This Men's Telehealth Company Has A Unique Take On Telehealth And Products

  • 3 months ago
Mangoceuticals, Inc. (“MangoRx”) is focused on developing a variety of men's health and wellness products and services via a secure telemedicine platform.

To date, the Company has identified men's wellness telemedicine services and products as a growing sector and especially related to the area of erectile dysfunction (ED), hair growth and hormone replacement therapies.

Interested consumers can use MangoRx’s telemedicine platform for a smooth experience. Prescription requests will be reviewed by a physician and, if approved, fulfilled and discreetly shipped through MangoRx’s partner compounding pharmacy and right to the patient’s doorstep.


00:00Jacob, good morning. Welcome to the show. Good morning to you. How are you doing today?
00:08I'm doing great. I was just on the chat. You and I haven't had a chance to have a conversation
00:13in the past. I'm excited for this one. And, you know, I'd love to talk about what your
00:15company does. And I kind of mentioned to the chat that the conversation can be a bit taboo,
00:20but it's so important to talk about because many, many Americans, many humans around the
00:24world, forget just Americans deal with this. So enough teasing, let's get kind of right
00:28down to it. But before we do, give the folks at home a brief overview. What is it that
00:32your company does? That's OK. We like teasing. It's OK. We can't get canceled, though, Jacob.
00:38We can't go canceled. I appreciate that. I appreciate that. So Mangoceuticals is a men's
00:44health and wellness company. And we've really set ourselves to be different as a telemedicine
00:48company by providing really unique formulas and really unique products that are geared
00:53for men. That's the name Mangoceuticals or Mango Rx. And mango is a play on words for
00:58man go. So outside of being a really tasty fruit, we want men to go hard in all aspects
01:04of life. Therefore, we want to create products that, you know, that that emphasize that.
01:09Right. So whether it's in the bedroom, whether it's in the boardroom, whether it's at the
01:12gym or just in all aspects of life, you know, want people to feel good, men to feel good
01:17and be at their peak performance at all times. So, again, standing by that mantra, we've
01:22created products in those specific categories that we know are issues for men on a daily
01:27basis or, you know, could be right. Right. And also in terms of taboo, we really want
01:33to change the script because I really don't like it when, for instance, to talk about
01:36erectile dysfunction. Yeah, I hate that word dysfunction, because when someone says something
01:41dysfunction, right, you hear that word. It sounds like something's wrong with you. So
01:44we shifted it to call it erectile function. It's not that it doesn't work. We just want
01:49it to work better. Right. It's the same thing. Instead of calling it hair loss, we call
01:53it hair growth. We want to focus more on the positive. You know, yeah, I could you know,
01:58I can stand to have a little bit more hair on my head. Right. Yeah. And weight loss.
02:03You know, it's again, with the way we try to do it in our marketing is it's not about
02:08thought that, hey, you're fat or, you know, you're way overweight. It's I could lose a
02:14few pounds. Right. So it's really changing the script and making men feel more empowered
02:19to do something about their overall well-being and their state of health makes total sense.
02:24By the way, I think that Mike is kind of brushing up against your shirt sometimes here. Just
02:27a heads up on that. Sorry about that. No, no, no. You're good. You're good. Now, here's
02:31the thing. You have there are many competitors in this space, I feel right, whether it's
02:36the Viagra aspect of it, whether it's a company like Tabs, you guys as well. So what is what
02:40what kind of separates you from the competition? And I know you've got some of your product
02:44offerings here as well. What separates you from everybody else that's kind of attacking
02:48this space, maybe in a different way, though? Sure. Well, when we set out to enter into
02:53the market, you know, again, there were only a few players out there that were doing anything
02:57from a compounded standpoint. Typically, when people were going online to order medications,
03:02they were getting generic medications like generic Viagra, generic Cialis, which is
03:07tadalical. So then I feel no one was really doing anything, going the extra mile by by
03:12compounding these medications with other medications to give it a little bit more of a
03:16robust impact. And also what we've done is also changed the delivery system. So instead
03:22of taking a pill, which, you know, is hard to swallow sometimes, we make a lot of ours
03:28and what's called rapid dissolve tablets. So they go under the tongue, they dissolve
03:32sublingually, so it hits the bloodstream faster. And that's another one of our taglines is
03:37ready set mango. So you're ready to go and in a faster timeframe than just, you know,
03:43taking a regular tablet. So compounded medications is something that we've kind of started to,
03:50you know, to enter into the market and to introduce into the market. And that's really
03:55one of the things that separated us from the competition and continues to separate us from
03:58the competition. The other thing that's really separating us from the competition right now,
04:03which we're very excited about, and we literally just announced a couple days ago, was we are
04:09now able to prescribe controlled medications on our platform. We've just invested a significant
04:16amount of capital into a proprietary back-end telemedicine platform, like I said, which
04:22is proprietary only for us. And the DEA has gone in and has done an extensive audit to
04:27allow us now to prescribe controlled medications. And what's the controlled medication that
04:32we're prescribing? It's actually testosterone. And one that I'm very, very excited about
04:38and which I know is going to be a game changer in the market because it's an oral form of
04:43Is that the TRT treatment? Is that because that's, I've heard, I've heard of similar
04:46names. Okay. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Sorry. TRT stands for testosterone replacement therapy.
04:51So yes, exactly. And again, I'm not sure if you're familiar with this. I mean, you look
04:56pretty young, so you may not have an issue with testosterone, but you know, unfortunately
05:00men, as they get older, they start losing, they start their testosterone levels start
05:06to, you know, to decrease. And therefore you have to go and try to get some kind of
05:11a supplementation to either natural body's testosterone or to replace it. And traditionally,
05:18the way to get it, the way to have TRT is through like an injection or a shot, which
05:22I know can be painful. It's, it's time consuming. You got to go to a clinic once a week. You
05:28have to stay on a schedule. If you travel, if you're busy, it gets, you know, it's gets
05:34a little tough to, to really, really stay and maintain a schedule. Yeah. But this is,
05:40this is brand new. It's FDA approved and it's oral. If you just take two soft gels once
05:46a day and that's what, that's what replaces your testosterone. And it doesn't have nearly
05:51the amount of side effects that a shot would have. So this is truly game changing. Like
05:56I said, it's FDA approved. It is, you know, we're debunking what people feel about oral
06:01TRT. Traditionally, someone would hear oral TRT and they think it's, it's toxic to the
06:06liver. A lot of doctors are against that because of the toxicity. But this technology actually,
06:12it doesn't get dissolved in the liver. It gets dissolved in your lymphatic system. So
06:17it completely bypasses the liver. It's very safe. And, uh, you're just, your, your body's
06:23actually continuously producing natural testosterone. So, you know, I just wanted to show some of
06:28the packaging. Yeah. Feel free. So this is what we call prime. Yeah. Mango RX. And, uh,
06:36yeah, these are the pills. They look very, uh, almost like a, like an Omega three. So
06:42you could see right there. They're very small and you just take two. So I'm going to, I'm
06:46actually on it myself. So I'm just going to take it real quick. I love it. Yeah. Well,
06:51mango, sometimes it's okay to take your own supply. I feel like this is, I feel like this
06:57one is okay. And yeah, it's always good to not just put money where your mouth is, but
07:01also to take your own supplements and what you're, what you're providing here. Let's
07:04talk about the money aspect. Matter of fact, before I do that, I want to kind of touch
07:07based on what you said, because on this show, I, you know, they, they kind of, there's an
07:10inside joke of, I always get my haircuts every week or so I'm due for one, uh, probably right
07:14after today, but you know, there's, there's hair loss that I deal with as well. There's
07:18a hair loss that many men will deal with because of stress because they don't touch grass enough
07:21because of today's world environment is in go, go, go mode, not just for men, but also
07:25for women as well. So I feel like there's more of an open conversation about, Hey, yeah,
07:30these are the things that we deal with when it comes to health, depression and mental
07:33health was a taboo topic, but now people talk about it openly on FinTwit. I'm hoping that
07:38hair loss and you know, erectile function, if you know, just to take your words from
07:42it, those are also conversations that we can have in the open space. Let's talk about the
07:46money aspect because you are publicly traded. You've got this new oral FDA TRT treatment.
07:53What's that going to mean for the bottom line? What, what, how is it going to continue
07:55bringing in money? Cause you are a company at the end of the day.
07:58Absolutely. Uh, so the good news is that we somewhat have a competitive edge here and
08:02that we're one of the only, there's a small handful of companies that are able to even
08:07offer this product. Um, we're very close with this, with the CEO of the pharmaceutical manufacturer
08:12and he's really given us a little bit of a headstart. So that's number one. Yeah. Um,
08:17number two, you know, our goal since we've launched prime, uh, is really to get about
08:2110,000 subscribers in the first year. Um, we sell it for about $225 a month. So again,
08:28you do the math. If we're trying to get to 10,000 customers, that's a about 20, 25, $26
08:33million a year in top line revenue. And our margins are very hefty. We're in the, between
08:37the, you know, the mid thirties and in the margins. And the good thing about TRT is once
08:42you're on it, you have to stay on it because your body is now used to getting that extra
08:46testosterone. So the longterm value of this customer is just going to continue to compound
08:51and compound. So ideally, uh, I could share some statistics about 5% of the male population
08:58in the U S or on some form of TRT. So that's roughly around eight to 9 million men. So
09:0410,000 subscribers is, is a very, it's, it's a very infinitesimal, you know, percentage
09:10of what out there. So obviously we're trying to get to 50,000, a hundred thousand, which
09:14would get us into the quarter billion in revenue range. And that's just with this one product,
09:19not taking into account our mango erectile function, our hair growth. Um, we have a oral
09:25dissolvable slim and trim, which is the semi-glutide and the triseptide. That's going to be launched
09:31in a month from now. So all of those product categories are going to be bringing extreme,
09:35you know, very good revenues through our top line. But prime is, we know it's been good
09:40longterm value of a customer. Um, 10,000 customers is our goal for the first year, which I believe
09:46we have a lot of strategies to hit. So we're very, very bullish and very excited about,
09:50uh, about God, about getting this to market and start to generate recurring revenue.
09:54A part of that strategy, I'm going to assume is to have your partnership with the international
09:58society or frontier life sciences and technology. You talked about that. Um, you know, you released
10:03a press releases on it. Give me quick insights on how is that going to help the company,
10:07especially get to the numbers that you were just giving us a breakdown on.
10:10Absolutely. And I'm just going to go back to your original point about a competitive
10:13edge. Uh, that was one of the things that we saw was that in order for us to maintain
10:18and be competitive in this industry with the competitors that we have is to have a global
10:22presence. So we've already established a subsidiary in Mexico and we're doing a lot of great things
10:28in Mexico to get the mango name out there. And just recently we just signed this distribution
10:32agreement with, uh, an Asian distributor that's going to focus on the Chinese market as well
10:37as Southeast Asia. And they've already been, uh, uh, showcasing our products at conferences
10:43there. Uh, we've been in conversations, uh, you know, to further some opportunities there.
10:49So as you know, the market in Asia is much greater than the United States. So I, I can
10:54allow you to kind of, you know, take logic to where that's going to go in terms of what
10:58that can do for us. But it's going to give us a lot of exposure from a branding standpoint
11:02and it will translate into, or at least we, we hope that it's going to be translating
11:07it to some good top line revenue, uh, from a global standpoint.
11:11Any, and then I guess I'll turn it over to you. We've talked about so much in terms of
11:14not just competitive edge, but also the new products that you have coming out, where the
11:18strategy is, partnerships that you have now, you just mentioned in Asia and Southeast as
11:22well. Anything else that you were kind of hoping to talk about to our viewers that I
11:25didn't get a chance to bring up the floor is kind of yours.
11:28Absolutely. Uh, I mean, we're really going to be strengthening our online digital
11:34marketing presence. Uh, I announced this about four, five months, four months ago that
11:39we just retained a ad agency. Actually, there's a competitor of ours called Bluetooth and,
11:45uh, they were the ones who took Bluetooth to 200 million in revenue from practically a
11:50startup. And so we retained the same, uh, ad agency. They're based out of Quebec city.
11:55They're called crack, uh, crack media or crack revenue. And, uh, we're very, very
12:00excited to get them going. I think they're very excited to show us what they can do.
12:04Uh, so, um, that's going to be, you know, hopefully we'll be seeing the results of
12:09that very, very near term. And, uh, we just want to continue to get the name mango out
12:15there to be a household name.
12:16Well, Hey, I look forward to, you know, having more conversations because again, I
12:20think this is an important topic to talk about just because it's always kind of been
12:24hidden in the bedroom, so to speak. Uh, no pun intended there, but it is something that
12:28many humans around the world deal with. And I'm not just talking about direct hillside,
12:33but in terms of low testosterone, in terms of hair loss, in terms of, you know, fat loss
12:37that they're looking to get, whatever the case may be. So Jacob, I'm glad we had this
12:40conversation. I look forward to the many more that we'll have here.
12:42Rest of the way. Looking forward to it. Thank you so much for your time. Absolutely.
12:45That is Jacob Cohen, who is the CEO of mango RX ticker is MGRX. Thank you so much again,
