
  • 3 months ago
00:00This is a balero game I told you about. Watch!
00:09Can I try?
00:10Claro que si!
00:17Forget it. It's too hard.
00:21Come on guys, the dragons are trying out for the soccer team today. Let's go cheer them on!
00:30Let's go!
00:38I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.
00:56Hi everybody!
00:57Hi Emmy!
00:58Hi Max!
00:59Hi Enrique!
01:00Are you ready for your Sky Soccer Tryouts?
01:03Sky Soccer? Que es eso?
01:05It's just like regular soccer. You have to get the ball and the goal.
01:10Except of course, you can never let the ball hit the ground. Si?
01:20Welcome, niños, to the Sky Soccer Tryouts.
01:24I would like to introduce your coach, Dragonland's most famous sky soccer player, El Pie.
01:33El Pie?
01:34The foot?
01:35And you can see why, compadre.
01:38Ha, ha, ha, ha!
01:47Wow! That looks like so much fun! I can't wait to be on the team!
01:53Have you ever played sky soccer before, Ord?
01:56No, but it looks pretty easy.
01:59I'm going to ask everyone to perform some sky soccer drills to see who's ready to be on the team.
02:06In this first drill, you must dribble la pelota, the ball, then pass it to your teammate,
02:12who will dribble and pass it back to you.
02:16Good luck, Ord!
02:19I hope you're ready!
02:21I sure am!
02:27Hey, don't you know how to play? No hands!
02:32That's right, compadre. You're not allowed to use your hands or head in sky soccer.
02:37I didn't know. I never played before.
02:40Don't worry about it. Now, show me how well you dribble and pass.
02:47Wait! I wasn't ready!
02:55Oh no! Can I do it again, El Pie?
02:59Lo siento. Many others are waiting. There will be other drills in a little while.
03:06Don't worry, Ord. You'll do better next time.
03:09I sure hope so.
03:12The next drill will be kicking the ball into the goal. Everyone, please get in line.
03:19Well, don't take all day!
03:21Okay, okay. Here goes nothing!
03:26Muy bien. Good preparation.
03:33Take your time, Ord.
03:35Okay. Here I go.
03:40Oh no!
03:42Oh no!
03:44Oh no!
03:45Here I go!
03:49Poor Ord.
03:50Que lastima. He's not looking too good up there.
03:54Are you hurt, Ord?
03:55No, Quetzal. I'm okay.
04:03Sky soccer is too hard! I quit!
04:06Don't quit, Ord!
04:08Si, si. You can't expect to be good at a game you've never played before. It takes practice.
04:15Hey, maybe we can help you play better, Ord.
04:18Nobody can help me.
04:20I may not be able to fly, but I play soccer in school.
04:25And I play back in Colombia.
04:29I'm not as good as they are, yet, but I know how to play.
04:34You guys do look like good players. Do you think you can help me make the team?
04:40Well, not definitely, but we'll do our best.
04:44And the rest of us will do everything we can to help, too.
04:48Okay. I guess I won't quit... yet.
04:52Let's start with dribbling and passing.
04:54I'll do it on the ground with my ball, then you try it in the air with your sky soccer ball.
05:03The first thing to remember is, start slowly.
05:06Once you get the hang of it, you can do it faster.
05:15That's okay. Nobody gets it right the first time.
05:18Try again. And remember, start slowly.
05:29Now try it a little faster.
05:33Don't be upset, Ord. You did it better that time.
05:37I did?
05:38Yay! Shark one!
05:41Try it again, just a tiny bit faster.
05:47That was great, Ord. Now pass it to Zach.
05:52I did it! Hooray!
05:55Right back at ya!
05:58Remember, Ord, you can't use your hands or head.
06:01It's so hard to remember everything. What am I gonna do?
06:07We know a song that helps us remember.
06:10A song?
06:11Yeah. The words of the song tell you which parts of the body you're allowed to use.
06:16It goes like this.
06:19Tail, chest, knees and feet, knees and feet, knees and feet.
06:24Tail, chest, knees and feet, knees and feet.
06:29I'm not sure I can remember all that.
06:32Sure you can. Watch this.
06:35Hit it, Cassie!
06:39Knees and feet.
06:41Knees and feet.
06:44Knees and feet.
06:45Knees and feet.
06:49Knees and feet.
06:51Knees and feet.
06:54Knees and feet.
06:55Knees and feet.
06:57Okay, let's see if this song helps you remember.
07:03Knees and feet.
07:07Oh, I just can't do it.
07:10But, Ord, even if you didn't hit the ball, you did remember to use your tail.
07:15I did, didn't I?
07:18Kick a goal now, Ord.
07:20Huh? Well, uh, I hope I can.
07:29Why can't I get the ball into the goal? That's the hardest part of all.
07:34Don't give up, Ord. You know what my grandma always says?
07:38If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
07:41If you try, try again, each time you'll get a little better.
07:45Try, try again. Okay.
07:49If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
07:56If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
08:01It didn't work.
08:03Try, try again, Ord.
08:06Right. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
08:14I did it! I did it! I tried and tried again and I did it!
08:25We are now about to begin our second round of drills.
08:28Well, Ord, what do you think?
08:30Do you want to try, try again to make the Sky Soccer Team?
08:35I guess so. Yes, let's go.
08:44Remember, start slowly.
08:51Oops, going too fast. Better slow down a little.
08:59Muy bien. Now pass that soccer ball to your compadre, compadre.
09:03Oh, right.
09:09Tail, chest, knees and feet.
09:20Muy bien. Nice focus. Next.
09:23Here goes.
09:29Try, try again.
09:37Excelente, compadre. Good job.
09:42Mookie, Zack and Wheezy, Spike, Cassie and Philo have all made the team.
09:47But thank you all for coming out.
09:52Ord, we're sorry you didn't get chosen for the team.
09:55I tried really, really hard, but I still wasn't good enough.
10:02Ord, would you come here, por favor?
10:09I want to congratulate you, Ord.
10:11Why? I didn't make the team.
10:14That is true. But you showed great improvement in just un día, one day.
10:19If you keep practicing, I bet you make the team the very next time.
10:24You really think so?
10:26I do.
10:28And just between you and me, the first time I played sky soccer,
10:32I went head over heels right into the goal just like you.
10:39LPA said that I really improved, even though it was my first time.
10:44And, Ord, you did not give up, even though it was difficult.
10:48I am proud of you, niño.
10:51Ord, your dragon badge is glowing.
10:55Yeah, it is.
10:57Come on, everybody, let's play sky soccer.
11:01I want to practice, so I'll make the team next time.
11:09I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home.
11:14Until next time.
11:17Hey, I almost forgot about this bolero game.
11:21I'm not giving up this time. I'm going to keep trying until I get it right.
11:28If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
11:33Come on, Max, let's get some juice pops from the freezer.
11:36Juice pops? Hmm, maybe I'll try, try again after snacks.
11:44I'm done. Look, it's me playing catch with Cassie.
11:48That's great, Emmy. How do you like mine?
11:51It's really colorful.
11:54Well, that's because it's a box of crayons.
11:58Ready to hang up yours, Enrique?
12:00Claro que sí.
12:04It's like the murals in Puerto Rico.
12:06What's a mural?
12:08It's when you decorate with crayons.
12:10What's a mural?
12:12It's when you decorate walls and buildings with really big paintings,
12:16and the artists use really bright colors, like your crayon picture.
12:21We'll have to finish our mural later. The dragons are calling us.
12:25I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.
12:52You made it!
12:56We really need your help.
13:04Is that a unicorn?
13:06Uh-huh, that's Eunice. She's really nice.
13:09Eunice, this is our friend Enrique.
13:13Oh, pleased to meet you, Enrique.
13:19The Junior Unicorn Race is today.
13:23The Junior Unicorn Race is today.
13:25Eunice asked us to help mark the path of the race so the little unicorns don't get lost.
13:31¿Por qué? Isn't that what those flags are for?
13:34Well, uh, yes. I asked Mungus the Giant to put them up for me, but he's so tall,
13:41he put them too high for the little unicorns to see.
13:44And if they have to look up when they're running, they might trip or bump into something.
13:49Oh, the path is twisty and windy and, oh, curvy.
13:53Even I would get lost if I didn't know the way.
13:56So we're going to paint the path.
13:58Will you help us?
14:01¡De acuerdo!
14:08Did somebody call for an artiste?
14:10Paint the path, Wheezy, not me.
14:14Where do we start?
14:15Oh, yes, um, we should start at the starting line.
14:19¡Follow me!
14:29Here we are.
14:30Now, does everyone have a paintbrush?
14:38Now just follow the flags and paint a path on the ground.
14:43But how will we know when to stop?
14:45The path goes in one big circle.
14:51So the starting line is also the finish line.
14:56That sounds like one of the little unicorns.
14:59Oh, dear. She must have wandered off again.
15:02I have to get her back in time for the race.
15:04Don't worry, Eunice. We'll make sure the road gets painted.
15:07¡Oh, thank you!
15:10I'll come and check on how you're doing as soon as I can.
15:19¡Thank you!
15:36I've never painted a path before.
15:38It's like drawing on the most humongous piece of paper ever.
15:42Look, there's the next flag.
15:44That means we should take this path.
15:49Painting is so tiring.
15:51Emanuel is starting to hurt.
15:53It's making me hungry.
15:57I hope we're able to finish before the race begins.
16:00We've been painting for a long time.
16:03It looks like the path ends up there.
16:10¡Oh, no!
16:12¿What's wrong, Annie?
16:13¡Oh, no! ¡What are we doing?
16:17This will take from here to there.
16:20¡Oh, no! ¡What are we doing?
16:23¡Oh, no! ¡What are we doing?
16:25¡This will take forever!
16:27You said it, Zacky.
16:29Even I'm getting sick of the color purple.
16:31And I am purple.
16:33But we can't give up now.
16:35If we don't finish painting the path,
16:37all those little unicorns might get lost.
16:40Cassie's right.
16:42I got lost once.
16:44I couldn't find my mommy, and it was getting dark,
16:47and it was really scary.
16:52We wouldn't want the little unicorns to feel scared.
16:55Pass the purple.
16:58Yunus didn't say we only had to use purple.
17:01Maybe it would be more fun if we made it more like a...
17:04¿What was it, Enrique?
17:06A mural.
17:07Great idea, Max.
17:09We'll need lots of bright colors, though.
17:11I think I have some in here.
17:15Sunshiny yellow, dragonberry red,
17:17dragoon lagoon blue,
17:19and caterpuzzle green.
17:25¡Come on, Ord!
17:26¡We can share!
17:38¡Much prettier!
17:40¡Much more colorful!
17:42¡And way more fun!
17:49¿Are we there yet?
17:55I can't tell.
18:03¿What are you doing, Cassie?
18:05¡You were the one who said we couldn't quit!
18:07¡I'm not quitting!
18:09¡I'm just taking a fun break!
18:12¿Qué es eso?
18:13When I have to clean my room at home,
18:16I do half of it and take a little fun break.
18:19I read or sing.
18:21Then cleaning the rest of my room
18:24doesn't seem so hard.
18:26That sounds like recess at school.
18:29No, it sounds like fun!
18:37¡Come on, Enrique!
18:57¡That was great!
18:58Now I feel ready to paint the path again.
19:01¿Can we take another fun break later?
19:05Okay, let me see.
19:11¿How about when we get to Turtle Rock?
19:24¿Do you hear that hum?
19:27¿Are those grumbly bees?
19:29I hear it too.
19:33It's coming from...
19:38I was just singing to myself.
19:40¿Was I too loud?
19:42¿What were you singing?
19:43It's a song my mommy sings
19:45when she's doing the dishes.
19:47She says it makes her chores go faster.
19:50¿Does singing really work?
19:52I painted a lot faster
19:53and I didn't even think about how hard it was.
19:56¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh!
19:57¡Teach me! ¡Teach me!
19:59Then we can all paint faster.
20:02Singing makes the work go by,
20:04work go by, work go by.
20:06Singing makes the work go by
20:09when you're singing.
20:11Singing makes the work go by,
20:13work go by, work go by.
20:14Singing makes the work go by
20:16when you're singing.
20:18¡That's a great song, Org!
20:20Look how much we painted while you sang.
20:22My abuelita sings that song too.
20:24¿She does?
20:25Yes, but en español.
20:27¿Can you sing it, Enrique?
20:39Yo trajo rápido, rápido, rápido.
20:42Yo trajo rápido cuando canto.
20:45¿Is it time for another fun break yet?
20:48¡Look! ¡It's Eunice!
20:51¡Oh! ¡Thank goodness I found you!
20:54¡We're almost ready to start the race!
20:56¡Oh, but we haven't finished painting the path yet!
20:59We tried to be fast.
21:01But painting takes a really, really long time.
21:04We're sorry, Eunice.
21:06¿What? ¿Sorry?
21:08¡We've almost reached the finish line!
21:10It's just past that rock over there.
21:15¡See you soon!
21:17¡We're so close!
21:19Yeah, but we're still not there yet.
21:22We still have to paint and paint and paint.
21:27¡Hey! ¡I have an idea!
21:29¿What if we race to the finish line?
21:34¿What are you doing, Emi?
21:36Each one of us can fill in one of these boxes.
21:38When you finish painting yours, you can run to the front of the line.
21:42¿What do we do then?
21:44You paint another box to try to stay ahead of everyone else.
21:47Like a race.
21:49¿What's the big box for?
21:51You and Weezy can share it, since there's two of you.
21:54¡Love it!
21:56¡Come on, Ord! ¡I'm gonna beat you!
21:58Not if I sing my mommy's song.
22:01Singing makes the work go by.
22:03Work go by, work go by.
22:05Singing makes the work go by when you're singing.
22:09Yo trabajo rápido, rápido, rápido.
22:13Yo trabajo rápido cuando canto.
22:29Aren't the little unicorns cute, Zacky?
22:32Yeah, I'm kind of glad we didn't give up after all.
22:37Now, now, hold your horses.
22:44We have to thank our friends.
22:48No problem.
22:49¡De nada!
22:50You're welcome.
22:52Okay, everyone under the arch.
22:58On your mark, get set,
23:08I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
23:16Still want to work on our mural, Max?
23:18Not right now, Emmy.
23:21I think it's finally time for my fun break.