insta empire episode 260

  • 2 months ago


00:00What happened to Naksh was that he had really become Bahubali and maybe he was not going to need his Godfather anymore.
00:08In a single blow, he stopped Rasika from speaking.
00:12Although Naksh wanted to kill Rasika on the spot and wanted to take his revenge,
00:18but his rationality told him that if he did this, then there would be a lot of problems in the Delhi group.
00:25Moreover, although Naksh and Rasika are enemies, the Delhi group has always supported the good people.
00:32Today, Rasika is also doing the same.
00:34Cleaning up the bad.
00:35However, she is doing all this because the Bhanushali family has kept her ears full.
00:40She is a fool and she has no brains.
00:43But externally, she is standing with goodness.
00:47And in such a situation, if Naksh kills a good person, then this will be the end of humanity.
00:55Rasika thought that since Naksh is angry, he has lost his mind and he is saying anything.
01:01Yes, it is also possible that Naksh is trying to scare him to save himself.
01:07If you look at it from Rasika's point of view, the words that came out of Naksh's mouth are a big insult to her.
01:13She has been famous for so many years, she is handling the Delhi group.
01:17She never thought that someone would humiliate her like this.
01:21Today, I will kill you.
01:24Rasika was so angry that her whole body started shaking.
01:28One by one, blood started boiling in her body and her aura became powerful.
01:33Immediately, Rasika attacked Naksh.
01:35And she rushed towards Naksh with lightning speed.
01:39You don't understand what is right and what is wrong for you.
01:43Saying this, Naksh shook his head.
01:45There were no signs of panic on Naksh's face.
01:49Smiling, Naksh saw Rasika coming with lightning speed.
01:52And as soon as she came close to him, Naksh jumped and attacked his chest.
01:57In the next moment, all the energy of Rasika was scattered.
02:01And she jumped in the air like a kite and fell 10 feet away.
02:06Blood came out of her mouth while falling on the ground.
02:08And after that, she could not get up from the ground again.
02:11At this time, Rasika could not believe herself.
02:14This was the first time when she was facing defeat in such a competition.
02:19Not a single trick of hers was working on Naksh.
02:23If this news comes out, then what will be the reputation of Rasika in Delhi group?
02:28Naksh did not even look at Rasika.
02:31He immediately turned back and left for the city.
02:35Although Rasika was very angry, she understood very well
02:39that Naksh did not kill her because he had already humiliated her.
02:43He did not even respect her enough to look at her before leaving.
02:47Is this less than dying?
02:49For a person, respect is everything.
02:52And Naksh had ruined Rasika's reputation.
02:56Thinking about all this, Rasika got so angry that she literally had a heart attack.
03:01Once again, blood came out of her mouth and she fainted one by one.
03:05At the same time, Nandini Ahuja, Nivedita Shikhawat and many other beauties
03:10gathered in a villa in Surat city.
03:13This time, there was no joke between them.
03:16In fact, everyone had serious expressions on their faces.
03:19Nivedita, you don't have to worry.
03:23According to the news I have received, Naksh has completely recovered.
03:27And there is one who has come first in this competition.
03:30He will not let anything happen to your grandfather.
03:33Everything will be fine.
03:34Nandini tried to comfort Nivedita.
03:37Nandini is right.
03:39Your grandfather comes on the higher positions of the Shikhawat family.
03:43And since Naksh is also a part of the Shikhawat family,
03:46he cannot ignore your grandfather.
03:49Last time, when Naksh came to get a pill from the Ahuja family to save Kushal,
03:54Naksh used the diamond given by his godfather,
03:57which is the symbol of the deputy master of the Shikhawat family.
04:00Now everyone thinks that Naksh is a part of the Shikhawat family
04:04and maybe he is also the deputy master.
04:07Because in the Shikhawat family, the identity of the deputy master has been kept unknown.
04:12But what will happen by waiting like this?
04:14Don't you guys think we should find the deputy master?
04:18But we don't even know where Naksh is.
04:20Last night, he was last seen in the World Hotel.
04:23And after that, he disappeared again.
04:26Hearing all this from his friends, Nivedita took a deep breath.
04:30In order to save the Nilambar Shikhawat, Naksh took part in that competition.
04:36In this situation, how can Nivedita beg Naksh to save her grandfather again?
04:42After all, all this happened because of her.
04:45According to me, this matter is not that difficult.
04:48Nivedita, why don't we both go and find Naksh?
04:51Nandini thought that whatever information she had,
04:54she would be able to find out something.
04:56After thinking for a long time, Nivedita shook her head and said,
05:01Leave it, he has just recovered.
05:03I think we should wait for him.
05:06If we don't find out anything about him after that, then we will do the search operation.
05:10Even though Nivedita said this,
05:13but deep inside, she was very worried about her grandfather.
05:16Who had taken good groups with him.
05:19In order to get his fame and reputation, those good groups can go to any extent.
05:24And Nivedita doesn't know how he must be dealing with his grandfather at this time.
05:29When she gets such thoughts, her anxiety increases a little.
05:34Naksh, who was moving towards the city, reached the camping event directly.
05:38Holidays were going on, so almost all the students were busy with their work.
05:43Naksh's steps moved towards Bharat Munjal's cabin.
05:46Naksh was about to knock on the door,
05:49when suddenly a loud voice came from inside.
05:52Come straight inside, the door is not locked for you.
05:55Deputy Dean is really very strong.
05:58He already got the news of my arrival.
06:01Naksh opened the door with a smile and went inside.
06:04Actually, there was a secret camera outside Bharat Munjal's cabin,
06:08which no one knew about.
06:10And neither does anyone see it.
06:12Just because of that camera, Bharat Munjal got the news of Naksh's arrival.
06:17You couldn't have recovered so soon.
06:19Bharat was sitting on his chair like a dead dog.
06:22He was lying down.
06:24I couldn't understand whether he was sitting or lying down.
06:27But there was a smile on Naksh's face.
06:29You suffered from such a serious injury.
06:31Although this was the right time to take the golden pill for you.
06:35As soon as the word came out of Bharat Munjal's mouth,
06:38Naksh's smile became cold.
06:41For a moment, he couldn't understand what to say.
06:44You don't need to be so surprised.
06:47I have met your master many times.
06:49We have known each other for many years.
06:52Moreover, he takes the ingredients to refine the medicinal pills from me.
06:57Saying this, Bharat Munjal slowly got up from his seat.
07:00I know why you have come here directly.
07:02But this matter is very important and you should talk to the dean directly.
07:06Hearing all this, Naksh was shocked one by one.
07:09Every word that came out of Bharat Munjal's mouth,
07:12hit the target like an arrow.
07:14Why aren't you saying anything?
07:16Being curious, Bharat Munjal asked.
07:19You have already said whatever you wanted to say, Vice Principal.
07:23What else should I say now?
07:25In an awkward manner, Naksh said,
07:28If your strength keeps increasing like this,
07:31will you do the same with me as you have done now?
07:34In a meaningful tone, Bharat Munjal said.
07:37Naksh's eyes grew bigger one by one.
07:39It hadn't even been two minutes since he entered the cabin.
07:42But Bharat Munjal had shocked him more than three times.
07:46In the end, I will just say that he is still very young.
07:50Often your emotions make you make mistakes.
07:53With his head bowed, Bharat Munjal said,
07:55Come, I will take you to the dean's cabin.
07:58Although Naksh did not understand what Bharat Munjal wanted to say,
08:02but this was not the time to question.
08:05Naksh could only follow him obediently.
08:08And this was good for him
08:10because he had to close the chapter of Nilambar Shikhawat as soon as possible.
08:14There was not a single problem that Naksh could easily deal with.
08:18Just at that time, a message came on Nandini's phone.
08:21And after reading that message,
08:23Nandini's facial expressions completely changed.
08:26Nivedita, Nivedita,
08:28I have received information that Naksh has already reached the camp egg event
08:32and is meeting both the deans.
08:34Maybe this is all for Dadaji.
08:36Without any expression, Nandini said,
08:38See, I told you,
08:40How can the deputy master ignore Dadaji's matter?
08:44What if he has already met your Dadaji?
08:47Komal placed her hand on Nivedita's shoulder
08:49and comforted her and said,
08:51Please, don't worry at all now.
08:54Before Nivedita could say anything,
08:56her other friend opened her mouth and said,
08:58But the camping event is completely guarded.
09:01I am afraid that will the deputy master be able to save Dadaji alone?
09:06As soon as this word came out of that girl's mouth,
09:08everyone's face started to look worried.
09:11That girl was absolutely right.
09:13The camping event is completely full of security guards and commanders.
09:18In such a situation, it is a little difficult for Naksh to reach Neelambar Shekhawat alone.
09:22On top of that, there are also powerful and powerful experts like Naman Gandhi and Bharat Munjal.
09:28No matter how powerful Naksh is,
09:30he cannot act arrogantly.
09:33So what will Naksh do in such a situation?
09:35Now this question was running in everyone's mind.
09:38Wait a minute, I'll go and meet Naksh right now.
09:42One by one, Nivedita stood up from the sofa and said,
09:45Nandini, you quickly message Naksh that I should meet him at the camping event.
09:50Nivedita, I can understand your feelings,
09:53but what is the need to be in such a hurry?
09:56If Naksh has gone there, then maybe he has a plan.
09:59Your going there may cause trouble for Dadaji and Naksh.
10:04Nandini tried to make Nivedita understand.
10:07I think we should first let Naksh reach Dadaji.
10:11And after that, we should inform the headquarters and send the experts.
10:15After that, we can all take a decision together.
10:18Komal put forward her opinion.
10:20No, this will be too late.
10:23Although Dadaji has no lack of strength in his body, but he is very old.
10:27I don't know what those good groups must have done to Dadaji.
10:30How they must have kept him.
10:32If Naksh has reached so close, then I can't see Dadaji in this condition.
10:37Nivedita's eyes clearly showed panic.
10:40She was definitely in a hurry.
10:42But her feelings were also understood.
10:44After kicking her feet hard on the ground, she immediately left the villa.
10:49No one could stop her.
10:51Nandini, what should we do now?
10:54Komal and all the other girls were also worried about Nivedita's safety.
10:58At the same time, they were also afraid that Naksh's good plan might go wrong because of Nivedita.
11:04And Neelambar Shekhawat's life might be in danger.
11:07What can we do?
11:09Can we take one step at a time?
11:12Saying this, Nandini immediately messaged Naksh.
11:15At this time, Nandini had no ideas in her mind.
11:18She had completely tied her hopes only to Naksh.
11:23At the same time, a beautiful woman was running around Surat city.
11:27Where did she go?
11:29She said that she is coming to Surat.
11:31Naksh! Naksh!
11:33Are you not in any problem?
11:35Officer Avantika was panicking and was looking at Naksh everywhere.
11:39She was afraid that the anger with which Rashika had left Mumbai,
11:43she might have killed Naksh.
11:45But as soon as Avantika reached the river bank,
11:48she lost consciousness.
11:50She was not able to take a step forward.
11:53So what did Avantika see that made her lose consciousness?
11:59Is Rashika alive or dead?
12:02If she is alive, will she continue to mess with Naksh?
12:06On the other hand, what is hidden in the meeting between Naksh and Naman Gandhi?
12:10Will Naksh be able to reach Neelambar Shekhawat?
12:13Will he be able to save Nivedita's grandfather?
12:16What will happen if Nivedita's camping event comes?
12:19Will Naksh's plan go wrong?
12:21Will Nivedita's life be in danger?
12:24What will Naksh do?
12:26To know more, listen to Insta Empire.
12:28Only on Pocket FM.