Nicolas Maduro | “They cannot stand we’re recovering”

  • 3 months ago
In a joint meeting of the State Council and National Defense Council, reelected President Nicolas Maduro offers statements on the protests and disturbances of the latest days. teleSUR


00:00That country was decreed by, that star was decreed by Bolivar in 1819.
00:10It is a history that has its precedents, its roots, and its strength.
00:20Behind this plant, I have already denounced it,
00:23it is the U.S. imperialism, the drug trafficking of Colombia,
00:30the far right, and they came here to Venezuela because they thought they could take over Venezuela.
00:42Based on those social media campaigns we have already faced on April 11, 2014,
00:55when all TV channels were plotted.
01:01Today, all social media are plotted trying to destabilize Venezuela
01:06because they cannot stand that we have already recovered and we are in the path of total recovery.
01:15They cannot stand it.
01:17And so this oligarchy, they cannot stand that fact.
01:22They sponsored with a lot of money, with billions of drugs,
01:28and they are beginning to talk, those mobiles begin to talk about all the captured and who gave them the orders.
01:40Unfortunately, they have used a group of migrants that were trained outside with specific plans to attack in places in the city of Venezuela.
01:53And they entered in the place that we allowed the U.S. to bring migrants.
