1st Image Of Our Galaxy's Black Hole Heart

  • 3 months ago
The Event Horizon Telescope captured the first image of the Milky Way galaxy's supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* — our galaxy's "black hole heart."
Credit: ESO


00:00Imaging a black hole seems like an impossible dream.
00:13After all, they are black and do not emit light.
00:16So how can we see them?
00:18Well, with a telescope big enough, we could at least see the immediate surroundings of
00:23the largest black holes.
00:26The supermassive ones that are millions or even billions of times heavier than our sun.
00:33Then we would be able to unveil some of the mysterious secrets these monsters hide.
00:39Except that when you do the maths, you find that to observe even the closest supermassive
00:44black holes, you'd need a telescope the size of the Earth.
00:48Something beyond our wildest dreams.
00:52Or maybe not.
00:55A few years ago, 300 astronomers from nearly 80 institutes across the globe joined forces
01:01and found a way to create a telescope as large as our planet.
01:05And they did it without using new mirrors, screws or steel.
01:10The Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT, is not a real telescope, but a virtual one.
01:25The stroke of genius of the EHT collaboration was in using powerful radio telescopes that
01:30already exist, including ALMA and APEX, co-owned by ESO.
01:37They combined their observations in a way no one had ever attempted before, with a technique
01:42called Very Long Baseline Interferometry.
01:49This may sound like sci-fi, but it actually works, as the EHT team showed back in 2019.
01:56That's when they revealed the supermassive object at the center of the M87 galaxy to
02:01the world.
02:06The very first image of a black hole.
02:14To understand exactly how hard that was, let us drop in some facts.
02:21First of all, you should know that the EHT telescopes could not see the black hole itself,
02:26as it is invisible.
02:28Rather, they picked up the radio signals from the hot glowing gas around it and imaged the
02:33shadow the black hole casts on it.
02:38To do this, the telescope antennas in the EHT array had to be pointed to exactly the
02:43same position in the sky at exactly the same time.
02:47The EHT can tell if one of these antennas is off by just a millimetre, and if the timing
02:52is shifted by a trillionth of a second, even though the telescopes are located thousands
02:57of kilometres apart.
03:02Imaging the black hole in M87 then required combining the observations of all telescopes
03:06in the network, using interferometry.
03:12This technique works best if you have many telescopes, which wasn't the case.
03:18The team had 8 observatories, though now the network has grown to 11.
03:27So the EHT researchers had to develop special algorithms to be able to fill in the gaps
03:32and reconstruct their image.
03:36It was like staring at a puzzle with most pieces missing, trying to figure out what
03:40the whole image would look like.
03:44To determine if the result was scientifically bulletproof, they used a variety of methods.
03:49Computer simulations to identify errors introduced by their telescope network, different teams
03:54working in isolation on reconstructing the image in different ways, new techniques and
04:00It took years of work until they were sure they had done it right.
04:06Only then did they show their image to the world.
04:18The result was like peering at the black hole in M87 with a telescope almost the size
04:24of the Earth.
04:25An instrument so powerful that it could see details as small as a doughnut on the Moon.
04:36So what's next for the EHT?
04:40The team have already pointed their telescopes to a new target, Sagittarius A star, the supermassive
04:48black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, our black hole.
04:55Sagittarius A star is much closer to Earth than the supermassive black hole in M87.
05:02So you may think that imaging it is a piece of cake by comparison.
05:06Sorry to disappoint you, it's even more difficult.
05:11First, the centre of the Milky Way is obscured to us by clouds of dust and hot gas that scatter
05:18the radio signals coming from around the black hole.
05:21Furthermore, because Sagittarius A star is about 1,500 times less massive than its cousin
05:27in M87, its radio signals change far more rapidly in time.
05:32Blobs of plasma orbit it in just a few minutes, whereas those in M87 orbit the black hole
05:39every few days.
05:42This forces astronomers to adapt their algorithms and to develop new techniques to get stable
05:48A bit like trying to read the brand on a basketball while spinning it on your finger.
05:56In the end, the EHT team did manage to overcome all these obstacles.
06:01So here it is, the first image of Sagittarius A star, the black hole at the centre of the
06:08Milky Way.
06:47Transcribed by ESO. Translated by —
