insta empire episode 198

  • 2 months ago


00:00You come out with me."
00:02Darpan looked at Kanika in a stern manner and said, and then left the ward.
00:07Anger was boiling in Antim and Kunal's minds, and they were just staring at the map.
00:12Although their feelings were quite different from each other,
00:16Kunal was disgusted to see the map,
00:19so Antim's heart was burning with hatred to see the map.
00:23Darpan stopped one by one after stepping towards the stairs.
00:27Why did you call me out?
00:29Kanika looked very unhappy at this time.
00:32Suddenly Darpan turned around and slapped Kanika on the face.
00:38Darpan, have you gone mad?
00:40How dare you hit me?
00:43Darpan's slap was so strong that Kanika's body almost collided with the wall.
00:50Anger was boiling in Kanika's eyes one by one.
00:54I am mad? I think you have gone completely mad.
00:58Looking at Kanika in a stern manner, Darpan said,
01:01You know very well that dad has been given slow poison, right?
01:06Kanika was stunned to hear this.
01:08Without any reason, her body began to tremble.
01:12She began to see the glow of panic in her eyes.
01:15What are you trying to say?
01:17You also know that dad has been taking pills for many years.
01:20How do I know who and when poisoned dad?
01:23I was not even in contact with my family for so many years.
01:26Suddenly Kanika's eyes panicked and she stood in front of Darpan in fear.
01:33It is true that you have not been in contact with the Bhanushali family for the past few years.
01:37But this entire planning is yours to make the Bhanushali family rule.
01:42Isn't it?
01:43Darpan said in a low voice,
01:46Earlier I only had a doubt on you.
01:48But after Naksha came to the ward, the excitement on your face told me everything.
01:54I have come to know a lot from that one look of yours.
01:57At this time, Kanika did not refute Darpan at all.
02:00And gave Darpan a chance to speak freely.
02:03Tell me why did you do this?
02:05Darpan said,
02:07This family has kept you so well.
02:10Gave you everything when needed.
02:12Then how can you do such a heartless act?
02:17Suddenly Kanika started laughing loudly.
02:20You are asking me why I did all this?
02:23I have nothing to hide now.
02:25Darpan, don't you realize that you are not a real man?
02:30Obviously you are older than Naksha.
02:32But in any perspective you are not better than her.
02:35She is ahead of you in every matter.
02:38If I had not found a way to get her out of the Bhanushali family.
02:42Then you would have been roaming around with a drum in your hand like the rest of the men of this family.
02:47Kanika said in a low voice,
02:49Don't you still understand why I removed Naksha from the family?
02:54Darpan, have you never thought about this?
02:57If Naksha comes back to this family,
03:00Then what will you and your son get?
03:05You both will work as Naksha's puppets.
03:08And I didn't want my brother to have to work as someone's servant.
03:13I have seen you once as a servant.
03:16Didn't want to see you again.
03:19At this time, a sister's love was visible for her brother.
03:22Are you telling the truth?
03:24One by one, Darpan's eyes grew even bigger.
03:28He did not expect that his sister could do so much secretly.
03:32Yes, you are right.
03:34You are telling the truth.
03:36I am the one who has poisoned papa.
03:38I was the one who got Naksha out of this family.
03:41Naksha was not at fault.
03:43Her account was clear like butter.
03:46But if I had not made a mistake in the cash flow,
03:48You would never have gotten this position.
03:50In fact, you should thank me.
03:53I have done all this for my brother.
03:56Kanika said to Bhini Muskaan,
03:58Now you know everything.
04:01But why did you do this?
04:03Naksha is my nephew, not an enemy.
04:06For Darpan, all this was so shocking that his whole body started shaking.
04:10Yes, so what?
04:12You are useless.
04:13There is no problem with this.
04:14But your son is also completely useless.
04:17Who cannot compete with Naksha.
04:19If I had not taken a stand at the right time,
04:22And did not make that situation against Naksha,
04:24Then you yourself think,
04:25Where would we have been in the family today?
04:28Kanika was not ashamed of what she did.
04:31And there was no regret.
04:33Now finally your place in this family has become the highest.
04:36Papa had to go today or tomorrow.
04:39And after his departure,
04:40The responsibility of the whole family will be on your shoulders.
04:43We can do everything we want to do.
04:46The whole family will be in your hands.
04:49The whole business will be under your control.
04:51This is what I wanted.
04:53Being firm, Kanika said,
04:55If you have mercy on Naksha,
04:57Then give her some money.
04:59I will not object for a little money.
05:02If there was no Naksha in our family,
05:04Then I would never have to take such a step.
05:07Yo! Yo!
05:09Darpan Bhanushali got so angry,
05:11That he grabbed Kanika's neck and stuck it to the wall.
05:15Although Kanika did everything for her and Darpan's family,
05:19But Darpan was not so heartless.
05:21He did not like Kanika's behavior at all.
05:24But now it was so late,
05:26That he could not do anything.
05:28At the same time,
05:30Naksha, who was sitting in the ward,
05:32Seeing her grandfather in that condition,
05:34Her soul trembled.
05:36Although Naksha was thrown out of the family,
05:38But he was not a human being.
05:40No matter how his relationship with the family is,
05:43But how could he be ruthless like Kanika and Kunal?
05:48Are you really waiting for your grandfather to wake up?
05:51Kunal, who was standing right behind Naksha,
05:53Showed hatred and said,
05:55There is still time.
05:57Go to the hospital.
05:59When grandfather will regain consciousness,
06:01He will be very angry to see you in front of him.
06:03Uncle Darpan has called me here.
06:06When he is not asking me to go from here,
06:08Then who are you to send me out of here?
06:11Naksha replied sternly.
06:13Although he did not look back at all.
06:16He is my grandfather.
06:18And now, since he is very seriously ill,
06:21I want him to take out the last moments of his life peacefully.
06:25Not by seeing you.
06:27Don't you understand this?
06:29Kunal shouted.
06:31So you get out of here as soon as possible.
06:34You are talking as if he is only your grandfather.
06:38Don't forget that he is my grandfather.
06:41And I am his grandson.
06:43Naksha did not give Kunal any importance at all.
06:46As if he is just a barking dog for him.
06:50Suddenly, the old man lying on the bed opened his eyes.
06:54Seeing Naksha in front of him, his eyes sparkled.
06:57Love and helplessness were visible in his eyes.
07:01Grandfather, you woke up?
07:04Kunal took a flattering smile on his face and said.
07:07Leaving a deep breath,
07:09A word came out of Naksha's mouth.
07:11Grandfather, I am very happy to see you here.
07:18In a low and weak voice, Yashwardhan said.
07:21Yashwardhan did not expect Naksha to come here.
07:25Whatever happened in the last few months,
07:27there is no question of expectation after that.
07:30The Bhanushali family attacked the financial market of Surat to wipe out Naksha.
07:35After that, Naksha's parents and her friends were also badly beaten.
07:40Even after all this, his grandson was sitting in front of him today.
07:45Which grandfather will not be satisfied seeing this?
07:48Grandfather, you rested very well.
07:51Naksha did not understand where to start from.
07:55After a few minutes, a nurse came running in.
07:59After looking around the entire ward, she said.
08:02Are you Mr. Bhanushali's family?
08:04The hospital's specialist team met with the outside specialists
08:08and examined Mr. Bhanushali's condition in detail.
08:11Maybe Mr. Bhanushali can be saved.
08:14Is it? How? What is the method?
08:17In just a moment, Darpan came to the ward and asked the nurse in shock.
08:22His tone was clearly showing urgency.
08:25Mr. Bhanushali has poison in his blood.
08:28But we can save him through blood transfusion.
08:31This will remove his dirty, poisonous blood
08:34and his body will start producing fresh blood.
08:37The nurse said further.
08:39But there is one thing to consider.
08:42There is a lot of risk for both in this process.
08:45Moreover, there is a risk of high BP in the blood transfusion process.
08:50If the physical fitness is not correct,
08:52then this process will not work.
08:54And the patient and the person who is giving blood
08:57can also die instantly.
09:00One more thing.
09:01Your body plays the most important role in the blood exchange process.
09:05Even if he survives,
09:07his physical fitness will be completely reduced.
09:10And if he has taken any pills,
09:12his effect will be zero.
09:14Because there will be no trace of those pills in that new blood.
09:18As long as he is not fully fit,
09:21he cannot take any other pills.
09:23This will be valid on both.
09:25On the one who is taking blood and on the one who is giving blood.
09:28Although the nurse's voice was very low while saying this.
09:31But whether it was Darpan Bhanushali
09:33or the rest of the members of the Bhanushali family,
09:36everyone present in the corridor could hear very well.
09:40For a moment, everyone's expressions became very serious.
09:43Especially when they heard
09:45that instant death can occur in that process.
09:48And on top of that, the effect of the pills will be zero.
09:50And it will also cause problems in the future.
09:52After all, who would want to take the risk of such a process?
09:55Yashwardhan Bhanushali is already very old.
09:58And he has lived a good life.
10:01But the young people of the Bhanushali family
10:03have just started living their lives.
10:06And they have just started walking on the path of pills.
10:10So in such a situation,
10:12should they risk their lives
10:14by pitying their grandfather and grandfather?
10:16Whether they should or not,
10:18this is a different matter.
10:20But it is a matter of thinking
10:22that someone will risk their life.
10:24In the true sense,
10:26everyone was looking at their own meaning.
10:28And there is no greater meaning than life, sir.
10:32Seeing the reaction of the people present outside
10:34and seeing the reaction of the innocent people,
10:36Mani Mannaksh was laughing.
10:38Are these the people who will help the Bhanushali family
10:40in the time of trouble?
10:44Yashwardhan Bhanushali,
10:46who gave birth to this Bhanushali family,
10:48is swinging between life and death today.
10:50And these people are only concerned about their own life.
10:52Ask them that
10:54if Yashwardhan Bhanushali had not been there,
10:56would they have been able to reach this level today?
10:58Maybe no one will even have an answer to this.
11:00And if there is,
11:02then no one will want to say anything at this time.
11:04On one hand,
11:06where everyone was silent out of fear,
11:08suddenly Naksh opened his mouth and said,
11:10when can we perform
11:12blood transfusion surgery?
11:14Sir, don't worry.
11:16Performing this surgery is not that easy.
11:18First of all,
11:20we will have to see whose blood is matching
11:22with Mr. Bhanushali's blood.
11:24If someone's blood matches,
11:26then only surgery can be done.
11:28In a low voice, the nurse said,
11:30all of you come with me for blood test.
11:32Hearing this,
11:34the people of Bhanushali family
11:36took a deep breath of relief.
11:38Because the blood match was yet to be done.
11:40The glass was about to fall on him.
11:42So there was no need to
11:44worry anyone now.
11:46Why didn't the nurse tell them this earlier?
11:48Everyone's condition had worsened unnecessarily.
11:50About an hour later,
11:52something exciting happened in the Bhanushali family.
11:54According to Yashwardhan Bhanushali's blood report,
11:56his blood group
11:58was AB negative.
12:00Out of 240 people, only 3
12:02are compatible for Mr. Bhanushali's surgery.
12:04Looking at the test sheet in his hand,
12:06the nurse was surprised and said,
12:08who are those 3 people
12:10who are compatible
12:12for Yashwardhan Bhanushali's surgery?
12:14Is our hero
12:16Naksha's name included in it?
12:18Or is Naksha's name not included?
12:20If Naksha is there,
12:22then who are the other 2 people?
12:24And will they be ready for this process?
12:26In this situation,
12:28will Yashwardhan Bhanushali
12:30get to see his family's true colors?
12:32Will it affect Yashwardhan?
12:34Will Yashwardhan and Naksha's relationship improve?
12:36Will Naksha
12:38be included in the family again?
12:40Will Naksha be included again?
12:42Will Yashwardhan's life be saved?
12:44To know more, listen to
12:46Insta Empire, only on Pocket FM.