Salus tv n. 31 del 31 luglio 2024

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Allarme Peter Pan Odv, cure palliative pediatriche garantite solo al 15% dei bambini che ne hanno bisogno

Dermatologo Di Lernia: ‘con Jak inibitori remissione della dermatite atopica’

E ancora

“Sordità pandemia silenziosa”, 7 milioni gli italiani con problemi uditivi, il 30% “over 70”

A seguire lo Speciale Salus Tv dal titolo: Riparte da Roma il Cardiobreast Dragon Boat Festival: sport e prevenzione per le pazienti oncologiche in sinergia con la cardiologia


00:00In this number, Peter Pan ODB alarm, pediatric palliative care guaranteed only to 15% of
00:16children who need it, Lernia dermatologist with Jacky Nibitori, remission of atopic dermatitis
00:24and again, deafness, silent pandemic, 7 million Italians with hearing problems, 30% over 70.
00:31To follow the Salus TV special, from the title, it starts again from Rome, the Cardio Breast
00:36Dragon Boat Festival, sport and prevention for oncological patients in synergy with cardiology.
00:46Only 15% of the 30,000 children in Italy who would need palliative care can access it
00:52and well 7 regions do not have centers or structures dedicated to this specialist service.
00:56Small patients and their families are therefore forced to make long-distance trips
01:00and spend long periods away from home to be cured.
01:03It is the alarm launched by the organization of volunteer Peter Pan,
01:06which welcomes together with their families cancer-sick children who go to Rome to receive the necessary care.
01:12On the occasion of the convention, quality of life, quality of pediatric palliative care,
01:15the figure of the caregiver, one of the Roman stages of the third round of Italy of pediatric palliative care.
01:20However, as underlined by Renato Fanelli, oncologist and member of the Ethical Committee of Peter Pan ODV
01:25and of the Regional Coordination for Adult and Pediatric Palliative Care of Lazio,
01:29this type of treatment is of absolute importance for the oncological child and for his whole family.
01:34These are treatments that begin to be done not when there is nothing else to do,
01:38but still when there is a lot to do, when the active treatment ends,
01:42but the child can no longer heal, but can be cured without a doubt.
01:46Curing means thinking about all aspects of healing,
01:49not only the medical aspect, the nursing aspect, the physiotherapy aspect,
01:53but the psychological aspect, the spiritual aspect,
01:56everything that is part of the normal life of each of us, of a particular child,
02:02and when it comes to the end of his life, he has the right,
02:05and we doctors and all volunteers, all those who go around this child,
02:10to guarantee him the best possible assistance to make him live
02:14that period of life in which active treatments are no longer effective,
02:18where he probably can no longer heal, but he can still heal a lot.
02:23Regional inequality in the access to palliative and pediatric care
02:26is just one of the elements that prevents the majority of children who would need it to be cured.
02:31What should a proper commissioning be expected in these cases?
02:33It is essential that there is a therapeutic alliance,
02:36that is, around the child there must be a system composed of all the people,
02:41all the actors who dedicate themselves to the care of these children and their families,
02:46because we must remember that in the moment when a child is ill, the whole family is involved.
02:51First of all, the mother, who in general works as a caregiver,
02:55but the rest of the family, fathers, grandfathers, then brothers,
03:00all those who go around,
03:02need to be sustained in this terminal path of life.
03:07The center of the stage of the Giro d'Italia of Palliative and Pediatric Cures
03:10organized by the Peter Pan Association, which turns 30 this year,
03:13has been the figure of the caregiver,
03:15fundamental in the case of pediatric patients
03:17as it is actively involved in the administration of the cures
03:20and in ensuring the emotional well-being of the patients.
03:22A figure that is almost always a component of the family, with its own baggage of suffering.
03:27And for the Palliped study, in 90% of the cases analyzed, the main caregiver is the mother.
03:32But what is more specific about the activity carried out by the Peter Pan Association?
03:36We asked its president, Roberto Maniero.
03:38The Peter Pan Association was born in 1994, thanks to some Roman parents,
03:44to provide support to children and their families
03:47who come to Rome to be cured at the oncological departments of the hospitals.
03:52It does it thanks to its structures, giving free lodgings,
03:55but not only, it also does it thanks to the services it offers continuously
04:00throughout the day, psychological support, bureaucratic support,
04:04solidarity ships, to provide support also through transport,
04:07and with many workers, creative workers, art workers,
04:11and also caretakers, to make the children play during their days
04:16and offer a little life to those days during the therapy cycle.
04:21This is done thanks to the more than 200 volunteers,
04:24as well as our wonderful professionals,
04:26who daily and daily join the association to provide concrete help.
04:32And how did you manage to achieve all this?
04:34All the services we offer are made possible
04:37thanks to the donations of our stakeholders, companies and private individuals
04:41who support us year after year to continue to achieve our mission
04:46and continue to give our children and their families the services they need.
04:50Information about the Peter Pan Volunteer Association
04:53can be found on the website
05:05Genes, familiarity, altered skin barrier, water imbalance
05:10are the elements that can lead to the development of atopic dermatitis,
05:14chronic inflammatory disease,
05:16which is accompanied by a redness, pruritus and skin inflammation
05:20that affects about 5-7% of the adult population
05:24and even 20% of the pediatric population.
05:28In recent years, atopic dermatitis has had a big impact,
05:32the therapy of atopic dermatitis has taken big steps forward,
05:36very effective drugs have been made available to the doctor for treatment,
05:42we started with monoclonal antibodies
05:46that have the function of blocking a single cytokine
05:51and we have subsequently come to have drugs
05:55that act on different inflammatory cytokines,
05:58which in fact atopic dermatitis is due to a very complex inflammatory process
06:02that involves different cytokines
06:05and therefore has had the advantage of having drugs
06:10that are able to act on these different cytokines involved in atopic dermatitis,
06:15whose expression is in fact blocked.
06:18These are the so-called check inhibitor drugs
06:22that block these enzymes
06:25that transmit the signal of the cytokines
06:27for which the cytokines remain, let's say, present in the circle
06:30but can no longer perform the harmful action against the epidermal tissue.
06:36The disease has a strong impact on the quality of life.
06:40These therapies are very often able to determine
06:44a complete or almost complete remission of symptoms.
06:48There are drugs that act a little slower
06:53such as the check inhibitors
06:55that are often able to act within a few weeks
06:59first of all by immediately removing the pruritus
07:02and then in the following days also the inflammatory manifestations
07:06from glycerinification, that is, the dispersion of lesions.
07:10So patients not only sometimes change their appearance,
07:14let's say, of their skin because they lose the inflammatory clots,
07:18but the skin returns to normal,
07:20especially the patient comes back to rest,
07:22comes back to live his life as it has not happened for months or even years.
07:29Treating a chronic disease,
07:31the therapy, according to the expert, must be maintained
07:33because otherwise the dermatitis could represent a recidivism.
07:38What are the problems of hearing?
07:48The problems of hearing interest 7 million Italians,
07:51which is almost 12% of the population.
07:54Out of 10 cases, it is over 70.
07:56Often due to neglected diseases,
07:58the auricular pathologies can be cured if diagnosed in time
08:02and for this we need a new assistive approach
08:04based on prevention, specialist visits and new guidelines.
08:07In addition to information campaigns.
08:09In this regard, for the third consecutive year,
08:11on the entire national territory,
08:13the day of awareness on ear diseases and consequent hearing disorders is held.
08:17Titled Sorrità, a silent pandemic.
08:19The aim of the initiative is to promote propositive approaches
08:22to counteract this phenomenon in growth
08:24through prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation.
08:27Organized by the Italian Society of Otolaryngopathy
08:30and Facial and Cervical Surgery,
08:32together with the Italian Society of Audiology and Phoniatry,
08:35with the support of various associations
08:37that represent patients and relatives of hearing-impaired subjects,
08:40the event takes place in continuity and sharing of intentions
08:43with the World Hearing Day,
08:45instituted by the World Health Organization.
08:47As explained by Sara Ghiselli,
08:49Director of the Department of Otolaryngopathy,
08:51the Hospital of Piacenza and a member of the SIO,
08:53deafness is not a condition in itself,
08:55but the result of an ear disease
08:57that can be prevented, diagnosed and treated effectively in the medical field.
09:01Often we think of hearing loss as a disease in itself
09:05to be treated with acoustic devices regardless of the cause,
09:08but it is not so.
09:10In fact, different are the pathologies
09:12related to a hearing disorder.
09:14We go from genetic or hereditary diseases,
09:16such as otosclerosis,
09:18to chronic otitis, both for children and adults,
09:21to viral infectious pathologies,
09:23such as congenital cytomegalovirus,
09:25but also infections, such as meningitis,
09:27which can lead to cochlear haemorrhage,
09:30and finally to venous tumoral pathologies,
09:33such as acoustic nerve tumors.
09:35It should be emphasized that these pathologies
09:37must be a subject of continuous surveillance
09:40through screening campaigns and sensitization to the community,
09:44so that early diagnosis is possible,
09:47dealing with time-dependent pathologies.
09:50Precisely due to the lack of a correct diagnostic and therapeutic framework,
09:54the exorbitant social cost of deafness is born,
09:57which can be calculated in about 36 billion euros per year,
10:01and it is due not only to health costs,
10:04but also to rehabilitation costs,
10:06assistance costs,
10:08and costs related to the extension of work.
10:10But is it possible to cure hearing disorders?
10:13And in what way?
10:14The pathological conditions of the ear
10:16and the subsequent hearing disorders
10:18can be resolved if diagnosed in time,
10:21but they become permanent if neglected.
10:24Therefore, at the first sign,
10:26it is absolutely necessary to be visited
10:28by a specialist doctor or an audiologist,
10:31the only figures that can diagnose the type of problem
10:36and identify the correct cure.
10:38Those who suffer from hearing problems
10:40must not be resigned at all.
10:42The first symptoms must be addressed
10:44by a doctor or an audiologist
10:47to set the correct therapeutic path.
10:50Diagnosis and early treatment of hypocrisy
10:53through an acoustic prosthesis or cochlear implant
10:55in cases where the deficit is deeper
10:58can slow down and prevent cognitive decline
11:01in an elderly person
11:03or allow a correct linguistic and communicative development
11:06in the child.
11:08Hearing health is therefore a priority
11:10recognized by the World Health Organization
11:13and public health.
11:21The third edition of the CardioBreastDragonBot Festival
11:24has taken off from Lazio on Sunday, July 21,
11:26the event promoted by the INRC,
11:28the National Institute for Cardiovascular Research,
11:31in collaboration with the Italian Federation DragonBot.
11:34The festival, dedicated to the prevention
11:36and support of oncological patients,
11:38started in Rome, Itochera, Piedmont, Tuscany and Sicily
11:41by the end of October.
11:43The initiative, born in 2022,
11:45is supported by the Breast Cancer Paddlers,
11:49a group of athletes operated on breast tumors
11:52and numerous associations of oncological cardiovascular patients
11:55with the unconditional contribution of DAICI Sancho Italia.
11:59The day saw a friendly race between DragonBot teams
12:02at the Laghetto dell'Euro,
12:04who shared their life and sports experiences.
12:07During the morning,
12:09informative material was distributed
12:11on oncological cardiovascular prevention
12:13and an INRC camper
12:15offered free cardiological screenings,
12:17including cardiopulmonary, electrocardiogram,
12:20echocardiogram and oppressive monitoring
12:22of the lipid picture.
12:24Professor Francesco Fedele,
12:26president of the INRC,
12:28underlined the importance of multidisciplinary approaches
12:31in the management of oncological patients,
12:33combining cardiology and oncology
12:35for a complete assessment of risk factors
12:37and to promote healthy lifestyles.
12:39We are at the third edition
12:41of the CardioBreastDragonBot Festival
12:44It is a very important event
12:46We are at the Laghetto dell'Euro
12:48It is very hot
12:50and therefore this combination
12:52between the physical activity
12:54of women who have had
12:56an oncological problem
12:58and the cardiovascular system
13:00is really good
13:02So this synergy of prevention
13:04is good to do physical activity
13:06Physical activity is good
13:08but also to take care of your heart
13:10and to check that you have
13:12a heart that is in place
13:14before doing physical activity
13:16And then, as regards
13:18the oncological pathology,
13:20it is extremely important
13:22the synergy with other specialties
13:24such as cardiology
13:26to verify the effects
13:28of the oncological therapy
13:30on the cardiovascular system
13:32So these events come
13:34to sensitize
13:36the prevention
13:38of the two most important
13:40pathologies, oncological
13:42and cardiovascular
13:44The psychologist Antonio Dell'Ucia,
13:46President of the Italian Federation
13:48of DragonBot, has highlighted
13:50the psychophysical benefits
13:52of DragonBot for women
13:54subjected to mastectomy
13:56highlighting how this sport
13:58recognized worldwide
14:00improves the physical and psychological
14:02health of patients
14:04thanks to teamwork
14:06We are at the third edition
14:08of this conference
14:10and, as always,
14:12joy and desire to compete
14:14have emerged
14:16But this great energy
14:18that I find in these women
14:20I am also a psychologist
14:22They have found
14:24within this sport
14:26the motivation
14:28to express
14:30what rebirth is
14:32Today I have heard
14:34so much about rebirth
14:36It is something even more important
14:38Birth means
14:40that someone made us born
14:42Rebirth is an act
14:44of will,
14:46an act of awareness
14:48So, in my federation
14:50always, always
14:52in every event
14:54there are these women
14:56because they really give color
14:58they give energy
15:00We should learn a lot
15:02I organize the world championship in Ravenna
15:04with 7000 athletes
15:06and there are, of course,
15:08the women in pink
15:10the women with breast cancer
15:12who will give, as always,
15:14an added value to the sport
15:16Giuliana Dauria, oncologist
15:18expressed enthusiasm for the event
15:20underlining the importance
15:22of breast cancer prevention
15:24and the role of DragonBot
15:26in the rehabilitation of women with breast cancer
15:28I am very happy to be here
15:30this morning for an event
15:32that focuses
15:34on the prevention
15:36of breast cancer
15:38and on the physical activity
15:40of the path of healing
15:42and rehabilitation of women with breast cancer
15:44DragonBot, historically,
15:46has focused on the importance
15:48of the activity of capillaries
15:50for the prevention of lymphedema
15:52and the rehabilitation of women with breast cancer
15:54and on the team play
15:56that creates the associationism
15:58which is a fundamental basis
16:00of the possibility of care
16:02that we offer to women
16:04and the support that women and associations
16:06give to our breast units
16:08Joan Gervis, Managing Director
16:10of Deici Sancti Italia,
16:12expressed pride for the support
16:14recognizing the initiative
16:16as a great source of inspiration
16:18We are very happy and proud
16:20to support this event today
16:22It is an initiative that is very dear to me
16:24These women are a great inspiration
16:26for everyone
16:28It is a fantastic opportunity
16:30to work alongside associations,
16:32patients and scientific societies
16:34precisely because we are not
16:36only an innovative pharmaceutical company
16:38but we are really committed
16:40to support patients
16:42in addition to pharmacological therapies
16:44also through educational programs
16:46and high-quality preventive medicine
16:48The event will continue
16:50in the coming months
16:52in other regions
16:54continuing to promote prevention
16:56through sport
17:02This was our last news
17:04To contact us
17:06you can write to
17:10Thank you for following us
17:12and see you next time
