Trap: M.Night Shyamalan Is So Proud Of Daughter, Saleka

  • 3 months ago
M.Night Shyamalan says he chose Josh Hartnett to play a serial killer dad in his new movie, Trap as he's such a nice guy. He also revealed how proud he is of the star's main actress and singer, Saleka, who's his daughter. Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00So let's talk about being at the O2 for this Trap screening. How special is this in London?
00:03I love it. I mean, we have family here. I mean, for me, London's always kind of second
00:08home, and it's just been so much a part of this journey of 30 years, and the first time
00:13I ever travelled to promote a movie was here, so it's always kind of dear to me.
00:19Yeah, and a concert venue as well. That was cleverly thought out, wasn't it?
00:22I know. It was beautiful.
00:23And let's talk about the chap to your left here. I mean, you got Josh Hartnett to play
00:27a serial killer. Talk to me about how that process happened.
00:31You know, it's one of those things. I have to trust that that person that I'm writing,
00:35however weird and different it is, exists, you know? I write a little kid that sees ghosts
00:39and can't tell his mom, and Hailey Joel Osment walks in. You have to trust that you're writing
00:46something so specific that literally only one person can play it in the world. I mean,
00:51I feel that way about it, and in this movie, when you see the movie, only Josh could have
00:55played this part, so you go through all this noise, you know, as you're looking for someone,
00:59but then, you know, if you're coming from the right place, it comes to you.
01:03He said it took you 19 years to ask him.
01:06Ha ha ha! That's not true. That's not true.
01:10What about the fact that he read around this? He read a lot of books.
01:14Did you know what he was reading? Did you have an insight into that?
01:17I mean, we talked about, you know, I'd read a ton of books, so I was conveying to him,
01:20you know, the types and the things that I learned and what I based the character on.
01:23I mean, I've always loved this subject matter, so it's something that I've read a lot about,
01:26but then he started to really get involved. I think he reads a lot as well.
01:29Yeah, it must be so nice having someone that gets involved like that.
01:32Yeah, it is.
01:32Talking about getting involved, Salika is absolutely incredible.
01:35Oh, thank you.
01:36How are you feeling about this moment? She's on the centre stage. She's absolutely incredible.
01:40You must be so proud.
01:42I am. You know, it's strange. I don't get proud about achievements like that. I don't
01:45get proud about, you know, necessarily the finished thing or the response of it. That's
01:52not what I'm proud of them for. I'm proud of them for when no one's looking, what they
01:58do, the everyday thing, because all that other stuff is not in our control. You know, even
02:03the finished product to some extent is not in our control because there's so many factors,
02:07but every day what you do, those small things, that's how she'll be here 40 years from now
02:13doing this.
02:13And why are they both so perfect for the roles that they're taking on?
02:18Yeah, well, you know, I wrote one role for Salika. Essentially, it's like an enhanced
02:22version of Salika, like more extroverted, and Josh needed to be this kind of, you know,
02:27charming, handsome, really sweet dad, and it's just incompatible with the things that
02:33he's done. Just incompatible. You can't see the connection, and so that's part of it,
02:38finding someone that's so nice and so lovable.
02:41And why should people see this? What is your message about DRAP?
02:45You know, for me, we tried to make two experiences together, the idea of being in a concert and
02:50a really suspenseful thriller that you're breathless in, to put them both together in
02:54one experience, to see them in the movie theatre with as many people as possible.
