50:03Horrible screeching filled the tight space and resonated in his battle-helm, auditory
00:50:07limiters struggling to modulate the horrible keening of the damned ratings.
00:50:12The dangling threads held by the warp-creature began to sever one by one as the munitions
00:50:17of the Astartes struck and detonated with fury.
00:50:20It snarled its displeasure, revealing row upon row of fine needle-like fangs and a slathering
00:50:26spectral tongue that appeared to taste their essence.
00:50:30Like a lightning-strike the tongue lashed out and speared Thestor through his cuirass.
00:50:35He bellowed in pain, heavy bolter-fire flaring as he triggered the weapon in his death-throes.
00:50:40The honour-guard scattered as the errant shell strafed the deck, and Thestor shook and went
00:50:44into spasm as he was lifted into the air, impaled on the warp-spawn's tongue.
00:50:49"'Burn it!' cried Sestus in desperation.
00:50:51"'Burn it all!'
00:50:53Mora stepped forward with his flamer and doused the tunnel in roaring, white-hot promethium.
00:50:59Thestor and the creature's transfixing tongue were immolated in cleansing fire.
00:51:03The warp-spawn reeled, shrieking in anger as it recoiled from the attack.
00:51:08Mora swept the cone of intense heat downward, cooking the conjoined mass of the dead ratings.
00:51:14As the warp-spawn gave ground, Sestus noticed patches of ichorous fluid spattering the deck
00:51:19in its wake.
00:51:20"'If it can bleed,' he thought, "'we can kill it.'
00:51:24"'Advance on me!' cried the ultramarine captain.
00:51:28"'Courage and honour!
00:51:30Courage and honour!' his battle-brothers bellowed in reply."
00:51:36Brooding in the temporary barrack-room afforded to the space-wolves on board the Rothwell,
00:51:40Bryngar had heard the alert screaming through the ship, and had mustered his warriors.
00:51:45Tracking the commotion to the lower lance-decks, he and his blood-claws were unprepared for
00:51:49the sight that greeted them as they descended into the gloom.
00:51:52It was a charnel-house.
00:51:54Greed-flesh lined the walls, and blood slicked the floor.
00:51:58Bones, still red with gore, lay discarded in mangled piles.
00:52:02Screams were etched upon the visages of skulls, locked in their last moments of agony.
00:52:07The bloody massacre was not, however, what gave the space-wolf captain pause.
00:52:12It was the nightmare creature tearing at chunks of flesh with its teeth.
00:52:16At their approach the beast, a luminous shark-like horror, turned, its lipless maw smeared with
00:52:23blood, its swollen belly engorged.
00:52:25"'Here be monsters!'
00:52:28Bryngar breathed, and felt a quail of something unfamiliar, an alien emotion, trickle down
00:52:33his spine.
00:52:35He found his courage quickly, bearing his fangs as he howled.
00:52:38The space-wolves launched at the creature, blades drawn.
00:52:44Motep staggered from the isolation-chamber, not surprised to see that he was alone.
00:52:49He had broken the traitor, though it had not been easy.
00:52:52He felt the sweat of his exertions beneath his helmet, and was breathing heavily as he
00:52:55stepped into the adjoining corridor.
00:52:58Of the subject known as Ultus, for he had given his name before the end, there was precious
00:53:02little left.
00:53:03A drooling cage of flesh and bone were all that remained.
00:53:07His conditioned defences, ingrained by years of fanatical indoctrination, had been tough
00:53:12to break, but as a result, when they had fallen, they had fallen hard.
00:53:17Only a shell remained, a gibbering wreck incapable of further defiance—incapable
00:53:22of anything.
00:53:23Exhausted as he was, Motep groaned when he detected the rogue presence on board the ship.
00:53:29Mustering what reserves of strength he had left, he made for the lance-decks.
00:53:35Morar was dead.
00:53:36His bifurcated body lay in two halves across the deck.
00:53:40Amrix was badly wounded, but alive.
00:53:42He slumped against an upright beneath a metal arch, a chunk of flesh ripped from his torso.
00:53:48A dark mass was boiling down the corridor behind Sestos, even as the honour-guard faced
00:53:52off against the first warp-predator, torrents of semi-liquid flesh bursting through doorways
00:53:57in a flood, eyes formed in the mass, focusing on the Astartes.
00:54:03The ultramarine swivelled his body around, barking a warning before his bolter blazed,
00:54:08the muzzle-flare lighting up the dark around him.
00:54:10A long tongue of dark muscle thrashed blindly past him from the creature's gaping mouth,
00:54:15and Sestos threw himself out of its path.
00:54:18Leradus, desperately ministering to the wounded Amrix, was not so lucky.
00:54:22The membrane lashed around him, sending spines of pain throughout his body.
00:54:27The apothecary screamed as the flesh suddenly dried and split open, fist-sized seeds spilling
00:54:32from the fibrous interior.
00:54:35The seeds burst into life, tiny buzzing wings shearing through the shells, and long, sharp
00:54:40mandibles splintering out.
00:54:43Leradus was eviscerated in the storm in a bloody haze of bone, flesh, and armour.
00:54:49Sestos cried out and swung his bolt-pistol back around.
00:54:52He picked off the insectoid creatures with precise shots as they buzzed towards him,
00:54:56letting out his breath to steady his aim.
00:54:59He caught the last with his free hand.
00:55:01Leradus mashed it into the wall before it could chew through the ceramite of his gauntlet.
00:55:06With the two warp-creatures on either side, the ultramarines were being crushed into a
00:55:10tight circle.
00:55:12Even as he continued to pummel the second warp-fiend with bolt-pistol fire, he heard
00:55:16Saffrax bellow the name of Raboot Gilliman, punctuated by the retort of his weapon.
00:55:22The burning flare of expelled plasma hit the side of his face, and the ultramarine captain
00:55:26knew that their other special weapon-bearer, Piteron, was still with them.
00:55:31Metal flashes blazing, Lexenil and Excellinor continued to fire their bolt as war-cries
00:55:36on their lips.
00:55:38The chorus of battle raged as the warp-predators closed, weaving and twisting impossibly from
00:55:44the worst of the ultramarines' fusillade, shrieking and screeching whenever they were
00:55:47struck and forced back.
00:55:50Sestos checked the ammo-reader on his bolt-pistol.
00:55:53His remaining rounds wouldn't last long.
00:55:56Divided as they were, he and his battle-brothers would be unable to destroy either creature
00:56:00like this.
00:56:01With little recourse left, he made his decision.
00:56:04"'All guns with me!' he cried.
00:56:06"'In the name of Gilliman, concentrate fire!'
00:56:10With no hesitation, the ultramarines turned their combined fire onto one of the warp-creatures.
00:56:16Not expecting the sudden storm, the beast was caught unawares.
00:56:20Desperately trying to weave and jink out of harm's way, it was struck by a barrage of
00:56:24bolter rounds.
00:56:27its flank, and a precise salvo from Sestos struck it in the eye.
00:56:31A keening wail emanated from the dread creature as it shuddered out of existence, expelled
00:56:36from the bubble of real space within the wrathful.
00:56:39However, the victory proved costly as the second creature surged unhindered to the ultramarine's
00:56:45position, suddenly buoyed by the presence of three more of its kin.
00:56:49Sestos and his battle-brothers turned as one, defiant war-cries on their lips, as they prepared
00:56:54to sell their lives dearly.
00:56:56The rending of flesh as their bodies were torn asunder, the stench of blood and the
00:57:00sound of shredding bone, failed to materialise.
00:57:03Poised, with jaws outstretched, ready to devour the Astartes, the warp-creatures were assailed
00:57:09by a blazing crimson light that bathed the corridor in an incandescent luster.
00:57:14The beasts recoiled and shrank before him, snapping ineffectually at the air as the building
00:57:19aura seared them.
00:57:21"'Warp-spawn filth!' spat a voice behind Sestos, echoing with power.
00:57:26'Flee back into the abyss and leave this plane of existence!'
00:57:31Shielding his eyes against the brilliance of the light, Sestos saw Motep striding towards
00:57:36them, a cerulean nimbus of psychic energy coursing over his armoured body.
00:57:41He held a golden spear in his outstretched hand.
00:57:46Now!' he cried, and the ultramarines hit the floor with a crash of ceramite.
00:57:51The spear arced over their heads like a divine bolt of lightning, and pierced the first warp-beast,
00:57:57tearing through its slithering flank and slathering the deck with dark-grey spilling gore.
00:58:02Its death-cry reverberated in the confines of the vaulted tunnel, the metal upright screaming
00:58:07before it.
00:58:09Then it was gone, leaving an actinic stench in its wake.
00:58:14The kindred beasts came at him, enduring the furious energy that the Thousand Sun had unleashed,
00:58:19but were driven back as Sestos and his honour-guard crouched on their knees and delivered a punishing
00:58:25"'Blind them!'
00:58:27Motep cried, plucking his spear from the air as it returned to him as if magnetised to
00:58:31his gauntlet.
00:58:32The ultramarines obeyed, aiming for the hideous black orbs that served the shark-like predators
00:58:37as eyes.
00:58:38More screeching filled the corridors as the shots found their marks, rupturing the glassy
00:58:44Motep cast his spear again, and another of the creatures was thrust back into the immaterium.
00:58:50The last predator turned in on itself and reformed.
00:58:54It grew fresh eyes, dripping with glowing eichel.
00:58:58It extruded a frill of tendrils from what Sestos assumed was its head-end, and they
00:59:02became tough jointed limbs tipped with claws, snake-like tongues whipped from its mouth.
00:59:08A hail of fire struck it, and it was blasted into a gory mess upon the deck.
00:59:14Curious ringing silence filled the void where the eruption of bolters and the bark of shouting
00:59:19had been.
00:59:20Red-tinged gloom from the emergency lights drifted back into focus after the monochromatic
00:59:25battle-flare of muzzle-flashes and psychic conflagration.
00:59:30Sestos surveyed his battle-brothers.
00:59:33Amrix lay still against the upright, injured but alive.
00:59:37The service of Lairadis and Moravo had ended, their final moments awash with blood and pain.
00:59:43The rest had survived, a weary nod from Saffrax confirmed it.
00:59:48Breathing hard, a strange subdued exultance at their victory sweeping over him, Sestos
00:59:53looked back around at Motep.
00:59:55The Thousand Sun, staggered, the crimson light, extinguished.
01:00:00They are gone, he breathed, and fell hard onto the deck.
01:00:09Chapter 13 Legacy of Lorgar
01:00:14Honour Duel
01:00:16As Skrall delved deeper into the furious abyss, the world around him got stranger.
01:00:22The ship was the size of a city, and just like a city it had its hidden corners and
01:00:26curiosities, its beautiful clean-cut vistas, and its dismal bordellos of decay.
01:00:32Though supposedly newly fashioned, the vessel felt very old.
01:00:36Its concomitant parts had spent so many decades being built and rendered in the forges of
01:00:41Mars that they had acquired a history of their own before the battleship was ever finished,
01:00:45let alone launched.
01:00:47It had a presence, too, a kind of impalpable sentience that exuded from its steel walls
01:00:53and clung to its corridors and conduits like gossamer threads of being.
01:00:58Skrall passed under a support beam, his chain-axe held out warily in front of him, and saw the
01:01:02signature of a mechanicum shipwright inscribed in binary.
01:01:06The passageway of steel looked like an avenue and a wealthy spire-top, the low ceiling supported
01:01:11by keratids and columns.
01:01:13A nest of shanties, perhaps the lodgings of the menials who had once laboured to build
01:01:17the ship, their ramshackle homes abandoned between two generatorium housings.
01:01:24The vessel was intricate and immense.
01:01:27The world-eater-sort chambers, he could only assume, were for worship, with altars and
01:01:31rows of prayer-books etched in the word of Lorgar.
01:01:34A temple, half wrought in stone and symbiotically merged with deep-red steel, was housed in
01:01:39a massive false amphitheatre, its columned front and carved pediment providing a medieval
01:01:46The wide threshold was lit by braziers of violet fire.
01:01:50Skrall thought he had seen something moving inside, and took care to avoid it.
01:01:55The world-eater had no time for distractions.
01:01:58The denizens of the furious abyss hunted him, and, even in a ship as vast as it, the chase
01:02:03would not last indefinitely.
01:02:05Melter-bombs and belts of crack-grenades clanked against his armour as he moved, reminding
01:02:09him of their presence and the urgency with which he needed to put them to some use.
01:02:14In a fleeting moment, when Skrall had paused to try and get some kind of bearing, he thought
01:02:18of Antiges.
01:02:20The ultramarines believed themselves to be philosophers, or kings, or members of the
01:02:25galaxy's rightful ruling class.
01:02:27They did not appreciate the purity of purpose that could only be found in the crucible of
01:02:31war, as did Skrall's legion.
01:02:34They were most concerned with forging their own empire around Macragge.
01:02:38Antiges had demonstrated his warrior spirit, though, fighting and dying in the cauldron
01:02:42of war, driven by simple duty.
01:02:47Skrall mourned his passing with a moment of silence, honouring his valorous deeds, and
01:02:51in that moment he made a promise of revenge.
01:02:55A great set of double doors, carved from lacquered black wood, blocked the world-eater's path.
01:03:01Skrall could not turn back from the barrier, incongruous like so much of what he had witnessed
01:03:05on the furious abyss.
01:03:06Instead, he pushed the door open.
01:03:10There was light inside, but still the silence persisted, so he entered into what was a long,
01:03:15low chamber.
01:03:16Beyond it was a gallery full of artefacts.
01:03:19Tapestries lined the walls, displaying the victories and history of the word-bearers.
01:03:24He saw a comet crashing down to their native earth of Colchis, and a golden child emerging
01:03:29from the conflagration left from its impact.
01:03:32He saw temples, their spires lost in a swathe of red cloud, and lines of pilgrims trailing
01:03:37off into infinity.
01:03:39It was a world stained with tragedy, the gilded palaces and cathedrals tarnished, and every
01:03:44statue of past religious dynasts missing an arm or an eye.
01:03:49In the middle of this fallen world, like a single point of hope, was the smouldering
01:03:53crater of their Saviour's arrival.
01:03:57The ceiling was a single endless fresco depicting Lorgar's conquest of Colchis.
01:04:02Here it was a corrupt place cleansed by the Primarch, whose image shone with a light of
01:04:07reason and command as robed prophets and priests prostrated themselves before him.
01:04:13Armies laid down their arms, and crowds cheered in adulation.
01:04:17At the far end of the museum the story ended with Colchis restored, and Lorgar a scholar-hero,
01:04:23writing down his history and philosophy.
01:04:26This epilogue ended with a truth that Scrawl knew—the Emperor coming to the world to
01:04:31find Lorgar, just as he had come to the world-eater's forgotten home-world to install Angron as
01:04:36the Legion's Primarch.
01:04:38The paintings, frescoes, and tapestries gave way to trophies displayed on plinths and suspended
01:04:44from the vaulted ceiling.
01:04:46Scrawl ignored them and pressed on.
01:04:49"'You look upon the soul of our Legion, brother,' boomed a voice suddenly through the vox castas
01:04:55in the gallery.
01:04:57Scrawl backed up against the wall, which was painted with an image of Lorgar debating with
01:05:01a host of wizened old men in a Colchian amphitheatre.
01:05:04"'I am Admiral Zadkiel of the Word-Bearers,' said the voice, when the world-eater answered
01:05:10with silence.
01:05:11"'You are aboard my ship.'
01:05:12"'Traitor whoreson, does your entire Legion cower behind words?'
01:05:18Scrawl snapped, unable to contain his anger.
01:05:21"'Such a curious term, world-eater,' the voice of Zadkiel replied, ignoring the slight.
01:05:27"'You dub us traitors, and yet we have never been anything but loyal to our Primarch.
01:05:33"'Then your lord is also a traitor,' Scrawl growled in return, hunting the shadows for
01:05:39any sign of movement, any hint that he was being stalked.
01:05:42"'Your own lord Angron calls him brother.
01:05:46How then can Lorgar be regarded as a traitor?'
01:05:50Scrawl cast his gaze around, trying to locate the Pictor observing him or the vox casta
01:05:55broadcasting Zadkiel's voice.
01:05:57"'Then he has betrayed my Primarch, and in turn his Legion.
01:06:02Angron was a slave,' said Zadkiel.
01:06:04"'The very fact shames him.
01:06:07He despises what he was, and what other men made of him.
01:06:11It is from this that his anger—that the anger of all world-eaters—stems.'
01:06:15Certain that there was no one else in there with him, Scrawl started moving cautiously
01:06:21through the gallery, looking for some way out other than the double doors at either
01:06:26He would not be swayed by Zadkiel's words, and focused instead on the hot line of rage
01:06:30building inside him, using it to galvanise himself.
01:06:34"'I saw the echo of that anger at Baca-Triambaron,' said Zadkiel.
01:06:39"'It was enacted against the menials that drowned in their own blood at the hands of
01:06:44you and your brothers.'
01:06:47Scrawl paused.
01:06:48He had thought no one knew of the slaughter he had perpetrated at the dock.
01:06:52"'Angron sought to bring his brothers closer to him in that aspect, did he not?'
01:06:57Scrawl was relentless, his words like silken blades penetrating the world-eater's defences.
01:07:03"'It was the Emperor's censure that forbade it—the very being that holds you and your
01:07:08slave Primarch in his thrall.
01:07:11For what is Angron if not a slave?
01:07:15What accolades has he won that the angel or Gilliman have not?
01:07:19What reward has Angron been given that can equal the empire of Ultramar or the stewardship
01:07:25of the Imperial Palace granted to Dorne?
01:07:30He fights for nothing save by the command of another.
01:07:34What can such a man claim to be, other than a slave?'
01:07:39"'We are not slaves!
01:07:41We will never be slaves!'
01:07:43Scrawl cried in anger, and carved his chain-axe through one of the museum's stone pillars.
01:07:48"'It is the truth,' Zadkiel persisted.
01:07:52"'But you are not alone, brother.
01:07:55Yours is not the only legion to have been thus forsaken,' he continued.
01:07:59"'We word-bearers worshipped him—worshipped the Emperor as a god.
01:08:06That he mocked our divinity with reproach and reprimand, just as he mocks you!'
01:08:13Scrawl ignored him.
01:08:14His faith in his legion and his Primarch would not easily be undone.
01:08:18This word-bearer's rhetoric meant nothing.
01:08:21Duty and rage—these were the things he focused on as he sought to escape from the chamber.
01:08:26"'Look before you, world-eater,' Zadkiel began again.
01:08:31'There you will find what you seek.'
01:08:34Despite himself, Scrawl looked.
01:08:37There, within an ornate glass cabinet, forged of obsidian and brass, and once wielded by
01:08:43Angron's hand, was a chain-axe.
01:08:46Decked with teeth of glinting black stone, its haft wrapped in the skin of some monstrous
01:08:51lizard, he knew it instinctively to be brazen-tooth, the former blade of his Primarch.
01:08:58The weapon, magnificent in its simple brutality, had taken the head of the Queen of the Scandrain
01:09:03Xenos, and cleaved through a horde of greenskins, following the arch-vandal of Pasiphae.
01:09:09A feral world, teeming with tribal psychopaths, had rebelled against the imperial truth, and
01:09:15of the mere sight of brazen-tooth in Angron's hand, they had given up their revolt and kneeled
01:09:20to the world-eaters.
01:09:22Until the forging of Gorefather and Gorechild, the twin axes Angron now wielded, brazen-tooth
01:09:29had been as much a symbol of Angron's relentlessness and independence as it was a mere weapon.
01:09:35"'Gifted unto Lorgar, it symbolizes our alliance,' Zadgiel told him.
01:09:41Angron pledged himself to our cause, and with him all the world-eaters.'
01:09:47Skrull regarded the chain-axe.
01:09:49Thick veins stuck out in his forehead, beneath his skull-helmet, exacerbated by the heat
01:09:54of his impotent wrath.
01:09:55"'It is written, world-eater, that you and all your brothers will join with us when the
01:10:01fate of the galaxy is decided.
01:10:03The Emperor is lost.
01:10:05He is ignorant of the true power of the universe.
01:10:08We will embrace it.'
01:10:11"'Word-bearer,' Skrull said, his lip curled derisively, 'you talk too much.'
01:10:18The world-eater shattered the cabinet with a blow from his fist, and seized brazen-tooth.
01:10:23Without pause he squeezed the tongue of brass in the chain-axe's haft, and the teeth whirred
01:10:29The weapon was far too heavy and unbalanced for Skrull to wield.
01:10:33It would have taken Angron's own magnificent strength to use it.
01:10:36It was all he could do to keep the bucking chain-blade level, as he put his body-weight
01:10:40behind it and hurled it into the nearest wall.
01:10:44Brazen-tooth ripped into a fresco depicting Lorgar as an educator of the benighted, thousands
01:10:49of ignorant souls bathing in the halo of enlightenment that surrounded him.
01:10:53The image was shredded, and the weapon, free of Skrull's hands, bored its way through,
01:10:59casting sparks as it chewed up the metal beneath.
01:11:02"'You're doomed, Zadkiel,' bellowed Skrull over the screech of the chain-blade.
01:11:07"'The Emperor will learn of your treachery.
01:11:11He'll send your brothers to bring you back in chains.
01:11:14He'll send the War-Master.'
01:11:17The world-eater hurled himself through the ragged tear in the museum wall, and fell through
01:11:21into a tangled mess of cabling and metal beyond.
01:11:26Zadkiel's laughter tumbled after him from the box-caster.
01:11:31Zadkiel switched off the picked screens adorning the small security console at the rear of
01:11:36the temple.
01:11:37"'Tell me, chaplain, is everything prepared?'
01:11:41Ikthalon, decked in his full regalia, including vestments of deep crimson, nodded and gestured
01:11:47towards a circle drawn from a paste mixed with Colchian soil and the blood that had
01:11:51been drained from the body of the ultramarine Antiges.
01:11:56The Astarte's inert body lay at its nexus, his cuirass removed, and his chest levered
01:12:01open to reveal the congealed vermilion mass of his organs.
01:12:06Symbols had been scratched on the floor around him using his blood.
01:12:09His helmet had been removed, too, and his head lolled back, glassy-eyed, its mouth open,
01:12:14as if in awe of the ritual it would facilitate in death.
01:12:18"'It is ready, as you ordered,' uttered Ikthalon, the chaplain's tone approaching
01:12:26Zadkiel smiled thinly, and then looked up at the sound of shuffling feet.
01:12:31An old bent figure ascended the steps at the temple entrance, and the candles on the floor
01:12:36flickered against its cowl and robe as it entered between the pillars.
01:12:40"'Astropath Curzan,' said Zadkiel.
01:12:44The astropath pulled back his hood, revealing hollow sockets in place of his eyes, as inflicted
01:12:50by the soul-blinding.
01:12:52"'I am at your service,' he hissed through cracked lips.
01:12:57"'You know your role in this.'
01:13:00"'I have studied it well, my lord,' Curzan replied, leaning heavily on a gnarled cane
01:13:06of dark wood as he shuffled towards Antigus's corpse.
01:13:10Curzan knelt down and held his hands over the body.
01:13:13The astropath smirked, and then looked up at the temple entrance.
01:13:18Curzan knelt down and held his hands over the body.
01:13:21The astropath smirked as he felt the last wreaths of heat bleeding from it.
01:13:26"'Anastartes,' he muttered.
01:13:29"'Indeed,' added Ithkalon.
01:13:31"'You'll find his scalp has been removed.
01:13:35Then we can begin.'
01:13:37"'I will require what is left after this is done,' added Ithkalon.
01:13:44"'Don't worry, chaplain,' said Zadkiel.
01:13:47"'You'll have his body for your surgery.'
01:13:49"'Curzan,' he added, switching his gaze to the astropath, "'you may proceed.'
01:13:54Zadkiel threw a book in front of him.
01:13:57Curzan felt its edges, ran his fingers over its binding, the ancient vellum of its pages,
01:14:02and breathed deep of its musk, redolent with power.
01:14:06His spidery digits, so sensitive from a lifetime of blindness, scurried across the ink and
01:14:11read with ease.
01:14:12The script was distinctive and known to him.
01:14:17"'What's—what secrets?' he whispered in awe.
01:14:22"'This is written by your hand, admiral.
01:14:27What was it that dictated this to you?'
01:14:30"'His name,' said Zadkiel, "'is Wussorik, and we are about to honour the pact he has
01:14:38made with us.'
01:14:41In the hours that followed, the warp was angry, it was wounded, it bled half-formed emotions
01:14:48like something undigested, hatred that was too unfocused to be pure, love without an
01:14:54object, obsession over nothing, and gouts of oblivion without form.
01:15:00It quaked, it thrashed as if being forced into something unwilling, or trying to hold
01:15:04on to something dear to it.
01:15:06The wrathful was thrown around on the towering waves that billowed up through the layers
01:15:10of reality, and threatened to snap the spindly anchor-line of reason that kept the ship
01:15:17The quake subsided.
01:15:19The predators that had homed in on the disturbance scented the corpses of their fellow warp-sharks
01:15:23in the wrathful, and hastily slunk back into the abyss.
01:15:28The wrathful continued on its way, following Eddie's left by the wake of the furious abyss.
01:15:35"'Has there been any change?' asked Cestus, as he approached Zafrax.
01:15:41The banner-bearer stood outside the medical bay, looking in at the prone form of Motep,
01:15:46laid as if slumbering on a slab of metal.
01:15:48None, sire, he has not stirred since he fell after the battle.
01:15:53The ultramarine captain had recently been tended to by the wrathful's medical staff,
01:15:58an injury sustained to his arm that he had not realized he had suffered making its presence
01:16:02felt as he had gone to Motep's aid.
01:16:06In the absence of a dead Liradis, the treatment was rudimentary, but satisfactory.
01:16:11The bodies, what was left of them of the Astartes, two of the blood-claws included, had been
01:16:16taken to the ship's morgue.
01:16:19Cestus's mind still reeled at what he had witnessed on the lance-decks, and the powers
01:16:23that the Thousand Sun had unleashed.
01:16:25Truly, there was no doubt as to his practicing psychics.
01:16:29That in itself left an altogether different and yet more pressing question.
01:16:35The wolf-guard had also been down in the lance-decks, though Cestus was not aware of it until the
01:16:40battle was over, and had banished three of the warp-spawn with his blood-claws.
01:16:45The artifice of the Fenrisian rune-priests in their fashioning of fell-tooth was to thank
01:16:50for it.
01:16:51For once, reunited at the centre of the deck, Bryngar had curtly disclosed how the creatures
01:16:56parted easily before the blade and fled from the space-wolf's fury.
01:17:01The ultramarine believed that some of the account was embellished, so that it might
01:17:05become worthy of a saga, but he did not doubt the veracity at the heart of Bryngar's words.
01:17:11It mattered not.
01:17:12Whatever the wolf-guard intended to do about Motep, and, indeed, Cestus, he would do regardless.
01:17:18Right now the ultramarine captain had greater concerns, namely, that the traitor had been
01:17:23broken, for Saffrax had discovered his shattered body in the isolation-chamber, but that whatever
01:17:28secrets he had divulged were denied to them while Motep was incapacitated.
01:17:34It felt like a cruel irony.
01:17:36"'Do you know what we do with witches on Fenris, ultramarine?'
01:17:42Cestus turned at the voice, and saw Bryngar standing behind him, glowering through the
01:17:46glass at Motep.
01:17:47"'We cut the tendons in their arms and legs, then we throw them in the sea to the mercy
01:17:53of Mother Fenris.'
01:17:55Cestus moved into the space-wolf's path.
01:17:57"'This is not Fenris, brother.'
01:18:00Bryngar smiled mirthlessly, as if at some faded remembrance.
01:18:03"'No, it is not,' he said, locking his gaze with Cestus.
01:18:08"'You give your sanction to this warp-dabbler, and in so doing have twice besmirched my honour.
01:18:15I will not let his presence stand on this ship, nor will I let these deeds go unreckoned.'
01:18:22The space-wolf tore a charm hanging from his cuirass, and tossed it at the ultramarine's
01:18:29Cestus looked up and matched the wolf-guard's gaze.
01:18:32"'Challenge accepted,' he said.
01:18:37Bryngar waited in the duelling-pit in the lower decks of the Rothville.
01:18:41The old wolf was stripped down to the waist, wearing grey training-breaches and charcoal-coloured
01:18:46boots, and flexed his muscles and rotated his shoulders as he prepared for his opponent.
01:18:52Arrayed around the training-area, commonly used for the arms-men to practise unarmed
01:18:56combat routines, were what was left of the Astartes—the ultramarine honour-guard, barring
01:19:02Americks, who were still recovering from his injuries, and a handful of blood-claws.
01:19:07Admiral Kaminska, as the captain of the ship, was the only non-Astartes allowed to attend.
01:19:12She had forbidden any other of the crew from watching the duel.
01:19:16The realisation that the Astartes in the fleet were turning on one another was a sign of
01:19:20the worst kind, and she had no desire to discover its effects upon morale, if witnessed by them
01:19:27She watched as Cestus stepped into the arena, descending a set of metal steps that retracted
01:19:32into the wall once he was within the duelling-pit.
01:19:35The ultramarine was similarly attired to Bryngar, though his training-breaches were blue to
01:19:40match the colour of his legion.
01:19:42At the appearance of his opponent, Bryngar swung the chainsword in his grasp eagerly.
01:19:48The assembled Astartes were eerily silent, even the normally pugnacious blood-claws held
01:19:52their tongues and merely watched.
01:19:55"'This is madness!' Kaminska hissed, biting back her anger.
01:20:00"'No, Admiral,' said Saffrax, who towered alongside her.
01:20:03"'It is resolution!'
01:20:06The ultramarine banner-bearer stepped forward.
01:20:09As the next highest-ranking Astartes, it was his duty to announce the duel and state the
01:20:14"'This honour-duel is between Lizzie Marcus Cestus of the Ultramarine's legion and Bryngar
01:20:21Sturmbring of the Spacewolf's legion,' Saffrax bellowed, clearly like a carrion call.
01:20:27"'The weapon is chainswords, and the duel is to blood from the torso or incapacitation.
01:20:34Limb or eye-loss counts as thus, as does a cut to the front of the throat.
01:20:39No armour, no firearms!'
01:20:44Saffrax took a brief hiatus to ensure that both Astartes were ready.
01:20:47He saw his brother-captain testing the weight of his chainsword and adjusting his grip.
01:20:52Bryngar made no further preparation, and was straining at the leash.
01:20:56"'The stakes are the fate of Captain Motep of the Thousand Suns' legion.
01:21:01To arms!'
01:21:03The Astartes saluted each other and levelled their chainswords in their respective fighting
01:21:09Bryngar two-handed and slightly off-centre, Cestus low and pointed towards the ground.
01:21:18Bryngar launched himself at Cestus with a roar, channelling his anger into a shoulder-barge.
01:21:24Cestus twisted on his heel to avoid the charge, but was still a little sluggish from the earlier
01:21:29battle, and caught the blow down his side.
01:21:31A mass of pain numbed his body, resonating through his bones and skull, but the ultramarine
01:21:36kept his feet.
01:21:39Blows fell like hammers against Cestus's defensive stance, his chain-blade screeching as it bit
01:21:43against Bryngar's weapon.
01:21:46Teeth were stripped away, and sparks flew violently from the impact.
01:21:49Two-handed, the ultramarine held him, but was forced down to one knee as the space-wolf
01:21:54used his superior bulk against him.
01:21:56"'We are not in the muster-hall now,' he snarled.
01:22:00"'I shall give no quarter.
01:22:03I will ask for none.'
01:22:05Cestus bit back and twisted out of the blade-lock, using Bryngar's momentum to overbalance the
01:22:12The ultramarine moved in quickly to exploit the advantage with a low thrust, intending
01:22:16to graze Bryngar's torso, draw blood, and end the duel.
01:22:21The old wolf was canny, though, and parried the blow with a flick of his sword before
01:22:25leaning in with another shoulder charge.
01:22:28It lacked the sudden impetus and fury of the first, but jolted Cestus's body all the same.
01:22:33The ultramarine staggered, and Bryngar swept his weapon downward in a brutal arc that would
01:22:39have removed Cestus's head from his shoulders.
01:22:41Instead he rolled, and the blade-teeth carved into the metal floor of the dueling-pit, disturbing
01:22:47the streaks of old blood left by the World-Eater's earlier contest.
01:22:52Cestus came out of the roll and was on his feet.
01:22:55There was a little distance between the two Astartes gladiators, and they circled each
01:22:58other warily, assessing strength and searching for an opening.
01:23:03Bryngar didn't wait long, and howling, hurled his body at the ultramarine, chainsawed, swinging.
01:23:09Cestus met it with his blade, and the two weapons came apart with the force of the blow,
01:23:14chain-teeth spitting from their respective housings.
01:23:17Bryngar cast the ruined chainsaw half to side, and powered a savage uppercut into Cestus's
01:23:22chin that nearly shattered the ultramarine's jaw.
01:23:25A second punch fell like a piston and smashed into his ear.
01:23:29A third lifted him off his feet, hammering into the ultramarine's gut.
01:23:34The sound of Bryngar's grunting aggression became dull and distant, as if Cestus were
01:23:38submerged below water as he fought to get his bearings.
01:23:42He was dimly aware of falling, and of a vague sense of grasping something in his hand as
01:23:46he hipped the hard metal floor of the dueling-pit.
01:23:48Abruptly, Cestus found it hard to breathe, and realised suddenly that Bryngar was choking
01:23:56Strangely, the ultramarine thought he heard weeping.
01:24:00With a blink he snapped back into lucidity and smashed his fists down hard against Bryngar's
01:24:05forearms whilst landing a kick into his sternum.
01:24:08It was enough for the space-wolf to loosen his grip.
01:24:11Cestus head-butted him in the nose, and a stream of blood and mucus flowed freely after
01:24:15the impact.
01:24:17Landing the ground beneath him again, Cestus ducked a wild swing and lashed out beneath
01:24:21Bryngar's reach.
01:24:23The ultramarine wasn't quick enough to avoid a backhand swipe, and took it on the side
01:24:26of the face.
01:24:27He was reeling again, dark spots forming before his eyes, hinting that he was about to black
01:24:34Yield, he breathed, sinking to his knees, his voice groggy as he pointed to the space-wolf's
01:24:39torso with a chainsaw-tooth clutched in his outstretched hand.
01:24:44Bryngar paused, fists clenched, his breathing ragged, and looked down to where Cestus was
01:24:51A line of crimson was drawn across the space-wolf's stomach from the tiny diagonal blade in his
01:24:57opponent's grip.
01:24:58"'Blood from the torso,' Saffrax announced with thinly-veiled relief, "'Cestus wins!''
01:25:18Time has little meaning in the warp.
01:25:20Weeks become days, days become hours, and hours become minutes.
01:25:26Time is fluid.
01:25:27It can expand and contract, invert and even cease in those fathomless depths of infinite
01:25:32nothing, endless everything.
01:25:36Leaving the gallery and Zadkiel's echoing laughter behind him, Scrawl had fled into
01:25:41the pitch dark.
01:25:43Crouching in the blackness with naught but the groans of a furious abyss for company,
01:25:46it felt like the passage of years, and yet it could have been no more than weeks or as
01:25:51little as an hour.
01:25:52Heaving, shifting, baying, venting, the vessel was like some primordial beast as it ploughed
01:25:58the imperian tides.
01:26:00Sentience exuded from every surface, the moisture of the metal, the blood, oil, and soot in
01:26:05the air.
01:26:07Heat from Generatoria became breath, fire from blast furnaces anger and hate, the creak
01:26:13of the hull dull moans of pleasure and annoyance.
01:26:17Perhaps this awareness had always existed, and lacked only form to give it tangibility.
01:26:23Perhaps the skeleton the adepts of Mars had forged provided merely a shell for an already
01:26:28sentient host.
01:26:30The World-Eater decided that his thoughts heralded the onset of madness at being hunted
01:26:35for so long, the thin talons of paranoia pricking his skull and infecting his mind with visions.
01:26:42After his discovery in the gallery he had gone to ground, questing downwards through
01:26:46the inner circuitry and workings of the furious abyss in some kind of attempt at preservation.
01:26:51It was not cowardice that drove him.
01:26:53Such a thing was anathema to the Astartes.
01:26:55A World-Eater was incapable of the emotion.
01:26:58Fear simply did not have meaning for them.
01:27:00No, it was out of a desire to regroup, to plan, to achieve some petty measure of destruction
01:27:06that might not at least escape notice, that meant something.
01:27:10Into the heat and fire he had passed arches of steel, vast throbbing engines, and forests
01:27:16of cables so thick that he needed to cut them down with his chain-axe.
01:27:20It was in this manufactured hell that he had found refuge.
01:27:25Pistons lay on the lower decks, pounded to dust by pistons, though some were intact.
01:27:30They were the forgotten dead of the Furious's birth, sucked into machinery, or simply lost
01:27:35and left to starve or die of thirst in the ship's labyrinthine depths.
01:27:40During his flight into this cauldron Scrawl had seen things.
01:27:44The dark had played with him, the heat, too, and the endless industrial din.
01:27:49Glowing eyes would watch the World-Eater, only to then melt away into the walls.
01:27:54A landscape had opened up before him, its edges picked out in darkness, a vast land
01:28:00of bloody ribs and palaces of bone, with mountains of gristle and labyrinths carved down into
01:28:05planes of rippling muscle.
01:28:08Humanoid shapes danced in rivers of blood as the whole world swelled and fell with an
01:28:13ancient breath.
01:28:15Then it was gone, replaced by the darkness, and so he had driven on.
01:28:22Here in the searing depths he had found some respite.
01:28:26It could have been days that he had lingered in meditative solitude, listening to the pitch
01:28:30and pull of the vessel, marshalling his thoughts and his resolve, so as not to give in to insanity.
01:28:36Way down in the Stygian gloom Scrawl couldn't hear the box-traffic, didn't sense the patrols
01:28:42at his heels, and so didn't know if he were still hunted.
01:28:47Sheltering in a crawl-space large enough to accommodate his power-armoured frame within
01:28:51a cluster of pipes and cables, the world-eater snapped abruptly to his senses.
01:28:56Disengaging the cataleptic node that allowed him to maintain a form of active sleep, Scrawl
01:29:01became aware of a shadow looming in the conduit ahead.
01:29:05He was not alone.
01:29:07The passing of menials was not uncommon, but infrequent.
01:29:10Scrawl had listened to their pathetic mewlings as they serviced and maintained the ship with
01:29:16Such wretches!
01:29:17It had taken all of his resolve not to spring out of his hiding-place and butcher them all
01:29:21like the cattle they were.
01:29:23But then the alarm would have been raised, and the hunt begun anew.
01:29:27He needed to think, to devise his next move.
01:29:31Not gifted with a tactical acumen of the Sons of Gilliman or Dawn, Scrawl was a pure instrument
01:29:36of war, brutal and effective.
01:29:39Yet now he needed a stratagem, and for that he required time—survival first, then sabotage.
01:29:46It was his mantra.
01:29:49That doctrine dissolved into the ether with a shadow.
01:29:52No menial this.
01:29:53It did not mew or bray or weep.
01:29:56It was silent.
01:29:57It was something else, massive footfalls resonating against metal with every step, and it was
01:30:02seeking him.
01:30:04Scrawl extracted himself from the crawl-space and bled away into the darkness, eyes on the
01:30:09growing gloom he left behind him, and went onwards into the furious abyss.
01:30:17"'They tail us ever doggedly, my lord,' uttered Reskiel, as he considered the reports of Navigator
01:30:22Estemia clutched in his gauntlet.
01:30:25Zadkiel appeared sanguine to the fact that the Wrothful continued to follow them into
01:30:28the warp as he regarded the scrawlings on the cell-wall of one of the ship's astropathic
01:30:34It was a Spartan chamber, with little to distinguish it.
01:30:37A narrow cot served as a bed, a simple lectern as a place to scribe.
01:30:42Function was paramount here.
01:30:44"'Warsarik is with us,' he said, emboldened enough in the surety that they had sealed
01:30:50their pact with the ancient creature to speak his name.
01:30:53"'And once he reveals his presence, the pawns of the false emperor will learn the folly
01:30:58of their pursuit.
01:30:59The horrors endured thus far will be as nothing compared to the torture he will visit upon
01:31:05"'Yes, my lord,' Reskiel said humbly.
01:31:08"'We are destined to achieve our mission, Reskiel,' Zadkiel went on.
01:31:13"'Just as this one was destined to die for it.'
01:31:17The admiral turned the corpse of a dead astropath over.
01:31:20It was lying in the middle of the cell in a pool of its own blood.
01:31:24The face was female, but twisted into a rictus of fear and pain so pronounced that it was
01:31:29hard to tell.
01:31:30Black empty orbs stared out from crater-like sockets.
01:31:36Communications were difficult even for those who claimed the warp as an ally, and the messages
01:31:39of the Furious's astropathic choir were proving ever more unreliable and difficult to discern.
01:31:46Zadkiel had some skill at divination, however, and carefully deconstructed nuances of meaning,
01:31:51subtle vagaries of sense and context, in the symbolic renderings of the dead astropath.
01:31:57"'Anything?' asked Reskiel.
01:32:00"'Perhaps,' said Zadkiel, sensing the desperate cadence in the sergeant-commander's voice.
01:32:05"'Once we reach the Macragge system we will have no further need of them,' he added.
01:32:11"'You need not fear us floundering blind in the immaterium, Reskiel.'
01:32:15"'I fear nothing, Lord,' Reskiel affirmed, standing straight, his expression stern.
01:32:21"'Of course not,' Zadkiel replied smoothly.
01:32:25"'Except, perhaps, our intruder.
01:32:28Do the Sons of Angron hold an inner dread for you, sergeant-commander?
01:32:33Do you recall, all too readily, the sting of our erstwhile brother's wrath?'
01:32:39Reskiel raised his gauntlet to the crude repairs of his face and cheekbone, almost subconsciously,
01:32:44but then retracted it, as if suddenly scolded.
01:32:47"'Is that the reason that our interloper still roams free aboard this ship?' Zadkiel pressed.
01:32:53"'He is contained,' Reskiel snarled.
01:32:56"'Should he surface, then I will know, and mount his head upon a spike myself.'
01:33:01Zadkiel traced a shape out of the dense scribblings on the wall,
01:33:04deliberately ignoring the sergeant-commander's impassioned outburst.
01:33:08"'Here!' he hissed, finding the meaning he sought at last.
01:33:12The astropath had written a message in her vital fluids, the parchment pages of her symbol-log,
01:33:17overloaded with further crimson data, and strewn about the cell-floor like bloodied leaves.
01:33:23"'The crown is Colchis,' said Zadkiel, indicating a smear-icon.
01:33:29"'These ancillary marks indicate that this dictate comes from a lord of a legion,' he added,
01:33:35a sweep of his gauntleted hand encompassing a range of symbols that Reskiel could not fathom.
01:33:42"'Astropaths rarely had the luxury of communicating by words or phrases.
01:33:47Instead, they had an extensive catalogue of symbols, which were a lot easier to transmit,
01:33:52psychically. Each symbol had a meaning which became increasingly complex the more symbols
01:33:57were added. The word-bearer's fleet had their own code, in which the crown was modelled after
01:34:02the crown of Colchis, and represented both the legion's home-world and the leadership of the
01:34:09"'Two eyes, one blinded,' continued Zadkiel.
01:34:13"'That is Cor Fearon's chapter.'
01:34:16"'He asks something of us?' asked Reskiel.
01:34:19Zadkiel picked out another symbol from the miasma, most of which was eidetic doggerel,
01:34:24coming out in a mush of mindless images and non-sequitous ravings, a coiled snake,
01:34:29the abstract geometrical code for the calf system.
01:34:33"'His scouts have confirmed that the ultramarines are mustering at calf,'
01:34:37Zadkiel answered.
01:34:38"'All of them. There are but a few token honour-guards not present.'
01:34:44"'Then we will strike them out with a single blow,' stated the sergeant-commander confidently.
01:34:49"'As it is written, my brother,' Zadkiel replied,
01:34:53looking up from the scrawlings and offering a mirthless smile.
01:34:56He finished examining the astropath's message, and brushed the flakes of dried blood from his
01:35:02"'All is in readiness,' he said to himself, imaging the glory of their triumph and the
01:35:08plaudits he, Zadkiel, would garner.
01:35:11"'Thy word be done.'
01:35:14Cestus filled his time with training regimens and meditation, in part to occupy his mind
01:35:22whilst the Wrothful traversed the warp, but also to recondition his body after the brutal
01:35:27duel with Bryngar.
01:35:29Something had possessed the space-wolf during the fight.
01:35:32Cestus had felt it in every blow, and heard it in the wolf-guard's battle-cries.
01:35:37It was not a change in the sense that the warp-predators took on the form of the Fireblade's
01:35:42No, it was something less ephemeral and more intrinsic than that, as if a part of a gene-code
01:35:47that made up the zygotic structure of Leman Russell's legion had been exposed somehow,
01:35:52and allowed free reign.
01:35:55Base savagery—that was how Cestus thought of it, an animalistic predilection let slip
01:36:01only in the face of the space-wolf's foes.
01:36:04Was the warp the cause of this loosening of resolve?
01:36:07Cestus felt its presence constantly.
01:36:10It was clear that the crew did also, though they appeared to be more acutely afflicted.
01:36:14Armsmen patrols had doubled over the passing weeks.
01:36:18Rotations of those patrols had also increased, and prolonged exposure to the warp, even whilst
01:36:24in the protective bubble of the Wrothful's integrity-fields, took its toll.
01:36:29There had been seventeen warp-related deaths after the attack on the Lance-decks, the entirety
01:36:34of which had been fusion-sealed in the wake of the horrors perpetuated there.
01:36:38Damage, sustained whilst in battle against the word-bearer's ship, had rendered the
01:36:43weapon-system inoperable in any case, and no one on the Wrothful had any desire to tread
01:36:47those bloody halls again.
01:36:49Suicides and apparent accidents were common.
01:36:52One rating was even murdered—the perpetrator still at large—as the products of warp-induced
01:36:57psychosis made their presence felt.
01:37:01Of the furious abyss there had been little sign.
01:37:03It continued to plough through the Imperion, content to let the Wrothful follow.
01:37:09Cestus didn't like the calm.
01:37:12Trouble invariably followed it.
01:37:14A stinging blow caught the ultramarine captain on the side of the temple, and he grimaced
01:37:18in pain.
01:37:20"'You seem preoccupied, my lord,' said Saffrax, standing opposite him in a fighting
01:37:25He twirled the duelling-staff in his hands with expert precision as he circled his captain.
01:37:31The two Astartes faced each other in one of the vessel's gymnasia, wearing breeches and
01:37:36loose-fitting vests, as they conducted the daily ritual of their training carters.
01:37:41Routine dictated the duelling-staff as the weapon of choice for this session.
01:37:47Cestus's body was already bruised and numb from a dozen or more precise blows landed
01:37:52by his banner-bearer.
01:37:54Saffrax was right.
01:37:55His mind was elsewhere, still in the duelling-pit, facing off against Bryngar.
01:38:01"'Perhaps we should switch to the rudius,' Saffrax offered, indicating a pair of short
01:38:06wooden swords clutched by a weapon-servitor, two amongst many training-weapons held by
01:38:11the creature's rack-like frontal carapace.
01:38:14Cestus shook his head, giving the battle-sign that he had had enough.
01:38:18"'That will suffice for to-day,' he said, lowering the staff and reaching for a towel
01:38:23offered by Legion's serf to wipe down his naked arms and neck.
01:38:27"'I don't like this, Saffrax,' he confessed, handing the duelling-weapon back to the servitor
01:38:33as it approached.
01:38:34"'The training-schema was not satisfactory?' the banner-bearer asked, unlike Antigui's,
01:38:39unable to penetrate the deeper meaning of his captain's words.
01:38:43"'No, my brother.
01:38:45It is this quietude that vexes me.
01:38:47We have seen little in the way of deterrent from the furious abyss for almost two weeks,
01:38:52or at least as close to two weeks as I can fathom in this wretched imperium.
01:38:56"'Is that not a boon rather than a cause of vexation?'
01:38:59Saffrax asked, commencing a series of stretching-exercises to loosen his muscles after the
01:39:05"'No, I do not think so.
01:39:08Macragge draws ever closer, and yet we seem ever further from finding a way to stop the
01:39:15We do not even know of their plan.
01:39:17Damn Motep in his coma state!'
01:39:20Cestus stopped what he was doing and looked Saffrax in the eye.
01:39:24"'I am losing hope, brother.
01:39:26Part of me believes the reason they have ceased in their attempts to destroy us is because
01:39:30they do not need to, that we no longer pose a significant threat to their mission, if
01:39:35we ever did.'
01:39:36"'Put your belief in the strength of the Emperor, captain.
01:39:39Trust in that, and we shall prevail,' said the banner-bearer vehemently.
01:39:43Cestus sighed deeply, feeling a great weight upon his shoulders.
01:39:48"'You are right,' said the ultramarine captain.
01:39:51Saffrax might not possess the instinct and empathy of Antiges, but his duer pragmatism
01:39:56was an unshakable rock in a sea of doubt.
01:39:59"'Thank you, Saffrax,' he added, clapping his hand on the banner-bearer's shoulder while
01:40:03nodding in response.
01:40:06Cestus wrenched off the vest, sodden with his sweat, and donned a set of robes as he
01:40:10padded across the gymnasium to the antechamber where legion surf-armourers awaited him.
01:40:15"'If you do not need me further, captain, I shall continue my daily regimen in your
01:40:19absence,' said the banner-bearer.
01:40:22"'Very well, Saffrax,' Cestus replied, his thoughts still clouded.
01:40:26"'There is someone else I need to see,' he added in a murmur to himself."
01:40:33Bryngar slumped forlornly onto his rump in the quarters set aside for him by Admiral
01:40:39He was alone, surrounded by a host of empty ale-barrels, his blood-claws isolated at the
01:40:44barracks, and belched raucously.
01:40:47He had come here after losing the honour duel, speaking to no one, and entertaining no remarks,
01:40:52however placatory, from his fellow space-wolves.
01:40:55The old wolf's demeanour made it clear that he wished to be alone.
01:41:00Not everyone got the message.
01:41:02Bryngar looked up from his dour brooding when he saw Cestus enter the gloomy chamber.
01:41:08"'Wolf's-mead is all gone,' he slurred, impossibly drunk, despite the co-action of
01:41:15the space-wolf's pre-omnor and ulytic kidney.
01:41:18The beverage, native to Fenris, was brewed with the very purpose of granting intoxication
01:41:23that overrode even the processes of the Astartes' gene-harnsed physiognomy, albeit temporarily.
01:41:29"'You keep it, my friend,' Cestus replied, with mock geniality, despite his apprehension."
01:41:35Bryngar grunted, kicking over his empty tankard as he got up.
01:41:39The old wolf was stripped out of his armour, and wore an amalgam of furs and coarse grey
01:41:44robes. Charms and runic talismans clattered over his hirsute chest, the nick from the
01:41:49chain-tooth still visible, though all but healed.
01:41:53"'You seem well recovered, Ultramarine,' grumbled the wolf-guard, irascibly.
01:41:58Bryngar's belligerence had not dimmed with the passage of hours in the warp.
01:42:03In truth, Cestus still felt the ache in his jaw and stomach, in spite of the laryman cells in
01:42:08his body speeding up the healing process exponentially. The Ultramarine merely nodded,
01:42:13unwilling to disclose his discomfort.
01:42:17"'Now it is done,' he said.
01:42:18"'You are an honourable warrior, Bryngar. What's more, you are my friend. I know you
01:42:24will abide by the outcome of the duel.'
01:42:26The space-wolf fixed his good eye on him, pausing as he hunted around for more ale to quaff.
01:42:32He snarled, and for a moment Cestus thought he might instigate another fight, but then
01:42:37relaxed, and let out a rasping sigh.
01:42:41"'Aye, I'll abide by it. But I warn you, Lizzie Mac, or Cestus, I will hold no truck
01:42:48with warp-dabblers. Keep him away from me, or I will visit my blade upon his sorcerer's
01:42:54tongue,' he promised, drawing closer, the rustle of his beard-hair, the only clue that
01:42:59the space-wolf's lips were actually moving.
01:43:02"'If you stand in my way again, it will be no honoured duel that decides his fate.'
01:43:10Cestus paused for a moment, matching Bryngar's intensity with a stern expression.
01:43:15"'Very well,' the ultramarine replied, and then added,
01:43:18"'I need you in this fight, Bryngar. I need the strength of your arm and the steel of
01:43:23your courage.'
01:43:24The old wolf sniffed in mild contempt.
01:43:27"'But not my counsel, eh?'
01:43:30Cestus was about to counter when Bryngar continued,
01:43:33"'You'll have my arm and my courage right enough,' he said, waving Cestus away with
01:43:39his clawed hand.
01:43:40"'Leave me now. I'm sure there's more to drink in here somewhere.'
01:43:46Cestus breathed in hard and turned away.
01:43:49Yes, Bryngar remained in the fight—the ultramarine had gained that much—but he
01:43:54had lost something much more potent—a friend.
01:44:00Cestus did not have much time to lament the ending of Bryngar's friendship, as he made
01:44:04for the bridge.
01:44:05Down one of the Rothwell's access corridors he received a vox transmission that crackled
01:44:10in the receiver node on his gorget.
01:44:12"'Captain Cestus,' said Admiral Kaminska's voice.
01:44:15"'Speak, admiral, this is Cestus.'
01:44:17"'You are required at the isolation chambers at once,' she said.
01:44:21"'For what reason, admiral?' Cestus replied, betraying his annoyance at the
01:44:25admiral's brevity.
01:44:27"'Lord Maltep is awake.'
01:44:29Once Cestus had left, Bryngar found a last barrel of wolf's-mead and guzzled it down,
01:44:35foam and liquid lapping at his beard.
01:44:37He cared little for the revival of the Thousand Sun, and slumped back into Melancholy, their
01:44:42passage through the war perfecting him more than he would admit.
01:44:46A haze overtook his vision, and he could smell the scent of the cold and hear the lap of
01:44:51Fenrissian oceans.
01:44:52Bryngar wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and remembered standing atop a jagged
01:44:56glacier, with naught but a flint knife and a loincloth to cover his dignity.
01:45:01This was not a punishment, he recalled, recognising the place from his past.
01:45:06It was a reward.
01:45:07Only the toughest Fenrissian youths were considered for the test.
01:45:11It was called the Blooding, but so rarely did a space wolf speak of it that it barely
01:45:16needed a name at all.
01:45:17Faced with the bleak white nightmare of the Fenrissian winter, Bryngar had found the bone
01:45:22of a long-dead ice-predator, and had fixed his knife to it to make a spear.
01:45:27He had stalked patiently, following the short-lived tracks of the prey-beast across the ice and
01:45:33When he had killed it, it had put up a mighty fight, because even the most docile of Fenrissian
01:45:38creatures were angry monsters.
01:45:41After consuming its flesh, he had skinned it with his own hands, and it had become a
01:45:47had skinned it and worn the skin as a cloak, as if part of the beast's essence lived on
01:45:51within him.
01:45:52Without its fur and flesh, he would have died during the first night.
01:45:57He had then sharpened its bones into more blades, in case he lost his knife.
01:46:02He wove a line from its tendons and made a hook from a tiny bone in its inner ear, using
01:46:07it to pull fish from the sea.
01:46:09He split its jawbone in two and carried it as a club.
01:46:13Bryngar trekked his way back towards the Fang, using faint glimpses of the winter sun to
01:46:18show him the way as he descended the glacier.
01:46:21Upon a rugged place of razor-shards, the ice collapsed to pitch him into a sickle-tooth
01:46:27He fought his way free of the scaly predators with his jawbone club.
01:46:31Onwards he pressed, and a frost-lynx ambushed him, but he wrestled the writhing feline to
01:46:36the ground and bit out its throat, saturating himself in gore.
01:46:41The journey was long.
01:46:42He had killed a sky-blade hawk with a thrown bone-knife.
01:46:46He had scaled mountains.
01:46:48When finally he saw the gates of the Fang ahead, Bryngar understood the lesson that
01:46:53the blooding was supposed to teach him.
01:46:55It was not about survival or fighting, or even the determination required of an Astartes.
01:47:00Any prospective space-wolf who made it to the blooding had already shown that he had
01:47:05those skills and qualities.
01:47:07The blooding's message was far harder to learn.
01:47:11We are all alone, Bryngar muttered, having drained the last of the wolf's mead.
01:47:18Briefly his mind wandered back to the blooding.
01:47:21He remembered that an enormous shaggy black wolf had appeared on a crag overlooking the
01:47:25path he was to take.
01:47:27It had watched him for a long time, and he had known that it was a wolfen, the half-mythical
01:47:31predators said to be born from the earth of Fenris to winnow out the weak.
01:47:36The wolfen had not approached him, but Bryngar had felt its eyes watching him for days on
01:47:41He wondered if the creature's gaze had ever left him.
01:47:44The same wolfen was now sitting before him, regarding Bryngar with its black eyes.
01:47:50The wolf-guard returned its gaze, and saw his face mirrored in the beast's pupils.
01:47:56"'You're alone,' he said.
01:47:58"'We're pack animals, all of us.
01:48:01But that's just—that's just on the surface.
01:48:06We cling to the pack, because if we did not, there would be no legion.
01:48:09We are alone, all of us.
01:48:11There might as well be no one else on this bloody ship.'
01:48:15The wolfen did not reply.
01:48:18"'Just you and me,' said Bryngar huskily.
01:48:23The wolfen shook itself like a dog drying its fur.
01:48:26It growled powerfully and stood up on all fours.
01:48:29It was the size of a horse, its head level with the space-wolf's.
01:48:33The wolfen bowed down and picked something up off the floor with its jaws, with a flick
01:48:37of its head.
01:48:38He threw it at Bryngar's feet.
01:48:41It was a bolt-pistol.
01:48:43The grip was plated with shards of the bone-knife that Bryngar had been carrying when he arrived
01:48:47at the fang after his blooding.
01:48:49His fish-hook hung from the butt of the gun on a thong made from animal tendon.
01:48:54Sky-blade talons and Frostling's teeth decorated the body of the weapon in an intricate mosaic
01:48:59depicting a black wolf against the whiteness of a Fenrisian winter.
01:49:04"'Ah,' said the wolf-guard, picking the weapon up,
01:49:07"'that's where it got to.'
01:49:11Fate was a lattice of interconnecting strands of potential realities and possible futures.
01:49:17Eventualities flowed in bifurcating lines and paradoxes.
01:49:21Destiny was unfixed, existing purely as a series of outcomes, and even the most infinitesimal
01:49:26action had consequence and resonance.
01:49:30Motep regarded the myriad strands of fate in his mind.
01:49:34Focusing on the silence and solace of the isolation-chamber, vision sprang unbidden
01:49:38to his mind.
01:49:39Glorious mountains of power rose up before him.
01:49:43Galaxies boiled away in the distance, points of burning light on an endless silver sky.
01:49:49Infinite layers of reality fell, each one teeming with life.
01:49:53Motep's concepts of history and humanity saw endless cities springing up like grass
01:49:58and withering away again, to be replaced by spires greater than those on Prospero.
01:50:04Motep's memories flared up against the sky and became whole worlds.
01:50:09Subsumed completely within the meditative trance-state, he saw the magnificence of the
01:50:14Emperor's palace, its golden walls resplendent against the Terran sun.
01:50:19He saw the finery and gilded glory torn down, artistry and mosaic replaced by gun-metal
01:50:26The palace became a fortress, cannons like black fingers pointing towards an enemy burning
01:50:31from the sky above.
01:50:33Driven earth and waves of blood tarnished its glory.
01:50:37Brother fought brother in their legions, and changeling beasts loped out of the dark at
01:50:42the behest of fell-masters.
01:50:45War-machines soared, their titanic presence blotting out the smoke-scarred sun.
01:50:49Thunder boomed and lightning split the blood-drenched sky as their weapons spoke.
01:50:55Laughter pealed across the heavens, and the Emperor of mankind looked skyward, where
01:50:59shadows blackened the crimson horizon.
01:51:02Light so bright that it burned Motep's irises flared like the luminance of an exploding
01:51:09When he looked back, the battlefield was gone, the Emperor was gone.
01:51:14There was only the isolation-chamber and the escaping resonance of purpose drifting out
01:51:18of Motep's consciousness.
01:51:21"'Greetings, Cestus,' he said, noting the Ultramarine's presence in the room as he
01:51:26shrouded the disorientation and discomfort he felt after leaving the fate-trance.
01:51:31"'It is good to have you back with us, brother,' said Cestus, who had lingered at
01:51:35the threshold, but now stepped fully into the chamber to stand in front of his fellow
01:51:40Motep turned to face the Ultramarine and gave a shallow bow.
01:51:44"'I see you still do not see fit to offer better accommodations.'
01:51:49Prior to the Thousand Suns' revival, Cestus had ordered that as soon as he awoke and his
01:51:54vital signs were confirmed, Motep should be taken at once to the isolation-chamber.
01:51:59There existed no doubt of his abilities.
01:52:01It meant that he had defied the edicts of Nicaea, and it meant that he had a connection
01:52:06to the warp.
01:52:07Whether it was one he could exploit or would need to sever, Cestus did not yet know.
01:52:13"'You come to learn of what I gleaned from brother Altus,' Motep stated, content to
01:52:17guide the conversation.
01:52:19The Ultramarine found his prescience unnerving.
01:52:22"'Don't worry, Cestus, I am not probing your mind,' added the Thousand Sun, sensing
01:52:27his fellow Astartes' unease.
01:52:29"'What other possible reason could there be for you to have been summoned to my presence
01:52:33so urgently?'
01:52:35"'Altus, that is his name?'
01:52:37"'Indeed,' Motep answered, parting the robes he wore to sit upon the bunk in the
01:52:43The Astartes' armour had been removed during his time in the Medibay.
01:52:47There it lay still with the rest of the Thousand Suns' accoutrements.
01:52:51Cestus noted, however, that Motep still wore the scarab earring, glinting in the depths
01:52:56of his cowl from the ambient light in the room, and remained hurried throughout the
01:53:02"'What else did you learn?
01:53:03What do the word-bearers plan to do?'
01:53:06"'Formosca is where it begins,' Motep answered simply.
01:53:10Cestus made an incredulous face.
01:53:13"'The second moon of Macragge?
01:53:15It's a barren rock.
01:53:16There's nothing there.'
01:53:17"'On the contrary, Ultramarine,' countered Motep, lowering his head.
01:53:21"'Everything is on Formosca.'
01:53:24"'I don't understand,' said Cestus.
01:53:27Motep lifted his head.
01:53:29His eyes were alight with crimson flame.
01:53:32"'Then let me show you,' he said, as Cestus recoiled, lunging forward to thrust his open
01:53:37palm against the Ultramarine's head.
01:53:44Chapter 15 Desecration
01:53:47Communion Visions of Death
01:53:50Scrawl surged through the dark and the heat, rising now, exploiting conduits and pipes,
01:53:55and using any means he could to secrete his ascent up the decks of the furious abyss.
01:54:00Finally he arrived, incredulously, at the place where weeks before he had fled, leaving
01:54:05Antiges to his death.
01:54:07He had returned—to the temple.
01:54:10Scrawl found that Antiges remained, too.
01:54:13Dismembered in his armour, the dark blue of the ceramite almost hidden by the red sheen
01:54:19of blood, the world-eater could only tell it was Antiges by his chapter symbols.
01:54:24Little more than a collection of body parts existed now.
01:54:27What lay before him on a pall, attended by silent acolytes, could barely be considered
01:54:33a corpse.
01:54:34Antiges's head was missing.
01:54:38Scrawl had heard of the inhabitants of feral worlds who dismembered their foes, or sacrificed
01:54:43humans to their heathen gods.
01:54:45The world-eaters had their own warrior traditions, most of them bloody, but nothing to compare
01:54:50to the religious mutilation he had seen among the savages.
01:54:53To see Astartes, especially the self-righteously sophisticated word-bearers, doing thus, shocked
01:54:59Scrawl as much as the moment that the furious abyss had turned on the imperial fleet.
01:55:04The galaxy was changing very quickly.
01:55:07The words of Zadkiel, spoken so many days ago in the gallery, echoed back at him.
01:55:12The world-eater shrank deeper into the shadows as he saw Astartes entering the chamber.
01:55:17One, the warrior he had fought earlier in the temple during his escape, he recognized.
01:55:22It was not with a little satisfaction that he saw the metal artifice attached to the
01:55:27word-bearer's face, where Scrawl had broken his jaw and shattered his cheekbone.
01:55:32A darkly armoured chaplain accompanied the warrior rescue.
01:55:36One of the demagogues of the legion, the chaplain wore a skull-faced battle-helm with conjoined
01:55:41rebreather apparatus, worked into the gorget, and carried Acrosius, the icon of his office.
01:55:47Silently Reskiel gave the acolytes orders.
01:55:50As if understanding on some instinctive level, they bowed curtly and proceeded to lift what
01:55:55was left of Antiges on a steel pole.
01:55:58Together they raised him up onto their shoulders, and, led by the chaplain, left the room.
01:56:04Reskiel lingered in their wake, probing the shadows, and for a brief moment Scrawl thought
01:56:09he was discovered, but the word-bearer turned eventually and followed the macabre procession.
01:56:16Loosening the grip of his chain-axe, the world-eater went after them.
01:56:21Trailing the enemy at a discrete distance, Scrawl was led down a pathway lined with
01:56:25statues that flowed towards what he assumed was the prow of the ship.
01:56:29He had previously steered clear of the vessel's forward sections, preferring to hide himself in
01:56:34the industrial tangle of the sternwood engine-decks.
01:56:37But a greater understanding of his enemy was worth the risk.
01:56:41Continuing his pursuit, the world-eater found himself in darkness, lit only by candles
01:56:46mounted in alcoves.
01:56:48Watching intently, Scrawl witnessed the pole-bearers saying a prayer to set of blast-doors.
01:56:53The exact words were indiscernible, but their reverence was obvious, before continuing into
01:56:58a dim chamber beyond.
01:57:00Using the shadows like a concealing cloak, Scrawl moved into the room.
01:57:05As he got further inside, he realized that it was an anatomy theatre.
01:57:10A surgeon's slab dominated the centre of the room, surrounded by circular tiers of seating,
01:57:15though they were not occupied.
01:57:17Whatever ritual or experiment was to be performed here was a clandestine one.
01:57:22The chaplain, the vestments he wore across his armour fringed with black trim, beckoned
01:57:27the acolytes forward.
01:57:28The debased creatures, hunchbacked and robed, slunk to the table as one.
01:57:33Sibilant emanations pierced the silence softly, as they took the disparate sections of Antigues's
01:57:39corpse and laid them out on the slab.
01:57:42Obscene and profane, the gorge in Scrawl's throat rose, and his anger swelled at the
01:57:47sight of the act.
01:57:48Taken apart like that, it was as if Antigues was no more than a machine to be stripped
01:57:53down, or meat cleaved at the butcher's block.
01:57:56Coldness smothered the anger and bile within Scrawl, as if his blood had been poured on
