Venezuela, Chavismo takes to the streets to defend its project

  • 3 months ago
*Marches have been generated against protests
*Fascist actions denounced
*Mobilizations have been called in defense of democracy and peace
00:00Venezuelan people mobilize on Tuesday in rejection of the acts of violence and the chance of
00:03fraud by the opposition sector led by Maria Corina Machado.
00:07Our correspondent Leonel Tamal has the details.
00:13They come to endorse the triumph of Nicolas Maduro at the polls.
00:17As every time the pressures on the country increase, Chavismo takes to the streets to
00:21defend its project and make itself visible to the international media.
00:29Being completely clear in being free and sovereign, this is a class struggle, a struggle
00:34of powers, a struggle where the parasitic oligarchy does not want to see in our people,
00:39in our face, that we are capable of achieving and consolidating the homeland.
00:48March against the acts of violence generated less than 24 hours before the elections by
00:52the so-called Comanditos, groups linked to the extreme right-wing candidate Edmundo González
00:57and the leader Maria Corina Machado, who reject the results of the CNE.
01:03Everyone voted in peace, but unfortunately some people went out to riot, led by Maria
01:08Corina Machado.
01:09But here are the people of Venezuela, defending their vote, defending their homeland and defending
01:14Nicolas Maduro Moro, which was the decision of the majority of the people.
01:22They denounce fascist actions, persecution of Chavistas, attacks on public squares and
01:27services, hospitals, police modules and symbols of Chavismo.
01:34The Venezuelan people are being attacked by fascist groups, where they are paying $150
01:38to young people from the communities to go out and burn police models, health models,
01:43CDI, attack the houses of the party, attack the revolutionary leaders, where they are
01:48being treated to burn their families.
01:49That is fascism, that is not democracy.
01:53For these Chavista militants, there is a common thread, which comes from the coup attempts
01:57against Chávez, oil strike and protests of 2014, 2017 and 2019.
02:06Today they come out to repudiate the fascist attempts of the heirs of the Carmonazo.
02:10It is the same people that defend the dignity of Bolivarism, of Chávez, mobilized together
02:16with our working class president Nicolás Maduro against the fascist horde that wants
02:20to lead our people to a civil war to later ask for a foreign intervention.
02:27President Maduro received them at the Miraflores Palace and called for mobilizations throughout
02:31the week in defense of democracy and to ensure peace and tranquility in the country.
