Alita: Battle Angel Movies (2019)

  • 2 months ago
Alita is a creation from an age of despair. Found by the mysterious Dr. Ido while trolling for cyborg parts, Alita becomes a lethal, dangerous being. She cannot remember who she is, or where she came from. But to Dr. Ido, the truth is all too clear. She is the one being who can break the cycle of death and destruction left behind from Tiphares. But to accomplish her true purpose, she must fight and kill. And that is where Alita's true significance comes to bear. She is an angel from heaven. She is an angel of death. —Anthony Harmon
00:02:00You're alive
00:02:56What are you dreaming a little angel
00:05:22Try again
00:05:24Well, that's the best I can do for now
00:05:27I'll be getting some overtime next week. Yeah, pay me when you can here. I got these for you
00:05:33My wife works out at farm 22. Thank you
00:05:38See you next time
00:05:40Keep getting paid in fruit and they'll be picking these ourselves
00:05:47Hello sleepyhead
00:05:53How do you feel
00:05:56Okay, any pain anywhere no
00:06:02Numbness. Oh
00:06:05Motor dysfunction. I'm a little hungry
00:06:10It this get your sugar levels up
00:06:20Taste receptors are working
00:06:23Thank you
00:06:25You'll like this a whole lot better with a peel off. I
00:06:30Don't mean to be rude, but if I supposed to know you
00:06:35Actually, we haven't met I'm dr. Dyson you don't nurse cat
00:06:43Do you know who I am
00:06:48We were hoping you'd fill in that pot
00:06:51Since you're a total replacement cyborg and most of your cyber body was destroyed
00:06:57We can't find any records, but your very human brain
00:07:01Was miraculously intact
00:07:05Theoretically you should remember something. Oh
00:07:11It's still pretty blank
00:07:14No, it's completely blank actually
00:07:21I don't even know my own name
00:07:28Let's look at the bright side your tears are working
00:07:43Hmm that's so good. What do you call this?
00:08:17Yeah, what's that Zala the last of the great sky cities
00:08:26What holds it up magic something stronger engineering
00:08:40Down here we have Iron City with all its charm. Dr. Dyson Ido, that's you
00:08:47Well, I'm learning names. Do you have one for me?
00:08:57It's a nice name I
00:08:59Love it
00:09:01Can we keep it at least until I can remember my real name
00:09:07Okay, do you want to take
00:09:17Why are there so many languages
00:09:19After the big war told you about the fall after the fall only Zalem was left and survivors came here from all over the world
00:09:28Everybody down here works for Zalem factory farms
00:09:32Does anyone ever go up to Zalem? We should go nobody from down here ever goes up. It's a rule. That's never broken
00:09:48What is that
00:09:50It's motorball
00:09:53It's so cool nothing you need to be wasting your time watching
00:10:16Alita one minute
00:10:31Want some you go
00:10:37Can I hug you
00:11:23Why do you watch where you're going I
00:11:29Gotta admit I never saw anybody challenges centurion before
00:11:39Mean oh
00:11:42You're a cyborg
00:11:45Sorry, I was just admiring your hand can I see
00:11:58It's really nice work
00:12:02To talk you don't do it. He built all of me
00:12:05Except my core
00:12:07That's mine. Oh
00:12:09Did a really great job
00:12:13Hey, what are those things centurions
00:12:18What planet are you from?
00:12:19Ito found me in the scrapyard
00:12:23But that would mean
00:12:25Hey doc. I got those driver boards you were looking for
00:12:30Alita is new here. She's still learning about things. I gotta go. I'll drop those off later. I need to rebuild on a quad servo
00:12:38Maybe I'll see you around
00:12:44Who is that Hugo it's a hard worker, but Alita come on, let's go
00:12:59Hugo it's gone
00:14:16There's the damn jackers that ripped me to shreds standing right there
00:14:20And that by the mother centurion would lift a finger. Why would anyone want to take your arms and legs to a coupling?
00:14:29Those jackets want your parts for the black market
00:14:33To supply the motorball games you were lucky
00:14:37Another girl was murdered last night right near there
00:14:40Yeah, I heard that guy carves girls up and sells their body parts
00:14:49Sorry, doc
00:14:51For now, I don't want you out after dark. Is that understood? Okay
00:14:56And if you go out during the day don't wander too far from this neighbor, okay promise I promise
00:15:29Hey, what's your problem?
00:15:45Who's the girl
00:15:48My new assistant I
00:15:52Was surprised to see her in our daughter's body you were supposed to have destroyed that years ago. I
00:16:01Couldn't clearly
00:16:05Did you tell her who you built that body for
00:16:09Our daughter is dead Sheeran you need to let it go. Oh, it's obviously not me that's clean or something here
00:16:51It's just a scrimmage do you want to join in?
00:16:56Come on every kid's got to play motorball
00:16:59Sure, why not I want us to be a team again. I
00:17:05Have a great new son and
00:17:08Equipment worthy of your skills
00:17:12Together we can build the finest champions. This game has ever seen
00:17:16Could be my ticket home
00:17:18We know you're going to realize there is no way back. It just does not happen vector can make it happen
00:17:24I believe you trust vector. He has very high connections. I
00:17:30Won't help you build monsters
00:17:38I'm gonna get back to his own somehow. I'll call my way there with my beer
00:18:06Hey everyone, this is Alita. Hey, that's way to learn to go in
00:18:31We need to your turns look for an opening
00:18:41Let go the remote now
00:18:57Tell me after the ball
00:19:10Sorry princess nice time G. Thanks. She's never played before
00:20:00It's sad
00:20:07Your freak girlfriend's got some serious malfunction, I'm really sorry she humiliated you so severely
00:20:15Alright I'll see you tonight and
00:20:18She's not my girlfriend
00:20:29You've got some talent for this game, I've got to get home now you don't want to be in the house before dark
00:20:39So in a right
00:20:46So you can't remember anything I'm trying to family friends
00:20:52Favorite food nothing. Well, maybe oranges, but that's just since yesterday
00:21:01Here check this out
00:21:04Thank you very much
00:21:09And here you go, thank you, I know what you're ready try this trust me
00:21:17It's chocolate
00:21:25So great, it's good, right
00:21:28I have a favorite food now
00:21:31This is my favorite I wouldn't call it that I would
00:21:35Check it out. It's a hunter-warrior. It's a bounty hunter name is a pan scanning for his mark. I
00:21:45Wouldn't want to be that guy
00:21:49Look at that sword all guns are outlawed in Iron City punishable by death
00:21:55Anything that challenges all
00:22:25Didn't I tell you to be home before dark
00:22:28What's the big deal? I just lost track of time
00:22:32Don't trust anyone
00:22:35People do terrible things to each other here
00:22:38What happened to your arm? Yeah eat this
00:22:48You still need proper nourishment for your brain
00:22:51You have any chocolate
00:22:57It's a harsh world a strong prayer on the weak down here gotta stay focused on your dream
00:23:05What's your dream? I'll show you
00:23:31This is my secret place best view in town
00:23:43Really cool. No look that view
00:23:58I wonder what it's like up there
00:24:03Better than this dump down here
00:24:12Stuff from the factory going up to Zala
00:24:17But the tubes are just for cargo not for people
00:24:21If I was as strong as you I climb that tube to Zala right now. I don't let anybody up there
00:24:27Yeah, that's what they want you to think
00:24:29You just got to know the right people. I
00:24:31Happen to be connected. Oh
00:24:37It's gotta be willing to do what it takes
00:24:42Whatever it takes
00:24:46Thing is you've seen it. You just can't remember. What do you mean?
00:24:55Doc found you in the scrapyard
00:24:59All that stuff is dumped from Zala
00:25:02So you must be from up there
00:25:10Guess so
00:25:13If you could just tell me what those eyes have seen I wish I could I keep trying to remember but
00:25:20It's still a blank
00:25:23Starting to feel like I wasn't very important
00:25:26It's an insignificant girl thrown out with the rest of the garbage
00:27:17It's a trap looking for me
00:27:23Should I say hunter-warrior?
00:27:34No looks like he's got us
00:27:40Don't move hey, thanks for bringing a girl that's gonna save us some time
00:28:00Ah nice shot for a meat boy
00:28:18You came to rescue me that is so sweet
00:28:24You have nice eyes he's mine you can have the girl
00:28:34So long as I get his eyes
00:28:54My god
00:28:58Rip that bleed
00:29:06You are so beautiful I
00:29:10Want to rip you open and see if you're ugly inside
00:29:16Like the others
00:29:36Watch her die
00:30:21Give me a little flee
00:30:24So I can pinch your head off
00:31:16You pay little flea grew extra does not forget I'm coming for you
00:31:40When I was fighting I remembered something I was in a huge battle you surprised me
00:31:47Well, you surprised me, too
00:31:50before the fall
00:31:52There were police to stop criminals now the factory pays us to do the dirty work
00:32:00Hunter-warrior 17 739 you are hunter-warrior
00:32:11Stay here don't kill anyone
00:32:45Bounty for the cyborg miss Yana was 20,000 credits
00:32:53You should have told me who you really are
00:32:56Do you do it for the money? I?
00:32:58Take the money
00:33:00Otherwise a clinic would have closed long ago. I do this work for other reasons. I'd rather not talk about you have to talk about it
00:33:08something during the fight triggered a memory I
00:33:11Was on the moon
00:33:13You know more about me than you're saying
00:33:17Whose body is this?
00:33:20Who am I
00:33:32This was your daughter
00:33:37You built this body for her
00:33:40Her name was Alita. She was really looking forward to waking up with legs that could run
00:33:50You built her a pair of fast legs
00:33:55She never got to use them she was murdered
00:34:02What happened a
00:34:05Patient of mine came to the clinic one night looking for drugs I
00:34:10Was a tuner for the motorball games, and I had made a machine body frame of obscene strength
00:34:20He was my demon coming back to me
00:34:40The leader couldn't get out of the way fast enough
00:34:45Her mother Shireen couldn't deal with the leaders death
00:34:52Maybe she's just couldn't deal with me
00:34:58So I went hunting I
00:35:02Needed to kill him
00:35:05Maybe I was just hoping that he would kill me
00:35:08It brought no peace
00:35:11There were other demons like him out there, and I felt somehow. I was responsible for all of them
00:35:18So I registered as a hunter-warrior there's nothing noble about it
00:35:24Did you ever find peace I
00:35:29Found you
00:35:33I'm not your daughter. I
00:35:37Don't know what I am I
00:35:42Have a look at your original cyber core
00:35:45And this is your brain a normal healthy teenage girl's brain
00:35:52If there is such a thing
00:35:55But this is your heart part of your original core
00:36:00Powered by an antimatter
00:36:03Microreactor so I've got a strong heart
00:36:07You have a heart strong enough to power all of Iron City for years
00:36:11This is lost technology nobody's made this stuff since
00:36:16Before the fall yeah, right
00:36:20So I'm 300 years old
00:36:23Sweetheart you are
00:36:44Don't want my players losing unless I tell them to
00:36:48Can't be left to chance
00:36:51He promised me champions, and you promised me the best of everything
00:36:56Get those military servos. I asked for you don't have a winning attitude
00:37:01Just be ready for tomorrow's game
00:37:32Why should I waste my talent on you
00:37:37He was a little cyber girl
00:37:44What did you say
00:37:49The woman in my memory called me 99
00:37:54What you saw was a flash of your previous life, who was I in time you'll remember
00:38:53How the mighty have fallen are we stripping him for parts, I need you to look at something
00:39:03It's telepresence chip, he's wired
00:39:06Somebody in Zalem is riding him there are watchers behind the eyes all over the city pretty common now
00:39:12I just assumed to move it
00:39:14While I'm rebuilding him. Why are you wasting time on this burnt-out street junk? It's a personal matter
00:39:20Do you like your job vector?
00:39:24If you like your position and the many comforts that come with it. I strongly suggest you listen to dr. Shirin
00:39:34My apologies
00:39:37Who did this to fruition a little cyborg girl?
00:39:42Though the impact points are evidence of extraordinary power. I
00:39:47Don't understand how she could create such force with such a small body
00:39:51It was not the power of the body that did this it was the mind
00:39:56It was the mind she knows the fighting techniques the panzer kunst
00:40:02Kruishka have him bring her to me
00:40:15It's gone
00:40:18Not going
00:40:25You're a clever woman doctor
00:40:29And determined to reach your goal at any cost
00:40:35So I'll make you this offer
00:40:37If and when you have pleased me, I will grant you the destiny you see
00:40:47You'll send me to some I'm there right now
00:40:50Consider my services engaged
00:41:13There's no bounty on the girl ish, huh, you reported to the factory
00:41:17You reported to the factory
00:41:20I'm killing all of those women. Somebody's protecting him. Who has the power to do that?
00:41:27Someone far beyond us here
00:41:31We better stay off the street for now I
00:41:35Want to be a hunter-warrior like you
00:41:38Nothing, you said that's impossible. We could be a team
00:41:42This is dangerous dirty work. I know no you don't how is that your choice to make?
00:41:47It's out of the question
00:41:49I might need a life-or-death situation to remember who I was even if it's just for a second leader
00:41:54Some things are better left forgotten. I don't want to be all of these hands, too
00:41:59Then I'll find out for myself
00:42:01the leader
00:42:07I'm just tired of it
00:42:09He just wants me to be his perfect little girl so you can live by his rules
00:42:14Years what a battle these two have been going at each other all that welcome to motorball
00:42:28Josh again, it's got the ball
00:42:32Play more attacks
00:42:35Josh again takes him out
00:42:47Think it sends Josh again
00:42:52Cutting now with the ball one point so Ricky is in hot pursuit
00:43:31Know all the pit crews and tuners. I'll introduce you around
00:43:40All right now I'd say Josh you're gonna has the best chance of making final champion Amber's still off in the left bow
00:43:45I was oversteering in turn six
00:43:48What's final champion? That's the best thing a motorball player can win?
00:43:53Every few years they choose a player that can't be beaten and he gets to go to Zalem
00:44:05Right now
00:44:08Then get him in here claymore's a rebuild why is he not tracking?
00:44:17Alita's here, that's vector
00:44:21Basically runs motorball. We do a lot of business with his team selling parts to him in his new tuner sure
00:44:29What you're not the only one with connections
00:44:52Canova went through like laundry with those grind cutters that weapon even legal
00:45:02Canova's too strong with their new weapons screwing up the odds
00:45:07You know, I could really use his grind cutters for our other project
00:45:19What do you think I
00:45:24Like it
00:45:27No Hugo, we gotta go. Hey something's come up. Where are you going? I just got to do something. Can you get back? Okay
00:45:35Yes, sir
00:45:38Can you go out tomorrow I
00:45:40Want to show you this place me in time. You know, it's out in the Badlands
00:45:43my help with your memory
00:45:46I'd appreciate that
00:45:48Thanks for everything
00:46:34You're dead you little what I'm gonna smash your skull
00:46:55You straight box I'm gonna make you pay for this
00:47:22Nice work compliments to your crew. Thank you, sir
00:47:32Pass it on
00:47:34Hey, man, where's my cut?
00:47:36Yeah, we're gonna tell your hard body jack cyborgs, huh? I'm not
00:47:40Neither are you you afraid? She's gonna cut you loose
00:47:52Get the grind cutters over to shrine right away use the service gate
00:48:13Did you prick I should have known what you should have known my friend is that no one
00:48:22Is greater than the game
00:48:45What's outside the city not much the war wiped out all utilities and most everything else
00:48:55All we know is the sky cities fell all in one night when the enemy launched the last attack with every ship they had
00:49:04Who was the enemy?
00:49:06the urn
00:49:08United Republics of Mars you are
00:49:13On that last night of the war
00:49:16They're shook and the sky burns
00:49:19But in the morning, it's all I'm still stood it's just up ahead
00:49:32This ship is from the battle is all I figured that maybe seeing stuff from the war would help trigger
00:49:37Your method
00:49:47Salvagers have jacked some stuff over the years for metal
00:49:50But it's all earned technology. So it's mostly been left alone. This is an arm ship. Uh-huh
00:49:54You know, it's pretty hard to sell this stuff since no one knows what it is
00:50:07We have to go to the command deck
00:50:11It's forward, how does she know that? Hey, we can't get there it's underwater
00:50:51Don't you think she can hold her breath
00:52:37Oh, this can't be good
00:53:08Forget it, I won't do it but but you have to
00:53:16This would help us fight grishka and anyone else he sends after us
00:53:21This body
00:53:23It has the power I need I feel a connection to it. I can't explain
00:53:29This could be who I am. You've been given a chance to start over with a clean slate
00:53:35How many of us get that I did an enemy warship?
00:53:40Respond to me because I knew that ship I've been on others like it. Haven't I?
00:53:48Haven't I whatever you were it's not who you are now
00:53:56I'm a warrior, aren't I?
00:54:00And you know
00:54:02You've always known
00:54:09This is called a berserker
00:54:13It's a humanoid weapon system created by the urn technarchy
00:54:18Your core was designed to interface with this type of body
00:54:23Your identity code activated it the instinctive fighting technique you use
00:54:30Panzer kunst a lost combat art for machine bodies. It was used by the berserkers
00:54:38This is where you're drawn to conflict without hesitation
00:54:41It's part of your training
00:54:43You are not just a warrior a leader
00:54:48Young urn berserker the most advanced cyborg weapon ever created
00:54:55And that is exactly why I will never unite
00:54:58you with this body
00:55:04That's fine fine
00:55:36State your business. I'm here to register as a hunter-warrior
00:55:47How'd it go
00:55:50You're a hunter-warrior. All right, Doc's gonna be pissed whose rules do I live by?
00:56:04Whoa, you sure about this this place is just for bounty hunters. Nobody else. What do you think? This is besides?
00:56:10Ito says I'm drawn to conflict
00:56:15I remember you
00:56:26Just watch my back
00:56:29Oh boy
00:56:47Hey Japan not the furniture
00:56:59What brings you in here sweets come to see the hunters up close not exactly
00:57:14Cupcake here's a bounty hunter
00:57:19So you you went down you filled out your application forms you got your ID badge in but now you're just like us, yeah
00:57:28Let me introduce you to some of your professional colleagues
00:57:33This is master Clive Lee of the white hot palm he has over 200 confirmed kills
00:57:39200 several when this is screwhead one of our most lethal bounty hunters
00:57:46And then there's McTeague
00:57:49The dog master with his hellhounds his biggest problem is having enough left to identify after so we can collect the bounty
00:58:02Then there's me
00:58:06keeper of the legendary Damascus plane
00:58:10Home to a mono molecular edges slices armor like butter
00:58:16Forged before the fall by the lost arts of a metallurgy and who did you kill to acquire it a
00:58:26Hunter warrior is a
00:58:28solitary predator
00:58:31You'll be competing against us for the kill. Did you see what you're up against?
00:58:41Thanks, I
00:58:45Came to ask for your help against our common enemy your wishka
00:58:51he's being protected by the system and continues to rampage unchecked and
00:58:57Now he's after Ido and me
00:59:00So I'm calling on you
00:59:02my hunter warrior brothers
00:59:05Let's band together and defeat him once and for all
00:59:18Any takers hmm
00:59:23Big surprise
00:59:26You know normally I wouldn't take a rookie under my wing
00:59:30Share my knowledge
00:59:32Well, it's make an exception in your case
00:59:34If you cut loose meat boy every and let me buy you a drink watch it
00:59:41And what could I learn from a loudmouth pretty boy who spends all of his money on his face
00:59:52Maybe I'll pull your arms and legs off roll your head around in the street. Maybe they'll teach you some manners
01:00:01You might mess up your hair
01:00:35Do not deserve such a weapon
01:00:40I heard you were the heroes of Iron City. I
01:00:45Am not impressed
01:00:53Will take on anyone in this room and if I win you fight alongside me
01:01:03This bitch broke my nose, yes, I did
01:01:09Heroes all I see are junkyard punks assorted cyber trash and a bunch of drunken motorball burnouts too slow to play the game
01:02:31No more free repairs
01:02:44I'm with her. Sorry about this
01:02:51We're going to have a little talk you didn't leave me another choice
01:03:15Don't move
01:03:28Have to ishka what's happened to him? Well to answer your question
01:03:40I've had a little upgrade
01:03:52I'm only here for the girl. She's all yours
01:04:02What about the rest of you there ain't no bounty on this guy doc not our problem
01:04:15It's all right, you know
01:04:24The only one with courage
01:04:29So innocent
01:04:37Iron City is no place for innocence little flea
01:04:52I do not stand by in the presence of evil. I
01:04:59Do not stand by in the presence of evil
01:05:20Coming to my world
01:05:29Alina no
01:05:33Welcome to the underworld my world here. There are worlds of worlds above world
01:05:47Going farther up than you can imagine
01:05:49The trash of each one flows down to the one below till it all ends up here
01:05:56It's where I used to live and it's where you're going to die
01:06:05Dance little flea
01:07:16Was forgotten here to rot
01:07:18But I was saved
01:07:21Remade by the same hand that shapes your destiny even now
01:07:27Whose hand my master Nova, what do you know about me?
01:08:03You have the soul of a survivor
01:08:08You'll never give up
01:08:15Know what is hidden always ask. What is it that you are not seeing?
01:08:24Nova he is the dragon that must be slain
01:08:32Look at you, where are you going?
01:08:45What's the matter
01:08:47My little toy doesn't want to play anymore
01:08:50I'll turn you into a living pendant to adorn my chest
01:08:55And I can hear your voice every moment of the day
01:08:58pleading for mercy
01:09:20Fuck your mercy
01:10:03He wasn't a dog lover
01:10:15I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
01:10:29You think you can replace us that easily bring her back as many times as you like
01:11:08Know one will dare harm you again
01:11:29It's the adaptive technology of the berserker body
01:11:33The shell is reconfiguring to her subconscious image of herself
01:11:39I've never seen anything like it. It's making micro adjustments throughout every system
01:11:51Looks like she's a little older than you thought
01:12:16Well, look at you
01:12:40Well, you were right a warrior spirit needs a warrior's body
01:12:45It draws in the air generating an art plasmid
01:12:49You control it. I don't know didn't exactly come with a manual. Did you?
01:12:54some kind of weapon
01:13:04Well, you know, I'm not a warrior spirit
01:13:07I'm a warrior
01:13:10I'm a warrior
01:13:13I'm a warrior
01:13:25But that's just a shell it's not bad or good that parts up to you
01:14:02You're back together very back together
01:14:09You look
01:14:11Different it's all nanotech. It's a bunch of stuff. Even Ido hasn't figured out yet. So are you stronger than you were?
01:14:17Yeah, and faster, too
01:14:20It feels
01:14:23More me
01:14:28You know, some guys might be intimidated by a girl like you really why is that
01:14:32Cuz you could rip my arm off and beat me with the wet end
01:14:37Well, then don't piss me off
01:14:41Why don't you like her I
01:14:43Just never got the whole hard body thing and besides she's earned. I mean she was probably the enemy at one point. Yeah
01:14:52300 years ago get over it
01:14:58I'm a lot more touch sensitive to a lot higher density of force feedback and texture sensors
01:15:08I'm gonna try it
01:15:18You can feel this yes
01:15:26Close your eyes close your eyes
01:15:36How about this yes
01:15:44Where am I now?
01:15:51With me
01:16:11Does it bother you
01:16:14That I'm not completely human you were the most human person I have ever met
01:16:37You won't even let me fix his eye he says he wants the pain
01:17:00You have failed me
01:17:10Will never triumph until you understand what she is
01:17:14She's the last of her kind the finest weapon of the earned tech market. I
01:17:20Need you to destroy this elite. I need you to bring me her heart. I
01:17:28Live only for her death
01:17:38Hey when he does that
01:17:43This is not a man who tolerates failure
01:17:47I'm not trusting my future to a piece of iron. What do you have in mind?
01:18:02Two dreams
01:18:07I like your drive you go you have a solid future with my team
01:18:13My futures in Zalem I
01:18:16Remember your promise every day
01:18:19Set me up
01:18:21When I get you a million credits
01:18:24Personally I'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven
01:18:32Be at the bottom of the food chain up there but down here
01:18:37We could live like kings
01:18:43Tell me about this friend of yours
01:18:48That her name Alita
01:19:08Hey, hi
01:19:16What happened to you I wound up hanging out with a vector
01:19:21Some alcohol was involved
01:19:27So vector, is that your connection for getting into Zalem?
01:19:31Yeah. Oh I
01:19:35I was hoping maybe you'd want to stay
01:19:40It's not right away. I
01:19:42Still got to raise the rest of the money first. It's okay
01:19:47It's your dream I know it's what you've always wanted
01:19:54You know, I was always so sure
01:19:58Now you come along nothing's clear anymore
01:20:18How much more do you need before you can go 90k
01:20:29Find me K. I
01:20:31Can make that in bounties?
01:20:33I'll just figure out who has the highest prices on their heads and then I'll take them out
01:20:36No, I can't ask you to do that for me. I'd do whatever I had to for you
01:20:42I'd give you whatever I have. What are you doing?
01:20:48I'd give you my heart
01:20:51Take it
01:20:53It's got an urn microreactor for a power supply probably worth millions with your connections
01:20:58You can find a buyer you can make enough for both of us to go to Zalem and then we just find a cheap replacement
01:21:04Come on you buy and sell parts all day long
01:21:10Don't just do things for people
01:21:13No matter how good you think they are or how deserving they are
01:21:18It's all or nothing with me
01:21:22This is who I am I know
01:21:28It's okay put it back
01:21:45That was pretty intense, huh?
01:21:49Yeah, it's very intense
01:21:56Maybe there's another way
01:21:59Vector wants you to try out for second lane. What?
01:22:03You become a big motorball star make a pile of money. We could go to Zalem together
01:22:09Are you talking about it? Can't be a pro motorball player
01:22:15You could be a champion
01:22:18You win this tryout every Scout will be killing each other to get you
01:22:23I'll be home free only if you'll be my coach. Well, that's what it takes
01:22:39Are you gonna kill her man much worse?
01:22:58Don't can a human love a cyborg why does this cyborg love a human?
01:23:10Mm-hmm a
01:23:12Human can love a cyborg, but you have to keep your mind on the game Alita
01:23:18Can get very rough out there even for a tryout
01:23:23Try these
01:23:27Did you make these for me yes
01:23:32It won't make you any faster it's regulation
01:23:36At least they won't fail you
01:23:42Here's our deal
01:23:45You go in there you race you win you come back right here that you wear all of these pads
01:23:53this one I
01:23:56Don't need all this crap. Yes, you do
01:24:00Remember if you wreck this body, I can't fix it. This is from technology. Yes, I know
01:24:07Don't go find a place to watch because you're making me nervous
01:24:13Good luck
01:24:33Thank you for coming on such short notice
01:24:36you are
01:24:38The scum of the game, but tonight you are hand-picked scum
01:24:43Because tonight is not a game. It is a hunt
01:24:47I'm paying
01:24:491,000 to the one who kills the girl called Alita
01:25:01Hey, where are you the trials about to start I'm on my way
01:25:06Something I've got to do first. I'm doing this for us. Remember you can't miss it. I won't trust me
01:25:19You know, it's just business nothing personal
01:25:25Touch stop
01:25:29Using my name
01:25:32And what's wrong with you I
01:25:35Can't do this anymore
01:25:37What's the matter? You're already gone half the time now you so put this on a crap
01:25:42It's a little hard body, isn't it?
01:25:45It's over do you understand?
01:25:47I'm out. And if you'd any brains you'd leave this behind, too
01:25:53I'm out
01:25:55For good
01:25:58Should have jacked that bitch when you had the chance we'd have been on your way to Zala
01:26:19Very professional. Hey, man, we don't want any trouble. This is your mark. We're sorry. He's all yours
01:26:29Jacking cyborgs your little girlfriend might say that kind of person ain't anything
01:26:35Hmm now, you know girls
01:26:39That should probably get all weepy and forgive you
01:26:43When I show you a head there's no marker out on me
01:26:53Will be
01:26:55Lighter pulls a tight little bounty
01:26:58Even with gutter trash like you I never killed anyone
01:27:08You just did
01:27:15She thinks she can pump me
01:28:30Next up is second league tryouts. Will the factory practice team report to the line?
01:28:44Winner tonight will make it one step closer to qualifying for the Champions League
01:28:49So that is one tough lineup. This is gonna be one heck of a match tonight
01:29:03That's all factory team
01:29:07These two punks in the back
01:29:09Their bounty mark is on them
01:29:13And the other guys they're hunter-warriors
01:29:25And here comes tonight's one new prospect
01:29:29Okay, then folks give it up for Alita
01:29:36People brought it right to us. What'd you promise him?
01:29:42I'm sending them the Zalem, of course
01:30:01This there is only one new prospect there will be no teams the name of the game is cutthroat
01:30:14Go easy on me guys. Sure kid. No worries
01:30:24Alita what are you doing? It's set up. You gotta get out of there. They're gonna kill you
01:30:33Which ones all of them
01:30:39Players 10-second warning
01:30:44Five seconds
01:31:08The new kid Alita takes possession right now
01:31:22Slow Tuesday night
01:31:36Looks like the fans have themselves an underdog darling with the face of an angel and a body built for battle
01:31:52Maybe a little waterfall will break out in the middle of this fight
01:32:08Looks like it's no rules Tuesday out there folks
01:32:24She's no better
01:32:30Figures gotta leave a lot of trouble
01:32:44She must have said something in the locker room that these guys did not like
01:33:19Allie it's me. I've got a big problem. You go. This is not a good time
01:33:26Trying to kill me
01:33:28Who's trying to kill you? It's a pan
01:33:31The hunter-warrior he killed kanji
01:33:34What do you mean?
01:33:36Now he's coming for me
01:33:43Sure our battle agent can get out of this one
01:33:47Shit here he comes
01:33:51Where are you headed to the old church? Okay, I'm coming
01:35:08Oh, hey, I'm almost there got it
01:36:16Where you guys
01:36:47It's not your Hugo hasn't been entirely honest with you
01:36:52Is it true
01:36:56You don't understand
01:37:03I'd never killed anyone
01:37:06We only jacked parts
01:37:09We paralyzed them and stripped them that's all I
01:37:15Needed the money for Zalem
01:37:19Step aside and let me do my job
01:37:24Touch him again, and I will kill you
01:37:27Interference between a licensed hunter-warrior in his kill is a violation of factory law in the hunters code. He's mine
01:37:36Then make the kill
01:37:46Come on hunter-warrior tonight you become one of us
01:38:00You know, there's no room for love or mercy in the hunters code
01:38:12Let me make it easier for you
01:38:28Deliver the criminal Hugo bounty 9107 wanted for the crime of murder
01:38:35You better finish it before we do
01:38:37It's hunter-lore
01:38:47I have to get you to you know, no centurions you go back out there with me alive the kills both
01:39:05That guy
01:39:08But what does it matter I
01:39:12Tore people apart people like you for money
01:39:20Where were you tonight? I want to stop the others tell him I quit
01:39:35I'm sorry
01:39:52Did you find them no, they're gone
01:40:18Give him my life if I could
01:40:34Maybe you can
01:40:41You have violated factory law in the hunters code by protecting a wanted felon
01:40:47Where is the criminal Hugo bounty 9107?
01:40:57Hugo is dead. I claim the bounty hunter-warrior to six six five one
01:41:04claim confirmed
01:41:17Yeah, that's a cute trick you think this is gonna work
01:41:22Give me
01:41:40But my face
01:42:01How is he
01:42:10This city corrupts you and good people
01:42:19He's good stable
01:42:30Shirin surgical technique was brilliant. There's no brain damage
01:42:44Victor was running a scam
01:42:46If you're born on the ground you stay on the ground and no amount of money can change that
01:42:51The only one way to get from the lower world to Zalem is to become final champion. You can't buy your way up there
01:42:58But how do you know that for sure?
01:43:04Was born there
01:43:08I've removed it myself mark of Zalem
01:43:14With our daughter's illness sharing and I were forced to descend here to Iron City
01:43:19And a man responsible for our exile the watcher behind the eyes
01:43:25It's Nova
01:43:28You had her heart in your hands
01:43:31And you let her live I
01:43:36Did why
01:43:40Because I'm a doctor and
01:43:45I'm a mother
01:43:49And somehow I forgot that I
01:43:54Can't do this anymore
01:43:58I'm out
01:44:03She ran away
01:44:16Don't you think it's time you went to zone
01:44:20Not to send you up there right now
01:44:48Have to do something
01:45:00This is my fault don't ever feel sorry for yourself
01:45:05You're the only one built for this
01:45:09Thank you father
01:46:07Security report
01:46:12Violation violation
01:46:19Did you get her security
01:46:30You were never going to send Hugo to Zalem
01:46:39Always keep my promise to send people up
01:46:45Like dr. Shirin here
01:46:49Nova demands body parts for his experiments, especially the brains of people he admires
01:47:00That is the only way anyone ever gets to zone
01:47:09It took you long enough I
01:47:15Knew you wouldn't wait for your fate to find you little flea get up
01:48:01Finish the mission destroy
01:48:27Know who my enemy is and I know he's watching us now
01:48:35And you're just his slave
01:48:46And I'm just an insignificant girl
01:49:15Speak no, no, no, wait. Thank what do you want me to say? I'll say anything like you
01:49:34So we finally meet a leader not your real name, of course Nova
01:49:53Where are you home as we speak feet up?
01:50:01Well, my girl you certainly exceeded my expectations
01:50:05Killing my champion brewishka
01:50:07most impressive
01:50:10And turning a selfish creature like Shirin. I
01:50:14Didn't see that coming
01:50:16So when you walk out of here the factory won't stop it
01:50:21This time I don't need your permission to live others might
01:50:28Your doctor, you know, for example, and what about Hugo?
01:50:33He's still alive, isn't it?
01:50:36It will track him down. I
01:50:39Found the only way to enjoy immortality
01:50:42Is to watch others die
01:50:46You just lost a puppet
01:50:51Oh, well, that looks fatal no matter the vector was getting tiresome
01:51:03You'd made the biggest mistake of your life
01:51:07What's that
01:51:10Underestimating who I am
01:51:13Until next time
01:51:21I see everything
01:51:31Factory enforcers came looking for Hugo. Somehow. They knew he'd been kept alive. I helped him escape, but they've sealed the city
01:51:37They're going to find him. Where is he?
01:51:40He's trying to go up
01:52:10Stop you have to come down. We can't stay up here. There's a bounty on me. This is the only way no, this is dangerous
01:52:17We have to get down now if I go back down there. I'm dead. No, you have to listen to me
01:52:22Okay, I've been right here before this is exactly where Nova wants you
01:52:26He's using you to get to me. Come on. We have to go back down. We belong up there Alita
01:52:33You don't belong anywhere except together
01:52:41You'll always be running
01:52:47Come with me
01:53:38Got you
01:53:44Don't move don't move I'm gonna lift you up slowly
01:54:08Thank you for saving me
01:54:52It took her only a few months to rise through the ranks of the second league and tonight
01:54:58She makes her first appearance in the Champions League where she has a chance at becoming
01:55:04final champion
01:55:43Number 99
01:57:13I can't
01:57:20Nothing at all
01:57:23What is the point of my lips? They don't make noise
01:57:28What is the point of doing nothing at all?
01:57:32Watching it for the flicker burning, you know, the time is running running
01:57:38Only I see
01:57:41The diamonds diamonds breaking down. I won't stay quiet
01:57:44I won't stay quiet to stay in silence the same as dying. I won't stay quiet
01:58:02We just gotta
01:58:16Wish you knew
01:58:19What is the reason of doing nothing at all watching it for the flicker burning, you know
01:58:26The time is running running
01:58:29Only I see
01:58:32Diamonds breaking down. I won't stay quiet. I won't stay quiet
01:58:37Stay in silence the same as dying. I won't stay quiet
