• last year


00:00THE WOMAN IN THE CORNER. By Chatchi Pt.
00:04In the corner she stood, a young woman forlorn, tears in her eyes, her bottom so worn,
00:09red and sore, with handprints so clear, from a spanking so hard, it brought her to tears.
00:14Her misdeed was naughty, her behaviour not right, and so to the corner, she was sent with a plight,
00:19to reflect on her actions, to ponder and think, and to wait for forgiveness, her heart to unshrink.
00:25But oh, how she cried, her bottom so sore, her tears fell like rain,
00:30unto the cold floor, her heart felt so heavy, her spirit so low, as she stood in the corner,
00:35with nowhere to go. But fear not, dear reader, for time heals all pain, and shall soon be forgiven,
00:41her slate wiped clean, her tears will dry up, her heart will be light,
00:46and she'll learn from her mistake, to always do what's right.