FBI Director Christopher Wray Warns Russia Is Trying To Influence The 2024 Election

  • 2 months ago
At a House Judiciary Committee hearing held last week, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) questioned FBI Director Chris Wray about Russia and the election.

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00:00The gentleman from California is recognized.
00:03Director, we're about 100 days until the election.
00:07Russia has attacked our democracy in past elections.
00:11Are they seeking to do it in this one?
00:15We assess that the Russian government
00:18continues to want to influence
00:22and in various ways interfere with our democracy,
00:26with our electoral process.
00:27In fact, just in the last few weeks,
00:31we announced a significant disruption
00:34of a generative AI-enhanced social media,
00:40you know, bot farm, essentially, of the Russians
00:44that was designed to be an influence operation
00:48and some of the fake, fictitious profiles
00:51of those bots purported to be US persons.
00:55So they're still at it.
00:57We've seen that in election cycle after election cycle.
01:00Do the Russians have a preferred candidate?
01:03I'm not sure that I could speak to that here,
01:06but certainly what I would tell you is
01:08it's not just the Russians.
01:09And I think that's important for people to know, too.
01:11There's a lot of attention to the Russians,
01:12as there should be.
01:15But we also know, you may recall,
01:18that in 2020, Director Ratcliffe and I
01:21announced an effort by the Iranians to try to interfere.
01:25And more recently, we've had indictments related to China.
01:2934 Chinese MPS officers creating fictitious personas,
01:38posting false information online,
01:42full of narratives designed to sow divisiveness,
01:44discord, undermine us.
01:46And I'm talking about narratives that they were pushing,
01:49again, purporting to be Americans,
01:51but actually Chinese MPS officers, for example,
01:54trashing any suggestion that COVID came from a lab leak,
01:59or trashing U.S. law enforcement
02:03on the occasion of the anniversary of George Floyd's death.
02:08And shifting to the attempted assassination
02:11on the former president, I want to make it clear,
02:13in America, violence has never been the answer,
02:17not on a certain day in January or a recent day in July.
02:23And I just want to go through the shooting,
02:25just briefly, with you.
02:26How many armed officers were within the perimeter,
02:31just ballpark figure?
02:33You know, that really goes to the security posture,
02:35which is the subject of the DHS Inspector General's review
02:40and the outside panel, independent panel that's-
02:43Would you say probably more than 100, though?
02:46I have to believe that number, but again,
02:48I don't have that number at my fingertips.
02:50Our focus is on the shooter and his attack.
02:53And the shooter was able to get eight shots off
02:55before he was killed?
02:56That's what it would appear, yes.
02:58Type of weapon used by the shooter was an assault rifle?
03:02Was an AR-style rifle.
03:03So that means one trigger pull, one round, is that right?
03:08Do you like to shoot?
03:09Do I?
03:12Do you know the difference between an AR
03:14and a bolt-action rifle?
03:16I'm not going to try it.
03:17I sit here and engage on sort of firearms expertise,
03:20but I've fired a variety of weapons.
03:24Had the shooter used a bolt-action rifle,
03:25would that have been one trigger pull, one round?
03:29That's my understanding.
03:31Would there had to have been more,
03:33well, on an assault rifle, trigger pull, round,
03:36trigger pull, round, bolt-action, non-assault rifle,
03:40what's the difference?
03:40Is it faster, slower?
03:43He was able to get more rounds off more quickly
03:46than he would have with other kinds of weapons.
03:49And that's my point, is that
03:51we can add additional resources
03:54to protect political candidates, and we should.
03:57The people who went to that rally
03:59deserved to be protected from gun violence,
04:03just like the students at Parkland
04:04deserve to be protected from gun violence,
04:07just like the babies at Sandy Hook
04:09deserve to be protected from gun violence.
04:12So we'll devote more resources.
04:14We've added a presidential candidate
04:16who is also now protected.
04:18But if we're being honest with ourselves,
04:21we have armed this country to the teeth,
04:25and we have allowed the most dangerous people
04:29to have access to the most dangerous weapons.
04:32I say that as a parent of a seven-year-old
04:34and a five-year-old and a two-year-old,
04:35the two oldest who have done multiple
04:37mass shooter drills in their classrooms.
04:39I say that as a brother to two police officers
04:41who walk a very violent beat,
04:44and I say that as an elected official
04:46who believes that my colleagues deserve
04:48to be as safe as I deserve to be
04:51when we are at political rallies.
04:53And so we really need to step back and think,
04:55if we allow these weapons to be in our country,
04:58can we truly protect our elected officials,
05:01and can we truly protect, most importantly,
05:04our children and the next generation?
05:05I yield back.
05:08Gentleman yields back.
