Calculating Ethan Hunt's salary in Mission Impossible

  • 2 months ago


00:00While the filmmakers may be uninterested into probing beneath the surface of what makes
00:03Ethan Hunt tick, we here at Cracked are simply too sensitive to the human condition to not
00:08wonder what drives a man like this.
00:10There are many reasons why one might become a spy, but since we live in a capitalist society,
00:16the answer's probably money.
00:17And yes, maybe it could also be that he feels personally compelled to protect the world
00:21from all kinds of death and destruction, but we can't make a video about that.
00:25So our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to try and deduce how much money Ethan
00:30Hunt gets paid in the Mission Impossible movies.
00:32Now, in order to do this, we'll comb through the films to see if there are any hints of
00:37how much Ethan is putting away in the bank.
00:39After that, we'll look at any real-life examples of what intelligence officers get paid, account
00:43for any pay bonuses, and then try to fill in any blanks.
00:46Before we start, I have to say that if I wasn't making videos for an online comedy channel,
00:50I think I'd be a pretty good spy.
