Class (1983) Comedy Romance Drama

  • 2 months ago
Jonathan ( Andrew McCarthy ), a naive young boy, wins a chance to study at a swanky school in the city. Here, he meets Skip (Rob Lowe), who helps him fall in love however things took Jonathan towards real trouble
00:03:12Great douchebag
00:03:38Hey, you must be Jonathan the Esquire Franklin Burroughs before call me skip. Hi skip. I'll give you a hand
00:03:48Peter Jonathan, what day you got here dead body? No, you know, I got my books my clothes
00:03:53I kind of you know last year we had a guy smuggled his girlfriend up here in one of these. Yeah, he lost the key
00:04:00By the time he found it. She was dead
00:04:04Just kidding. Oh
00:04:06Welcome to Vernon Academy
00:04:09This is your side of the room. Oh, I guess no one told you you only have to wear this rag on duty. Oh, yeah
00:04:15Nobody said anything. I thought make yourself at home
00:04:20So, where are you from where'd you go to school? Well
00:04:24Grew up in Pittsburgh gone to public school there for about but holy
00:04:32Mmm, how about these great, huh?
00:04:35You know these assholes they all go to Neiman Marcus, but I found this outrageous boutique honorees. Yeah, it's great stuff
00:04:42Huh? Yeah, you know these things don't win first prize. There is no God. Yeah, hurry up and change change
00:04:52Forgot you've never been to prep school. Mm-hmm. You must think I'm pretty weird, huh?
00:04:57Well, look, this is a Vernon tradition
00:05:00You see every year the seniors have to parade around the campus wearing women's underwear
00:05:05Supposed to teach us humility see seniors give the squid shit all year long. And this is their one chance to laugh at us. Oh
00:05:16Yeah, you thought
00:05:19Come on, this is a tradition. Yeah. Geez. What are you gonna do? Oh, no, look, I'll just stay here and unpack it. Thank you
00:05:31Now we're in luck
00:05:34Memento come on. I really don't want to get dressed up now. Hey, you're not getting mine
00:05:38I plan for they'll want you on a granted, you know, you're not gonna win any prizes with these but at least you won't be
00:05:44Get changed
00:05:52Come on man, come on
00:06:38Don't know what you guys
00:07:08Look out
00:07:33Look it really is a tradition. Somebody falls for it every year. No hard feelings. Okay
00:07:38Look it was just a prank. Don't take it personally
00:07:44Roommates we're gonna be together for a whole year truce
00:08:07Think I'm alone with you. Yeah. Yeah. Hello miss is your dance card filled?
00:08:23Mr. Dibble knows to you may bomb comes a walrus, man
00:08:35Good evening, mr. May bomb sir all present accounted for. Hmm
00:08:43Well, good night then mr. Maybe good night, sir
00:08:57One more thing if you have any trouble with a boy smoking, let me know
00:09:23Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the lovely miss April
00:10:17God what a tool we're talking mega dork
00:10:44Hey, look Jonathan, I think you've been made oh
00:10:48Oh my god
00:11:23This meant to amuse me mr. Burroughs
00:11:26Why don't you stop by my office about eight in the morning?
00:11:29It'll give you time to think about what you've done and it'll give me time to think about what I'm going to do
00:11:37Please invite your dead roommate
00:12:05I'm sorry. Oh, it's a lousy thing to do. Huh? I'm so humiliated. I just had to kill myself
00:12:14Just a prank just a prank no hard feelings, huh?
00:12:26I'm not really ready for this conversation. I
00:12:29Usually have at least a month before I am faced with students in women's underwear or an artist's rendering of my persona
00:12:37dangling from the rafters
00:12:39We're only in the first week gentlemen, it's frightening to imagine what could happen by Christmas, isn't it? Yes, sir
00:12:47That was rhetorical boys. I like to give everybody one chance to screw up
00:12:53I think we can assume you've each had yours now. I
00:12:57Hope for your sakes. This is the last such conversation. I'll have with you until the end of the year
00:13:02No, ifs ands or buts, is that clear?
00:13:06Yes, sir
00:13:08Well, we really got to watch it from now on we got to straighten out get serious be responsible better clean up our October
00:13:14Absolutely. Hallelujah
00:13:19Never gonna sell it to us man. It's never gonna work
00:13:33Which one of you youngsters is planning to buy this I am oh really
00:13:38How old are you son?
00:13:49You did it I'm astounded by your sheer brilliance in the magnitude of your goal. Yeah, so am I
00:14:05This is something I've never told anyone
00:14:08See, you've got to swear to me what you hear will not leave this room
00:14:12swear to God
00:14:14Okay, swear to God
00:14:23I killed a guy
00:14:25Yeah, I mean it Jonathan me too
00:14:31last year, I
00:14:33Was in Montego Bay with some friends
00:14:36And we're all in this bar
00:14:39And I met this gorgeous girl
00:14:41She takes me back to her place and then the next thing I know some huge guy had a gun to my head and my
00:14:46Great gorgeous gal. She's going through my pockets. Okay?
00:14:49Well, I must have been really drunk
00:14:50I kicked the son of a bitch in the balls and I went for the gun and then the next thing I know there's this
00:14:54huge explosion
00:15:01The guy was
00:15:04Lying on the ground with blood
00:15:14It was horrible
00:15:26What'd you do what do you think I did, you know, I got the hell out of there
00:15:34What's the worst thing you've ever done I
00:15:40Cheated on my SAT. Yeah, I didn't smell bullshit. I'm out. Hey, it cost me 150 bucks. I bought the test. I
00:15:47Had every answer going in
00:15:50Cheated on the SAT you cheated on the SAT. Yeah
00:15:55Mr. Scholarship, I mean even Roger did okay on the SAT. It just so happens my whole life depends on my getting into Harvard
00:16:04It's pretty serious
00:16:08Hey, you killed a guy
00:16:13Well, not exactly
00:16:16I saw a bitch got away with everything I have. You know, I was so scared. I shit my pants
00:16:30Don't know what to do
00:16:36Don't know what to do
00:16:42Don't know what to do
00:16:58No captain wasn't here's obvious
00:17:01The Apple represents original sin
00:17:03Yeah, it sticks in his side like Christ's wound and eventually just festers and destroys
00:17:08No, no. No, what he's really saying is we're all cockroaches
00:17:14Hey, guess what? You're doing tonight. That's wrong. You've got a date with a second prettiest girl in Foxfield
00:17:23You did oh I did I did oh, I'm not gonna be able to do this
00:17:27Hey, we're not gonna get caught not talking about that. I'm talking about the girls
00:17:32I've never done it before
00:17:34You've never done that before
00:17:39Sure, I've done it God lots of times
00:17:42I mean, you know, not all the way every time but I
00:17:47Feel sick
00:17:50You've got nothing to worry about these are very nice girls I might not even get laid tonight
00:17:58Although that's highly unlikely try flight
00:18:03This is crazy, you know, we're gonna get caught, you know, what they're gonna do if they catch us sure
00:18:08But it doesn't all the candle to what the girls are gonna do
00:18:30Don't believe this
00:18:37They are right on time
00:18:48Not that they don't want to work it's just that we haven't given them the opportunity
00:18:52What people are just like you and me except they don't have any money, but it's not their fault
00:18:57So many kids they can't get out from under we've been educated. We use birth control
00:19:02We're not gonna get pregnant, but nobody gives a damn about them and their situation will never change until we do something about it
00:19:08You don't agree
00:19:39You know deep down inside I really think they liked me
00:19:52Guess what? I just did for you. I don't want to know
00:19:55Welcome aboard. Mr. Secretary, you know secretary the dance committee bullshit. It's just an excuse to get out of class
00:20:02That's only one of its positive aspects. Best part is there's five of us
00:20:08479 of them
00:20:10Let's get
00:20:25Just a little girl
00:20:41This is the way we think it should go just before the last dance our mrs. DeBruyne and your mr
00:20:47Kennedy will present the prize for best costume. It can we just say something? We think this whole costume thing is really childish what?
00:20:54But it's a Halloween dance Julia. There are more important things in the world than Halloween
00:20:59There are people starving right here in our own backyard Lisa. Why don't you offer our guests some sandwiches?
00:21:05But a Halloween dance without any costumes is just like every other dance
00:21:09Personally, I think any dance is inappropriate considering the condition of the world today
00:21:13I am so tired of you two and your pseudo intellectual liberal crap Julie
00:21:18Well, you're cotton candy idea of life makes me sick Lisa
00:21:45Know why don't we leave it up to the individual as to whether he or she would like to wear a costume?
00:21:52What do you think about that Jonathan I'm terribly sorry mrs. DeBruyne
00:21:57Yes, it was most unfortunate
00:22:01The vase was a gift from Eleanor Roosevelt
00:22:05Irreplaceable no. No, I don't think that's being too extreme not at all
00:22:08As a matter of fact, I think you're being quite generous
00:22:17Well, mr. Burroughs
00:22:19You and your dance committee have really made an indelible impression on our sister school and especially you mr
00:22:27Ogner not only are you forbidden to attend the Halloween dance?
00:22:32But you are the first student in the history of Vernon Academy ever to be banned from Foxfield until and I quote
00:22:40The day you die on your way gentlemen
00:22:58The only females within a hundred
00:23:02Yes, you're gonna die virgin buddy some of that
00:23:08You pal mr. Alligator you wanna buy a shirt
00:23:22You look troubled my son
00:23:36Worry is thou not about being banished forever from the Foxfield school for girls for yay
00:23:42Though they are the only females within a hundred miles. There is still a place without cans to journey to
00:23:48Chicago on the nine o'clock bus
00:23:52Jonathan desperate circumstances require desperate measures sexually you're finished in this part of the state unless you rub it in
00:23:58Look take this ticket go to Rush Street to the free and easy Club and there you will meet the girl of your dreams
00:24:05and if she ain't there take what you can get grab a cab take her to Grays Lake Inn and there you will
00:24:11Plant your seed in the Garden of Eden
00:24:16Here's a hundred bucks get it Jonathan until you get laid none of us are safe
00:24:25Whatever you do
00:24:27Jesus don't tell her you're in high school. Tell her you're a longshoreman what?
00:24:31All right, tell her you're a theater critic for the Times. Yeah, that's better
00:24:36Jonathan you're going I don't want to see your ass back here until you succeed
00:24:40In fact, I'm not gonna let you in the room until you bring me
00:24:42Her panties. Oh, come on. Look skip. I'm not like you. I don't have your charm your finesse your class
00:24:50Whatever. I'm no good with women. I know that you know that the broads go to the free and easy
00:24:56They don't know that look Jonathan
00:24:59You're a great guy. You've got a lot going for you. Hey, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it
00:25:05Well, I might say it if I didn't mean it but probably not to you
00:25:14Don't need some money, but I'm a little short today get this one for the keeper. Come on you guys. Let's go
00:27:36My name is Jonathan
00:27:57Maybe another time
00:29:11Nice little property house. Thanks
00:29:31Hear love, yeah, you know, I've got a really good feeling
00:29:45Very exciting Nora
00:29:47You hear that all the time
00:29:51Now again, let me test it
00:29:54What you're take this quarter close your eyes
00:30:00See if you can run the quarter from your forehead to your chin and then from ear to ear
00:30:05But without ever losing contact with your skin
00:30:08That's it. Tell us everything we need to know
00:30:25Yeah, I did
00:30:36How'd I do I guess the bugs just weren't right
00:31:07Excuse me, could I show you something?
00:31:24Why am I such a turd?
00:31:26It happened to anyone here
00:31:29Vodka tonic, please only a dip would fall for something like that. Well, you might be right
00:31:50Feel excuse me, I'm gonna find a very tall building with a fabulous view
00:32:04Trailways bus terminal, please. I
00:32:13Know just the tall building
00:32:38Why don't you come back over here? Why don't you come over here? No, I'm comfortable right here. What are you afraid of?
00:32:50Look I want to be totally honest to you scaring the hell out of me
00:32:55Hey, you know, I just started something I haven't eaten what about you are you hungry?
00:33:01Wait a second. I could buy us dinner
00:33:08Am gonna jump it's only money. Yeah, what's my only money?
00:33:16Have you ever have you ever been in love? Yeah, it's pretty fun of that $100 bill. Have you?
00:33:30You're asking me the turd well, you look like a pretty sensitive turn to me
00:33:38Do you think there's a something wrong with me
00:33:45Well, look how do I know I mean I don't I don't know you we can fix that
00:33:55Yeah, are you hungry cuz I am pretty hungry, um, what do you say you could buy us dinner, okay, so what do you want to eat
00:34:06Do you like Italian
00:34:33This is an elevator really I love elevators, I think they're just wonderful
00:34:43That's the way they go up and down
00:34:48Do you oh, yeah, I think it's great
00:34:55Which do you prefer
00:34:58Going up
00:35:01Or going down
00:35:07Up up is fun
00:35:11Going down it's much more exciting. Well, yeah now that you mentioned it down is
00:35:17Of course going up can be a thrill
00:35:27That's what I think
00:35:33Wait, yeah hoppers down this
00:36:16Doing this lying down. Oh, yeah. Sure. Whatever
00:37:09Good good
00:37:12Aren't I
00:37:13Look, it's been two days. Now. Maybe something's happened to him. I thought he'd be back by Friday. I can't take this anymore
00:37:19I can't covering for him. Where the hell is he?
00:37:21How the hell should I know you had to send a little douchebag off to rush Street, didn't you?
00:37:25Oh, shut up your clone up your tube. That's it. I'm telling Kennedy
00:37:30Skip it's been nice knowing you
00:37:33Where the hell have you been?
00:37:51Now fucking elevator that was the first time I can't stand it. Oh
00:37:57stuck between the 51st and 52nd floor
00:38:03How old is oh god
00:38:07mid 30s. Oh
00:38:18Now let's each of us take a moment to look within ourselves and ask for guidance and strength
00:38:29How big
00:38:39What's your name?
00:38:43She's a fashion designer
00:38:45Told her I'm a Northwestern working on my PhD and she bought it
00:38:49And you really? Mm-hmm
00:38:52Jesus and she really
00:39:49Okay, see you Monday wait a minute wait a minute listen to this
00:39:55One out of every two males experiences impotence at least once in his late teens one out of two. Holy shit
00:40:04Well have a swell weekend give Ellen my love
00:42:36Are you ready? Mm-hmm
00:42:44It's called an instant margarita ready when you are open
00:43:33Love you
00:43:42Now a lot of people they ruin a good thing with pressure and strings they suffocate each other I
00:43:48Don't want that kind of relationship
00:43:51I don't think you do either. You know, Ellen when I said I loved you I
00:43:57Didn't mean for you to get the impression that I actually love you. It's a cliche one falls back on in this situation
00:44:06What I was trying to say is I very much like you
00:44:11We shouldn't exaggerate the significance of that. It's we have a good time together
00:44:19Instead of you coming down next weekend, why don't I come up up? Yeah to Northwestern
00:44:28We'll stay at your place
00:44:31My place at Northwestern
00:44:34Yeah, great. That's a great idea. When do you want to come up?
00:44:39Next weekend. Oh, yeah next weekend. I won't be there. I'll be uh, I'll be in the city
00:44:48Yeah, no, no, New York I have to attend the seminar
00:44:54That's even better
00:44:59Yeah, we'll do the whole romantic bullshit routine great time
00:45:15Wake up limp-dick. Oh
00:45:18Rise and shine. Come on, you're gonna be late for chapel. Let's go
00:45:25Jesus what you look horrible. Oh
00:45:32I don't believe it. What now?
00:45:37New York
00:45:39Told her I'd meet her in New York in New York. Jesus. What do you love this chick, huh?
00:45:46Did she know you love her
00:45:49No, really. Did she know you love her? She know you've gone completely off the deep end
00:45:54All I know is I gotta find a seminar in New York
00:46:52Happen to like this eyesore
00:47:00Yes, could we try this jacket in his size, please
00:47:0439 regular we're not getting rid of it entirely. We're just giving it a much-needed rest
00:47:16All right
00:47:21Very nice
00:47:24What do you think very distinguished
00:47:28Now slacks. Mm-hmm. May I suggest something?
00:47:3431 30. No, what do you think about my trousers?
00:47:39They speak for themselves, all right, sir, you'll find a dressing room right over there. Thank you
00:48:39What do you think I have to catch
00:48:48Come on
00:49:20What am I gonna do I
00:49:23Don't know a number. I
00:49:25Don't know where dress. I don't even know her last name
00:49:28You're pretty well, did you?
00:49:36Look she was bound to find out about it soon. Yeah, just so she was later, you know
00:49:48Hey, you're gonna spend the rest of your life in bed
00:49:54Don't you think you're taking this a little hard
00:49:57You gotta go to dinner
00:50:00Come on, I can't believe you'd forego eggplant surprise. I'm not hungry. That's no reason not to eat the shit
00:50:06Coming or not last chance
00:50:16One more chance
00:50:24This is your final and last chance leave me alone
00:50:45Very well done. Mr. Jenkins
00:50:49Extraordinarily average. Mr. Mabon very nice. Mr. Jackson
00:50:56Very perceptive. Mr. Burroughs
00:50:59Too vague. Mr. Goob, sir. I
00:51:02Think we have something really mediocre here. Mr. Ragnar. Let's not keep it up
00:51:08Offended all my sensibilities. Mr. Ruskin
00:51:14Wait up
00:51:16Well see plus now you've really got something to be depressed about even Roger got a p-minus I don't give a shit
00:51:28So, what are you gonna do for Christmas crucify yourself
00:51:31Jonathan, I think you're missing the point here. I do she was beautiful. She was wonderful, but a fuck
00:51:38Just fuck. Yeah, sometimes you're a real asshole fine
00:51:41I'm an asshole, but you're not the first guy to get dumped on you one thing
00:51:44I don't need right now is a world according to skippy here
00:51:49Do is both the favor, huh? Just shut up. Okay, mr. Death
00:52:04Damn it Roger. Would you hurry up? Don't rush me playing poker. All right, shut up. All right. All right
00:52:10Does a full house beat a flush or does a flush beat a full house?
00:52:15How many times do we have to tell
00:52:24It's Jonathan he's really freaking out
00:52:29Jonathan's always freaking out about it
00:52:33Well, yeah the lease
00:52:35It's a redeal because it was your card. You know after the someone leaves doesn't count
00:52:42It's a no no game. No way. No way
00:53:33Come on shut up. Shut up
00:53:36Listen, man, you're gonna get kicked out of here. You can kiss your whole fucking future. Goodbye, including Harvard
00:53:41Do you hear me? Yeah
00:54:12Just can't talk about it right now
00:54:13Hey, look, my parents give a shitload of money to this place. Nobody's kicking you out. What's done is done
00:54:25You dirt Clyde
00:54:29Harvard accepted you already. Hey headmaster Kennedy said and I quote Jonathan you're a credit to us all and
00:54:37You saved my life. Oh, you still owe me a blowjob
00:54:42Jesus John can't forget these things my man. We're drinking. It's on you. Yeah, of course. Oh
00:54:48Mom, come on. We can trim the tree when I get there. I'm only gonna be gone the first four days
00:54:55I'll be I'll be home for Christmas
00:54:59Nope I gotta go. Yeah, I'll call you when I get there. I promise. I love you too. Yeah, okay
00:56:04Welcome to Toad Hall
00:56:10I've never seen such a vulgar display of wealth in my entire life
00:56:15How do I get one?
00:56:16Well, you can do what we did bootlegging bought the place
00:56:20bootlegging, huh before Gramps went legit
00:56:30These are not for you, okay
00:56:36That's not much but it's home
00:56:45Great I want you to meet Jonathan my roommate and a chronic bedwetter
00:56:49You are not too old for me to put you over my Nina
00:56:52Really Oh do it now Maggie do it now
00:56:56Oh crazy
00:57:18You know, this room has always had a special place in my heart come here
00:57:43Don't know better you want to get good and ripped for an evening at home with the Burroughs
00:57:49Listen don't let the old man scare you. If you really want to get on his good side
00:57:53Just tell him you got a hard-on for firm government control
00:57:57Government control Jonathan is anathema to the free enterprise system
00:58:03Any intelligent person knows that you cannot interfere with the laws of supply and demand
00:58:08Well, I see your point sir. That's the reason I'm not for tariffs, right?
00:58:13No wrong you got a half tariff son. I'm not for tariffs
00:58:17You got a half tariff son. Are you gonna compete with the damn foreigners have tariffs?
00:58:26We're in here dear come on in we're having a drink
00:58:41Why would you meet my roommate Jonathan Jonathan, this is my mom
00:58:53Very nice to meet you mrs. Burroughs
00:58:59Well, I
00:59:01Would like to freshen up. So I I think I will freshen up and
00:59:06I'll see you all at dinner
00:59:17Where were we before?
00:59:21Yes, government interference. I'm also adamantly opposed to the government bailing out corporations
00:59:29Unless of course, it's one of our corporations
00:59:33Pretty quick on Jonathan chip off the old block
01:00:00Jonathan yes
01:00:07Evidently you and I have something in common
01:00:15Can you guess what that might be
01:00:18I'll leave it. Thank you. Get it Maggie
01:00:24Jonathan I too was the first boy in my class at Vernon to be accepted at Harvard
01:00:33Jonathan how wonderful congratulations
01:00:46Want you to try the roast dear
01:01:09Wish we had food like this today. Well vermin, you probably have a lot fewer suicides
01:01:15It's concentrated more in your studies and less on your bad jokes. Perhaps you too would
01:01:26Well, Jonathan back to Harvard
01:01:30I imagine this is a very
01:01:32Exciting time in your life. Oh, yes. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I bet you are. Well, it's a turning point really
01:01:38Yeah, if you study hard at Harvard, you'll be able to write your own ticket
01:01:50Donnie get me some more wine, would you?
01:01:54Why don't you wait for the last course do
01:01:57It was quite a display you put on at the dinner table tonight, I guess it doesn't matter what you do in private
01:02:09Let me tell you something lady as long as you're in this house with me representing this family
01:02:17You will control that neurosis or whatever the hell it is you think you've got
01:02:26And you'll behave like a Burroughs even if you don't feel like one is that clear
01:03:26Jonathan I have to talk to you. What do you want?
01:03:41I'm so sorry. Sorry Jesus. Come on. Your son is in the next room. I would never have done it if I'd known who you were
01:03:55Need to explain no, no, you don't please
01:04:00Jesus I don't know what you want from me if you want understanding, okay, I understand
01:04:11Would you please hold me would you oh I can't
01:04:25What are you doing, uh, I was trying to open the door for you I tripped what a gonad
01:04:35Get dressed
01:04:47So, what'd you think of dinner it's a pretty fucking entertaining, huh?
01:05:01You ever wonder if your parents still do it
01:05:10Actually, I think my parents have a pretty normal relationship he tells her exactly what to do she ignores it
01:05:27I'm never getting married. Neither mine. That'll break a lot of hearts
01:05:47Do Jonathan
01:05:52Who wants to race me to the fence
01:06:07How are you I want you off this property today
01:06:31Coming back here is depressing enough
01:06:34Having to face exams is almost more than I can bear having to examine your face is almost more than we can bear
01:06:39Oh funny. You're a mindless idiot. I mean
01:06:42You're a bit
01:07:03Okay, you guys the kid is bad
01:07:08Hey, buddy miss me
01:07:11Do you really think an investigation of our students is necessary? Yes, I do
01:07:17So does the state of Illinois? I want to see the student files as soon as possible
01:07:21I think the only way to clear up the problem is
01:07:25Is there somebody out there?
01:07:28Yes, sir, it's uh me sir, and what can I do for you? Mr. Maybell?
01:07:33This is Hayworth your signature
01:08:03Don't get it. I don't want to get it. I hate it
01:08:10No, forget it. There's no way. I'm a dead man. Adios Harvard bones. You're a trade tech. Okay, look look
01:08:17if the area on skip
01:08:21If the area under the curve represented by F times the quantity X is
01:08:25Bound by vertical lines X equals sub a and X equals sub B. What do you have to find a gun? It's hopeless
01:08:32Hey, Minnie and Roscoe's room after lights out
01:08:35Hey, I've got a meeting in three hours. I better get ready
01:08:37All I heard was that he was talking about some kind of investigation what kind of investigation no
01:08:54Jonathan telephone
01:09:02Hello Oh God
01:09:07Are you serious?
01:09:10Look you ordered me off the property
01:09:16Don't play games with me. I have to see you. Yeah, I can't talk. I gotta go
01:09:26Yeah, yeah you too, why don't we just kill the guy
01:09:39My mom
01:09:41Dog died
01:09:44What does this guy look like Hitler man
01:09:50I walked in he stares right to you
01:09:53Blinks man, I was in there five minutes. The guy didn't blink once man. He just stares right through he goes
01:10:22Will be staying home
01:10:30So Roger Doug and Barry
01:10:44Phone again for Jonathan this dog died again
01:10:53This is the bedroom there's a window right here now if it's clear walk around this corner and we'll all go through the window
01:11:00Search for anything
01:11:02Yeah, I'm still here just to talk just for an hour. I can't okay
01:13:55Make way gentlemen
01:14:30That's my after a bing bing we're number one to two me and you thanks to you for her friggin genius
01:14:36Hey, so we're gonna party our balls off and we're gonna start right now. I didn't even hear that
01:14:41I gotta go to Chicago great thinking. I own the town. We'll trash. It's mine. I'm going alone. I'm scared
01:14:46It's not that shit again. Come on. I told you to forget about her. You're never gonna find her. I'm not going for that
01:14:53I just I just want to be alone
01:15:03Next time you're feeling sad and blue don't expect old skipper here to put on his big red nose and floppy shoes just for a move
01:15:15Adios mr. Morose
01:15:34Jesus Christ, I'm not the one who calls you up every week for a month
01:15:38Okay, do you understand your son is my roommate my best friend. Okay, I
01:15:43Can't believe we argue about this
01:15:47No, I
01:15:49Came here today because I felt sorry for you. Where the hell do you get off talking to me like that?
01:15:56You don't know anything about me
01:15:58You don't know anything about my life
01:16:02When I first saw you in that bar
01:16:07You were pathetic
01:16:11You were sympathy fuck
01:16:15Jesus Christ, you better go Jonathan
01:16:25Um room service, uh, it's room 1017, I'd like a
01:16:30Bottle of vodka's in it right away. Oh, that'll really help won't it?
01:16:36More than you will 1017
01:16:51I asked you to go
01:16:56I can't call me anymore. No, I
01:17:35Am sure it's gonna be all right. Trust me. This boy is a deep serious trouble. He's forgotten the meaning of the word debauchery
01:17:43But you've never been with guys
01:18:32Jonathan aren't you going to introduce your friend? She got a sister Jonathan
01:18:55Would you please excuse me
01:20:09Didn't know she was I'm really sorry. I'm sorry
01:20:21Think we should talk about this. Hey, there's nothing to talk about. I told you fuck is just fuck
01:21:16I'll fix your ass
01:21:30Watch the language
01:21:46Mr. Burroughs, hello, Jonathan
01:21:55How are you fine, you know, it's gift we'll be back. Oh, he should be back soon. How have you been?
01:22:05Pretty busy
01:22:08How's your social life
01:22:15No, okay, sir, come on, let's get it over with can't take this what are you talking about?
01:22:24Am I talking about
01:22:28What are you doing here
01:22:32Would you excuse us sure
01:22:44Your mother's in the hospital son. She checked herself in three days ago
01:22:50She felt she needed psychiatric help
01:22:54She's getting it
01:23:04You don't seem surprised
01:23:08What do you want me to say
01:23:11What kind of attitude is that it's not an attitude she thinks that she needs help then she should get it
01:23:22Face it dad. We're just a fucked-up family. That's the guy that's the
01:23:34Gentlemen I am going to need your help. This is mr. Balaban
01:23:39He is from the state attorney general's office and he is presently conducting an investigation of the schools in our area
01:23:47Apparently there has been some widespread cheating on the SAT tests. I
01:23:52Hope that mr. Balaban is wrong about Vernon Academy, but nonetheless we are going to give him our full cooperation
01:24:10Plus 300 on a goddamn toilet
01:24:17So this is a real pain in the ass way to meet in it I hear you're already headed to Harvard. Yes
01:24:27You got a near-perfect score on your SAT test
01:24:31It's very impressive normally I would have suspected you right away
01:24:37Right away
01:24:40But you've been a straight-a student all your life so the only conclusion I can draw is either you're innocent or you've been
01:24:48Stealing tests since you were in nursery school. I
01:24:54Guess we better get down to business
01:25:09Mean I have to ask you some questions
01:25:14Do you have any knowledge of the stolen SAT test
01:25:20No, sir
01:25:23Did you purchase an SAT test
01:25:27No, sir
01:25:41Thank you, I heard they kept awestruck in there for an hour and a half I heard they nailed powers
01:25:46Powers what a jerk off the guy didn't even cheat, but he's so fucking scared
01:25:51He confessed to smoking staying up after lights out sneaking off campus and spying on Kennedy's wife and again
01:25:57Well, I'll tell you something. It's gonna take a lot more than some bag from the Attorney General's office to open these
01:26:04two bags
01:26:08Well, you get in there you'll be jello
01:26:35Heard from Harvard
01:26:47Hey, congratulations
01:27:02Seldom seen by civilized man. This sacred ritual of the tribe was captured by our
01:27:21More bodies for the Inquisition. Mr. Mabon. Yes, ma'am
01:27:26Mr. Simons and mr. Burroughs you are today's lucky winners
01:27:33Thank you, ma'am
01:27:45Know we're supposed to give our full cooperation to this stupid and pointless investigation
01:27:51But when they interrupt one of my classes it pisses me off
01:28:03Come in sit down
01:28:18So this is a real pain in the ass way to me didn't it I
01:28:24See where you're applied to Harvard. I'm an NYU man myself. I worked my way through
01:28:38Got a very high score on your SAT
01:28:42Burroughs you're not by any chance related to the Burroughs is on the board of AT&T. Are you daddy?
01:28:50really I
01:28:54Would imagine that the pressure to get into Harvard must be very intense
01:29:00Your grades weren't bad
01:29:03Your grades were all right
01:29:06But the SAT score that got you in I
01:29:12Don't want to put you through this
01:29:15But we've all done things that were ashamed of things that we have to live with
01:29:22sometimes painfully
01:29:23Because only occasionally does the opportunity present itself to rectify our mistakes
01:29:30So with that said I guess we should get down to business
01:29:36Do you have any knowledge of the stolen SAT tests
01:29:46Mr. Burroughs, where do you think you're going?
01:29:51Fuck you
01:29:56You really said fuck you I'm telling you man, you looked him straight in the eye said it and walked out
01:30:01All right, I couldn't say so Balaban to go fuck himself. No shit
01:30:51Forgot you don't talk save my ass, but you don't talk
01:30:54Thanks, buddy. Maybe do the same for you sometime, huh?
01:30:58What can I do for mr. Perfect though, right?
01:31:00Hey, I got it. I'll drop dead. Wouldn't that be nice, huh?
01:31:04Just shoot myself. No better yet
01:31:06But I get you shoot me and take my head mount on the wall next to the moose
01:31:09Then you can take the panties and stretch in between my ears. Come on, you'd like that wouldn't you come on?
01:31:13You'd love that
01:31:14Come on, how the hell was I supposed to know she was you sent me the goddamn ball in the first place
01:31:18You sent her there to get laid to
01:31:22You son of a bitch you went back there even after you knew who she was
01:31:50God damn it. You're gonna talk to me
01:32:21Get away from me
01:32:27Okay, you want to talk you wanna fucking talk like son of a bitch you bastard come on, come on
01:32:38Sorry, man, come on, let's go
01:32:42Come on
01:32:44Come on, I'm gonna kick your fucking ass. Come on
01:32:49Come out
01:34:23Ever would have seen her again
01:34:26She kept calling me I
01:34:30Just went there to talk honest to God
01:34:33But oh shit, I
01:34:38Wasn't love with her I really was
01:34:46Man I'm sorry skip
01:35:04Jesus what's going on? Holy shit. You guys been fighting. Um, this looks kind of private. Do you think we oughta? Oh
01:35:13Yeah, okay. Yeah anything, you know, I can neck brace anything just come right down the hall
01:35:20We'll see you guys later. Bye really? Okay
01:35:28By the way your mom called yeah the dog died