What If the World Were a Single Person

  • 2 months ago
Hey everyone! Ever wondered what it would be like if the entire world were a single person? Check out our latest video where we dive into this mind-bending concept. You'll be fascinated by how different aspects of our planet would come together in one human being. It's a fun and thought-provoking exploration you won't want to miss. Click to watch and let your imagination run wild! Animation is created by Bright Side.
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00:00Ever wondered how people all around the world spend their precious 24 hours each day?
00:05Well, you're about to find out!
00:08Time is like a common thread that connects us all.
00:11No matter where we're from, we all have the same 24 hours to work with.
00:16But people from different countries and cultures spend it very differently.
00:20But imagine if the entire world were one person, what would their day look like?
00:25That's the question that Canadian researchers aim to answer.
00:29They wanted to know what the average human's day looks like all around the world.
00:34They collected surveys from over 130 countries, looking at surveys conducted from 2000 to
00:41Anyway, researchers combed through surveys about people's daily routines and even gathered
00:46information about jobs and economic activities.
00:50So what are your theories?
00:52Do you think it's going to be a boring work-sleep-repeat cycle?
00:56Surprisingly, not at all.
00:57In reality, it turns out that we spend more than a third of our time on things that make
01:02us feel good and keep us healthy.
01:05Researchers simplified time into 4 categories to make it super easy to understand.
01:10First up, we have sleep and bed rest.
01:12There's nothing particularly surprising here.
01:15An average adult sleeps about 9 hours a day.
01:19We know that this is a norm for healthy sleep, but if you think about it, it turns out that
01:24sleep takes up a huge chunk of our day.
01:27It's a bit sad that we need it so much.
01:29Just imagine how many things we could've gotten done if we didn't.
01:32Next, we have direct human outcomes.
01:35This category covers things that directly affect us as individuals.
01:39It includes activities like eating, hanging out with friends, taking care of ourselves,
01:44and having fun.
01:45You know, all the stuff that makes us feel good.
01:48And not only that, these activities include everything from working, education, and personal
01:53growth to socializing and watching TV.
01:56The researchers discovered that we dedicate just over 9 hours each day to these things.
02:02In this magical 9.4 hours of our day, we do so many cool things.
02:07We take care of ourselves and others through hygiene and grooming.
02:11We also spend time on healthcare, including looking after our own well-being and taking
02:16care of our loved ones.
02:17Work, schooling, academic and private sector research, exercising, socializing, meals,
02:23hobbies, and even engaging with the media are all part of this awesome mix.
02:28Now, let's break it down even further.
02:31About half of this time, which is about 4.6 hours, is spent on passive, interactive, and
02:37social activities.
02:39Think of catching up with friends or reading a fantastic book.
02:42Wahoo for fun times!
02:44Eating delicious meals takes up around 1.6 hours.
02:48It's essential to fuel our bodies and enjoy the wonders of food.
02:52School and research add another 1.1 hours to the mix because learning never stops.
02:58And here's an interesting twist – certain activities seem to be universal, regardless
03:03of a country's wealth.
03:05Hygiene and grooming, as well as mealtimes, remain consistent across low-income and high-income
03:12Well, it makes sense if you think about it.
03:14Our basic necessities bring us all together, no matter where we're from.
03:19But it's still pretty cool.
03:20Of course, keep in mind that there are variations between individuals and cultures.
03:25Everyone has their unique way of spending time.
03:28But when we zoom out and look at the big picture globally, these activities stay pretty consistent.
03:35Next on the list, we have organizational outcomes.
03:38This is all about being productive and getting things done.
03:41It includes tasks like working, studying, organizing, and managing our lives.
03:46Basically, it's all the stuff we do to keep our lives running smoothly.
03:50Let's break it down.
03:53Organizational outcomes include everyday activities like grocery shopping, getting from one place
03:58to another, paying bills, accessing government services, and handling all kinds of administrative
04:04stuff, as well as travel and administration.
04:07It's the nitty-gritty of managing our lives and taking care of practical matters.
04:13In our average human day, we spend just over 2 hours on these important tasks.
04:18Now, here's an interesting twist.
04:20Despite the diversity of countries and cultures around the world, commuting times seem to
04:25be remarkably similar.
04:27We might've expected significant variations, but the research team discovered that commuting
04:32times are remarkably universal.
04:35So on average, we spend about 1 hour each day moving from one place to another.
04:41This finding has caught their attention.
04:43Further research is already underway to dig deeper into this fascinating aspect of our
04:49The mysteries of travel and its impact on our daily routines are being unraveled as
04:54we speak.
04:55And it seems like, even though these activities may seem mundane, they play a crucial role
05:00in keeping our lives running smoothly.
05:03And lastly, we have external outcomes.
05:06This category is about things we do that affect the world around us.
05:10It includes activities like commuting, participating in the economy, and being part of the bigger
05:17In other words, these are the activities that aim to create changes in the world outside
05:21of ourselves.
05:22Now, here are some examples.
05:24Agriculture and fishing, preparing and serving food, mining, working with lumber, tapping
05:30into fossil fuels and renewable energy, constructing and maintaining buildings and infrastructure,
05:36keeping our living spaces clean, tending to our pets and gardens, and managing waste.
05:41It's a whole bunch of stuff that affects the world around us.
05:45So how much time do you think you devote to this every day?
05:48Well, research shows that in our daily lives, we spend a whopping 3.4 hours on these tasks.
05:55Here's where things get interesting.
05:57These activities reveal some salient differences between low-income and high-income countries.
06:03In the lowest-income countries, people spend an average of over 1.5 hours each day growing
06:09and collecting their own food.
06:10It's a massive amount of human labor required to meet their food needs.
06:15But as countries become wealthier and more advanced, things change.
06:20In the highest-income countries, farming is accomplished in less than 5 minutes per day
06:24on average.
06:26Can you believe it?
06:27The wonders of technology and mechanization free up over an hour of time.
06:32So let's appreciate the challenging work that goes into providing food, raw materials,
06:37construction, and other similar tasks.
06:40This data also shows us that as we progress and become more industrialized, we gain precious
06:46hours in our day.
06:48We have more time to explore, create, and enjoy the world around us.
06:53Time becomes our ally, allowing us to pursue other passions and adventures.
06:59So here's what an average human's day looks like.
07:03They spend 9 hours sleeping, around 9.5 hours on things that are important and fun to them,
07:09around 2 hours organizing stuff, and around 3.5 hours affecting the bigger world around
07:16Pretty cool, isn't it?
07:17How does it compare to your daily routine?
07:20By the way, when researchers began their study, they started with Australia and New
07:25Zealand and got some surprising results.
07:28For example, Australians love to socialize.
07:31On average, they spend about 5 hours each day engaging with people and enjoying various
07:37That's slightly above the global average.
07:40They have a knack for going out, exploring museums, watching sports, and simply hanging
07:45out with their friends.
07:46It's all part of our social fabric.
07:49Interestingly, this trend of social activities, aligning with GDP, holds true not only for
07:55Australia, but globally as well.
07:58The study's lead author highlights that the activities we humans engage in, and the
08:03time we spend on these activities, shape our societies and personal well-being.
08:08It's remarkable how the universal notion of time allows us to compare ourselves with
08:13people around the world and across different time periods.
08:17From sleep to socializing, we've learned some interesting insights about the average
08:22human day worldwide and how it compares to life in Australia.
08:26Remember, time is precious, so choose how you spend it wisely.
08:31Whether you're catching some Zs or enjoying quality time with friends, make the most of
08:36each moment.
08:37Stay curious, keep exploring, and embrace the wonderful tapestry of activities that
08:42make up our daily lives.
08:48That's it for today, so hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like
08:53and share it with your friends.
08:55Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
