Cowboy Cartel - S01 Trailer (English) HD

  • vor 3 Monaten
Die True-Crime-Doku-Serie Cowboy Cartel begleitet einen jungen FBI-Agenten bei seiner Ermittlung gegen die Geldwäsche-Machenschaften des mexikanischen Los Zetas-Kartells.


00:00We've been shot and attacked on the highway.
00:08Try to remain alive, please.
00:09We got a shot.
00:10We got a shot.
00:11My first week as an FBI agent, my boss told me, here we work against the Zetas.
00:18All the cartels use violence to achieve their aims.
00:20The Zetas took it to a different level.
00:22Their calling card was brutality.
00:24Anyone who stood up to them would wind up dead.
00:28When you think of the drug cartels, you think of the drugs, you think of the violence, you
00:32think of money, but you do not think of horses.
00:40It's ranchers and wealthy businessmen who usually populate the winner's circle.
00:45But all of a sudden, there's this new owner who keeps winning named Jose Trevino.
00:50The Trevino brothers run the Zetas cartel.
00:53The suspicion was that the cartel is laundering money through racehorse operations.
00:58How are you going to prove this business is illegal?
01:01Scott was in way over his head.
01:04It was a chance to dismantle the Zetas in a way that has never been done before.
01:12You got to have hard evidence.
01:14There's millions upon millions of dollars.
01:15We have to follow the money and put your own safety at risk.
01:21Here we go.
01:22Twelve hundred law enforcement personnel had to target the Zetas on the same day.
01:26Three years of investigation could all be ruined overnight.
01:29My biggest fear was that every target was going to go to Mexico and be untouchable.