• 3 months ago
The phrase “god of this age” refers to Satan, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 4:4. This verse explains that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers, preventing them from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ, who is the image of God12.
Satan is also called the “prince of this world” in other parts of the Bible, such as John chapter 12 verse 31 and John 16, verse 112. Despite these titles, it’s important to note that Satan is not equal to God. He is a created being and his power is limited.


00:002nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 4.
00:11Done in whom the God of this world hath blinded, the minds of them which believe not,
00:15lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
00:21The phrase, the God of this world, is often used to refer to Satan.
00:26This concept is mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 4,
00:31where it states that, the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.
00:36This suggests that Satan has significant influence over the world's systems
00:40and the minds of those who do not believe in the gospel.
00:43The God of this world is often referred to as Satan in Christian theology.
00:48Here are some other names and titles associated with him.
00:521. Lucifer, often used to refer to Satan before his fall from heaven.
00:582. Beelzebub, another name for Satan, often associated with demonic activity.
01:053. Prince of Darkness, emphasizing his role in promoting evil and darkness.
01:124. The Adversary, highlighting his opposition to God and humanity.
01:185. The Accuser, referring to his role in accusing humans before God.
01:236. The Tempter, indicating his role in tempting humans to sin.
01:297. The Evil One, a general term for his malevolent nature.
01:358. The Deceiver, emphasizing his role in deceiving humanity.
01:41We first hear a first-hand information from Anton Zander Levy,
01:44often referred to as the Black Pope, was the founder of the Church of Satan.
01:49He established the church in 1966 in San Francisco
01:53and became a prominent figure in the counterculture movement of the 1960s.
01:58Levy was known for his theatricality and showmanship,
02:01often dressing in dramatic costumes and hosting elaborate rituals.
02:05Levy authored several books, including the Satanic Bible,
02:09which outlines the principles of LaVey and Satanism.
02:12Despite his dark persona, Levy was actually an atheist
02:15who viewed Satan as a symbol of human freedom and individualism rather than a literal deity.
02:20He passed away in 1997, and his death was kept secret for a week
02:25to avoid upsetting his followers during their most important holiday season.
02:29Here Anton Levy recognized Satan as the God.
02:34I was interested in the occult, and the occult in those days meant you got dream books
02:40and you got books on fortune-telling and all that sort of thing.
02:43The closest thing there was to anything about calling up spirits or demons
02:47and that sort of thing was a lot of gobbledygook
02:50where you stood around in a circle and you used the protective names of Jehovah and Jesus and all that.
02:56And I tried it.
02:58Oh, Lord knows I tried it, but it didn't work.
03:02So I thought to myself, well, if I'm going to call up any demons,
03:07if I'm going to get any magical power, if I'm going to get anything going my way,
03:12I better get on the side of those guys instead of protecting myself from them.
03:17I love life very much.
03:20And it's been said that I can't possibly love life,
03:25that I'm a very unhappy man, or must be a very unhappy man.
03:29And I would say that I'm a very happy man,
03:33an extremely happy man in a compulsively unhappy world.
03:39Some time ago, the wire services and newspapers carried a story out of San Francisco
03:43describing the first satanic wedding ceremony ever performed.
03:48The picture showed a nude woman lying on the altar behind the guest,
03:52whom you see now, the Reverend Anton Zandor-Levay,
03:57who is the founder and high priest of the First Church of Satan.
04:01Anton Zandor-Levay uses as somewhat of a credo this timeless quote,
04:07remember, evil backwards, spells live.
04:13Somehow that never occurred to me.
04:16Never occurred to me until one of my disciples brought it forth,
04:20and I imagine it's quite true with many of us.
04:25How often do you have to shave your head to make it shiny like a devil?
04:28I have to put Vaseline on it as well to keep it shiny.
04:32I shave it once a day.
04:33Can I give a plug for that?
04:34Is that the odor you're giving off now, Vaseline?
04:36No, that's...
04:36It'll fool me.
04:37That's musk.
04:38That's musk.
04:39That's the goatee scent you smell.
04:41For sure it's not frankincense and myrrh.
04:44What is this ring you're wearing here?
04:46It looks like it's weighing your hand down.
04:47Well, no, it's a magical ring.
04:49It is?
04:50I have little children rub it, make a wish, and it comes true.
04:53Little children come near you?
04:54Of course.
04:57What kind of a wish did that ring ever make come true?
05:01Well, I would say a great many wishes, but we won't go into them.
05:08Now, you call yourself a satanic priest.
05:11Is that the opposite of God?
05:13No, because Satan is a god too.
05:16Well, what are you then, the dirty pope or what?
05:18Oh, I guess you could call me that if you want to say the black pope or the dirty pope
05:22or the advocate of, for example, the kingdom of night or darkness.
05:31No one's ever come forth so far and spoken up for the devil.
05:35Everybody that's made rules and regulations concerning the devil or the devil's work,
05:40the devil's activities, have been people that have been very righteous people, people during
05:45crusades, people...
05:46Well, I'm not too righteous, but on the other hand, I think you're a bit of a ding-a-ling,
05:49let's face it.
05:49Were you ever a religious fellow?
05:53I would say not particularly.
05:54You're a young man.
05:55I'm a religious fellow now, though.
05:56How old are you?
05:57I'm 36.
05:58I see.
05:59Who ordained you a satanic priest?
06:01I would say probably I received the call, just as any fundamentalist...
06:07Well, most of us do, but we fight it.
06:09Well, I fight it.
06:10This is, of course, the whole principle of my religion, is all of the concepts...
06:14What do you mean you received the call?
06:15You know, one day the devil said, go out, Anton Zandor-LeVay, and give people hell.
06:22That's about it.
06:23That's about it.
06:24Because people like to have a hell of a time, don't they?
06:29Well, of course, there are all kinds of definitions of that.
06:32Well, now...
06:33Now, I don't...
06:34You know, I mean, to marry two people without a license in front of a naked babe lying up
06:39on an auler, I don't know what that is.
06:41Well, seriously, there are explanations for these things, and how I started was as a result
06:47of various reverse forms of therapy.
06:50I haven't been a satanic priest all my life, as you probably gather.
06:53Listen, our time's all up.
06:54I'd like to tell you where to go, but you'd enjoy it.
06:56Oh, that's good.
06:57We'll be back with another guest after these words.
06:59Stand by.
07:01The phrase, God of this age, refers to Satan, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 4, verse 4.
07:08This verse explains that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers, preventing them
07:12from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ, who is the image of God 12.
07:17Satan is also called the prince of this world, in other parts of the Bible, such as John
07:21chapter 12 verse 31 and John 16 verse 11.
07:26Despite these titles, it's important to note that Satan is not equal to God.
07:30He is a created being and his power is limited.
07:35Satan is referred to as, the God of this age, in the Bible, specifically in 2 Corinthians
07:404 verse 4.
07:42This title highlights his influence over the current world system and its values, which
07:46are often in opposition to God's principles.
07:51Influence over unbelievers.
07:52Satan is said to blind the minds of unbelievers, preventing them from seeing the light of the
07:56gospel and the glory of Christ.
07:59Supreme exemplar of evil, as Yeshua described Satan as a murderer and the father of lies,
08:05describing his role as the ultimate source of evil and deception in the world.
08:10Temporary authority.
08:11While Satan has significant influence, his authority is temporary.
08:15The Bible teaches that his rule will end with the return of Yeshua HaMashiach, who will
08:19establish God's kingdom on earth.
08:23Not equal to God.
08:24Despite being called the God, Satan is not equal to the true God.
08:28He is a created being who rebelled against God and will ultimately be defeated and judged.
08:34Some time ago, the wire services and newspapers carried a story out of San Francisco describing
08:39the first Satanic wedding ceremony ever performed.
08:43The picture showed a nude woman lying on the altar behind the guest, whom you see now,
08:48the Reverend Anton Zandor LaVey, who is the founder and high priest of the First Church
08:54of Satan.
08:56Anton Zandor LaVey uses as somewhat of a credo this timeless quote, remember evil backwards
09:04spells live.
09:05Somehow that never occurred to me.
09:10It never occurred to me until one of my disciples brought it forth and I imagine it's quite
09:18true with many of us.
09:20You call yourself a Satanic priest.
09:23Is that the opposite of God?
09:24No, because Satan is a God too.
09:26No, because Satan is a God too.
09:29Anton Zandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible,
09:34described Satan as the God of individualism, freedom, and self-indulgence.
09:39LaVey's interpretation of Satan is not as a literal deity but as a representation of
09:43human nature and the rejection of traditional religious and societal norms.
09:48He viewed Satan as a figure that embodies the qualities of pride, carnality, and rebellion
09:53against arbitrary authority.
09:56LaVey's philosophy, often referred to as LaVeyan Satanism, emphasizes personal empowerment,
10:02self-determination, and the pursuit of one's desires.
10:05In this context, Satan is seen as a God within metaphor for the human spirit's defiance and
10:10quest for knowledge and pleasure.
10:13John 16 verse 11 says, and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands
10:20In this verse, Yeshua is explaining the role of the Holy Spirit in convicting the world
10:24of judgment.
10:26The prince of this world refers to Satan, who is already judged and condemned.
10:31This judgment signifies the defeat of Satan's power and influence through Yeshua's death
10:35and resurrection.
10:37It underscores the certainty of God's ultimate victory over evil and the assurance that justice
10:42will prevail.
10:43This verse is part of a larger discourse where Yeshua is preparing his disciples for his
10:48departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will guide them into all truth and continue
10:52the work of convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
10:57All that the kingdoms, the wealth, the power, and the glory of this world has been delivered
11:01to me.
11:02All the glory of this world has been delivered to me.
11:05To whomsoever I will, I give it.
11:08All you have to do is bow down.
11:10Now what does this mean?
11:14How Satan was given all this?
11:16See Yeshua never challenged his jurisdiction.
11:20Adam was originally given authority over the earth and commanded to subdue it and rule
11:25over it.
11:27In Adam's disobedience, Adam transferred his dominion into the hands of Hasatan, who now
11:34holds it legally.
11:40He holds it legally until it is stripped from him.
11:44Shaul refers to Hasatan as the God of this age.
11:51Now he says in King James, God of this world, but it's the God of this age.
11:57And that Satan has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe the truth.
12:02Yeshua never challenged Hasatan's jurisdiction or authority.
12:07He simply refused to follow his offer.
12:11God followed Jehovah's plan to redeem mankind.
12:16Now we get this entire picture in the book of Revelation where the title deed to the
12:22earth is in the hand of the Almighty, is bound with seven seals.
12:27No one in heaven, no one in earth, no one under the earth, no one in the grave living
12:33or dead had the authority to come and take the skull and strip the seals off from it.
12:40And when John is told that no one can do it, John breaks down before the throne room
12:46of the Almighty and weeps and weeps and is crying, is absolutely crushed because there
12:52is no hope.
12:55That scroll represents the title deed of this world, which is now bound with Satan's authority.
13:03There is no hope.
13:05He is the God of this world and there's nothing that can be done.
13:09John gave it over into his hands legally by his act of rebellion.
13:17But then one of the angels cried out, behold, the line of the tribe of Judah has prevailed.
13:25He alone is worthy to take the scroll and to strip the seals.
13:29And as Yeshua strips those seals of Satan's authority one after another, all hell breaks
13:34loose on planet earth.
13:37All of the mayhem and then finally all the kingdoms of this world, Babylon is destroyed.
13:43Yeshua comes back to rule and to reign upon this earth for a thousand years.
13:49See Satan offered him the quick way, the quick way.
13:53All you have to do is bow down and this whole world is yours.
13:58Yeshua responded.
14:05Get behind me, Hasatan, for it was said, you shall bow down before YAHUAH your Elohim
14:12in him only.
14:14Romans 14, 11 for it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me
14:19and every tongue shall confess to God.
14:22Philippians 2, 9 to 11, 9, Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name
14:28which is above every name.
14:2910, That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,
14:35and things under the earth, but, 11, And that every tongue should confess that Jesus
14:39Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
