तोता बने शुकदेव ने जब सुन ली अमर कथा तो शिवजी उसे मारने को दौड़े और फिर हुआ गजब

  • 2 months ago
तोता बने शुकदेव ने जब सुन ली अमर कथा तो शिवजी उसे मारने को दौड़े और फिर हुआ गजब


00:00It is the same. There is a difference between becoming a parrot and being a parrot.
00:04You have come as a parrot.
00:07No, no, you have come as a parrot.
00:10The story was going on, yes, yes, you were speaking.
00:14Yes, yes, yes, the sequence was going on.
00:17Now what happened?
00:19In the story of Dasamiskand, Parvati-ji fell asleep.
00:25Now, yes, yes, it stopped.
00:27If you are a parrot, whatever you teach the parrot, it will speak.
00:31Since then it was listening, yes, yes, yes.
00:34So Sukhdev-ji, now instead of Parvati-ji, will say, yes, yes, yes.
00:38Shiv-ji did not know who was saying yes, yes, yes.
00:41The story was being told with eyes closed.
00:44When Parvati-ji opened her eyes, she folded her hands and said,
00:47Lord, I fell asleep in the story of Dasamiskand.
00:50So he said, who was saying yes, yes, yes?
00:52He said, I don't know.
00:55Shiv-ji lost his sight and Sukhdev-ji was sitting next to him.
00:58So he picked up the trident and ran to kill Sukhdev-ji.
01:01Sukhdev-ji was flying and Shiv-ji was running behind him.
01:04Wait, I will see you now.
01:06While flying, Sukhdev-ji Maharaj has come to Badrik Ashram.
01:10And above Badrik Ashram there is a village called Mana.
01:13Where Vyasa-ji's Shamyaprash Ashram is made.
01:16And there Maharaj Vyasa's wife Bittika-ji opened her mouth.
01:20Her son-in-law came, the parrot came flying.
01:23And Sukhdev-ji Maharaj, through Vyasa's wife's mouth,
01:26became pregnant with Vyasa's wife.
01:28Went into the womb.
01:31When Vyasa-ji saw Shiv-ji, he asked, how did you come?
01:34Shiv-ji said, our enemy has come to your hut.
01:38Take him out.
01:41He folded his hands and said,
01:43Vyasa-ji, Shiv-ji, you cannot have any enemy.
01:49No, no, no.
02:19Vyasa-ji, Shiv-ji, you cannot have any enemy.
02:23No, no, no.
02:25No, no, no.
02:27No, no, no.
02:29No, no, no.
02:31No, no, no.
02:33No, no, no.
02:35No, no, no.
02:37No, no, no.
02:39No, no, no.
02:41No, no, no.
02:43No, no, no.
02:45No, no, no.
02:47No, no, no.
02:49No, no, no.
02:51No, no, no.
02:52No, no, no.
02:54No, no, no.
03:25He said, if my wife can be immortal, then can't a parrot be immortal?
03:29Shivji said, you are absolutely right.
03:32You are absolutely right.
03:34Yes, a parrot can also be immortal.
03:36I had forgotten this.
03:37You had forgotten, so now remember.
03:39He said, I did.
03:40And after giving a lot of blessings to Sukhdevji, Shivji went back to Kailash.
03:44He said, Shankar Bhagwan ki jai.
03:48Now brother, Sukhdevji was hidden in his mother's womb for 12 years.
03:52He was afraid that if he goes out, Shivji might kill him.
03:56Then one day, Vyasaji realized that his wife was in a lot of pain.
04:00So Vyasaji said, son, come out.
04:02Your mother is in a lot of pain.
04:06Sukhdevji said, I will come out, father.
04:08But I am most afraid of your Maya.
04:12You are the incarnation of God.
04:14You promise me that your Maya will not trouble me.
04:18Then Bhagwan promised Vyasaji that his Maya will not trouble him.
04:48So, when a person is in the control of his Maya, then he has to be bound in bondage.
05:05Now you please do me a favor.
05:07Bhagwan Vyasaji has given his word.
05:09Sukhdevji has come out of his womb.
05:11He has come to the banks of the Saraswati river.
05:14He has become immersed in the worship of the formless Brahma.
05:18He has started worshipping.
05:20Such a great Bhagwan Sukhdevji was done by Naman Sutaji.
05:24On whom the Maya had no effect at all.
05:26Say, Sukhdevji Maharaj ki jai.
