The Weird and Inmature Husband (Made by Cornelius McDonald - JCAW Girls)

  • 2 months ago
This video wasn't recently today, it was made back in December 11 2022


00:00Oh my god, I have to go poopoo and peepee so bad.
00:08Oh come on, Johnny, you have pooped and peed in the shower for the fifth time this week,
00:13you need to use the toilet instead.
00:16Oh come on, Helen, I don't like toilets, because they are loud, scary, and creepy.
00:23What a-
00:24Seriously Johnny, that makes no sense and it is so weird, now get in the toilet if you
00:27want to poop or pee, not a shower.
00:30You weirdo.
00:32Oh my god, Johnny John, not this crying again, you are 31 years old, god, you act like a
00:384 year old, Mr. Johnny, you are a weird husband and I wish I didn't marry you, you are just
00:49Mee e- grrrrr
00:59John Boyle, I can not believe you pooped and peed in the shower.
01:02I told you many time to use the toilet,
01:04not the shower.
01:05You are weird.
01:06John, you are a weirdo!
01:08oh my god, i have to poop more because my stomach hurts from eating too much fast food
01:13Absolutely not the shower. You are using the toilet this time.
01:20Okay I'm finished.
01:22Get up, weirdo!
01:28A-La-La-La-La-La. The toilet is loud and it hurts my ears and it is so scary!
01:36You know what, John? I've had it with you. Guess what?
01:40Oh wait, what is it? Is it a surprise?
01:43Yes, it is a surprise.
01:45Okay, what is it then?
01:47I'm banishing you to the Shadow Realm.
01:52Much better.
01:54Finally, I banished my weird husband, but anyway,
01:57I am going to go to Starbucks and get me some milkshakes and cake pops.
