10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

  • 3 months ago
The Force was definitely strong with these particular Star Wars fan theories...


00:00From long Clamored 4 comebacks being made legit, to fans having anything but a bad feeling about
00:05a character's Force abilities, these compelling theories turned out to be 100% on the money later
00:12down the road. The always fantasising Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are
00:1710 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact. 10. Qui-Gon Returns in Force Ghost Form
00:23He may have only been around on the live-action scene for just one rather divisive prequel
00:28but that still didn't stop Liam Neeson's maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn from making one hell of
00:33an impression on this corner of the galaxy. And while Neeson was seemingly all too happy to return
00:38to George Lucas' world in a vocal capacity in the likes of the animated Clone Wars series,
00:43fans were still holding out hope that they may one day see Obi-Wan Kenobi's master return to
00:47the live-action stage. With news of said eventual Ben finally being gifted his own titular spin-off
00:53series on Disney Plus then, came a reigniting of said hope as fans pitched numerous potential
00:58scenarios that could result in Jinn showing up, and perhaps as more than just a voiceover cameo.
01:04Sure enough, in the closing stages of the first season and after spending much of the show trying
01:08to reach out to his fallen master, Neeson's Qui-Gon made himself known to Kenobi, only this
01:12time via Force Ghost. And in something of a meta-utterance, his stating that it took you
01:17long enough was an opinion likely shared by many of those watching at home.
01:22Finn is Force-sensitive Early on, it seemed to be written in the stars
01:26that Finn would play a hugely significant role in the fate of the galaxy by the time the sequel
01:30trilogy came to a close. And while that ultimately turned out to be disappointingly not the case,
01:35with the one-time Stormtrooper often being sidelined in favour of more Reylo Force bonding,
01:40fans still refused to accept that the Force wasn't strong with this particularly underserved hero.
01:45As it goes, Finn's proficiency with a lightsaber in Episode 7 and abundance of
01:50feelings in The Rise of Skywalker all eventually paved the way for the revelation that he was
01:54actually Force-sensitive all along, as reportedly confirmed by those films' director J.J. Abrams at
02:00a fan Q&A. Now sure, it still doesn't erase the fact that John Boyega was, as the actor himself
02:04would state, pushed to the side on the back of his first showing in the sequels, but it at least
02:09added a slightly satisfying detail to Finn's overall character that seemed to pay off hopeful
02:14fan theories that had been prevalent throughout the ill-fated trilogy.
02:178. Palpatine Created Snoke
02:19Fans had often been left pondering how the villainous entity that was Supreme Leader
02:23Snoke came into being in the first place, with his origins not being explicitly stated
02:28throughout his first two showings in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. So with a whole lot
02:32of downtime to dream up the scenario that gave birth to this menacing but eventually hilariously
02:36dispatched Force user, some fans ended up landing on a theory involving none other than an anything
02:41but dead Darth Sidious being the mind behind Snoke's creation before Episode IX's release.
02:47As hinted at in a Legends story focusing on Darth Plagueis, Sidious' former master,
02:52the two Dark Side baddies conduct the Grand Experiment, involving the duo combining Sith
02:58alchemy and the Dark Side, as they successfully influence midichlorians in a bid to produce life.
03:03This, along with the knowledge of Palps being known to have his own observatories across the
03:07galaxy, made his revelation of I created Snoke in Rise of Skywalker very much a fan theory come
03:14to life, with Snoke actually being a strand cast forged in a lab by Sidious.
03:197. Kylo Ren Abandoned Snoke
03:21Sticking with the one-time Supreme Leader and to a sudden end that many most definitely did not see
03:26coming in The Last Jedi's runtime, however you can always count on a few pockets of the Star Wars
03:31fandom sensing a disturbance in the Force a mile off. And that was again the case when it came to
03:36Kylo Ren's turning on his one-time master here. As far back as October 2017, a few months before
03:42Episode VIII's release, Mike Zero, a known Star Wars theorist, appeared to have figured out what
03:47the future held for the former Ben Solo and strand cast. In his own words when discussing
03:51the film's trailer shots showing Ren offering his hand to what appears to be Rey, Kylo Ren lands on
03:56Crait, burns down the Resistance base from within, and saves his own mother Leia. At that point,
04:02he has already abandoned his master, Supreme Leader Snoke. Sure, not everything that tumbled
04:06out of Zero's mouth came to pass in the end, but Ren's turning on Snoke before landing on Crait
04:11was about as accurate a fan theory as they come. 6. A Familiar Stormtrooper
04:15Star Wars fans have a funny old habit of latching onto characters that initially appear to be little
04:20more than side players in the eyes of those forging the big screen tales pumped into theatres.
04:24And that was again the case when it came to another unexpectedly awesome presence
04:28in Disney's The Force Awakens sequel starter, with an all-around badass traitor shouting
04:33Stormtrooper quickly becoming a standout for many. So much so that fans took to affectionately naming
04:38the baton-flourishing troop TR-8R, get it? And despite it later being made known that his
04:44official name was actually FN-2199 with his nickname being Nines, the prevailing theory
04:49of this trooper and Finn actually having known each other quite well before the latter's eventual
04:54defection would actually turn out to be genuine canon in the end. As it goes, the two stormtroopers
04:59actually went through training together and even became close chums within the same squad,
05:03as confirmed in the novel before The Awakening. This very much adds further depth to that
05:08instantly meme-able outcry, with Nines slash TR-8R feeling entirely betrayed by his one-time
05:14bud by the time they come to blows outside of Maz Kanata's castle. 5. Rosario Dawson Would Make
05:20For The Best Live-Action Ahsoka Trying to figure out who should bring one of
05:23the most beloved characters ever to make their way into the animated section of this galaxy far,
05:28far away to the party was a pretty unenviable task when it came time to give Ahsoka Tano the
05:33live-action treatment. Sure, given the actor who brilliantly breathed life into the one-time Jedi
05:38in the likes of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated shows in Ashley Eckstein, a chance to strut her
05:43stuff in the likes of The Mandalorian would have been a satisfying development for many. But the
05:47prevailing theory was that if Eckstein wasn't the live-action choice, then one Rosario Dawson
05:52would most definitely fit the bill instead. In a truly bizarre turn of events, word of fans
05:58angling to see Dawson in the role of Tano, coupled with a piece of fan art depicting her as the
06:02beloved character, eventually made its way to Dave Filoni before he'd even begun work on The
06:07Mandalorian. And sure enough, when the time came to throw the character into the Mando mix, when
06:11Filoni was asked by Jon Favreau who he would have play her, his answer of well, Rosario Dawson's top
06:16of my list, set a fan fiction ball well and truly rolling.
06:22From the minute it was made known that Leia Organa was the other that Yoda was referencing
06:26during the Empire Strikes Back, fans had been clamouring to see the princess-turned-general
06:31show off her true force potential on the big screen. And while Leia did seem to hint at having
06:35some force sensitivity and her ability to sense her brother Luke, it wasn't until The Last Jedi
06:40where her real force capabilities were highlighted for all to see. After being blasted out of her
06:45cruiser in Episode VIII, Leia is able to survive the perilous scenario by moving herself through
06:50space via the Force, confirming that she was very much able to hone her hinted-at and often
06:55theorised abilities over the years. It may have taken a whopping 30 years to finally come to
06:59fruition in an actual Star Wars live-action epic, but Leia was undoubtedly a masterful Jedi in her
07:05own right by the time of The Last Jedi, after completing her training under the guidance of
07:09her brother post-Return of the Jedi. The Phantom Menace's primary
07:15antagonist in Darth Maul became the subject of many a fan theory when it pertained to a much-wanted
07:20return post-prequel death. Many of said theories consisted of folks believing that Maul could
07:24channel his anger and fury, combined with the dark side of the Force to stave off what appeared to be
07:30a rather definitive conclusion, on the back of being chopped in two by Obi-Wan Kenobi. And by
07:34the time the Clone Wars opted to bring back the all-round fan favourite Dathomirian, George Lucas
07:39appeared to have definitely been keeping up with fans' love and the theories centred around the
07:43character's fate, with his fierce hatred of Kenobi being a key factor in Maul clinging onto life
07:49in the years following on from his Naboo bisecting. In making up for the cutting down of an instant hit
07:54of a personality seemingly far too soon for most, Lucas and co were eventually able to forge arguably
07:59one of the most complex and gripping character arcs the Star Wars universe had played host to yet.
08:05Boba Fett Survived
08:07And speaking of those Star Wars characters too damn beloved to be killed off for realsies,
08:11it was seemingly only ever a matter of time before Lucasfilm went back on a death that was
08:16almost immediately rejected by all who took in Return of the Jedi for the very first time.
08:20Many even quickly took to suggesting that C-3PO's explanation of it taking 1000 years to be digested
08:26by the Sarlacc meant that Fett could have realistically found a way to escape before
08:30being killed. Boba Fett remarkably surviving his Sarlacc pit demise in said episode 6,
08:35was of course eventually revealed in the expanded universe tales.
08:39On the back of the bounty hunter's comedic end receiving an understandable amount of backlash.
08:43But Disney's acquiring of Lucasfilm and subsequent decanonising of the legends tales
08:48threw Fett's fate up into the air once again before he slammed straight into the side of a cruiser.
08:52Yet a few years on from said purchase, Boba finally made a grand return to the live action
08:57galaxy far far away in The Mandalorian, with his very own book of Boba Fett even finally bringing
09:02said initial fan theory to life on the small screen as he flamethrowed his way out of the
09:07beast's belly in that Disney Plus spin-off. 1. Rey is a Palpatine
09:11The overriding theory that left most fans squabbling in their car rides home from their
09:15first viewing of The Force Awakens centred around who in the hell Daisy Ridley's Force-sensitive Rey
09:20was related to in this galaxy far far away. And while the generally accepted theories tended to
09:26revolve around Rey being either a Skywalker or a Solo, there were still a few folks subscribing to
09:31a rather out there notion that the sequel's central protagonist may actually have some far
09:36more insidious roots. Said fans were under the impression early on that Rey was related to none
09:42other than Emperor Palpatine himself, with the Force Awakens novelisation hinting at her being
09:47lured towards the dark side in her first battle with Kylo Ren being interpreted by some as
09:51sidious trying to pull his granddaughter towards the dark. Far from being a completely unimaginable
09:57throwaway theory, however, J.J. Abrams would ultimately follow through on said direction,
10:02revealing that Rey was actually the daughter of Palpatine's strangcast son.
10:06But because this galaxy must always have a Skywalker present, apparently,
10:10Rey eventually opts to discard her last name in favour of Luke and Leia's family moniker in the
10:15closing stages of Episode 9. Which went down an absolute treat with everybody, didn't it?
10:19And that's our list! Know of any other Star Wars fan theories that became fact? Let us know all
10:23about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget to like, share and click
10:26on that subscribe button while you're at it. Also, if you're into this kind of thing then
10:30head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some more awesome articles just like the one this
10:34video you are watching right now is based on. I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars,
10:38thank you as always for clicking on this video today,
10:41may the force be with you and hopefully I will see you very, very soon. Bye!
